Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 589 You are not allowed to spread the word

Chapter 589 You are not allowed to spread the word

"Returning to my lord, there are 30 people. These people didn't even resist after seeing our Yebushu, they just ran away. Our people were not familiar with the surrounding terrain on the way of chasing, and they were afraid that they would not be able to catch up, so they shot .

A total of 29 were killed, and the last one was wounded by us and ran away.By the time we caught up, the man was already dead! "The thousand households replied.

"Thirty people, but one was not caught alive? Don't tell me that you are not familiar with the terrain. Before, our people have already figured out the surrounding terrain. Now you tell me that there is no one alive. Grab it, and say that it is not familiar with the terrain.

I think you are arrogant and arrogant, and you don't know the depth of your heart.I can forgive you for this mistake, if this kind of thing happens again, don't blame me! "Song Hu said coldly.

"Obey!" Qianhu looked at Song Hu tremblingly, and hurriedly replied.

"Okay, I will send out all the Ye Buchai in the general, and don't let them go anywhere around. Remember, don't take the initiative to attack the military forts on the Yellow River defense line. Our purpose is not to break through these military forts, as long as the military forts If these defenders haven't come out, don't bother with them!" Song Hu said.

Qianhu cupped his fists at Song Hu and shouted, "Obey!"

After saying that, Qianhu turned and left.

In ancient wars, when encountering cities, they basically took these cities down, and then attacked the next place.

If you don't take down this city and choose to bypass it, then on the way to march, it is easy to be cut off by the defenders in this city, or be surrounded by soldiers and horses that the defenders in the next city will attack.

However, these things were nothing to Song Hu at all.

Although Song Hu didn't carry heavy weapons, the weapons equipped by the soldiers were not bad. In addition, the cavalry were lightly armed, so there was no need to be afraid of being encircled by these troops.

As for military rations, canned food is easy to carry, and the canned food that Song Hu carried was enough to last him for seven or eight days.

After seven or eight days, Zhao Wen will lead the army across the defense line of the Yellow River, and there will be no need to worry about the food problem at that time.


The sun gradually set on the western mountain, and the moon slowly rose from the horizon.

Although it is already mid-March, the weather is still a bit cold.

Song Hu's military camp was placed about ten miles north of the first military fort.

Song Hu was sitting in his big tent, with a table in front of him, and a map of Henan on the table.

Song Hu looked at the map of Henan, holding a charcoal pencil in his right hand, marking on the map.

Song Hu sent out about 2000 people at night, and these 2000 people covered a radius of [-] miles around Song Hu.

The sound of horseshoes kept ringing outside the first military castle.

Sun Hai stood on the wall, not daring to go back to sleep. All the soldiers in the city stood on the wall, looking out of the city vigilantly.

"My lord, there have been seven or eight waves of bandit soldiers passing by our military fort since it got dark. It seems that the large army of bandit soldiers is not far away from us." A hundred households stood behind Sun Hai, Said with a worried face.

Sun Hai looked solemn, "Our strength is not comparable to that of bandit soldiers, we can only hide in the city at this time, if we go out at this time, we will be defeated by these people in an instant.

However, I don't understand why Yebushou didn't launch a tentative attack on us these days, but walked around us instead?This is not normal, don't they want to find out the number of defenders in our military fort? "

"My lord, these bandits have never suffered a defeat since they followed Zhao bandits, and these bandits must be very arrogant at this time.

This is a group of arrogant soldiers, could it be that they didn't take our military fort seriously? "A hundred households replied.

"Impossible. Bandit Zhao's bandit soldiers are not Li Zicheng's bandit soldiers, and bandit Zhao is not Li Zicheng. If it is really because of this reason, they should attack us directly instead of choosing to go around.

What exactly do these bandit soldiers want to do, what is Zhao bandit thinking in his heart.Alas, it's a pity that our strength is not strong enough to catch these thieves at night.If you can catch a few thieves and never stop them at night, things will be much clearer! "Sun Hai's eyes were fixed on the outside of the city, not daring to relax for a moment.

It's not that Sun Hai didn't want to send Ye Bushou out, it was really impossible to get out.

If Ye Bushou is sent out at this time, I am afraid that Ye Bushou from outside the city will rush in as soon as the city gate is opened, and the military fort will be breached without any suspense.

At the same time, more than 30 miles southwest of the military fort, the wall of a military fort was covered with torches.

