Chapter 593 Brothers, Kill

Zhang Taichu was wearing a coir raincoat. The 45-year-old was tired after walking in the rain for a long time.

Looking at the raindrops falling from the sky, he couldn't help sighing, "Oh, how should we fight this battle? 20 troops, this is 20 troops!"

Zhang Taichu knew that he shouldn't say such things before the battle, but Zhao Wen had too many troops this time.

"General, I'm afraid we are not Zhao's opponent!" The guard commander who was following Zhang Taichu looked at Zhang Taichu with a worried expression on his face.

Zhang Taichu sighed, "Zhao Bandit has an army of 20, how many do we have? We are only 5 people, how can such a small number of people in our hands be the opponent of Zhao Bandit?"

"Since we are not Zhao's opponent, why are we running to die?" The guard commander knew that his words were taboo, so he was a little cautious.

"Run to die? Do you think we won't die if we don't go? If we don't go, and the Master Supervisor knows, can the Master Supervisor spare us?

Master Superintendent holds the Shangfang sword, and there are [-] troops on the Yellow River defense line.If we don't go, Master Supervisor can't deal with Thief Zhao, and can't deal with us?

Besides, even if we don't go, can we prevent Zhao thief from attacking us?Sometimes, I know that certain things cannot be done, but I have to bite the bullet and do it!

And the supervisor is not mean to us, can we do such ungrateful things? Zhang Taichu looked at the commander of the guards and retorted.

"Okay, stop talking about this, let's go!" Zhang Taichu waved his hands and walked forward.

Li Tianhe, Zhang Taichu and Song Hu's men and horses were heading towards each other, and the distance between the two sides was constantly shortening.

Song Hu was sitting on the horse, looking forward, and the whip in his hand kept whipping towards the horse's buttocks.

The next morning, Song Hu was galloping on horseback, and stopped in front of Song Hu on his horse for several nights.

"My lord, there is a large group of enemy troops ahead, and it looks like they are going to reinforce the Yellow River defense line!" Yi Ye Bu Shuo rode on his horse and shouted at Song Hu at the top of his voice.

Song Hu's eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly, "Haha, I didn't expect to meet the enemy at this time, I really didn't expect it."

Song Hu looked at the messenger who was following him, "Order the entire army, prepare for battle, speed up, and wipe out the enemy troops ahead within two hours!"

Following Song Hu's order, the cavalry led by Song Hu rushed towards Li Tianhe and the others screaming.

The horse's hooves stepped on the muddy official road, making a dull sound.

After a few nights, he came to Li Tianhe with his injuries, "My lord, it's too bad, Bandit Zhao is here!"

When Li Tianhe heard this, the hairs on his body stood up, "Impossible, impossible, there is no news from the front, how could Zhao thief come in at this time, it is absolutely impossible!"

"My lord, it's absolutely true. We met Zhao Thief's Ye Bu Shou ahead. Their Ye Bu Shou is so powerful that we can't deal with it at all." Yi Ye Bu Shou shouted at Li Tianhe.

He was shot in the left arm, and for various reasons, the bullet missed the bone.

Blood flowed from the wound on his left arm, staining the clothes on his arm red.

Because of the blood loss, his face turned pale this night.

Li Tianhe looked at the blood on Ye Bushou's left arm, his heart was beating violently.

Everything that happened in Taiyuan Mansion appeared before his eyes again.

"What should I do now? What should I do now?" Li Tianhe panicked all of a sudden, despite the fact that he now has [-] soldiers in his hands, the fear of Zhao Wen has already penetrated deep into his heart.

"General, what should we do?" The Qianhu officials who followed Li Tianhe also became anxious.

Li Tianhe withdrew his mind, and hurriedly shouted to the messenger beside him: "Stop advancing, and at the same time inform Zhang Taichu to speed up.

2 horsemen and soldiers joined together to form a circular formation, ready to face the enemy! "

The messenger didn't care to salute Li Tianhe, so he ran back in a hurry.

It didn't take long for Zhang Taichu to get the news from the messenger.

Zhang Taichu was sitting on the horse, his face was full of anxiety.

"Hurry up and inform, speed up and catch up, Zhao thief is not so easy to deal with!" Zhang Taichu yelled.

The messengers hurried back with Zhang Taichu's order.

