Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 550 Sun Chuanting's Line of Defense

Chapter 550 Sun Chuanting's Line of Defense
Among the Tang kings, the most famous one is Zhu Yujian, the tenth Tang king.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji invaded the capital again. This time it was different from the previous ones. This time, Huang Taiji had a strong army and sufficient troops, and he attacked outside the capital in a short period of time. Also very long.

When the news of Jiannu's invasion of the capital spread, Zhu Yujian, the tenth king of the Tang Dynasty, made a memorial requesting permission for him to lead the army to serve as the king, but Chongzhen refused to agree.

Zhu Yujian was young at the time, with a jealous personality, to put it bluntly, he was a little stunned.

Zhu Yujian wrote several memorials, but Chongzhen did not agree.Therefore, Zhu Yujian disregarded the rule that the prince was not allowed to enter Beijing, spent his family property, recruited thousands of soldiers and guards of the palace, set off from Nanyang, and went north to Beijing to serve the king.

After Chongzhen knew about this, he was afraid that Zhu Yujian had two hearts, so he sent officials to reprimand Zhu Yujian, and at the same time ordered him to return to the fief quickly.Zhu Yujian had no choice but to lead his troops back to his fief Nanyang.

After Jiannu retreated, Chongzhen remembered this incident, deposed Zhu Yujian as a commoner, abolished the title of King Tang, and imprisoned Zhu Yujian in the high wall of Fengyang at the same time.

After Zhu Yujian was imprisoned in the Royal Prison in Fengyang, the local officials in Fengyang admired Tang Wang Zhu Yujian's behavior very much, so they treated Zhu Yujian much better than other people, and at the same time took great care of Zhu Yujian.

The Jiashen state changed, the thieves broke through the capital, the Ming Dynasty fell, and Chongzhen Meishan hanged himself.Zhu Yousong, the King of Fu, ran to Jinling to become the emperor, but this Zhu Yousong was a complete waste, and all the good things were ruined in his hands.

In the end, the Hongguang regime was destroyed, and the country fell apart again.

As the saying goes, a country cannot live without a king.The officials in Fengyang saw that Zhu Yujian was a bit courageous, so they rescued Zhu Yujian from Fengyang, escorted him to the south, and became emperor in Fuzhou with the reign name of Longwu.

Emperor Longwu was a capable emperor. After he ascended the throne, he issued many very useful decrees, and he was determined to counterattack the Central Plains.

It's a pity that because he has no military power and no money in his hands, many of his words don't count.

After arriving in Fuzhou, Zheng Yiguan at that time led his troops and horses to surrender to Zhu Yujian.

It is said to be submissive, but in fact it is better to say that it is coercing the emperor to order the princes. Although Zheng Yiguan is superficially obedient to Zhu Yujian, but whether Zhu Yujian has soldiers and horses in his hands, so in many things, Zheng Yiguan is not like Zhu Yujian.Moreover, Zhu Yujian had no choice but to endure it.

At that time, Zheng Yiguan and the Zheng family were the overlords on the sea, with countless ships and soldiers in their hands. Emperor Longwu had no money and no soldiers.

In addition to the Zheng family, his family is also looking for trouble.

In his second year as emperor, King Gui ascended the throne in Zhaoqing relying on the power of Li Dingguo and proclaimed himself emperor with the reign title Yongli.

Because King Gui's blood was more advanced than Zhu Yujian's, King Gui identified Zhu Yujian as a traitor, and Zhu Yujian had already become the emperor, so naturally he could not easily let go of his power.

Therefore, there are countless open and secret struggles between the two sides.

Originally, Nanming still had a chance to counterattack the Central Plains, but the Zheng family supported Zhu Yujian, and Li Dingguo supported Zhu Youlang. Due to various reasons, the two were incompatible.

If the two can be combined into one, it will not be so easy for Jianu to go south to stabilize the country.

However, it was because neither side obeyed the other, and they went their separate ways. In the end, Jiannu defeated each of them and wiped them all out.

Although the Yongli regime and the Longwu regime were eventually eliminated by Jiannu, both Zhu Yujian and Zhu Youlang were bloody men.

Zhu Yujian was captured by Jiannu and wanted to drown himself in water, but was finally rescued by Jiannu. In order to prevent Zhu Yujian from seeking death again, Zhu Yujian was tied up with a rope.

But Zhu Yujian already had the will to die. Seeing that there was no way to throw himself into the water or hang himself, he refused to eat the food Jiannu sent him, and finally died of a hunger strike.

