Chapter 543 No need to hold on
"I will arrange where you live, so you don't have to worry about having no place to live. Do you have any questions?" Zhao Wen looked at the people in the hall and asked.

"No more, my lord, no problem!" Everyone in the hall shook their heads.

"In this case, then you should stay here first, and someone who will receive you will come over later. Remember, don't run around. Buhe, follow me!" Zhao Wen threw down a sentence, and took Li Little San leaves.

Bu He hurriedly followed Zhao Wen and walked outside.

Seeing Zhao Wen and Bu He leaving, Omu Bu said enviously, "Tsk tsk tsk, this is different. Look at Buhe, tsk tsk tsk, I really have nothing to say!"

"Cut, is it just that I am the father-in-law of the Chief Soldier? What's the big deal, I also have a daughter who is no worse than Hai Lanzhu, but I don't know if the Chief Soldier likes it or not, otherwise, in a few days I'll send my daughter here!" Chechen Khan looked at Buhe's figure and said with a look of dissatisfaction.

"You just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour!" Ombu glanced at Chechen Khan lightly.

Just as Zhao Wen led Bu He out of the gate of the Zongbing Yamen, Liu Wenzhong walked over with a dozen entourages.

"Is the matter settled?" Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong who was walking over, and asked.

Liu Wenzhong nodded, "Don't worry, my lord, the matter has been dealt with properly. I have arranged their soldiers and horses in the barracks outside the city, surrounded by your personal guard soldiers."

Zhao Wen nodded, "That's the best, you will move all the documents during my absence to my study later!"

"Obey!" Liu Wenzhong cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong.

Zhao Wendao: "Okay, you can go to work now, by the way, you also arrange for those tribes in the yamen to live in the post house in the city!"

As Zhao Wen said, he took Bu He and walked towards the General Military Mansion.

Not long after, Zhao Wen arrived at the General Military Mansion.

"You should live here for the next few days!" Zhao Wen stood at the gate of the General Military Mansion, looking at Buhe.

Bu He hurriedly said: "My lord, you can't do this. The subordinates are different. You can't do it. You can't do it!"

Today's Zhao Wen is the future emperor, and Buhe has never heard that a subject can live in the emperor's palace.

Isn't this the following offense?Although Zhao Wen is not yet the emperor, but he will be sooner or later, and Bu He dare not sleep in the General Military Mansion at all.

"My lord, absolutely not, absolutely not, this is really not allowed!" Bu He chatted and declined.

"In that case, let me rearrange a place for you. Originally, I thought that Hai Lanzhu hadn't seen you for a long time, so I wanted you father and daughter to catch up on the past. Since you don't want to, then I will You arrange it near the General Military Mansion!" After all, Zhao Wen is from a later generation, and although he has lived in Daming for so many years, there are still some habits that cannot be changed.

In later generations, it is a matter of course for the father-in-law to sleep in the daughter's house.Zhao Wen originally thought that Hai Lanzhu hadn't seen Buhe since he married him, so he didn't think much about it, and just wanted the two to catch up.

"Thank you, sir!" Bu He heaved a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

Although Zhao Wen didn't feel anything, Bu He took Zhao Wen's words just now as a test to him.He finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Zhao Wen had given up on the idea.

"Let's go, it's still early in the morning, you two, father and daughter, let's have a good talk!" Zhao Wen walked into the general's mansion with Bu He as he said.

Bu He wiped off the cold sweat from his head, and hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen.

As soon as he walked to the front yard, Zhao Wen saw Li Xiaoying Hai Lanzhu and the child's nanny playing in the yard with the child.

Zhao Wen walked up to Hai Lanzhu, pointed to Buhe standing behind, "You father and daughter haven't seen each other for a long time, you two have a good talk, and leave the child to me!"

Hai Lanzhu also had a lot to say to Buhe, so she quickly stood up from the stone bench in the yard and ran towards Buhe.

"You two go to the lobby of the front yard. I'll have someone bring you a brazier later!" Zhao Wen looked at the two of them and shouted.

"Understood!" Hai Lanzhu turned around and replied to Zhao Wen.

"Zhuer!" At this moment, Buhe began to preach earnestly, "This is not Horqin, this is Xuan Town, and it is the residence of Lord Zongbing. And Mr. Zongbing is the future emperor, why are you yelling like this?" What is the system?"

