Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 395 The old King Jin who was frightened to death

Chapter 395 The old King Jin who was frightened to death

The current city wall has been reinforced by these soldiers with sandbags, and it has been wet with water to increase its strength.

Zhao Wen, who was outside the city, looked at the city wall in front of him quietly. The two armies he sent to the east and west gates were also advancing rapidly.

Not long after, the two teams had arrived at the place Zhao Wen had reserved.

The messenger who delivered the news returned to Zhao Wen, "My lord, the east side is already in place, and we can start shelling!"

"The west side is already in place and can launch shelling!"

Zhao Wen nodded, and said to these messengers: "When I fire from this side, the east and the west will fire immediately. Remember, don't let the shells fly into the city, and hit me with firepower to bomb the city wall, so as not to hurt anyone. innocent!"

"As ordered!"

Several people clasped their fists at Zhao Wen and roared, then rode their horses and galloped towards the east and west walls.

As time passed bit by bit, Zhao Wen looked at the city wall ahead and drew out the long knife from his waist.


There was a crisp sound from the friction between the blade and the scabbard. Apart from this sound, the entire battlefield was silent.

"The city wall in front of the target, fire!"

The long knife in Zhao Wen's hand pointed at the sky obliquely, and he shouted angrily.

Li Xiaosan led the messengers into the artillery position and passed on Zhao Wen's orders.

The 152mm cannon howitzer at the forefront had already loaded its ammunition. After hearing the order, they fired directly without saying a word.

"Bang bang bang!"

Five cannons rang out, and the barrel of the cannon suddenly retreated, and the smoke and dust on the ground were shaken like waves, spreading out.

The five 120mm artillery shells on the left front and the five 107mm rocket launchers on the right front also fired at this moment.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

High-explosive shells fired by five 152mm cannon howitzers flew across the sky with a howling sound and fell towards the city wall.

Wu Zhen and others who were in the cave for hiding soldiers on the back of the city wall were at a loss for a moment when they heard the strange cry.

They didn't know what the sound was, it sounded like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

After all, Chen Dehai fought Zhao Wen face to face. Although he was defeated, he had a lot of experience.

"Zhao thief is firing, Zhao thief is firing, everyone get ready, cover your ears quickly, Zhao thief's artillery is powerful, everyone be careful!" Chen Dehai hurriedly squatted in the corner of the cave, and pressed his body tightly against the On the wall, he covered his ears and shouted loudly.

Before the words were finished, five rounds of 152mm high-explosive bombs fell on the city wall.

"Boom bang bang!!!"

In an instant, five shells exploded one after the other.The huge explosion made the city walls tremble, and the fragments from the explosion hit the crenels on the city wall, making a dull crackling sound.

The sandbags used for reinforcement on the city wall were blown up in an instant, and the sand inside was blown everywhere.

"Is this Zhao thief's cannon? It's so powerful." Although Wu Zhen covered his ears, he could still hear the huge explosion.

The Cangbing Cave also began to tremble under the explosion. Although the trembling range was not large, it was shocking.

Before Wu Xin finished speaking, shells from the 120mm mortar and 107mm rocket launcher also fell on the city wall.

The sound of explosions rang out one after another, just like the firecrackers set off during the New Year, the sounds were almost connected together.

The sandbags set up on the city walls were blown everywhere, and the forts of the red cannons and the Francois machine forts reinforced with sandbags were destroyed by these explosions.

The heavy barrel of the red-clothed cannon was blown into the sky, and then landed on the city wall again, making the teeth-stinging sound produced by the collision of gold and stone.

The flames from the explosion ignited the gunpowder used by the red-clothed cannon and the Frang cannon, a white light lit up, and then exploded.

At the same time that Zhao Wen fired, the east and west sides also fired.

The shells fell on the city wall like raindrops, and then exploded on the city wall like thunder.

The soldiers squatting in the cave covered their ears in horror, their hearts were beating violently when they heard the terrifying sound.

The soldiers that Li Tianhe used to monitor Zhao Wen's movements on the city wall were frightened by the artillery fire.

They also didn't care about monitoring Zhao Wen's movements, they just threw the weapons in their hands, let go and rushed down the city wall.

Because of the small number of these soldiers and their scattered distribution, the probability of being hit by the northern artillery fire is relatively small. Except for some unlucky ones who were hit by shrapnel and broken bricks and tiles, the others are basically alive escaped.

"What did this Zhao Wen do before, who is he, and why does he have such a powerful cannon? If the imperial court had such a powerful cannon, who would dare to make trouble in the whole world?" Wu Zhen heard the constant ringing in his ears. There was an explosion, and he yelled coldly.