Zhu Youlang was chased all the way to Burma by Wu Sangui, a family slave of three surnames. At the beginning, the Burmese king said he would take Zhu Youlang and the others in, but when Wu Sangui came to Burma, the Burmese king resolutely abandoned Zhu Youlang and sent Zhu Youlang to him. Lang picked it up and delivered it to Wu Sangui.

After being arrested by Wu Sangui, Zhu Youlang vowed not to surrender, yelling at Wu Sangui, and was finally strangled to death by Wu Sangui with a bowstring.

Among the emperors in the late Ming Dynasty, apart from Guo Hongguang and Zhu Yousong, who was a softie, the others were still very good in terms of integrity.

"My lord, King Fu was the most beloved son of the emperor of the temple back then. He even fell out with all the civil and military officials in order to make King Fu the emperor." Wu Zhen looked at Sun Chuanting and said.

President Sun Chuan sighed, "To say something taboo, King Fu is an idiot, because he still wants to face south and north? What a joke, since he arrived in Henan, how much land has King Fu got into his hands?
Now there are disaster victims everywhere in Henan, all of which are the root of his disaster.Every day at home, instead of doing serious things, drinking and having fun, the fish and meat people are first-class masters. "

If he hadn't considered that this is Henan, and he was concerned about the status of King Fu, Sun Chuanting would have yelled at him long ago.

To be honest, Fu Wang is indeed a fool and a waste. This guy's fief is in Luoyang.When he came to Luoyang, Emperor Wanli rewarded him with most of the land in Luoyang.In addition to the rewards from Emperor Wanli, he also took a lot of land and got a lot of land into his hands.

Fu Wang Zhu Changxun is notoriously fat. In the 14th year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng broke through Luoyang and captured Fu Wang alive.

Looking at Zhu Changxun, who was full of fat, Li Zicheng asked someone to find a sika deer, and then made Fu Wang and the sika deer the most famous dish in history-Fu Lu Banquet.

"Who made King Fu the temple emperor's beloved son? Who can do anything about it?" Wu Shen let out a long breath and said helplessly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Since King Fu is not willing, let him go. He is the uncle of His Majesty today. If he sends a note to His Majesty, His Majesty will intervene no matter what. "Sun Chuanting shook his head and said helplessly.

What Sun Chuanting said was right. Although King Fu was not a thing, he was Chongzhen's uncle after all. If anything happened, Chongzhen would have to intervene.

"Unfortunately, King Fu is the most beloved son of the emperor of the temple. If he is willing to give out food, grass or silver, it will be of great help to our defense line. I really don't understand. Doesn't he understand the reason why lips are dead and teeth are cold?" Wu Sheng With a long sigh, he said with a worried face.

Sun Chuanting said: "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold? How many of these nobles care about this? What they care about is only their wealth!"

Sun Chuanting shook his head, and then wandered around the walls of Junsheng Fort.

After staying in Junsheng Fort for about half an hour, Sun Chuanting led his troops out of Junsheng Fort and headed for the next military fort.

From the westernmost section of the Yellow River to the Taihang Mountains, there are more than 600 miles and a distance of nearly [-] miles. In the Yellow River area, because of the existence of the Yellow River, Sun Chuanting gradually built fewer military forts here.

The Taihang Mountains are a natural barrier, so there are gradually fewer military forts in the Taihang Mountains.

The place where the military forts are most concentrated is the gap between the Yellow River and the Taihang Mountains, that is, the distance from Yuanqu to Jiyuan.

This distance is about 200 miles. During the 200 miles, Sun Chuanting had people build nearly [-] forts, that is, there is a fort every four miles.

Due to time, manpower and other reasons, not all of these fortresses were gradually completed, and nearly one-third of the fortresses were not completed.

Although it is already winter, the construction of the fort has not stopped.

Sun Chuanting can't let the construction project stop, and he doesn't dare to stop the construction project. Now that Liaodong has been breached by Zhao Wen, I'm afraid he will launch an offensive at the beginning of spring next year. At that time, if he is not prepared, what will usher in A fiasco.

It took Sun Chuanting almost a month to inspect all the military forts on the defense line.

After finding out the current specific situation of the defense line, Sun Chuanting led the troops back to Henan Mansion.

As the end of the year approaches, Xuan Town is bustling with activity. The streets and alleys are filled with red lanterns, and couplets are pasted on the doors of every house.

Today's Xuanzhen is getting better and better, and the people in Xuanzhen are getting richer and richer.