"Abu!" Hai Lanzhu stomped his feet and looked at Buhe complainingly, "Abu, I know what you said, but he doesn't dislike me like this. He also said that I look energetic like this!"

"He said that to make you happy. Don't be ignorant of the importance. Look at that Li Xiaoying, who smiles without showing her teeth, walks without striding, and sits dignifiedly. At first glance, she is a good wife and mother, but what about you? There are two The child is gone, why is it still the same as on the grassland?" Bu He was afraid that Zhao Wen would be offended by Hai Lanzhu's appearance, and tried to persuade him heartbroken.

But Hai Lanzhu acted as if he didn't hear it, and changed the topic directly, "Abu, don't talk about this, I have a lot of things to tell you during this time!"

As Hai Lanzhu said that, she led Bu He towards the front hall.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Zhao Wen set his sights on Li Xiaoying and the child. "How do you keep the baby outside?"

It is now November, Xuan Town is located in the north of Saibei, and the winter is cold, especially outdoors.

Li Xiaoying was sitting on a stone bench covered with a cotton blanket, and Zhao Mingyu was protected by two servant girls, standing on the ground and pulling a wooden man to run slowly.

Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan were walking slowly on the ground with their nanny on their hips.

"Where did you put the child outside? I just waited for you here for a while!" Li Xiaoying stared at Zhao Mingyu tightly, without relaxing for a moment.

"So that's it!" Zhao Wen nodded, and then looked at Zhao Mingyu.

Zhao Mingyu pulled the little wooden figure and kept walking, faster and faster, and finally started to trot.

However, because of his young age, his pace was unsteady.

The two maids following Zhao Mingyu stared at Zhao Mingyu, not daring to relax for a moment.

At this moment, Zhao Mingyu's feet were unsteady, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Oh, ah!" Li Xiaoying cried out in shock when she saw this posture.

Zhao Wen also hurriedly ran towards Zhao Mingyu.

Although it is inevitable for children to have bumps and bumps, but if my son doesn't feel sorry for himself, who will feel sorry for him?Especially Zhao Wen was away all year round and rarely saw his son.Under his father's psychology, Zhao Wen definitely didn't want to see his son bump into each other, especially now that Zhao Mingyu was still young.

The two maidservants who were following Zhao Mingyu had quick eyes and quick hands, and hurriedly supported Zhao Mingyu's waist, stabilizing Zhao Mingyu who was about to fall.

Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Mingyu who was being supported, heaved a sigh of relief, and finally felt relieved.

Li Xiaoying hurried to Zhao Mingyu and looked at Zhao Mingyu worriedly.

"How many times have I told you to slow down, you can't walk safely, and you still want to run?" Li Xiaoying's face became gloomy, and she reprimanded Zhao Mingyu in a low voice.

Seeing Li Xiaoying like this, Zhao Mingyu pouted and was about to cry.

"Don't cry. Your father is an upright man. As a mother, I don't expect you to be like your father in the future, but you can't disgrace your father." Li Xiaoying raised her eyebrows and stared at Zhao Mingyu.

Zhao Mingyu pouted, and stopped crying abruptly.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Wen felt that Li Xiaoying was a little too harsh.

He walked up to Zhao Mingyu and hugged Zhao Mingyu in his arms, "The child is still young, so don't be too strict."

"It's not young, it's not young anymore, it's already two years old. This age is nothing in an ordinary family, but in a gentry's family, he has already begun to learn how to read and recite thousands of characters. It's time for him to understand the rules. He's not an ordinary person, if he doesn't know the rules, how will he gain a foothold in the future?" Li Xiaoying came from a scholarly family, and she attached great importance to rules, so she had stricter requirements on Zhao Mingyu.

"Ah, what you said. The child is only two years old now, isn't it normal to like to play around? Besides, it is not good for children to be enlightened to read and write too early." Zhao Wen came from a later life. When Zhao Wen was two years old, He still has snot bubbles and wears crotch pants, so he is not as strict with his son Zhao Wen as Li Xiaoying.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, it's cold outside, let's go inside." Zhao Wen hugged Zhao Mingyu, led Li Xiaoying, and the nanny who was holding Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan towards the inside.

At this time, Hai Lanzhu was sitting on a chair next to the hall, and Bu He stood in front of Hai Lanzhu, and said sadly: "I said, Zhuer, why don't you understand? In the future, the commander-in-chief is going to be The emperor, I dare not expect him to make you a queen, but an imperial concubine still can't escape.

