Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 591 It really is rotten to the root

Chapter 591 It really is rotten to the root
"As expected, I guessed correctly, this group of people just wanted to go around the military fort on the Yellow River defense line!" Sun Chuanting looked at the soldiers led by Song Hu outside the city, and murmured.

As he spoke, Sun Chuanting frowned tightly.

"Oops!" Sun Chuanting suddenly slapped his thigh and screamed.

Wu Xuan hurriedly looked at Sun Chuanting, "My lord? What's the matter?"

"Behind the Yellow River defense line is Huaiqing Mansion, and the army from Henan Mansion has not yet reached Huaiqing Mansion. Judging by the posture of these people, they will definitely reach Anqing Mansion before noon tomorrow. If they meet them halfway, the army will Isn't it over?
There are a total of 2 troops coming out of Henan Mansion. If these 2 people encounter these cavalrymen halfway, how can they survive? "Sun Chuanting's face changed drastically, and he looked in the direction of Huaiqing Mansion with a worried face.

When Wu Hao heard this, his face became serious, "Your Excellency is right, these are cavalry, and the soldiers from Henan are all infantry. Infantry is not enough when facing cavalry, not to mention that these cavalry are still Zhao Thieves' cavalry! So what shall we do now? Send someone back to inform them?"

Sun Chuanting shook his head and asserted: "No, if you go out at this time, you will definitely meet these cavalrymen, and the troops we send out will definitely not be able to pass the news back."

"Then what should we do? Just watch the [-] army be wiped out by these cavalry? If the [-] army is wiped out by these cavalry, then Henan will really be gone!" Wu Zhen became anxious, with an anxious expression on his face .

Sun Chuanting kept sweating on his forehead. He looked at the cavalry outside the city and his face became flustered.

The soldiers who came out of Henan Mansion could not suffer any losses. If these soldiers were defeated, there would be no more soldiers in Henan.

Although Sun Chuanting had hoarded [-] soldiers and horses on the Yellow River defense line, these soldiers and horses were stationed in various military forts, and they could not move at all. If they moved, it would be equivalent to destroying the Yellow River defense line.

The defense of the Yellow River has cost Sun Chuanting a lot of energy and money. If it is for nothing, Sun Chuanting will not accept this fact.

Sun Chuanting's 20 troops were defending the Henan Mansion, but he did not expect Zhao Wen's menacing attack this time, sending [-] soldiers, so he had to mobilize the [-] troops to the Yellow River defense line.

In Sun Chuanting's view, once the 20 troops cross the Yellow River defense line, no matter how many soldiers and horses there are in the Henan government, it will not help.

"What should I do now? What should I do now? What should I do now?" Sun Chuanting walked back and forth on the city wall, his face full of worry.

If you send someone out to inform, you will be killed by the cavalry outside the city.

If you don't send troops to notify, once your [-] army encounters these cavalry, it will definitely be swallowed up by these cavalry.

"A dilemma, a dilemma, a real dilemma!" Sun Chuanting looked at the cavalry outside the city with a troubled expression on his face.

At this time, no matter how Sun Chuanting handled this matter, he could not handle it well.

"My lord, why didn't you deploy these soldiers from Henan Province on the Yellow River defense line?" Wu Yan looked at Sun Chuanting.

"Oh!" Sun Chuanting sighed, "You think I don't want to place these soldiers on the Yellow River line of defense?

It's not that I don't want to place these soldiers on the Yellow River defense line, but that I simply can't place these soldiers on the Yellow River defense line.

Not to mention the reason for defending Henan Mansion, it is not a simple matter to transport supplies to these military forts on the Yellow River defense line.

There are dozens of large and small military fortresses on the Yellow River defense line. It is not easy to deliver supplies. Now, the supply of 3 people is already my limit. If I pull these 2 people to the Yellow River defense line, how do you ask me to send them? Supplies delivered?
If the supplies cannot be delivered, the Yellow River defense line will collapse before Zhao Wen arrives! "

"My lord, why don't we send troops to inform the army after the cavalry outside the city pass by? It's getting late now, and there aren't just one or two cavalrymen. The scale should be around 1.

They will definitely camp and sleep at night. At that time, we can let the soldiers go forward at night and pass the news to the army from Henan Province. " Wu Zhen said.

"Oh, this is the only way!" Sun Chuanting really couldn't think of any other way, so he had to agree with Wu Sheng, which was not a way.

When the sun set on the western mountain, the sky gradually darkened.

Song Hu pulled the reins of the horse in his hand suddenly, forcing the horse to stop.

