Chapter 571 Pressure
Now he is about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, but Zhao Wen found that he was not very happy.

In later generations, Zhao Wen also imagined how excited and happy he would be if he became the emperor.

But when things really came to this point, Zhao Wen found that he was not very happy or excited.

All of this stems from Zhao Wen's sense of responsibility, if Zhao Wen didn't have the sense of responsibility to change the world.Then Zhao Wen only needs to rely on the weapons in his hands to win the world, and then follow the example of the previous dynasties.

Even if the world falls in the future and China is reversed, it will be hundreds of years later. At that time, Zhao Wen has already turned into a pile of bones.

But precisely because of Zhao Wen's sense of responsibility, Zhao Wen felt the pressure.

Zhao Wen looked at Xuanzhen under his feet, and kept recalling the things that happened after he came to Daming in his mind.

At the beginning, Zhao Wen was just a small soldier, and his main goal was to survive first.

When he became the garrison of Longmen Fort, Zhao Wen's main goal was to make Longmen Fort a solid place, and then improve the lives of the people around Longmen Fort within his ability.

At that time, what Zhao Wen considered was only the small land of Longmen Fort.

After becoming the chief soldier of Xuanzhen, Zhao Wen set his main target on Xuanzhen.

Moreover, what Zhao Wen needs to consider is basically Xuanzhen.Later, as the land got bigger and bigger, Zhao Wen considered more and more things.

Nuer Gandusi is now a barren place, and there are not many things to consider. Java is under military control, and it is located overseas, so there are not many things to consider.

Zhao Wen has already constructed a general plan for the grassland problem, and it is relatively simple to solve it.

Even if Shanxi was captured later, what Zhao Wen considered in Daming was Xuanzhen and Shanxi.

Once he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, then the entire Ming Dynasty and the affairs of the entire world would all be on Zhao Wen's shoulders.

When dealing with overseas places or overseas places, Zhao Wen can also hand over these matters to his subordinates. As long as the general direction is not wrong, he can let these people manage.

But Ming Dynasty is different, these are ancestral lands, lands that have been passed down for thousands of years, Zhao Wen dare not do anything freely in managing these places like managing overseas lands or overseas lands.

I dare not say that everything requires Zhao Wen's consideration and management, but there are absolutely many things that require Zhao Wen's consideration and management.

"This is the land of our ancestors. If we can't manage it well, we will be sorry for our ancestors and the heroic souls on this land!" Zhao Wenchang sighed, his face full of dignity.

At this moment, Zhao Wen felt pressure that he had never felt before.

Zhao Wen is not a god, it is impossible to be indifferent when facing these things, and it is impossible not to feel the pressure.

If there is really no pressure at all, then it is definitely not to change the world and become an emperor, but simply to be an emperor.

At this moment, Li Xiaoying walked up the small building with a big cloak and came to Zhao Wen's side.

Li Xiaoying walked behind Zhao Wen and put the cloak in her hand on Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen turned his head and looked at Li Xiaoying, heaving a sigh of relief, "Are you here?"

Li Xiaoying nodded and stood beside Zhao Wen, "What is your husband thinking?"

Li Xiaoying looked outside the small building, her tone full of concern.

Zhao Wen didn't hide anything, and directly expressed his worries.

"I didn't worry about anything, I just felt a lot of pressure all of a sudden.

The former territory was Longmen Fort and Xuan Town. Even though they acquired a lot of territory later, those territories were either sparsely populated or outside the borders. There were not many people in Ming Dynasty, so there was no burden to manage them.

But it's different now, once I ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor, the burden of the entire Ming Dynasty will suddenly fall on me.

These lands are all ancestral lands, lands that have been passed down for thousands of years.In managing these lands, it is impossible for me to do what I did before, so I have some..."

"Husband!" Before Zhao Wen could finish speaking, Li Xiaoying interrupted Zhao Wen's voice.

"Husband, I remember that you often like to tell me that you want the world to run according to your ideas.

I once asked you why you want the world to run the way you do.

You told me at that time, you said, your method is the best method in the world, as long as the world operates according to your method, then all the people in the world can have enough food and clothing.

At that time, you were so confident and fearless.Why are you becoming so cautious now that you are going to be the emperor? "Li Xiaoying turned around and looked at Zhao Wen.

"You don't understand, this time it's the entire Ming Dynasty. Although I'm sure that my own method can make the entire Ming Dynasty prosperous and strong, I'm still a little worried.

You don't know, the burden on my shoulders is not limited to the two capitals and thirteen provinces of Ming Dynasty today. Apart from these lands and people, there is a history of nearly 5000 years on me.

There is Wu Ding, the king of Shang who created the prosperous age of Wu Ding; there is the heroine Fu Hao who defeated the barbarian coalition; Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who was famous abroad for defeating the Xiongnu, King Wuxing who devoted himself to death, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizu of Song Dynasty, Emperor Taizu of Song Dynasty, and Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty who expelled the smell of sandalwood.

These histories weigh on me. If I take a wrong step, I will be sorry for history and my ancestors. "

Zhao Wen looked at Xuan Zhen under his feet and murmured.

Governing the whole world is not as simple as governing a Xuan Town. In Xuan Town, if you make a wrong step, you can overthrow it and start over, and it won't take too long.

But if it is in the whole world, once you make a mistake, it is not so easy to change.

Although Zhao Wen has the ability to transform the world according to his own ideas, but out of a sense of responsibility for this land, Zhao Wen has to be cautious.

"Husband, you don't have to be like this. Only you can save the world today, and today's Xuanzhen is a good example.

In my eyes, the husband is omnipotent.The original Xuan Town was just a relatively important city among the important towns on the nine borders. Although it bears the name of the important town on the nine borders, the people inside are extremely poor.

It is because of my husband that I became what I am today.I believe my husband, Xuanzhen can become so beautiful, and the world will be so beautiful in the future! "

Li Xiaoying looked into Zhao Wen's eyes and kept encouraging Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded heavily, showing a slight smile, "You are right, I will make the world like Xuanzhen in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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