A few quarters of an hour later, Zhang Taichu's team speeded up and rushed towards Li Tianhe.

Li Tianhe's team also stopped completely and began to form slowly.

When Zhang Taichu's team completely caught up, Song Hu had already seen them before they started to line up.

Song Hu looked at the soldiers who were lining up in the rain ahead, his face was full of excitement.

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I got credit for it!" Song Hu pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, forcing the horse to stop.

"Order the entire army to stop the advance of the troops in front and wait for the troops in the rear. After the troops are assembled, launch an attack on the enemy in front."

Song Hu looked up to the sky and shouted, "Brothers, if you have meritorious service, let's send it to your door. Let's not waste it. Brothers, we must defeat the enemy army in front of us in the shortest possible time!"

Song Hu's words made the surrounding soldiers cheer.

They waved their whips, crackling one after another.

Generally speaking, the best time for cavalry to deal with infantry is when the infantry has not yet finished forming.

However, for Song Hu, the result was the same whether Li Tianhe and the others lined up or not.

With the support of powerful weapons, no matter who they are, Song Hu has the confidence to defeat them.

"No, the enemy has already rushed up, speed up!" Li Tianhe looked at the cavalry not far ahead, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly urged the messenger.

Not long after, Song Hu's cavalry had all assembled.

At this time, Li Tianhe's team hadn't finished forming yet.

Song Hu looked at the unfinished military formation in front of him, and shouted, "Brothers, charge with the wild goose wing formation, charge for me!"

Song Hu gave an order, and the cavalry rushed towards Li Tianhe and the others like a tiger descending the mountain.

The hoofs of the horses trampled on the muddy road, making a muffled sound.

Li Tianhe looked at the cavalry who had rushed over, his face was full of defeat.

He glanced back at the unfinished military formation, looked up to the sky and sighed, "It's over, it's over, it's all over!"

As the Song Hu cavalry continued to approach, Li Tianhe's army began to commotion.

Some recruits who had never been on the battlefield looked at the cavalry rushing forward, their legs trembling constantly, and some soldiers dropped their weapons directly, turned around and ran away.

The supervisor team in the team saw the fleeing soldiers, hurriedly chased them, killed these deserters, cut off their heads, held them in their hands, and returned to the army formation.

"Whoever dares to be a deserter will end up like this!" An officer with a deserter's head in his hand shouted at these soldiers.

The killing seemed to be effective. Under the killing, although the soldiers panicked, the number of deserters decreased sharply.

"Kill!" Song Hu grabbed the horse's reins with his left hand, held the big black star in his right hand, and fired a shot into the sky, shouting frantically.

Song Hu fought on the battlefield for many years, although he killed many enemies, but at this moment, Song Hu still couldn't suppress his inner excitement.

As the distance between the two sides continued to approach, Song Hu's excitement became more and more intense.

When the distance between the two sides was less than one mile, Li Tianhe and Zhang Taichu's army formation had not yet completed.

Li Tianhe couldn't care less, and hurriedly shouted at the messenger behind him: "Let the archers and pikemen go up!"

When the formation began, the pikemen and archers had already begun to gather forward.

But Li Tianhe felt that their speed was too slow, so he urged them again.

The distance of one mile is short for the horses. When the horses came to the distance of less than 100 meters from Li Tianhe's army, there were only some pikemen and archers in front of Li Tianhe's army.

Song Hu could already see the panicked expressions on the faces of these pikemen and archers.

The spearmen looked at the cavalry rushing towards them, and hurriedly thrust the tail of the spears in their hands to the ground, pointing the spears obliquely forward.

The archers also hurriedly drew their bows and arrows, ready to attack.

However, there are only a small number of soldiers who are ready, and most soldiers are not ready yet.


Song Hu shouted again, then aimed the big black star in his hand at a soldier in front, and pulled the trigger.

At this time, Song Hu was less than 100 meters away from Li Tianhe's army formation.

Li Tianhe looked at the cavalry rushing forward, his face became more and more flustered.

The archer who was ready let go of the bowstring in his hand, and the arrow flew towards Song Hu.

However, the number of ready-made archers is really too small, and these arrows are like scratching an itch for Song Hu's opponent, without any feeling.