There were many guards on the city wall, and all the soldiers tightly held the weapons in their hands, looking out of the city vigilantly.

"Damn it, really damn it! Judging by this posture, I'm afraid Zhao's army is not far from the Yellow River line of defense."

On the top of the city, a man in his thirties looked at Ye Bushou who was constantly cruising outside the city, cursing angrily.

"I really didn't expect Zhao thief to be so fast!"

This thirty-year-old man was the garrison of this military fort. The number of defenders in the military fort was about the same as the number of soldiers under Sun Hai's command, about four hundred.

This big man is called Jin Tiesheng, he is a veteran who escaped from Shanxi with Wu Tong, and fought against soldiers under Zhao Wen's command.

Jin Tiesheng looked at Yebushou outside the city, his teeth creaking.

"My lord, what should we do now? How about sending some Ye Bu Shou out and grab some tongues!" A hundred households looked at Ye Bu Shou cruising outside the city, and looked at Jin Tiesheng.

Jin Tiesheng shook his head, "I fought against Zhao Bandit's soldiers back then, and Zhao Bandit's soldiers and horses are simply not something we people can compete with.

Let me tell you this, our 1000 men can't beat Zhao Thief's 50 men.This group of people is a hundred times more difficult to deal with than Jian Nu, and the weapons in their hands are really terrifying.

Although the city walls of Taiyuan Mansion can't be said to be compared with the city walls of the Nine Borders Town, they are not so easy to break through.

However, under the attack of Zhao thief, he was broken by Zhao thief without holding on for a day.The cannon in Zhao thief's hand was so powerful that it could hit tens of miles away. When the shell hit the ground, it would explode. The explosion could reach a height of tens of feet. None of the soldiers within the range of the explosion could survive.

This is not the scariest thing, at least people are killed in an instant, without any pain.

What I am most afraid of is that kind of strange flame. Once that kind of flame is contaminated, no matter what method is used, there is no way to extinguish it. Even if it is splashed with water, it cannot be extinguished.It will keep burning until it burns out the people! "

As soon as Jin Tiesheng remembered the scene he encountered in Taiyuan Mansion, his face became terrified.

That scene back then left a terrifying impression on Jin Tiesheng, even now, Jin Tiesheng can't forget it for a long time.

"My lord, is what you said true? Is that kind of flame really that terrifying?" The hundred households standing behind Jin Tiesheng looked at Jin Tiesheng in horror.

These hundreds of households were basically recruited by Sun Chuanting from Henan. He only knew that Zhao Wen was powerful, but he had never fought against Zhao Wen.

Now when I heard Jin Tiesheng's words, I was instantly terrified.

In the eyes of these people, water and fire are incompatible, as long as it is fire, it can be extinguished by water.They really can't imagine what kind of fire it is that can't be extinguished by water.

When Jin Tiesheng recalled Zhao Wen's weapon, he couldn't help but amplified the power of Zhao Wen's weapon a lot. This expansion scared these hundreds of households even more.

"I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing. This is what I have seen with my own eyes. The strength of Zhao thief is beyond your imagination. I heard that Zhao thief is not human!" Jin Tiesheng turned around and looked at these hundreds of households. Reaching out surges with fear.

"What? It's not a person? If it's not a person, what is it?"

When Baihu behind him heard this, he panicked instantly.

"That's right, he's not human. Although I haven't met Zhao Wen, I've heard it from others.

Legend has it that Zhao Wen was ten feet tall and ten feet wide, taller than the city wall.He has horns on his head, can breathe fire, and can spit water.He eats ten children every day and drinks a river every day.It is said that Yanmen Pass was shattered by his slap. "

The more Jin Tiesheng said, the more outrageous and bizarre he became, until he finally portrayed Zhao Wen as a monster.

"Ah, ah, ah, isn't this a monster? Is this a monster? Can we fight it? If Zhao Wen came here, wouldn't he be able to swallow our military fort in one bite!"

"Yeah, this is the monster. How can we be the opponent of the monster when we fight against the monster?"

Listening to Jin Tiesheng's voice, hundreds of households around were discussing with fear.

The soldiers around couldn't help but put their ears to Jin Tiesheng's side, listening to Jin Tiesheng's voice nervously.

"Who says it's not? We are no match for Bandit Zhao!" Jin Tiesheng shook his head.

"Then what should we do?"

