Chapter 397

Qianhu gave an order, and the soldiers standing behind the swarm took out the torches that had already been lit, and lit the fuse behind the swarm.


A swarm of fuzes burned rapidly, making a chi-chi sound.

At this time, Qianhu also hurriedly hid behind, for fear of being accidentally shot by a swarm of bees.

The fuze continued to burn, with bursts of black smoke rising from it.

"It's not right, my lord, it's not right. The thing in front of them is a bit weird, and it's still emitting black smoke. It can't be some kind of weapon?"

The soldier next to the chief banner officer pointed to Qianhu and the others in front, and said solemnly.

This soldier used to be an ordinary farmer. Before he became a soldier, he had never been exposed to firearms, so he didn't know much about the types of firearms.

At this moment, the fuze finally burned out and burned into the wooden box.


Flames emanated from the front of the wooden boxes on these small carts, and the arrows filled inside flew towards the direction of the general flag with a shrill whistling sound like bees all over the sky.

The swarms on the trolley are small swarms, and each swarm is filled with twenty arrows.

Adding up these small carts, there are almost seventy or eighty arrows.

"No, this seems to be a swarm of bees, hurry up and hide!"

At this time, the general flag realized that this was a swarm of bees used by the Ming army.

Originally, the general flag should be able to react earlier, but the successive victories and the powerful weapon in his hand made him burst with confidence.

In his eyes, as long as he holds a weapon in hand, no matter what kind of enemy he faces, he can easily defeat it.

But who would have thought that people are not as good as heaven, and even after thousands of calculations, he never thought that one day he would capsize in the gutter.

Zongqi yelled, lay down on the ground, and curled up.

The soldiers behind the general banner also hurriedly lay down on the ground, but no matter how fast a person's reaction was, it was no match for an arrow propelled by gunpowder.

What's more, they are too close to the defenders in front of them now.

After the swarm of arrows flew out of the wooden box, their speed continued to increase.

In the blink of an eye, arrows fired by a swarm of bees flew in front of these soldiers.

"Puff puff puff!"

The sound of meat piercing continued, and the soldiers led by the general flag had no time to react and were hit by arrows flying over.

The arrows of the swarm are as thick as an adult's thumb.

Propelled by the gunpowder, the kinetic energy was so powerful that it pierced through the bodies of these soldiers in an instant.

There are barbs at the front end of the arrow, and after entering the human body, these barbs constantly tear the human organs.

Under the huge size and weight, the arrows fired by a swarm of bees can cause no less damage to the human body than bullets.

A soldier had no time to react, and was shot in the chest by an arrow, which passed through his body and came out from behind.

Under the strong momentum, he involuntarily took a few steps back.

A piercing pain surged up, and blood flowed out along the arrow.

He looked at the arrow in front of his chest in disbelief, his eyes darkened, and his body went limp.

Although the swarm of bees is powerful, it also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it cannot be accurate.

A large part of the arrows that flew out deviated from the target.

But despite this, there were still sixteen or seventeen people who were hit by the arrows fired by the swarm.

Just one wave almost wiped out the headquarter team.

The chief flag officer lay on the ground, looked at the soldiers lying behind him, and slapped the ground with annoyed expression, "If I knew it earlier, I would have shot. I was careless, I was careless. Everyone fight back, fight back."

If it wasn't for the general flag officer's carelessness, if he wasn't self-righteous, thinking that the weapon in his hand was invincible, perhaps such a thing would not have happened.

Although the swarms used by the defenders were not comparable to the weapons in their hands, but at a short distance, once the swarms were ignited, the lethality was still very impressive.

Those soldiers who hadn't been shot had arrows stuck in their bodies, howling non-stop on the ground.

Hearing the screams coming from his ears, the Chief Banner Officer blamed himself endlessly.

"I did harm to my brother, I did to my brethren."

The chief flag officer's face was full of anger. He held the 56 and jumped up from the ground, screaming loudly, and pulled the trigger towards Qianhu and others in front of him.

"Kill me, avenge my brothers, avenge my brothers."

The surviving soldiers also reacted, armed with weapons, and fired non-stop at Qianhu.

The 40th fireman in the general banner escaped unharmed. He stood up from the ground, loaded the rocket on his back, and then pulled the trigger.

The bullets flew forward with a whistling sound, and the defenders at the front rushed towards the ground as if they had been slapped by a giant palm.

A rocket fell into the defenders with a howling sound. When the explosion sounded, the soldiers in the center of the explosion were knocked to the ground by the shock wave and broken shrapnel produced by the explosion.

The surviving machine gunner in the general banner lay on the ground, pulling the trigger forward with a stern look on his face.

"Puff puff!"

The defenders in the front row kept flashing blood, and blood flowed out of the holes made by bullets on their bodies.

With a horrified expression on his face, he lost his life.

These soldiers had never seen such a scene before, and they were caught off guard just by meeting each other.

The army formation of the defenders quickly became chaotic, and the surviving soldiers in the front directly let go and rushed to the back, crowding together with the people behind.

The entire army formation collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all the soldiers, especially the surviving soldiers at the front, fled towards the rear in panic.

Because it was at the intersection of the street, they could only escape to the back.

Looking at the soldiers who were being beaten to death in front and the blood flowing from the soldiers who fell on the ground, the young and strong man in the back screamed and threw away the weapons in his hands, and ran towards the back without stopping.

At this time, they forgot all the rewards that Qianhu said to them before. For them now, money is no longer important, and saving their lives is the top priority.

"What kind of weapon is this? Why is it so terrifying?" Qianhu looked at the soldiers falling to the ground beside him and the roar of bullets ringing in his ears, his face changed drastically.

