Chapter 515 Are You Ning Wan Me?

After Gao Qiqian took the memorial down, Chongzhen sat on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, his face full of bitterness.

Chongzhen also knew that moving the capital would definitely be criticized, but he didn't expect it to be so intense.

Not only the officials of the DPRK and China, but even the nobles in the DPRK and China tried their best to stop it.

At this moment, a small yellow door came in from the outside.

Xiao Huangmen looked at Chongzhen who was sitting on the chair, bowed respectfully, and said, "My lord, Duke Ying and Duke Cheng are here to see you!"

Chongzhen sat up straight, looked at Xiaohuangmen, "British Duke and Cheng Guogong? What are they doing here so late?"

"I don't know, the two princes didn't say anything." Little Huangmen replied.

"Let them come in." Chong Zhenming said.

"As ordered!"

Xiao Huangmen saluted respectfully again, and then walked out.

A moment later, British Duke Zhang Zhiji and Cheng Guogong Zhu Chunchen walked in.

The status of the two of them is not low among the nobles. When Chongzhen ascended the throne, these two were still ministers of the dragon, so Chongzhen was relatively kind to them.

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen saluted Chongzhen.

"Get up, come here, give me a seat." Chongzhen made the two of them stand up from the ground, although he ordered the little yellow gate in the imperial study room.

After the two sat down, Chongzhen looked at them with a smile on his face, "I don't know what the two lovers are talking about here?"

Fortunately, the prestige of these two people in the court is relatively high, and Chongzhen trusts these two people, so they can enter the palace at this point.

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen looked at each other, then stood up on Cong's chair, looking at Chongzhen with a tragic face.

Chongzhen looked at the two standing up and their expressions, and was confused for a moment, not knowing what they were going to do.

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Zhiji suddenly cried out in sorrow, and then knelt down in front of Chongzhen.

Seeing this, Chongzhen hurriedly asked, "Why is this, Aiqing?"

Before Zhang Zhiji got up, Zhu Chunchen also called out mournfully, His Majesty, and knelt down in front of Chongzhen.

"What are you two doing? Get up quickly. Could it be that the two lovers have some suffering? If you two have any suffering, then tell them. If you say it, I will definitely decide for you." Chongzhen looked at the two People, said hastily.

However, no matter what Chongzhen said, Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen just knelt in front of Chongzhen and couldn't get up.

"What grievances do you have? Tell me, and I will definitely decide for you." Chongzhen said again.

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen had high prestige in the army, especially in the Beijing camp.

"Your Majesty, I have no grievances, I am just complaining for Your Majesty!" Zhang Zhiji looked at Chongzhen and said with a tragic expression.

"Making complaints for me?" Chongzhen froze in place when he heard this. "You said you complained about me? How do you say that?"

"Your Majesty, I heard today that Bi Ziyan, Minister of the Household Department, suggested that Your Majesty move the capital." Zhang Zhiji looked at Chongzhen and said.

When Chongzhen heard this, he instantly understood why Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen came here tonight.

Chongzhen's face gradually turned cold. He sat on the chair, looked at Zhang Zhiji, and said, "What? What do you want to say?"

"Your Majesty, when Emperor Chengzu moved his capital to the capital, he pursued the policy of the emperor guarding the gates of the country and the king dying to the country. It has been more than 200 years since the capital was moved to the capital. During these 200 years, there have been civil fortresses, the siege of Ida and the siege of slaves. But it all came through.

Why can you resist?That is because of the policy of Emperor Chengzu's son of heaven guarding the gate of the country, and the king dying.

Why did Emperor Chengzu propose this national policy?That's because Emperor Chengzu understood that the capital had a very important position to Ming Dynasty.

The former Song Dynasty lived in a corner, and finally lost the country.If the former Song Dynasty was not partial to one corner, there would be no subsequent results, all of which were caused by moving the capital to Jiangnan.

