Chapter 587 This Is Totally Nonsense

After returning to the barracks, Song Hu began to assemble the cavalry in the army according to Zhao Wen's order.

After gathering the [-] cavalry, Song Hu arranged them properly, and then went back to the camp to sleep.

Early the next morning, Song Hu marched towards Henan with [-] cavalry.

At this time, Chongzhen's imperial decree had been passed on to Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting stood in the front yard of the governor's office. After sending off the officials who came to read out the decree, he came to the study with the decree.

Sun Chuanting spread the imperial decree on the desk, and copied down the key contents above.

After a long time, Sun Chuanting put down the brush in his hand and took the content he copied in his hand.

"Guerrilla warfare probably won't work. Although the recruits I trained are much better than guard soldiers, it hasn't been long since these soldiers threw away their hoes.

These soldiers had never fought against the soldiers of Xuanzhen. If they were broken up into parts according to the order of the court, it would be a huge blow to the morale of the soldiers.

Moreover, even if it is broken into parts, it may not be Zhao thief's opponent.

The weapons in the hands of the soldiers are not as good as those in the hands of the Zhao thief. Without the restraint of the officers, it is estimated that no soldier would dare to attack Zhao thief's soldiers after two downfalls.

Moreover, there is no guarantee that every officer is loyal. Although these officers in the army seem to be normal now, who knows what kind of thoughts they will have after fighting Zhao thief.

What if these officers see Bandit Zhao's power and lead their men to seek refuge with Bandit Zhao, what should they do then?
The soldiers and horses gathered together, and the officers were under my eyelids, so it was easy to communicate and manage.If any officer has a second heart, he will soon be able to detect it.

If it is broken down into parts, wouldn't it be a wandering soldier?How will the military order be conveyed at that time?How should officers and soldiers be restrained?

The person who came up with this method is not afraid that I will disperse the soldiers with my front feet, and these soldiers will run away with their back feet? "

Sun Chuanting looked at the content in his hand, and frowned tightly.

"Soldiers and horses are easy to gather and not easy to disperse. This is the same truth throughout the ages. Which nerd came up with such a bad idea. How could it be so ridiculous?" Sun Chuanting slapped the paper in his hand on the desk and cursed.

What Sun Chuanting said is very reasonable. Wars in ancient times are not future generations. In the age without wireless communication, it is a stupid move to break up the soldiers and horses under your command.

Once all the troops under his command are scattered, at the beginning, the general who leads the army can still know where his troops are, but after several battles, especially after defeat, the general who leads the army is likely to know Lost the position of his subordinates.

Once he loses his position under his command, the leading general will have no way to command the soldiers under him, and he will not be able to make a plan for the next step.

If the next plan cannot be formulated, the soldiers under his command can only fight on their own and fight blindly.

This is not the most serious thing, the most serious thing is that once the soldiers and horses in their hands are broken into pieces, then those officers who are not firm in will are likely to surrender with their soldiers or fall into bandits after losing the battle.

Or the soldiers took the opportunity to escape after losing the battle.

Even if there are generals who lead the troops to restrain them, every time there is a battle, some soldiers will run away, let alone be broken into pieces.

Soldiers in ancient times fought wars more for the sake of their own stomachs, and more for eating together.

In addition, Zhao Wen is not from a foreign race, so there is no pressure for these soldiers to surrender to Zhao Wen.

Once the guerrilla warfare fails, it is likely to cause a large number of soldiers to surrender.

Moreover, the soldiers and horses are scattered, and there is no way to supplement supplies, food and salaries. Even if they can be supplemented by then, the cost will not be generally high.

Without enough food and pay, the soldiers and horses that were finally pulled up will collapse.

Sun Chuanting saw this point better than anyone else.

"The latter method is not bad. Although it is a bit ruthless, it can hold Zhao Wen back. The former method is just nonsense and farting. It makes no sense at all.

Once the soldiers and horses are dispersed, it is not so easy to gather together.Although I pulled out 5 horses, as soon as the troops dispersed, the breath in the soldiers' hearts dissipated.

Once the qi dissipates, people will naturally panic.At that time, as long as you suffer one or two defeats, you will be defeated like a mountain, and the [-] army will be gone if you say no at that time!

Moreover, how should I direct the soldiers and horses into zero?What command do I take?Flying pigeons pass on books?This method is simply absurd! "

Sun Chuanting walked back and forth in the study with his hands behind his back, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Sun Chuanting picked up the paper he had copied, walked out, and came to the front yard.

