Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 364 Redesigning Military Uniforms

Chapter 364 Redesigning Military Uniforms
In addition to the middle-aged businessman, Tang Ruowang also bought a few train tickets.

The two of them were not the only ones who bought train tickets, and some businessmen who had the same idea as the middle-aged businessman also bought train tickets.

Today's trains can greatly reduce their transportation costs, so these businessmen want to experience it in advance to see if it is true.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was less than three quarters of an hour before the end of time.

People in the waiting hall also began to stand up, and under the leadership of the staff, they gathered at the ticket gate.

Because today is the official operation of the train, except for the passengers in the station, the idlers are blocked outside the station.

"Now the ticket inspection starts. Everyone has to take out their train tickets. Anyone without a ticket is forbidden to board the train."

The ticket inspector shouted loudly at the crowd in line.

The people in line hurriedly held their tickets in their hands.

Tang Ruowang stood at the front, and behind him were his companions. He looked at the tall and tall ticket inspector and asked, "How long will the train leave?"

The ticket inspector said: "There are still three quarters of an hour, sir, please take out your ticket, and start ticket inspection now."

Tang Ruowang handed the train ticket to the ticket inspector.

The train ticket was designed by Zhao Wen himself. It is not much different from the tickets of later generations, and there is an anti-counterfeiting mark specially designed by Zhao Wen on it.

The ticket inspector took the ticket, cut it with special small scissors, then pointed to the next exit, and said to Tang Ruowang: "Go straight ahead along the exit and get on the train at the first platform."

Tang Ruowang nodded and walked forward.

"Wait, your train ticket." The ticket inspector hurriedly stopped Tang Ruowang, and at the same time handed over Tang Ruowang's train ticket.

Tang Ruowang looked at the train ticket handed over, he still didn't understand, and said with a blank face: "Isn't it the ticket check? Why did you return it to me?"

The ticket inspector smiled, "We will have to check the ticket when we get on the train later. If we don't have a ticket, we won't be able to get on the train. After we get on the bus, we need to check the ticket. If we don't have a ticket, we need to make up for it."

Tang Ruowang nodded thoughtfully, took the train ticket, and then walked straight along the exit.

"It's so strict, yes, the train is a very advanced thing, it doesn't matter if it is strict." Tang Ruowang held the train ticket and stopped on platform No. [-], quietly waiting for his companion.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Ruowang's companions all came to Platform [-].

"Fox, do you think this kind of train empire can be made?" Tang Ruowang pointed to the train parked on the track and said to Fox.

Fox looked at the train, and after a long time sighed, "Oh, it can't be built, if there is no design blueprint, I'm afraid the empire won't be able to build it in 100 years.

Until now, I don't know what kind of power this train is driven by, so that it can pull such a long carriage, and the carriage is still made of steel. "

Tang Ruowang also looked frustrated, "As expected of the ancient and mysterious Eastern Empire, there are really too many talents here.

It would be great if this Xuanzhen commander-in-chief belonged to the empire. "

"Okay, what's the use of thinking so much? Let's experience it and see how this train is." Fox looked at the train with a lonely face, and let out a long breath.

There were more and more people on platform one, and within a short time, all those who took the train came to platform one.


Just then, the train whistled.

The train attendant opened the door from the inside and walked out.

"Get on the train now, come one by one, those who don't have a train ticket can't get on the train."

The steward stood by the train door and yelled at the already lined up crowd.

Today's train has a total of three carriages. After all, it is the first day. There are not many people on the train, and the three carriages are probably not full.

Tang Ruowang was the first to arrive at the platform, so he was at the front of the line.

The conductor checked his ticket and returned it to him, "Okay, you can get on the bus. Find your own seat according to the number on the ticket."

Tang Ruowang took the ticket, nodded, and then walked into the train.

As soon as he entered the carriage, Tang Ruowang looked at the spacious carriage and his heart beat violently.

"This is really different. It is estimated that more than 100 people can be carried in one carriage. If all the seats inside are removed, it can carry more.

If it is used to transport troops, it would be terrible.If the empire can have trains, then the empire's troops can be deployed quickly.In this way, who will be the opponent of the empire?
But how could the empire create such a thing? "

Tang Ruowang shook his head, and threw out all the unrealistic things in his mind.