Jiangnan's powder is too heavy, and the fragrance of fireworks will inevitably wear down people's bones.Emperor Chengzu understood this truth, so he moved the capital to the capital.

Ding the capital capital is the ancestral precepts left by Emperor Chengzu. Now, Bi Ziyan, Minister of the Household Department, asked His Majesty to move the capital to Jinling, which is to trap His Majesty in unfilial piety.

Your Majesty, Bi Ziyan's heart can be punished, and his words can be feared.The capital city must not be moved, it cannot be moved. "

With a tragic face, Zhang Zhiji spoke impassionedly about the reason why Emperor Chengzu established the capital, and he refuted Bi Ziyan.

Chongzhen sat on it, looking at the impassioned Zhang Zhiji kneeling below, his face was extremely dark.

"Your Majesty must not move the capital!" Before Chongzhen could say anything, Zhu Chunchen cried out loudly.

He looked at Chongzhen and cried bitterly, "Your Majesty, the capital city is the capital of Ming Dynasty and the foundation of Ming Dynasty. It must not be moved. Bi Ziyan is just a clown. What does he know?
Your Majesty, the good intentions of Emperor Chengzu must be investigated, Your Majesty.Your Majesty, if the capital is moved to Jinling, how will we face our ancestors in the future?

Once the capital is moved, His Majesty will definitely be reprimanded for being unfilial and unrighteous, His Majesty must not do so. "

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen sang together, describing the move of the capital as the most evil thing in the world, as if once the capital was moved, Ming Dynasty would perish.

Seeing the two of them like this, Chongzhen almost died of anger.

"Hehe, according to what the two love ministers said, once the capital is moved, it will be like the Ming Dynasty is about to perish? Isn't it?" Chongzhen looked at the two with a sneer.

"Uh, dare not dare, minister, minister doesn't mean that."

When Zhang Zhiji heard that Chongzhen had said this, he hurriedly replied.

Zhu Chunchen also hurriedly replied, "Your Majesty, I don't mean that either."

"Since you don't mean that, then I ask you why you don't want to move the capital?
If you don't move the capital, you say, how will the court resist Zhao's bandits?If the thief Zhao sends troops from Xuanzhen and Liaodong at the same time, tell me, how to resist the soldiers of the thief Zhao?

Once Zhao bandits approach the city, tell me, what should the court do?What should I do? "Chongzhen's tone became more and more cold, and finally questioned directly.

The candles in the imperial study room were burning quietly, crackling from time to time.

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, and said nothing.

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen didn't know what Chongzhen said, but they didn't want to lose their interests.

Moving the capital is indeed beneficial to the imperial court, but for them, not only is there no benefit, there are even countless disadvantages.

Nobles like Zhang Zhiji have their families and foundations in the capital. If they move their capital to Jinling, it would mean abandoning their own family's interests.

Today's Xungui has already become a vampire lying on Daming's body and sucking blood. He only has his own interests in his eyes, so why does he care about the court?

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen faltered for a long time and couldn't say a word, and they didn't know what to say, after all, the question Chongzhen asked was really sharp.

They also have no way to resist Zhao Wen, but if they just abandon their family interests and go to Jinling, they can't do it either.

The atmosphere in the imperial study suddenly turned cold, as if it was a cold day.

Gao Qiqian just sealed up the memorial and walked to the door of the imperial study room, but when he heard the little yellow door standing at the door talking about the situation in the imperial study room, he stopped hastily and did not go in.

The ones who stand up high and dive into the elves are like monkeys. If they go in at this time and say something wrong, it will be a disaster.

"Hehe, can't you tell? Tell me, how to resist? It's not like you haven't seen Zhao thief's weapon before, tell me, how to resist? Zhao thief's weapon, even if the court uses human life to fill it, it will not help .

The collapse of Jiannu in Liaodong is just around the corner. Do you still want to prevent the capital from being moved?Don't you know the dangers of not moving the capital?Do you think you really don’t know what’s on your mind? "

Chongzhen became more and more angry, and finally stood up directly, walked in front of Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen, pointed at them, and yelled loudly.