"Yes, my lord, what shall we do?"

Jin Tiesheng looked at these people and said, "What else can I do? Play by ear, I can only say play by ear!"

Jin Tiesheng did not bluntly say surrender or run away, but all the words revealed this meaning.

"You are my subordinates. I can't just watch you being killed by Thief Zhao. You should pretend you didn't hear what I said tonight. If anyone dares to reveal it, don't blame me for turning my back on you!" Jin Tiesheng half-closed his eyes, glanced at these hundreds of households fiercely, and threatened.

"Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely not tell what happened tonight."

"My lord is for our sake, we will definitely not betray you!"

"That's right, if anyone dares to betray your lord, they will not let the brothers live, and we will never spare them!"

The hundreds of households around hurriedly explained their position.

Jin Tiesheng nodded, "Okay, as long as I can escape this catastrophe, I will bring you delicious and spicy food!"

Jin Tiesheng didn't have the determination to defend the military fort at all. Jin Tiesheng had fought against Zhao Wen's subordinates, had seen Zhao Wen's strength, and knew the horror of Zhao Wen's weapons, so he said these words.

When Jin Tiesheng was appointed by Sun Chuanting to guard the fort, he already had this thought in his heart, but at that time, because Zhao Wen hadn't sent troops yet, he didn't show it.

Now that Zhao Wen sent troops, and nights were everywhere outside the city, the fear in Jin Tiesheng's heart became more and more serious, and his thoughts of running for his life became more and more intense.


At night, Xiahe Henan Mansion is extremely quiet, and soldiers on watch patrol pass by the streets and alleys in the city from time to time.

The moon in the sky was covered by a dark cloud, and the whole world suddenly dimmed.

The watchman beat the broken gong in the streets and alleys, and the long sound was heard far away.

Under the cloud of war, the city was terribly quiet at night, and even the thieves who were stealing chickens and dogs were restrained a lot.

Because of the approach of Zhao Wen's army, in the past few days, Sun Chuanting sent out all his soldiers to watch the night in the city to prevent Zhao Wen's spies from entering.

At this time, Sun Chuanting was sitting in the study of the governor's yamen, lying on the desk, writing some plans for defending the city and how to deal with the enemy.

The candles in the room were burning quietly, flickering and emitting a spark from time to time.

Sun Chuanting put down the writing brush in his hand, glanced at the candle that was about to burn out, and then took out a new candle from the bamboo basket under the desk to replace the candle that was about to burn out.

After finishing all this, Sun Chuanting picked up the cold tea on the table and poured it directly into his stomach.

Sun Chuanting rubbed his temples, forcing himself to be more energetic.

"Hey, 20 troops! Now I don't know how Zhao's 20 troops are arranged. If the 20 troops directly attack Henan, no matter what method is used, there is no way to stop Zhao's thief.

What is the origin of this thief Zhao, and where did he get these weird weapons? The horror is really unbelievable.

Is it true that he is a fairy in the sky, just like the rumors? Sun Chuanting stared blankly at the candles on the table, muttering to himself with worry.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the door of the study room rang suddenly, and a deep voice came in.

"Master, let's have some supper!" A middle-aged servant stood outside the door of the study, holding a food box in his hand, and said in a low voice while knocking on the door lightly.

"The door is unlocked, come in!" Sun Chuanting looked at the door of the study and yawned.

The servant pushed open the door of the study, walked in, and put the food box in his hand on the desk.

"Master, you have been working continuously for several hours, it's time to rest!"

The servant opened the food box, took out the food inside and put it on the table, while admonishing Sun Chuanting.

"Alas!" Chief Sun Chuanting sighed, "Rest? Everyone can rest at this time, but I can't.

Wen Xiangong said it well, the country has supported scholars for 20 and [-] years, and the day of righteous death is today.

Your Majesty treats me well, and I can't be ashamed of treating him with respect.How can I sleep now that the army of Zhao thieves is right in front of me? "

"But master, if you can't maintain your health well, how can you repay the emperor's favor?" The servant put the food in the food box on the desk neatly, and persuaded him.

 Thank you for your monthly ticket support, thank you for your love.Let me declare, it's not that I don't want to add updates, I really can't spare the time.There are things to do during the day, and only time code words at night.In addition, I have suffered from chronic pharyngitis recently, and my body is a little uncomfortable, so the speed of coding will be much slower.So, please forgive me! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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