"Send the order, set up camp at the same place, rest for one night, and approach Henan Mansion tomorrow!" Song Hu looked at the orderly beside him and shouted loudly.

The orderly who followed him took his orders and headed around.

An hour later, a simple camp was set up.

Song Hu sat in his big tent, looking at the map on the table in front of him.

"Thirty miles ahead is Jiyuan, and seventy miles past Jiyuan is Qinyang. Qinyang is the capital city of Huaiqing Mansion, and it is less than two hundred miles away from Luoyang, the capital city of Henan Mansion. If we hurry up, we can get there within a day and a half You will be able to reach Henan Province."

Song Hu looked at the map in front of him and muttered to himself.

The march of large-scale cavalry is different from the march of small cavalry. The speed of large-scale cavalry is not as fast as that of small cavalry.

After all, when there are many people and the speed is fast, it is inevitable that there will be a situation of falling behind.

In order to avoid this situation, the speed of large-scale cavalry will be slower than that of small-scale cavalry.

In addition, Song Hu chose to take a detour, so the time was slower than that of Sun Chuanting.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting could reach the end of the Yellow River defense line from Henan Mansion in one night, while Song Hu needed one and a half days.

Although the quality of Song Hu's war horse was much better than that of Sun Chuanting's, this kind of thing could not be avoided.

Seeing this, Song Hu said to the guards standing in the big tent: "Let all the counselors from thousands of households in the army come to see me!"

A personal guard in the big tent cupped his hands at Song Hu, and then ran out of the big tent.

Not long after, Qianhu in the army and the counselors at the first level of Qianhu came to the big tent.

Song Hu sat on the main seat, looked at the generals in the big tent, and said: "Our place is less than thirty miles away from Jiyuan County, and the distance from Jiyuan to Huaiqing Mansion is less than seventy miles. It's only a hundred miles away.

The distance from Jiyuan to Henan Mansion is less than two hundred miles, and the total distance is less than three hundred miles.Let all the soldiers have a good rest tonight, feed the horses enough food, and at the same time give the horses more salt.

Before noon the day after tomorrow, we must arrive at the city of Henan Fu.Do you understand? "

Song Hu looked around, suddenly stood up, and shouted loudly.


The generals in the army roared in unison, and the momentum shook the sky.

Song Hu nodded, "Okay, you guys go down!"


At the same time, Wen Tiren was lying in the guest room of an inn in Anyang County, where the capital city of Zhangde Prefecture in Henan Province is located.

He lay quietly on the bed in the guest room, although he closed his eyes, he couldn't fall asleep.

Zhangde Mansion is close to Beizhili, not far from the capital.

Now Wen Tiren has become a loner, and all the beggar soldiers brought from the Beijing camp ran away halfway, and there was not one left.

As for the military salary that Chongzhen promised to give him, all the soldiers in the Beijing camp swallowed it up.

The current warmth and benevolence is called every day should not be, called the ground is not effective.

"Alas, alas, alas!"

Wen Tiren lay on the bed, sighing incessantly. "If I had come to Henan before, not to mention that the governor of Henan would have greeted me in person, at least all the officials in Zhangde Mansion would have come to welcome me.

However, since entering Zhangde Mansion this morning until now, no official from the mansion has come to welcome me.

It's really a tiger falling in Pingyang and being bullied by dogs, and a dragon swimming in the shallows being teased by shrimps.Helpless, helpless! "

Wen Tiren lay on the bed unable to sleep, thinking about things in his mind.The more I think about it, the more I can't sleep, the more I can't sleep, the more I think about it.

The moonlight outside the window fell on Wen Tiren's body through the window, and the bright moonlight made him unable to sleep even more.

Wen Tiren sat up, put on a cloak, walked out of the door, and came to the yard outside.

As soon as he walked out of the room, the cold hit his face, and Wen Tiren shivered involuntarily.

Wen Tiren stood in the yard, looked at the moon in the sky, and murmured: "I don't know if Bandit Zhao launches an attack at this time? If he launches an attack, then I will walk slowly, lest I go too fast and lose my life!"

Wen Tiren didn't want to die, let alone die on the battlefield.

Zhangde Mansion is relatively far from the Yellow River defense line, so Sun Chuanting's order has not yet reached Zhangde Mansion at this time.The people in Zhangde's mansion naturally didn't know the news that Zhao thief had arrived at the Yellow River defense line. They only knew that Zhao Wen had sent 20 troops into Shanxi.

Zhangde Mansion is close to the capital city, and there are more wealthy households in the mansion.