"You are nothing more than thinking about the properties of your family, and you are nothing more than reluctant to part with the fields and manors in your family.

I ask you, if the Zhao thief enters the capital, can the Zhao thief let you go?Will he let you go?Will you be allowed to continue to be the princes of the country?You are the dukes of Daming, not the dukes of the Zhao bandits in Xuanzhen.

Once the Zhao thief enters the city, you will be the first to be unlucky besides me.Don't you know about the thief Zhao cleaning up the gentry and dignitaries in Shanxi? "

Chongzhen's voice was intense, even Gao Qiqian who was standing outside could clearly hear it.

Gao Qiqian listened to Chongzhen's voice, and began to complain about Zhang Zhiji and the others in his heart.

Unlike Zhang Zhiji and the others, eunuchs like Gao Qiqian, the only way to get rich is to follow the emperor closely.Wherever the emperor went, he followed him.

"Your Majesty, didn't you ask the Ministry of Industry to imitate Xuanzhen's weapons before? I think they should be able to imitate them. As long as the imperial court can successfully imitate them, then the bandits Zhao will not be too worried." When Zhang Zhiji heard Chongzhen talk about Xuanzhen's weapons, he suddenly I just remembered that Chongzhen asked the Ministry of Industry to imitate Xuanzhen weapons.

"Hehe!" Chongzhen looked at Zhang Zhiji with narrowed eyes and sneered. "Do you think it is easy to imitate Zhao thief's weapon? I tell you that it is impossible to imitate Xuanzhen's weapon.

A few days ago, I asked Gao Qiqian to go to the Ministry of Industry in person to investigate the counterfeiting of weapons.

But do you know what the result is?The result is that the Ministry of Industry can't imitate it at all, let alone imitate it, even if it disassembles Xuanzhen's weapon, it can't be installed, and it can't even be installed.

I ask you, you can't even pretend to be, you tell me, how to imitate this? "

It's okay not to mention this matter, but when it is mentioned, Chongzhen is full of anger.

Earlier, Chongzhen asked the Ministry of Industry to imitate Xuanzhen's weapons. Chongzhen originally thought that they had already obtained Xuanzhen's real weapons, and they should be able to successfully imitate them soon.

But the result was not what Chongzhen thought at all.

After the Ministry of Industry returned with 56 half-class weapons, the first thing it did was to dismantle the 56 half-class weapons.

Because I am not familiar with the structure of firearms, it took a lot of time to dismantle them.

After dismantling these weapons, the officials and craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry were dumbfounded.

Take the 56 halves as an example. After they disassembled the 56 halves, a whole table was filled with parts.

Moreover, many parts were damaged due to improper methods during disassembly.

That's not all, they found that they couldn't install the removed parts at all.

After finally installing it, I found that there were a few extra parts inexplicably.

After that, the Ministry of Industry also imitated the 56 and a half parts.

But the result was unimaginable, they couldn't imitate such fine parts at all.

"This, this, this, this, this..." Zhang Zhiji looked at it for a long time, but nothing happened.

Zhu Chunchen just shut up and said nothing.

Chongzhen sat on the chair with a helpless face, looked at the two of them, "Okay, you two go down."

"Your Majesty, moving the capital must never happen." Zhang Zhiji shouted again.

"Get out!"

Chongzhen finally got angry, he pointed at Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen and started to curse angrily.

Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen saw that Chongzhen was not determined, so they couldn't say anything more, so they saluted Chongzhen and then retreated.

After the two of them walked out, Gao Qiqian walked in.

Seeing Gao Qiqian walking in, Chongzhen sighed heavily.

"Hey, today's nobles don't look like their ancestors? Everyone is greedy for life and fear of death, and they are greedy for wealth and honor."

Gao Qiqian hurriedly walked in front of Chongzhen, "My lord, I'm afraid there is a reason for the nobles not to let the capital move."

