Chapter 581 Preparing to Attack
Song Yingxing saw that Zhao Wen had made up his mind, so he couldn't shirk it anymore.

"Thank you, sir!" Song Yingxing stood up, saluted Zhao Wen respectfully, and took the two jobs.

Zhao Wen moved the bound drawings and operation manuals placed next to the desk to the middle of the desk.

"These are drawings of a series of electric machine tools such as electric motors, light bulbs, and industrial manufacturing drawings and operation manuals for three acids and two alkalis. These things have been produced overnight in the past few days.

I told you about the three acids and two bases before, and you understand the importance even if I don’t tell you.

I have given these things to you. After you take these things down, ask your students to make a few more copies of these things so as not to lose them.

These things are the basic guarantee for the future prosperity of the country, and there must be no deviation in the slightest. Zhao Wen said to Song Yingxing, patting the drawings and operation manual on the table.

Song Yingxing replied loudly: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely keep these things well. If there is any mistake, I will let my lord deal with it!"

Zhao Wen waved his hand, and said, "I won't talk about those who don't, the most urgent thing now is to get out the power plant and the light bulb, these two things are the most important things at the moment.

After getting these two things out, start making things like electric machine tool motors.As for the manpower of the Ministry of Construction Industry and the Research Institute, I will ask someone to arrange it properly. You don't have to worry about these problems at present! "

"I understand!" Song Yingxing cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong and said firmly.

Zhao Wen stood up and said to Song Yingxing, "Okay, you go down first!"

Song Yingxing picked up the drawings and operation manual on the table, thanked him, and walked out of the study.

After Song Yingxing left the study, Zhao Wen also walked out of the study, returned to his room, and began to sleep soundly to supplement the sleep of the past few days.

After Song Yingxing returned to the ironworks with the drawings and operating manuals that Zhao Wen had given him, he asked his students to copy them all.

A few days later, the personnel sent by Zhao Wen to the Ministry of Construction and the Research Institute were already in place, and they began to build offices and workshops on the open space next to the ironworks.

One day at the end of February, Zhao Wen summoned generals such as Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

Because the General Military Mansion has already started construction, Zhao Wen put his office and residence in the General Military Mansion.

Although the Zongbing Yamen is not big, not as big as the Zongbing Mansion, it can accommodate people like Zhao Wen and Li Xiaoying.

Zhao Wen sat in the hall of the General Army Yamen. He looked at the generals sitting on both sides of the hall, and said loudly: "I decided to launch an attack on Henan, Shaanxi and other places in mid-March. After today, you will return to Shanxi and take your troops under your command. The soldiers and horses moved to the direction of Henan. In half a month, move all the troops that can be moved to the border between Shanxi and Henan."

When everyone in the hall heard this, they immediately understood what Zhao Wen was going to do.

"My lord, are you ready to launch an attack?" Zhao Daniu looked at Zhao Wen excitedly.

Since the new year, Zhao Daniu, Song Hu and the others have been staying in Xuan Town. Although the affairs of Zhao Wen's ascension to the throne are complicated and busy, they can't help with these things, so they have been idle all the time.

They also wanted to go to Shanxi and return to the military camp, but without Zhao Wen's military order, they couldn't go back.

Zhao Daniu's hands were already itchy and eager to fight, how could he not be excited when he heard Zhao Wen's words?
In the hall was a huge table with a map of Ming Dynasty on it. Zhao Wen stood in front of the map, pointed at the map, and looked at the generals.

"That's right, we launched an attack on Henan, Shaanxi, and Sichuan in mid-March, and now we have a total of [-] soldiers hoarded in Shanxi, excluding the reserves.

During the period when we attacked Shanxi and I attacked Liaodong, the military and counselors trained another [-] new recruits.

This time I plan to bring all the 20 troops to Shanxi, and the total is [-] horses.

I plan to divide these troops into three groups and attack Henan, Shaanxi and Sichuan at the same time.

Zhao Daniu, you lead 5 people to go to Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi and attack Tongguan.

Once Tongguan is breached, take Weinan Mansion, then Pinyang County, and finally Xi'an Mansion.

After taking Xi'an Mansion, you can decide the specific situation. You must take all of Shaanxi in the shortest possible time. "

Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Daniu and said loudly.

Zhao Daniu surrounded the map, he clasped his fists at Zhao Wen, and said resolutely, "Follow your lord's order!"

Zhao Wen nodded, and then slapped on the map of Sichuan.

"Liu Wu, you lead an army of [-] to attack Tongguan with Zhao Daniu.

After capturing Tongguan, you led your troops to Shangluo, Ankang, and finally attacked Sichuan from Hanzhong.

Remember, the goal is directly at Chengdu, and you must win Chengdu for me in the shortest possible time. Zhao Wen tapped the map of Sichuan and looked at Liu Wu.

"Follow your lord's order!" Liu Wu clasped his fists at Zhao Wenyi and shouted loudly.