At this time, Wu Zhen was sitting in the lobby of the front yard sorting out some documents.

Sun Chuanting walked into the hall and handed the paper to Wu Zhen.

"You were not there when the decree was announced just now. This is what I copied out just now. Take a look!" Sun Chuanting looked at Wu Zhen.

Wu Zhen took the paper handed over by Sun Chuanting, and squinted his eyes to read it.

"It's farting! The first method is farting, it's completely farting!" Wu Yan just finished reading the first method, and began to curse.

"My lord, I have fought against Zhao Thief's soldiers, and I know the strength of Zhao Thief's soldiers very well.

Not to mention the strength of Zhao thief's soldiers, the way to fight guerrilla warfare is just farting.

From ancient times to the present, no matter when a war is fought, the soldiers and horses in the hands have never been dismantled.

During the Battle of Salhu that year, Xiong Tingbi broke up the army in his hands into three groups. As a result, the three groups of troops were defeated by Jiannu.

Today, we managed to pull up [-] troops, and these [-] troops are deployed on the Yellow River defense line.

If the [-] army were to be dismantled at this time, wouldn't that mean the Yellow River defense line would be handed over to others?In this way, wouldn't the line of defense we spent countless silver builds become a decoration?If we knew this was the case, what defense line did we build back then?
Moreover, once the soldiers and horses in their hands are disassembled, who can guarantee the loyalty of the leading generals?Soldiers and horses are disassembled, what about supplies?Without supplies, these soldiers still have to surrender and run away, so what kind of battle will they fight?

The person who came up with this method is really a waste, who doesn't understand anything and is just doing nothing.Is this how the battle was fought? Wu Xuan pointed to the paper in his hand, and said to Sun Chuanting with a dissatisfied face.

Sun Chuanting let out a long breath, "Who says it's not? Once the troops are divided, Zhao's troops will drive straight into Henan. If there are no soldiers to stop Henan, Henan will be taken by Zhao's troops in an instant. At that time, even if you regret it, it will be too late."

"But this is the decree of the imperial decree. What should we do? If we write the letter at this time, I am afraid it will be too late. According to the report from the spies in front, Zhao thief is less than three days away from the Yellow River defense line. Even if we write the letter, the time is too late." Not enough!

If we obey the will, the soldiers and horses we have managed to pull together will be destroyed.But if you don't obey it, you are resisting the order and not obeying it.Once the war is lost at that time, you and I will definitely go to Caishikou in the capital! "Wu Xuan looked anxiously at Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting frowned tightly, forming a word for Sichuan.

"It's not right to divide the troops, and it's not true to not divide the troops. Why does Your Majesty like to fix this kind of thing? Alas!" Sun Chuanting sighed, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Chongzhen in history liked to do this kind of remote commanding.

The reason why Sun Chuanting was defeated by Li Zicheng in history has a huge relationship with Chongzhen.

At that time, Sun Chuanting's soldiers and horses were exhausted, and the food was not delivered. Sun Chuanting was guarding Tongguan, intending to avoid his edge, supplementing food and soldiers before fighting Li Zicheng.

But Chongzhen's temperament of intervening and commanding was fully exposed at this time. He issued several imperial edicts to force Sun Chuanting to leave the customs for a decisive battle.

Sun Chuanting had no choice but to lead his troops out of the pass for a decisive battle.

As a result, Sun Chuanting was cut off by Li Zicheng because the grain road was too long, and was finally defeated by Li Zicheng.

In the hands of Sun Chuanting is the last elite of the Ming Dynasty, if there is a change, the country of the Ming Dynasty will be in danger.

History is so similar. In history, Sun Chuanting held the last elite of Ming Dynasty, was finally persecuted by Chongzhen, and defeated by Li Zicheng.

Now Sun Chuanting still has the last elite of Ming Dynasty in his hands, and was forced by such a bullshit order issued by Chongzhen.

"My lord, what should we do now? What should we do?" Wu Zhen looked at Sun Chuanting anxiously.

Sun Chuanting gritted his teeth, "Let's ignore the first order, let's implement the second order first, and pass on His Majesty's order first, so that all prefectures and counties in Henan will move their food and supplies in the direction of the capital."

 Thanks for the reward from the sunshine of summer, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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