"Reason?" Chong Zhen rubbed his temples and looked at Gao Qiqian, "What reason can there be? As for the things they think in their hearts, how come I don't know? It's just greed for wealth."

When Zhang Zhiji and Zhu Chunchen walked out of the palace, they both sighed heavily.

"Brother Zhang, what should we do now?" Zhu Chunchen looked at Zhang Zhiji, worried, "It seems that His Majesty is determined to move the capital. My family has a big business and a large population, all of which are supported by the industries in the capital. If the capital is moved to Jinling, I'm afraid my family will only be able to drink northwest wind."

"Hey, do you think my family will be able to live well? My family also relies entirely on the industry in the capital. From the Yongle period to the present, more than 200 years have passed, and now there are a large number of people in the mansion, and they just give rewards to the servants every year during the Chinese New Year. It costs a lot of money.

Those collateral branches of my family now have more people than the main family, and these people have been running to my door every day to cry poorly.These are all relatives, do you think I can ignore them?

If the capital is really moved, I'm afraid my family will really be finished.At that time, there will only be one British public title left, but this title cannot be eaten or drunk. "Zhang Zhiji said with a sad face.

"Then what should we do now? Now His Majesty seems determined to move the capital." Zhu Chunchen asked.

"Hehe, what should I do? What else can I do?" Zhang Zhiji sneered twice, and then whispered to Zhu Chunchen.

Zhu Chunchen looked at Zhang Zhiji in horror, "Is this okay? If His Majesty finds out about this, we might end up in Zhao Prison."

"Why not? Let me ask you, are you willing to go to Jinling like this, or are you willing to take a gamble?" Zhang Zhiji looked at Zhu Chunchen.

Zhu Chunchen frowned and thought for a long time, but he still didn't make up his mind.

"But if Xuanzhen really breaks through the capital, what should we do?" Zhu Chunchen still asked a little uneasy.

"Breaking the capital? This is something the court should be anxious about, what does it have to do with us? Now the court and the emperor are in a hurry, why are we worrying about it?" Zhang Zhi said disapprovingly.

"If that's the case, then I'll listen to you." Zhu Chunchen gritted his teeth and agreed with Zhang Zhiji's solution.

"Haha, that's good, that's good. Well, come to my house tomorrow night.

Before you came, you brought me all those officials who disagreed with moving the capital. This time, I want His Majesty to completely dispel the determination to move the capital. "Zhang Zhiji laughed loudly and said loudly.


After Ning, I was sitting in a guest room in the backyard of an inn, and he was sitting at the table in the center of the room, eating food and drinking wine.

Now, where does he feel the sadness of subjugation?
In the end, Ning Wan and I turned to Jian Nu only for my own glory and wealth. Now that Jian Nu is gone, it is impossible for me to die for Jian Nu after Ning Wan.

"Hey, the gates of the city have been closed for the past few days. Except for those who have been in the government, people are not allowed to go out at all. It's difficult, difficult, when will I be able to go out." After Ning Wan, I put down the chopsticks in my hand and lifted them from the table. He drank the fine wine in his glass, and muttered to himself with a sad face.

At this moment, seven or eight men in black night clothes appeared at the back door of the inn.

"Is the investigation clear? Is it here?" The leading man pointed to the inn in front of him, and looked at the man behind him.

"My lord, I've been staring at Ning Wan me for the past few days, it's here, Ning Wan me is inside." The man replied.

The leading man nodded, "Go!"

The man let out a low cry, and then ran towards the back wall like a leopard.

When approaching the back wall, the man stretched out his legs and kicked off the wall suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, the man climbed up the back wall.

After climbing up the back wall, the man jumped directly into the backyard, and rolled on the ground the moment he landed, taking off a lot of impact.

He stood up from the ground, and ran towards the back door regardless of the dust on his body.

When the back door was opened, the men in black outside the door poured in like a tide.

"Ning Wan, which room am I in?" the leader asked.