"My seat is number one, it should be here!"

Tang Ruowang looked at the ticket, then walked towards his seat.His seat is number one, by the window.

He sat in his seat and quietly looked out the window.

After a few breaths, his companions also boarded the train.

He bought his companion's ticket together, so their seats were next to each other, and his companion sat beside him and across from him.

"This train is really extraordinary!" Fox looked at the carriage and couldn't stop feeling emotional. "Xuan Town is really a magical place. Such a magical thing was born here."

Not long after, all the passengers had boarded the train.

After the flight attendant checked the number of people, the door was closed.


As soon as the hour arrived, the train driver blew his whistle.

After a few breaths, the train moved slowly.

"Bang dang, bang dang!"

Under the traction of the locomotive, the train began to move.

Tang Ruowang looked at the receding scenery outside the car window, and the horror in his heart could not be added.

The smoke on the front of the train is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of the train is getting faster and faster.

Tang Ruowang could clearly feel the scene outside the window receding faster and faster.

It didn't take long for the train to reach its maximum speed.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable how smooth the train is, already so fast."

Fox looked at the receding scene outside the window, and shouted in shock.

Everyone in the carriage also let out various exclamations.

The middle-aged businessman from before was sitting behind Tang Ruowang, looking at the scenery outside the window, his face was full of excitement and horror, "I didn't expect that the speed would be so fast, one silver dollar per thousand catties is really too cheap, this kind of The speed may be enough for a thousand catties and three silver dollars."


At this time, Zhao Wen was sitting in the study of the General Military Mansion, with a booklet on his desk.

This booklet is the railway management regulations that he wrote overnight.

The railway management regulations were adapted by Zhao Wen with reference to the railway management of later generations and according to the characteristics of this era.

Today's railway has begun to operate, and with the expansion of the site in the future, more and more railways will be built. The sooner the railway management regulations are formulated, the better.

Zhao Wen stood up, took the charter and walked towards Sun Yuanhua's classroom.

"My lord, why are you here?" Sun Yuanhua looked at Zhao Wen who appeared at the door, stood up hastily, and greeted him.

Zhao Wen walked in and put the railway management regulations on Sun Yuanhua's desk, "This is the railway management regulations I wrote overnight. Take a look and see if there is anything to add."

Sun Yuanhua hastily picked up the railway management regulations, stood by the table, and looked through them carefully.

Zhao Wen looked at Sun Yuanhua who was looking carefully, found a chair and sat down.

After a while, Sun Yuanhua put the railway management regulations on the table again.

"My lord, I have probably read a few articles. There is nothing wrong with this railway management regulation, and I have nothing to add. It is very good." Sun Yuanhua pointed to the railway management regulation on the table and said.

Zhao Wen nodded, "It couldn't be better. By the way, I asked you to choose the person to manage the Transportation Bureau. How did you choose? Now that the train has started to operate, we must quickly choose the person."

"My lord, I have already selected the candidate, and I am going to find my lord." Sun Yuanhua took out a declaration from the table and handed it to Zhao Wen.

"This is the candidate I have selected and the structure of the Transportation Bureau I have proposed. Please read it."

Zhao Wen took the declaration and looked at it carefully.

After a while, Zhao Wen returned the declaration to Sun Yuanhua, "Just implement it according to your above content. The candidates are good, and the structure of the Transportation Bureau is also good."

After all, Sun Yuanhua was a governor before, and he studied under Xu Guangqi, and his abilities are also very good.

"By the way, how many bedding factories do we have in Xuan Town?" Zhao Wen asked suddenly.

"There are ten in total. Since the use of your lord's steam engine, the production speed of these quilt factories has increased a lot.

These ten quilt factories can fully meet the needs of the people in Xuanzhen. As for the army, there is still a large inventory of previously manufactured military uniforms, which can satisfy all current soldiers. "Sun Yuanhua thought for a while, and then explained in detail.

When Zhao Wen heard the word military uniform, the military uniform of a certain country in later generations suddenly appeared in his mind.

The military uniforms designed by that country are extremely gorgeous and are sought after by many people.