From ancient times to the present, which imperial concubine have you seen bluffing?If you move to the palace in the future, will you still have to bluff and yell in the palace?

Lord Chief Soldier didn't say anything, but that doesn't mean outsiders wouldn't say anything.What you represent is not yourself, but also the face of Lord Chief Soldier. "

"But he didn't say anything. He also said that I should do whatever I want, and don't stick to etiquette!" Hai Lanzhu muttered and retorted.

"Why don't you listen to my advice, kid? You're trying to piss me off. You ran around in the grassland back then. You weren't married at that time. It doesn't matter how you want to run around, but now you belong to two children. Damn, why are you so restless?

The commander-in-chief is fighting outside, and the burden of taking care of the children is mainly on you. Do you want your children, my grandson, to be like you, bluffing and yelling? " Buhe walked back and forth in front of Hai Lanzhu, constantly persuading Hai Lanzhu.

"Oh, I see, stop nagging. Don't talk about it!" Hai Lanzhu hurriedly changed the subject, and then asked, "Is Eji okay?"

"You still have the nerve to say it? You Erji didn't want you to blabber like this when you were young. You Erji is very good, but I can't guarantee that she will be angry if she knows you are like this now." Bu He stood In front of Hai Lanzhu, he said that he hated iron but could not make steel.

Eji is the name for his mother. Hai Lanzhu's mother is called Boli, who is Buhe's official wife. She is beautiful, prudent and virtuous, and is deeply loved by Buhe.

She gave birth to two sons and one daughter to Buhe. The two sons are Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili, and the daughter is Hai Lanzhu.

"No way, Eji loves me the most, how could she despise me?" Hai Lanzhu pouted and said with an expression of dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Zhao Wen walked into the hall with Zhao Mingyu in his arms, Li Xiaoying, and the nanny holding Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan.

Copper pipes are laid under the floor of the hall, which are filled with hot water.

In the backyard of the General Military Mansion, Zhao Wen specially had someone build a boiler room to heat the entire General Military Mansion.

As soon as Zhao Wen walked into the hall, a wave of warmth enveloped Zhao Wen.

After Zhao Wen walked in, the guards who followed behind Zhao Wen closed the door.

Because the windows are glass windows, there is no need to worry about lighting.

Bu He heard movement behind him, and hurriedly turned around.

"My lord!" When he saw that it was Zhao Wen, he hurriedly saluted Zhao Wen with his hands clasped together.

Zhao Wen hugged Zhao Mingyu and sat on the main seat, then looked at Buhe, "No need to salute, are there any outsiders here, they are all from our own family, what kind of salute should we do?"

"Thank you, sir!" Bu He hurriedly thanked him.

Zhao Wen pointed to the stool next to him, "Sit down, what are you doing standing up?"

Bu He agreed and sat down hastily.

Originally, Buhe wanted to educate Hai Lanzhu again, but when he saw Zhao Wen walk in, he suppressed these words alive.

"I heard you father and daughter arguing outside the door just now, what are you arguing about?" Zhao Wen heard Bu He's loud voice before he reached the entrance of the hall, but it was because Zhao Wen's thoughts were all on himself son, so I didn't hear clearly.

"My lord, it's nothing, it's nothing!" Bu He laughed dryly and hurriedly replied.

As Buhe spoke, he hurriedly winked at Hai Lanzhu.

"Abu was educating me just now, let me be more prudent, don't make a fuss!" Hai Lanzhu took a look at Buhe, as if he didn't see the wink from Buhe, and sold him directly.

Bu He almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and he kept complaining in his heart, "The female university is not accepted, the female university is not accepted, it has only been married for a few days, and I turned around and sold me, alas, the elbow How do you turn outside?"

"Haha!" Zhao Wen burst out laughing upon hearing this. "I said you don't need to be like this. You know what kind of temperament Hai Lanzhu is. There is no need to be restrained. If the house is dead all day long, does it still feel like home? Family, a little voice is the best, Otherwise, you will panic!"

Zhao Wen didn't think there was anything wrong with this matter, and even felt that this was a family.

To be honest, Zhao Wen felt uncomfortable in his heart like the kind of family where the husband sings and the wife follows, and there is no voice all day long.

As for the family, there must be some voices, and it is not a big problem to be noisy, so there is no need to hold on to it.

(End of this chapter)

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