"My lord, after Ning Wan, I will be the first one to the north of the West Wing in the backyard." The man before came to the leader and whispered.

"Let's go!" The leader looked around, and then led the people towards the west wing.

Moments later, the men came outside the room where Ning Wan and I were.

However, at this time, Ning Wan and I were so drunk that I didn't even know that someone was coming.

"Why did you disappear suddenly? Huang Taiji, I thought you were different from other people before, but I didn't expect you to be no good. Why did you disappear? If you are gone, who will give me glory and wealth?" Ning Wan me After drinking another glass of wine, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

The leading man put his index finger into his mouth and squeezed it, then poked at the window paper on the window.

He put his eyes on the poked hole, and when he saw Ning Wan me clearly inside, he turned around and looked at the people behind him, "It's Ning Wan me, let's go in."

These people were none other than Zhao Wen's spies scattered throughout the capital.

Ning Wan, I am one of the traitors who are as famous as Fan Wencheng, how could Zhao Wen let him go?

After Zhao Wen broke through Shenyang City, he learned about the Hou Jin and Ming alliance from the captives, and also learned that Ning Wan and I are now in the capital.

Therefore, when he finished dealing with the matter in hand, he sent someone to send a message to the spies in Changzhong, asking them to bring Ning Wanwo out of the capital and to Liaodong.

If the whole person can't be brought, he will kill Ning Wanwo and take his head to Liaodong.

"It's hard, it's hard!" Ning Wan and I lay down on the table and kept shouting.


At this moment, the leader kicked the door open.

After Ning Wan, I raised my head and looked towards the door with drunken eyes.

Before he could react, a ball of cloth was stuffed into his mouth, and at the same time, a sack was also pushed towards his head.

These people have quick hands and feet, and within a dozen or so breaths, they loaded Ning Wan me up and tied them up with ropes.

"woo woo woo woo!"

After Ning Wan, I kept making noises in the sack.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the matter was over, the leader didn't stay any longer, and left directly with his subordinates.

A few quarters of an hour later, in a woodshed in the backyard of a house, Ning Wan and I were placed on the ground of the woodshed.

"Let him out!" The leader took off the black cloth covering his face, and pointed to the sack containing Ning Wan and me.


The men in black surrounding the sack hurriedly released Ning Wan and me.

However, at this time, Ning Wan and I were still very drunk, and he didn't understand the situation in front of him at all.

"Tie him up, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Seeing Ning Wanwo's lonely and drunk appearance, the leader walked out without looking back.

After the leader walked out, the man in black in the woodshed picked up Ning Wan and me, tied me to the pillars of the woodshed, walked out of the door, and stood guard around the woodshed.

When the sun rose and stayed until noon, I woke up with a start.

"Where am I?" Ning Wan, I was very thirsty and wanted to drink water, but when he was about to stand up, he found himself tied to a pillar.

After Ning finished, I blinked and seemed to look around.

I saw firewood everywhere, and there was a sack on the ground next to it.

After Ning Wan, I looked around and wanted to call for help, but my mouth was stuffed tightly, so I couldn't make a sound at all.

At this moment, the leading man opened the door and walked in.

After Ning Wan, I looked at the man who walked in and panicked instantly. The scene of being beaten up by the people when I entered the city immediately came to my mind.

The leading man walked up to Ning Wan and me, squatted down in front of him, and pulled the cloth out of his mouth.

Because of the excessive force, after Ning Wan, I just felt like my mouth was being burned, it was burning and painful.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Ning Wanwo looked at the leading man in front of me and asked hastily.

The leading man said sarcastically: "You just want to end me, right? My name is Cheng Ping. As for where I come from, you don't need to know."

"I'm not Ning Wanme, I'm not." Ning Wanwo panicked when he heard that the man called out his name accurately.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't look like this. Since we were able to arrest you, we must know your origin, and you don't need to deny it." Cheng Ping said jokingly.

 I had a headache for a whole day today, and I can only update one chapter. I will make it up tomorrow. Please forgive me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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