It is not only good looking, but also practical.It is easy to wear and will not be tied up when fighting.

If that kind of military uniform is taken out and then modified with the characteristics of this era, it will definitely raise the spirit of the army to another level.

There are also woolen coats, which are also manufactured.Now Horqin is constantly transporting cattle and sheep. The leather of cattle and sheep can be made into leather, and the wool cannot be wasted. It is also good for making woolen wool.

As soon as Zhao Wen remembered that all the troops under him were wearing neat uniforms and leather boots and kicking the goose steps of the motherland of later generations, Zhao Wen's heart became extremely hot.

Zhao Wen believes that if such an army is pulled out, it will be able to crush the opponent just in terms of momentum.

The more Zhao Wen thought about it, the more excited he became, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

Sun Yuanhua looked at Zhao Wen who had been silent for a long time, but suddenly laughed for no reason, and asked with some doubts: "Why did you suddenly laugh, sir?"

Zhao Wen came back to his senses and hurriedly stopped smiling. "It's nothing, I was thinking, should our military uniforms be changed?"

Sun Yuanhua frowned, and asked with some doubts: "Change the military uniform? How?"

"You've asked a good question. Let me ask you something first. What do you think of our current military uniforms? Is it practical? Is it good-looking?" Zhao Wen patted his thigh and looked at Sun Yuanhua.

Sun Yuanhua frowned, recalling Xuanzhen's military uniform.

The military uniforms worn by Xuanzhen soldiers today are the traditional mandarin duck jackets of the Ming army.

The mandarin duck battle jacket was designed by Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in the 21st year of Hongwu.

The characteristics of the mandarin duck battle jacket are also very obvious.

First of all, the mandarin duck battle jacket is relatively long, and the hem of the garment continues to the knees.

The hem of a qualified mandarin duck battle jacket is wrapped with iron wire to protect the crotch.

The cuffs are narrow sleeves, which were wide sleeves in the early days, and later changed to narrow sleeves for convenience.

There are different types of arms. The mandarin duck battle jacket worn by the cavalry is double-breasted with copper buttons on it, and most infantrymen wear the right lapel.

There is compacted cotton inside the mandarin duck battle jacket, which has a certain protective ability.

The outside of the mandarin duck battle jacket is red, and the inside is mostly black.Because the mandarin duck battle jacket is relatively large, it is also called fat jacket.

And Xuanzhen's military uniforms generally look like this, similar to the military uniforms of ordinary Ming soldiers.

Although the mandarin duck battle jacket has a lot of advantages in hand-to-hand combat, it is not only useless in a war with hot weapons, but even a burden.

"My lord, our military uniform is the mandarin duck battle jacket. I think it looks normal, and there is nothing unsightly. If it is practical, I don't think it is very practical for the current soldiers and horses." Sun Yuanhua said sternly.

Zhao Wen's eyes lit up, "Oh, then tell me what is not practical."

Sun Yuanhua said without thinking, "Most of the army now uses firecrackers, and firecrackers can kill the enemy a hundred paces away, so the mandarin duck battle jacket looks a bit bloated. After all, these soldiers are not with The enemy fights face to face."

"You are right, but I also think it is not practical. So I thought about redesigning a new military uniform to replace the existing military uniforms in the army.

Of course, not all of them were replaced. In order to save money, the military uniforms on the most elite soldiers were replaced first. " Zhao Wen nodded.

"However, it is not so easy to redesign a military uniform. We still have a lot of military uniforms in stock. If we remanufacture them, the stockpiled military uniforms will be wasted."

Sun Yuanhua's worries are not unreasonable. Now that the war is imminent, it will definitely cost a lot.If you spend too much on military uniforms, it's not worth the candle.

Zhao Wen waved his hands with a smile on his face, "You don't have to worry about this matter, you can dismantle all the military uniforms you have hoarded first, the mandarin duck battle jacket is big, and there is enough fabric to make new military uniforms after dismantling.

As for the design of the new military uniform, you don't have to worry about it, I already have a suitable design in mind. "

This is true, the fabric used in a mandarin duck battle jacket can be completely changed into a new style of military uniform, and there is even a surplus.

(End of this chapter)

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