As the Chinese New Year approached, all kinds of goods in Xuan Town became in short supply, especially fabric stores, butcher shops and grain stores.

A large number of people come to these shops to buy things every day, and the shop owners smile like flowers every day.

The streets are also full of small vendors, and these small vendors basically come on tricycles.

Today's Xuanzhen, bicycles and tricycles are very popular. Tricycles are very useful for these small traders, and they don't have to push shelf carts to sell goods as usual.

"The latest soaps produced by Chengdong Soap Factory are jasmine scented and peony scented. Chinese New Year is coming soon, and they are sold at a low price. Don't miss them when you pass by!"

"Red lanterns, serious red silk lanterns, come and take a look, take a look!"

The small vendors on the street shouted hard. They stood on the stalls set up on both sides of the street, and kept shouting at the passing pedestrians.

From time to time, a dozen or so children wearing new clothes and tied to the sky ran over from the street. They laughed and feasted, took the money given by their parents, and quickly ran to the candied haws and sugar man vendors.

The older girls and the younger daughter-in-laws were wandering the streets in groups of three or four. When they saw something they liked, they immediately ran up to ask the price.

On the street, you can still see the patrols maintaining order. They hold iron rulers and patrol the crowd non-stop.

If there are petty thieves, these inspectors will take them down without saying a word.

"Xuanzhen, alas!"

A middle-aged man wearing a uniform and a square flat crown on his head was walking on the streets of Xuan Town with a few entourages. He looked at the bustling scene in front of him and kept sighing.

"Wouldn't it be great if my Daming could have this kind of weather?" The middle-aged man watched the people coming and going on the street with smiles on their faces, and kept sighing.

This person was none other than Lu Xiangsheng who had been to Xuanzhen once before.

In history, Lu Xiangsheng was a leading general with illustrious military exploits. He made illustrious military exploits when he put down the bandits.

But now, because of Zhao Wen's appearance, Lu Xiangsheng is useless, and later because he offended Wen Tiren and Gao Qiqian, he was pushed back to his hometown.

Originally, Lu Xiangsheng thought that the court would use him, but after staying in his hometown for a long time, the court didn't even make a move.

In line with the idea of ​​self-cultivation, family management, country governance and world peace, Lu Xiangsheng, who couldn't stay still, took his two younger brothers to the capital to see if there was a chance to serve the country. The younger brother seeks a part-time job.

After all, his two younger brothers are Juren, and it's not the same thing if the whole family stays at home now.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

After they came to the capital from a long distance, they were rejected a lot, and their ideas came to nothing. The people in the court didn't take them seriously at all.

After getting this result, Lu Xiangsheng felt very uncomfortable, so he wanted to go out to relax, so he took his two younger brothers to Xuanzhen to have a look.

Before returning to his hometown, Lu Xiangsheng had visited Xuanzhen once, and Zhao Wen hadn't rebelled that time, so this was his second visit.

"If Zhao Wen can not rebel, relying on his ability, it will be a blessing to the court!" Lu Xiangsheng said with emotion.

"Brother, if we walk on the street in such an open and aboveboard manner, aren't we afraid of being caught by thief Zhao's minions?"

Following Lu Xiangsheng are his two younger brothers, one named Lu Xiangjin and the other named Lu Xiangguan.

The one who spoke was his youngest brother, Lu Xiangguan.

Lu Xiangsheng turned his head and shook his head, "Probably not, I have contacted Zhao Wen, he wouldn't do that.

When we entered the city just now, the defenders outside the city gate had checked our identities and guides. Generally speaking, as long as we were let in and we did not do anything illegal, we would be fine. "

"Hmph, brother, I really don't understand. When you were in my hometown, you especially admired Zhao Wen. Zhao Wen was a traitor and a traitor. Why did you bring us here? I really don't understand!" Lu Xiangguan looked at Lu Xiangsheng dissatisfied.

Lu Xiangguan is jealous of evil. In history, after the fall of Ming Dynasty, he recruited the bravery of the village to fight against Qing Dynasty.

But not long after, Lu Xiangguan jumped into the water again. This time he tied several big stones to his body, and after jumping into the water, he never came up again.

Lu Xiangjin's personality was not as intense as that of Lu Xiangguan. After the fall of the Ming Dynasty and the failure of Lu Xiangguan, he married and became a monk.

Lu Xiangjin is a relatively peaceful person. He is the most peaceful of the three brothers Lu Xiangsheng. No matter what he does, he is slow.

(End of this chapter)

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