After a few breaths, Song Hu finally rushed into the spearmen and archers.

Before rushing in, the cavalry led by Song Hu pulled the trigger of the weapon in his hand.

Although the war horse was bumping endlessly and had a great impact on the alignment, the amount of compensation made up for it also caused a lot of casualties to Li Tianhe's men.

Song Hu's cavalry rushed towards Li Tianhe's team like a wild goose with its wings spread.

When Song Hu's cavalry rushed through the spear formation, Li Tianhe understood that the second battle had already been lost.

The cavalry under Song Hu's command rushed forward. When they did not rush into Li Tianhe's army, they attacked with the guns in their hands.

When they rushed in, they drew out the waist knives made of fine steel and hung on the horses to attack.

When Song Hu's cavalry rushed in, the teams of Li Tianhe and Zhang Taichu hadn't finished forming yet.

To the cavalry, the infantry that has not finished forming is just a piece of fat, without any threat at all.

Song Hu's cavalry divided the infantry like burning red kitchen knives into butter.

The fine steel waist knives in the hands of the cavalry kept slashing across the infantry, and every time they slashed, they would leave a deep and visible bone wound.

Some unlucky infantry were even directly hit by the horses.

The personal guards beside Li Tianhe hurriedly protected Li Tianhe in the middle, and began to retreat back non-stop.

Song Hu was like a fierce tiger. The weapon in his hand slashed across the neck of an infantryman, and blood gushed out from the wound in an instant, splashing Song Hu all over.

Song Hu didn't feel the blood at all, and even became more excited.

Song Hu controlled the horse to circle the infantry formation, slaughtering every soldier he could see.

Some of the cavalry went in too deep and slowed down.

At this time, they put away the waist knives in their hands, took out their weapons, and began to call the surrounding enemy troops by name.

Some cavalry even took out grenades under the protection of their comrades, swung their arms, and threw them into the enemy crowd.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of grenade explosions rang out endlessly, and each explosion could take away the lives of several enemy soldiers.

Some soldiers unloaded the 40 guns hung on the horseback, loaded the warheads and pulled the trigger on the enemy in front.

Because these cavalrymen were too excited, they forgot the operating regulations of 40 fire for a while. They didn't care about jumping off the horse, so they pulled the trigger of 40 fire.

Because the recoil force was too great, a large part of these cavalrymen who fired 40 fire were overturned from their horses by the recoil force.

After getting off their horses, they made quick adjustments, hurriedly took out another rocket warhead, and pulled the trigger again.

Because the ground was full of mud, the soldiers who fell off their horses were not injured, but their bodies were covered with mud.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Chi la chi la!"

The whistling sound of the rockets was like the chanting of the god of death, and each explosion could take away the lives of several enemy soldiers.

Zhang Taichu stared blankly at the continuously lit flames and the scene of flying blood and flesh, his face was full of sluggishness.

"This... this is just... Is it Zhao thief's strength?"

Zhang Taichu felt that he was dreaming and rubbed his eyes.

However, no matter how much he kneaded, the scene in front of him did not dissipate.

The war horse under his crotch began to neigh amidst the constant explosions, and the war horse became irritable.

"Hey Law!"

The war horse suddenly stood up, neighed, and struggled non-stop.

Zhang Taichu's legs were firmly clamped between the horse's belly, and his hands were firmly holding the horse's reins.He tried his best to control the horse.

However, how can the strength of a person compare with the strength of a war horse?
No matter how hard Zhang Taichu tried, he couldn't appease the war horse under his crotch.

"Hey Law!"

The war horse neighed again and jumped suddenly.

Zhang Taichu accidentally fell off the horse.

After Zhang Taichu fell down, he hurriedly rolled forward, releasing a lot of strength.

The guards on horses around them also had the same experience, and the horses under their crotches also broke free from their control and ran away.

Zhang Taichu's personal guard fell off the horse, stood up hastily, ran to Zhang Taichu, and helped Zhang Taichu up.

Zhang Taichu was supported by his personal guards, looking at the horses running away.


At this moment, a rocket fired from a 40 fire fell next to the horse.

The huge air wave generated by the explosion overturned the horse in an instant, and the fragments penetrated into the horse's body like a rainstorm.

The body of the war horse fell to the ground like a rag bag.

(End of this chapter)

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