Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 511 The news reached the capital

Chapter 511 The news reached the capital
"According to the information we received earlier, in order to deal with Zhao Wen, Huang Taiji concentrated all his troops in the two cities of Shenyang City and Liaoyang City.

In this way, the number of defenders in other places in Liaodong is definitely not enough.After Zhao Wen took these two cities, other places in Liaodong could not resist Zhao Wen's offensive at all.

Now, it is estimated that the entire Liaodong has fallen into the hands of Zhao Wen.If at this time, Zhao Wen took advantage of the situation and pushed Shanhaiguan, I am afraid our pressure will increase day by day. "

Sun Chengzong opened his eyes, looked at Cao Wenzhao with a sad face, and kept sighing.

"Then what should we do now?" Cao Wenzhao didn't know what to do for a while, so he hurriedly asked.

Sun Chengzong said: "What else can I do? Notify the court and report to His Majesty, and let His Majesty decide."

After Sun Chengzong finished speaking, he stood up from his chair and walked out of the hall.

After a while, Sun Chengzong came to the study.

After coming to the study, Sun Chengzong took out a piece of paper specially used to convey military information, and wrote the news he had received in the past few days on it.

After writing and packaging the message, Sun Chengzong called Cao Wenzhao again and asked him to express the military report to the capital in eight hundred miles.

In about a day or two, Chongzhen received Sun Chengzong's military report.

At this time, there was a lot of quarrel in the capital about whether or not they should join the Slave Alliance.

From the beginning of quarreling about the alliance, it rose to the point of mutual impeachment and mutual belittlement, and there was even a growing trend.

Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen also had a headache. Although he wanted to stop it, he was really powerless.

Chongzhen sat in the imperial study, holding the military report sent by Sun Chengzong in his hand.

After he finished reading the general's report, he froze there.

Gao Qiqian, who was standing next to Chongzhen, saw Chongzhen's appearance, and hurriedly called out softly, "My lord, my lord?"

Gao Qiqian called several times, but Chongzhen did not respond.

"Emperor?!" Looking at Chongzhen who was still unresponsive, Gao Qiqian shouted.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Chongzhen was shaken by Gao Qiqian's shout, and the military newspaper in his hand fell down.

"What's wrong with the emperor? Do you want to pass on the imperial doctor?" Gao Qiqian looked at Chongzhen and said hastily.

Chongzhen waved his hands and said, "There is no need to tell the imperial doctor, I am fine!"

Chongzhen picked up the general newspaper again, and set his sights on the military newspaper again.

"Oh, Liaodong was taken by Zhao Wen!" Chongzhen sighed, and put the military newspaper in his hand on the table.

Gao Qiqian was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: "It's only been three or four months since Zhao Wen prepared to attack Liaodong. How did he take Liaodong in such a short time?"

Chongzhen said helplessly: "The weapons in Zhao Wen's hands are really powerful, and it is normal to be able to take Liaodong in such a short time.

Now Liaodong has been taken by Zhao Wen, but the DPRK and China still haven't come to an accurate conclusion on whether they should form an alliance with Jianslaves.

Now that Liaodong has been taken by Zhao Wen, there is no need to discuss whether to form an alliance or not.Alas, these damn officials are incompetent, incompetent. "

Although Chongzhen is not so smart in politics, it does not mean that he is a fool.

Chongzhen knows exactly what it means for Liaodong to be taken by Zhao Wen, and once Liaodong is taken by Zhao Wen, then Zhao Wen can directly attack the capital from Shanhaiguan, and send troops at the same time as Xuanzhen. No one can resist.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Gao Qiqian asked hastily.

Chongzhen looked at the military newspaper on the table, and said to Gao Qiqian: "Let the supervisor of ceremonies turn this military newspaper to all officials and let them take a good look."

When Chongzhen said this, he suddenly became angry.

He slapped the table with a slap, and said fiercely: "It's really a group of people who are rich and hungry, Zhao Wendu has already taken Liaodong, and the court has not yet reached a conclusion on whether to form an alliance with Jianshou.

Now even if he wants to form an alliance with Jianshou, there is no way to form an alliance.Damn it, damn it, this group of people is really a waste, a waste.

Now that Liaodong has fallen into the hands of Zhao Wen, how should the court resist?How to resist? "

Seeing Chongzhen's angry look, Gao Qiqian shrank his neck and asked weakly, "Your Majesty, do you want to move the capital?"

As soon as Gao Qiqian said it, Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian sharply, "What did you say? Move the capital? What do you want to do? What situation do you want to put me in? Do you want me to be like Song Gaozong Zhao Gou? Do you live in a corner? You don't want to mention this in front of me in the future, I don't want to hear it."

When Gao Qiqian heard Chongzhen's tone so fierce, he hurriedly knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: "The emperor's atonement, the emperor's atonement, the emperor's atonement, I will never dare to say such a thing in the future, I will never dare to say it again Such words."

"Hmph, take the military newspaper and go!" Chongzhen snorted coldly.

Gao Qiqian hurriedly stood up from the ground, picked up the military newspaper from the table in front of Chongzhen, and ran towards the outside.

After running out of the imperial study room, Gao Qiqian looked at the direction of the imperial study room and gasped for breath. Obviously, he had been frightened to the extreme just now.

Don't look at the current Gao Qiqian, who is below one person and above ten thousand people, seems to have unlimited scenery, but if Chongzhen is really dissatisfied and wants to punish him, it will be a matter of Chongzhen's words.

Gao Qiqian tidied up his clothes, and walked towards the imperial study with the military newspaper.

Half an hour later, Gao Qiqian sent people to distribute the completed military newspaper to the Manchu officials.

When the officials in the DPRK received the military report sent by Gao Qiqian, the officials who had planned to go to war with bullets turned off their fire in an instant.

Even the written memorial was torn up by them and thrown into the pile of waste paper.

Liaodong is gone, so what's the use of worrying about the alliance or not?

In addition to the officials of the Manchu Dynasty, I also received the written military report after Ningwan.

In a post house of Honglu Temple, Ning Wan and I sat in the room arranged for him by Honglu Temple and looked at the military newspaper just delivered, with a face full of horror.

"How is it possible, how is this possible, how could this be the result? There are more than 20 soldiers and horses in Liaodong. How could they disappear in such a short period of time? How could they disappear in such a short period of time?"

After Ning Wan, my mouth was wide open, my eyes were staring like a bull's eye, and I kept yelling.

Liaodong was attacked by Zhao Wen, which means that Hou Jin died.

After the gold capital died, my errand would be voided after Ning finished it.

(End of this chapter)

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