Zhao Wen nodded, and then set his sights on Ningxia Town.

"Man Gui!" Zhao Wen looked at Man Gui and shouted.

"The last general is here!" Man Gui clasped his fists at Zhao Wen, his face full of excitement.

Since he took Datong, Zhao Wen has not issued any orders to him, and he has been guarding Datong.

From taking down Datong to the present, Mangui has never fought a single battle. Although he has suppressed bandits several times, for Mangui, this level of battle is simply playing tricks and has no meaning.

Now that Zhao Wen called him, one can imagine the excitement in his heart.

Zhao Wen looked at Man Gui and said loudly: "I will assign you 4 elite soldiers, including your own troops, a total of [-].

You led these 4 people from Datong to the west, took the grassland to bypass Shaanxi, and attacked Ningxia Town.After taking down Ningxia Town, they continued to attack westward, targeting Hamiwei. "

Man Gui never let go of his clasped hands. He looked at Zhao Wen and shouted with a firm face: "The last general will definitely not let down the hope of the commander-in-chief!"

Zhao Wen nodded, and finally set his sights on Song Hu.

"Song Hu, you and I will lead the remaining troops to attack Henan!" Zhao Wen said loudly.

Song Hu clasped his fists together and said loudly, "Follow your lord's order!"

Zhao Wen glanced at these generals, and said: "When attacking, you should not be cowardly because of the power of your weapons, and you must fight steadily.

During the attack, it is not allowed to massacre civilians without reason, and it is not allowed to massacre surrendered soldiers, officers and officials at all levels without reason.Those vassal kings who were captured were not allowed to insult at will.With this order, all violators will be executed! "

Zhao Wen looked at these generals with cold eyes.

Zhao Wen is not a traitor like Li Zicheng, so there is no need to go to war with these surrendered officials and vassal kings.

Besides, these officials and feudal lords who surrendered were pioneers in opening up overseas lands. How could Zhao Wen let them die meaninglessly at the hands of his own people!
"I'll take orders!" These generals gave a military salute to Zhao Wen and shouted loudly.

"Get up!" Zhao Wen waved his hand, making these generals stand up.

After doing this, Zhao Wen asked Liu Wenzhong, Lu Xiangsheng and other officials to come over, as well as officials from the counselor's office.

When everyone stood in the hall, the hall looked crowded.

Today's Lu Xiangsheng is arranged by Zhao Wen in the counselor's room. Although Zhao Wen knows about Lu Xiangsheng's ability, he entered Xuanzhen relatively late and has no merit. Arranged in the counselor's room.

Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong, "From tomorrow onwards, I will send more trains to Taiyuan until I can't send more.

Send me the recruits and the materials needed for the war to Shanxi in the shortest possible time. "

"I take orders!" Liu Wenzhong clasped his fists at Zhao Wenyi, and said in a full-fledged manner.

Zhao Wen nodded, and then set his sights on Lu Xiangsheng and other officials in the counselor's room.

In the following time, Zhao Wen and these people in the hall started a heated discussion while formulating a detailed battle plan.

The meeting went on for a long time and lasted until the middle of the night.

"Okay, now that the detailed battle plan has been drawn up, the things that should be arranged have been almost arranged. This time I will not only take Henan and Shaanxi, but I will also take Ningxia and Sichuan.

Zhao Daniu, Song Human, Gui Liuwu, you will set off by train tomorrow, and prepare the army for war according to my previous arrangement.

Alright, that's all for today's meeting, step back! "Zhao Wen waved his hands at these people in the hall, and said in a loud voice.

"Let's take orders!"

"The last general takes orders!"


These people in the hall saluted Zhao Wen, and then walked out of the hall.

Although it was already the middle of the night, these people did not feel sleepy at all, and they were more energetic than during the day at this time.

"My lord, it is estimated that after these places are taken down, the palaces, Confucian temples, and Taimiao can also be built, and then my lord can be enthroned as emperor!" Li Xiaosan stood behind Zhao Wen, his face full of excitement.

"Although it is good to become an emperor, the burden on the body is not light. It is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to rule the world.

These places that have been conquered are not comparable to Xuanzhen, they are all a mess, and that is the most difficult time. Governing the world is not as simple and rude as conquering the world.

Han Feizi once said that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and a careless move will cause a series of reactions.

If it wasn't for this reason, I wouldn't have been delaying the war, nor would I put the capital at the end.

It took a year for Shanxi alone, and the framework was only rough out. It is impossible to make Shanxi like Xuanzhen without seven or eight years of hard work.

How big is Xuanzhen, how big is Shanxi?Not to mention Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan and other places that are about to be taken down. "Zhao Wen let out a long breath and said slowly.

This is the main reason why Zhao Wen didn't attack the capital first.

"Okay, don't talk about these things, go back with me. You have to prepare well, stay with your family these few days, don't run around.

With the army together, it is not so easy to meet family members! "

(End of this chapter)

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