"My lord, I don't know about this either. The origin of this Zhao Wen is mysterious, and no one knows where he came from. The court records say that he was the son of a rich man in a village below Xuan Town, and was plundered by the Tartars on the grassland at that time." , and was rescued by the frontier army who happened to rush over.

But there are too many flaws in it, and it can't explain where the artillery in Zhao Wen's hands came from.Zhao Wen's origin has always been mysterious in Xuan Town. Some people say that Zhao Wen is a god in the sky, who is specially here to rescue the people in the world. "Although Chen Dehai has never dealt with Zhao Wen, they are all one of the Nine Sides, so Chen Dehai has heard a little about Zhao Wen's origin.

Wu Xuan covered his ears, chopped his foot fiercely, and roared: "This is simply farting. There are no gods in this world. This Zhao Wen is simply hateful. He used such despicable methods to confuse these fools and fools." woman."

The shelling continued, and the explosions on the top of the city showed no sign of stopping.

The people in the city were terrified when they heard the explosion sound from the city wall.

Everyone hid in their homes and looked in the direction of the city wall.

Jin Wang Shizi Zhu Shenxuan stayed in the study, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"What kind of weapon is this? Why has the sound of explosions never stopped? What kind of weapon is Zhao thief using? Is this the magic technique of the gods mentioned in the scriptures? What's going on here?" Prince Jin Holding a pillow in his arms, his face was full of panic.

Every time the explosion sounded, Zhu Shenxuan's body trembled.

The head of the royal residence stood beside Zhu Shenxuan, his body trembling constantly.

Because he didn't have that thing, he was much worse at controlling his pee.

When the sound of rumbling guns rang out non-stop, his crotch quickly became wet, and yellow liquid kept dripping down.

"Your Highness, this is probably the divine soldier invited by Bandit Zhao. Otherwise, how could there be such a big commotion? Even if it is a cannon in red, it is impossible to make such a big commotion. Your Highness, every time this explosion goes off , The windows of the palace trembled once, this power is really great.

I am afraid that the explosion of Wanggong factory during the Tianqi period was not as big as it was. At the beginning, some people said that the explosion of Wanggong factory was caused by the gods in the sky. Others did not believe it, but I believed it.Only immortals in this world can have this ability.

Now Zhao Wen doesn't know what his origin is, but it's really scary to be able to invite the immortals in the sky.Maybe the big explosion at Wanggong Factory was related to Zhao Wen. "

The manager's hands were covered with sweat, he clamped his legs tightly, and stood beside Zhu Shenxuan with a panicked expression, tremblingly expressing his views.

After losing that thing, the chief eunuch lacks Yang energy and is very timid.As soon as I heard the explosion from the city wall, I couldn't help but connect it with the country stories I had seen before or heard.

The more connected the more terrifying, the more connected the scarier.If it wasn't for Zhu Shenxuan, he might have gone to a small space to hide.

It was good that Zhu Shenxuan didn't listen, but after hearing the eunuch's random explanation, he became even more nervous.

His body was trembling, cold sweat kept coming out, and his whole body was wet as if he had just been fished out of the water.

His upper teeth and lower teeth kept colliding due to the trembling of his body, making a rattling sound.

He huddled his body as close as possible, terrified.

"Quickly, quickly, call me all the guards in the palace, and let them surround the study for me."

Although the chief eunuch had 1 reluctances in his heart, under Zhu Shenxuan's order, he couldn't help it.

He had no choice but to hold back the fear in his heart and walked outside.

His legs were as heavy as lead, and he had to stop every step he took to take a deep breath.

After he left, there was a pool of yellow water stains where he was standing, and he didn't even need to think about what it was.

Zhu Shenxuan sat on the chair in the study, trembling non-stop. At this moment, he felt that time passed very slowly.

He has never experienced this kind of thing since he was a child, and this kind of thing has exceeded his imagination.

He really couldn't imagine that there was anything in this world that could make such a big commotion.

"What's going on? Why haven't you come yet, why haven't you come yet?" Zhu Shenxuan stared at the opened door, the panic on his face became more dignified, and he kept mumbling.

"It's not good, it's not good, it's not good!"

Not long after, the chief eunuch limped in screaming.

"What's going on? The rebels broke the city? Where are the guards I asked you to bring? Hurry up and take me away, hurry up." Zhu Shenxuan hugged a pillow. When he saw the chief eunuch like this, he thought the city had been captured. breached.

