Chapter 545 Generators

After everyone confirmed it was correct, Song Yingxing led his students and retreated outside the factory building.

Next to the factory building where the generator is stored is a steam engine factory building, where two new steam engines are placed.

Two new steam engines are connected together with connecting rods, and then meet the generator in the workshop.

Just when Song Yingxing was about to let the students start the steam engine, Zhao Wen appeared outside the factory with Li Xiaosan.

"Mr. Song!" Zhao Wen walked behind Song Yingxing and looked at Song Yingxing with a smile on his face.

When Song Yingxing heard someone calling him, he turned around hastily.

"Oh, it turns out to be the Chief Soldier!" Song Yingxing hastily cupped his hands in salute, "My lord, I've been too busy here these days, so I didn't have time to greet the Chief Soldier before, please forgive me!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter whether you welcome me or not, business matters, business matters." Zhao Wen said, looking at the generator in the factory building, "How is the generator now? It seems that it has been manufactured?"

"Alas!" Song Yingxing sighed, "I'm ashamed to say that this generator is the only one I have successfully manufactured. Before that, we have manufactured several generators, but without exception, these generators are all It failed. We haven’t conducted the experiment on this generator yet, but today we just connected the generator to the steam engine, and we are preparing for the experiment to see if it can be successfully manufactured. Unexpectedly, the commander-in-chief came before the experiment started.”

Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing's dirty clothes, and said: "It seems that you have worked hard, and you should not be too tired when you are studying the generator, and you should rest when you should rest, and don't be too tired. "

"My lord, it doesn't matter whether you are tired or not. As long as you can manufacture the steam engine you need, no matter how hard you are, it's worth it."

Song Yingxing set his eyes on the generator in the factory building, his eyes were full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

"Failure is the mother of success. It doesn't matter if you fail a few times. The previous failures are the foundation for future success. As long as you can create success, you can accept as many failures as you want." Zhao Wen looked at the generator in front of him and took a picture. He patted Song Yingxing on the shoulder and tried to persuade him.

Listening to Zhao Wen's voice, Song Yingxing heaved a sigh of relief, "My lord, the generator and steam engine have been connected, and all preparations have been made. The experiment will start soon. Please step back a little bit, my lord."

Zhao Wen nodded and took a few steps back.

Song Yingxing came back to his senses and looked at the students beside him.

"Go, inform the steam engine room that the steam engine can be started!" Song Yingxing pointed to the steam engine room next to the factory building, and said to a student behind him.

The student nodded and ran towards the steam engine room.

At this time, the personnel controlling the steam engine in the steam engine room have been preparing for a long time, and these personnel are also Song Yingxing's students.

When he and the others got Song Yingxing's order, they hurriedly lit the charcoal under the boiler of the steam engine.

Charcoal is flammable and it doesn't take long to burn.

After the charcoal was burned, the students in the steam engine room picked up the shovel and shoveled the coal not far from the steam engine boiler under the boiler.

As the fire grows bigger, the water in the boiler is gradually boiled.

When the water vapor comes to the cylinder along the pipe, the piston in the cylinder is driven by the water vapor to run.

The power generated when the piston is running is taken out by the connecting rod, and finally the power is transmitted to the main shaft of the generator in the adjacent factory building through the connecting rod.

With the continuous operation of the two steam engines, the main shaft of the generator also began to rotate rapidly.

The rotor in the generator rotates rapidly under the action of the main shaft, and the copper wires insulated with raw varnish are wound on the rotor, and these copper wires are neatly wound on the rotor.

A powerful permanent magnet is placed inside the generator casing, and the copper wire on the rotor keeps cutting the magnetic field lines.

Electricity starts to flow in the copper wire, which is then connected to wires on the outside of the generator.

Because the rubber was not available yet, Song Yingxing used a large amount of raw lacquer to wrap the copper wire over and over again in order to prevent electric leakage.

Although the insulation effect is not as good as rubber, it is better than nothing.

A huge resistor is connected outside the generator, an AC voltmeter is connected in parallel with the resistor, and an AC ammeter is connected in series.

Before the ammeter and voltmeter, Zhao Wen gave Song Yingxing the drawings, and this primitive mechanical meter was not difficult to manufacture, so Song Yingxing successfully manufactured these two things long ago.

As for connecting the resistor outside the generator, it is because there is no electrical appliance. If the two wires are directly connected, a short circuit will be formed. Once the short circuit occurs, the current will blow the wire instantly.

Of course, Song Yingxing learned all this from Zhao Wen's drawings and the manual Zhao Wen gave him.

Zhao Wen ignored the noise and walked slowly towards the workshop.

At this moment, Li Xiaosan grabbed Zhao Wen's arm, "My lord, this thing is too loud, I'm afraid it may be dangerous. My lord is a man of gold, so I'm not fit to take such a risk!"

Because of the loud noise, Li Xiaosan shouted at Zhao Wen at the top of his voice.

Zhao Wen shook his head indifferently, "It's okay, I understand this kind of thing, it's okay!"

As he said that, Zhao Wen walked towards the factory regardless of Li Xiaosan's obstruction.

Besides Zhao Wen, Song Yingxing also walked into the workshop with a few students holding charcoal pencils and blank booklets.

The two ammeters were placed on the ground. Due to the instability of the voltage and current, the pointers on the ammeters fluctuated greatly and remained unstable.

"The fluctuation range is very large. It seems that we have to find a way to stabilize the voltage and current, otherwise, this kind of power will not work at all!" Zhao Wen stood in front of the two electric meters, looked at the pointer on the electric meter, and murmured .

Song Yingxing led the students to stand next to the electric meter, "Record the maximum and minimum values, and record a few more sets. These things are very important to us!"

Song Yingxing turned around and shouted at the students behind him.

The student recording the meter squatted next to the meter, holding a pen in one hand and a booklet in the other, his eyes constantly switching back and forth between the meter and the booklet.

When Zhao Wen saw this, he also knew that the generator was successfully manufactured. Although there were still some minor problems, these minor problems were not a big problem for the current generator.

Zhao Wen turned around and walked out of the workshop.

Song Yingxing turned around the generator to check whether the external structure of the generator was loose or abnormal.

After checking several times, Song Yingxing also walked out when he found nothing abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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