Although it was already night, the wealthy households in Zhangde Mansion have not been exempted for a long time.

On the North Street of Anyang County, the prefectural city of Zhangde Prefecture, there is an inn called "Wenchun Pavilion".

It is said to be an inn, but it is actually a fireworks building.

Although it is already night, the lights inside are still brightly lit.

The Wenchun Pavilion was built along the street, and it was built with cement a long time ago, with a total of four floors.

On the top floor of the fireworks building, there is a hall that can accommodate 60 to [-] people. At this time, the hall is full of wealthy households of all sizes in Anyang County.

At the head of the hall sat a middle-aged man with a long beard on his chin and inverted triangular eyes.

The middle-aged man was wearing a Tianxia Datong hat and a round-neck shirt, and he looked quite elegant.

This person is the magistrate of Zhangde Prefecture, named Yuan Shenyan.

Sitting at Yuan Shenyan's starting position were seven or eight middle-aged men who looked like scholars, and these middle-aged men were officials in the prefecture of Zhangde Prefecture.

Sitting below are wealthy gentry in the prefecture of Changde Prefecture.

Wenchun Hall is a place of fireworks, but the strange thing is that there is not a single woman in the hall at this time.

Yuan Shenyan stroked the beard on his chin, and said firstly, "The price of food in the city has been going up and up in the past few days, and now it has reached eight taels of silver per stone!"

"Hey, magistrate, now that Zhao bandits have sent 20 troops into Shanxi, it is normal for food prices to soar at such a juncture, after all, natural disasters and man-made disasters are beyond our control.

In the past few years, there have been many natural disasters, and the food has been decreasing every year. Coupled with the pressure of the Zhao thief, it is normal for food prices to soar! "

As soon as Yuan Shenyan's voice fell, a gentleman stood up with a smile on his face.

"You're right. There have been many natural disasters in the past few years, and now that the bandits Zhao are pressing, it's normal for food prices to be higher!" Yuan Shenyan stroked the beard on his chin with a smile.

"Now there are tens of thousands of stones of old grain in the Changping warehouse of Zhangde Mansion. I wonder which gentry can help me sell these grains?"

Yuan Shenyan looked at the gentry in the hall without hiding anything.

Changping granary is a granary set up by the ancient court to adjust grain prices, store grain in preparation for shortages, and supply food for the government and the people.

The main function of Changping warehouse is to stabilize grain prices and stabilize people's hearts.

Generally speaking, if the price of grain in the market is too low, the people's grain cannot be sold at a price.

At this time, the local government stepped in to appropriately increase the price of grain and buy a large amount of grain from the people.

If the price of grain in the market is too high, the local government will step in at this time to appropriately reduce the price and sell the grain in the Changping warehouse.

The constant level warehouse policy not only avoids "cheap grain hurts the farmers", but also prevents "high grain hurts the people".In terms of stabilizing food prices and stabilizing people's hearts, Changping warehouse has a huge effect.

However, ideals are good, but reality is cruel.In most cases, the Changping warehouse not only failed to play its due role, but even became the hardest-hit area for government-business collusion to resell grain.

And this Yuan Shenyan is even better at reselling grain. During his time as the magistrate of Zhangde Prefecture, he resold more than half of the Changping warehouse in Zhangde Prefecture.

Originally, the grain in the Changping warehouse in Zhangde Mansion was used by Yuan Shenyan to deal with the old grain left over from the inspection by the superiors, but after seeing the soaring price of grain in the recent period, Yuan Shenyan focused on these pressured On the grain at the bottom of the box.


"My lord, I can!"

"My lord, I can too!"

As soon as Yuan Shenyan finished speaking, the gentry in the hall were scrambling to grab the food, for fear that they would not be able to grab the food.

Yuan Shenyan looked at this scene with a smile on his old face.

Among the gentry in the hall, sat a man in his 30s wearing a blue T-shirt.

He looked at the scene in front of him without any expression on his face.

"Hehe, it's really rotten to the root. The dignified magistrate openly resells the food in the Changping warehouse. It's simply lawless. Hmph, when the army of the commander-in-chief arrives at the gate of Zhangde Mansion, how can you moths laugh?" Come out?" The man sneered and scolded the people in front of him over and over in his heart.

"Brother Wen, you have a cement road in your hand, and you have earned a lot of money in Zhangde Mansion in the past few years. You can't compete with me this time!" A middle-aged man sitting next to the man looked at it with a smile on his face. Looking at the man, but his eyes are full of vigilance, but he hides all this very well.

"Hehe, grab it with you? Pooh, what the hell!" The man cursed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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