"Everyone stand up for me, stand up for me, rush up for me."

Qianhu waved the waist knife in his hand, pointed at the general banner team in front, and kept shouting.

However, at this time, no one obeyed his order, and everyone tried their best to escape to the rear.

The servants he was carrying hurriedly surrounded him, and shouted in a panic: "My lord, we are no match for these people, run quickly, if you run slowly, you will not be able to leave."

While speaking, more than a dozen bullets flew towards these people.

The servant in front of Qianhu was hit by a bullet and fell to the ground in panic.

Some of the servants were not hit. These soldiers fell to the ground under the excruciating pain, crying and rolling.

"Give me death!"

The chief flag officer was holding a 56 punch, and his index finger was firmly on the trigger.

In an instant, the bullets in the magazine were shot out.

He swiftly reloaded a magazine and fired forward again.

The rest of these faces, at this time, these soldiers have no idea of ​​saving bullets, they just want revenge.I just want to pour out as many bullets as possible in the shortest time.

Since the establishment of their general banner, their general banner has never seen such a large number of casualties.

The defenders are like a levee washed away by a flood, and everyone is fleeing for their lives.

However, if you leave your back to the enemy, you will only die faster.

Now they are like living targets, being killed by the bullets shot by the Chief Banner Officer and others.

There were more and more corpses on the ground. In just a few breaths, seventy or eighty corpses had already fallen on the ground.

And this thousand households led a total of less than 200 people.

"Withdraw, withdraw!" Qianhu looked at the corpse on the ground, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted.

However, under the hot weapon, retreating is not an easy task.

Just as Qianhu turned around, a bullet hit him in the back.


Qianhu could clearly hear the sound of a bullet piercing the flesh.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of blood mist appeared on his chest, and there was a hole the size of a fist on his chest.

Under the cavity effect, the wound left by the side where the bullet flew out is larger than the wound left by the side where the bullet hit.

Qianhu's eyes quickly darkened, and due to excessive blood loss, Qianhu quickly fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Blood flowed from the hole in his body, staining the ground red.

"Master Qianhu is dead, everyone run away."

A soldier next to Qianhu looked at Qianhu's limp body and yelled in panic.

The soldiers and young men who were fleeing for their lives became even more flustered after hearing the voice, and the speed under their feet accelerated again.

Now they are using the fastest speed in their lives.

"If you want to run, it's not that easy. Chase them and catch them alive."

The Chief Banner Officer let out a loud roar, let go of his maid and chased forward.


"Follow the guards, follow me to Prince Jin's Mansion. Prince Jin's Mansion is a big fish. No matter what you say, you can't let him run away."

Zhao Wen rode on the horse, looked at the soldiers rushing forward, waved his big hand, and led the soldiers of the personal guard battalion to rush towards the city.

The houses in Taiyuan Mansion are relatively low, and Jin Wang is the clan.

The first King Jin was one of the Nine Great Sailors. In addition, over the years, the Kings of Jin continued to repair the mansion, which made the Mansion of King Jin a huge building complex in Taiyuan City.

In terms of decoration, Jinwang Mansion is even more magnificent.Although it is not comparable to the imperial palace, there are absolutely not many buildings in the entire Daming that can surpass Jinwangfu.

Ordinary houses are dusty, only the mansion of King Jin's Mansion is luxuriously decorated, and the roof is covered with a series of sculptures that symbolize status, such as birds and animals.

Such an obvious feature does not require Zhao Wen to search hard.

At this time, Zhu Shenxuan, the son of King Jin, was kneeling in front of the bed in the old King Jin's bedroom. He looked at the old King Jin who was motionless with his eyes tightly closed on the bed, and kept crying, "Father, hello!" Miserable, you are miserable."

Zhu Shenxuan knelt beside the bed, tears streaming down his face, the eunuchs and maids of the palace kneeling next to him put their heads on the floor, for fear of offending Zhu Shenxuan at this time.

"Your Highness, it's not good, the rebels have broken the city!"

A panicked voice suddenly came in from outside, and a guard rushed to the door of the bedroom in a panic.

When the chief eunuch kneeling in the bedroom heard this, he yelled in a shrill voice, "What? The rebels broke the city? When did it happen?"

"Just now, the defenders on the city wall were defeated, and now they have shrunk into the city, and the rebels took advantage of the situation to attack.

Now that the defenders in the city are fighting the rebels, what should we do now?The rebel army is powerful, if the rebel army has any wrong thoughts about our palace, I'm afraid something bad will happen. "

Although the guards knew that this was the old King Jin's bedroom, they also knew that the old King Jin died today.

But the current matter is related to the safety of everyone in the palace, and the guards didn't care about etiquette, so they yelled loudly.

In the past, if the guards dared to shout like this under such circumstances, there would be only one end, which would be to be buried with the late prince.

"What? The rebel army came in?" Zhu Shenxuan hurriedly withdrew his tears, and stood up from the ground in a panic.

"How could it be so fast? How could the speed of the rebels be so fast? What the hell is Wu Xin doing for food? Why can't he even last a day? Wu Zhen is simply trash, trash."

Zhu Shenxuan supported the pillar beside the bed, his body trembling constantly.

"Hurry up and gather all the guards in the mansion, bring the most valuable things in the mansion, and protect this son.

By the way, hurry up and get someone to inform Wu Tong of this trash, and ask him to send troops to protect this son. This son is going to the capital, and Taiyuan Mansion can't wait. "

Zhu Shenxuan pointed at the chief eunuch and shouted in shock.

"Hurry up and go!!!"

The chief eunuch looked at the guard standing at the door and shouted anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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