The chief eunuch shook his head, and hurriedly said: "It's not the rebels, it's the prince, the prince is dead."

"What? What's going on? I went to see him this morning. He's still fine. How long has it been since he died?"

薨, originally refers to the sound of swarms of insects flying together.In ancient times, the death of a prince or a high-ranking official with a title can also be used for the death of the emperor's high-level concubines and the princes and princesses they gave birth to, or the death of nobles who were crowned kings.

"Return to Your Highness, I heard from the maid who took care of the lord that the lord was scared to death by the movement on the city wall!" The chief eunuch knelt down in front of Zhu Shenxuan with a plop, tears streaming down his face.

"Take me to see quickly, quickly take me to see the father!" Zhu Shenxuan put the pillow in his hand on the desk in front of him, stood up and was about to go outside.

But his legs seemed to grow on the ground, and he couldn't take a step before falling to the ground.

"Your Highness, are you alright, are you alright, Your Highness!" The chief eunuch hurriedly helped Zhu Shenxuan up.

Zhu Shenxuan shook his head, "Hurry up and take me to see my father!"

The chief eunuch staggered, he supported Zhu Shenxuan and walked outside.

As soon as he walked outside, the chief eunuch pointed at the guards he had brought, and shouted: "Go and get the shoulder chariot, your highness is inconvenient, hurry up."

Although these guards were also afraid of the explosions from the city wall, they were much stronger than the chief eunuch and Zhu Shenxuan, at least not like the two of them, who couldn't even walk steadily.

Not long after, the shoulder chariot was brought over.

The chief eunuch helped Zhu Shenxuan to sit on the shoulder chariot, ordered the guards to lift Zhu Shenxuan up, and walked to the palace where King Jin was staying.

The chief eunuch followed Zhu Shenxuan staggeringly.

Zhao Wen held up the binoculars to watch the continuous explosions on the city wall, and said to Li Xiaosan behind him: "Send the order, stop the shelling first, something is wrong with Taiyuan Mansion."

Li Xiaosan nodded, and hurriedly rushed towards the artillery position.

When the artillery stopped bombing and the smoke on the city wall cleared away, Zhao Wen frowned tightly as he watched the scene on the city wall.

The city wall was bombarded to pieces, and the blue bricks wrapped outside were also blown to pieces, exposing the rammed earth layer inside.

However, the main structure of the city wall is still strong. Although it is full of large and small potholes, there is no sign of collapse at all.

Strangely, there is almost no corpse of a guarding soldier on it.

"These defenders became smarter, and they all retreated when I fired the cannon, otherwise there would be no corpse." Zhao Wen understood, put down the binoculars in his hand, pointed at the city wall, and shouted: "Give me that." Continue to blow until the city wall is blown down!"

When Zhao Wenrang launched the attack before, although there were no defenders on the city wall, Zhao Wen thought at that time that the defenders on the city wall were hiding under the crenels, but now it seems that it is not at all.

"Bie Zhao stopped attacking? Could it be that he is going to attack the city now?" Hearing the sound of explosions that stopped next to his ears, Wu Xuan looked at Chen Dehai with a puzzled expression.

According to what he heard, there were no explosions on the wall where they were, but there were still cannons on the east and south walls.

Chen Dehai's face was serious, he shook his head, "It's not certain, when he attacked Yanmen Pass, he directly blasted the city wall down with artillery."

"In this way, it will be difficult for us." Wu Yan's brows were frowned together, forming a Sichuan character.

"We have reinforced the city wall before, regardless of the height and thickness of the city wall, we have already reinforced it with sandbags. Bandit Zhao wants to blow up the city wall, but I'm afraid it won't be so fast!" Li Tianhe interjected.

Wu Zhen shook his head, "You can't say that, the current situation is not good for us, we'd better see the situation first."

Wu Hao said, looking at Li Tianhe, "You order to go down and send some people to see what's going on. The sudden stop of the shelling is not normal."

Li Tianhe cupped his hands towards Wu Xin, and hastily dispatched the messengers from the cave.

As Zhao Wen's order was issued again, the density of artillery fire increased a lot. As long as the 152mm cannon howitzer was loaded with shells, it would be launched immediately.

120mm mortar shells and 107mm rocket launcher shells also flew towards the city wall in a steady stream.

At this moment, when a team of more than 100 people had just walked to the top of the city wall, the sound of shells piercing through the air rang out.

They panicked in an instant, and fled towards the bottom of the city wall regardless.

(End of this chapter)

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