Chapter 599
"By the way, do you have any brochures from Henan recently? It has been several days, and I don't know how the situation in Henan is, and what is the situation with thief Zhao now!" Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian, and asked road.

Gao Qiqian shook his head, "Your Majesty, in the past few days, I haven't seen the papers sent by Henan in the yamen such as the Silijian Tongzhengsi, and I haven't seen it in the [-]-mile rush!"

Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief, looked in the direction of Henan, and sighed: "Alas, the bandit Zhao has 20 troops, and Sun Aiqing only has 5 men, how can these 5 men resist the attack of Bandit Zhao?
The imperial decree I gave him before stated the method of resisting the Zhao thief. If Sun Aiqing deployed troops according to the content of the imperial edict, she might be able to hold the Zhao thief back. "

"My lord, Sun Dushi is one of the most capable ministers, with him here, we can definitely ensure that Henan is safe!" Gao Qiqian didn't know what else to say, so he said something that was neither salty nor bland.

Chongzhen also knew that Gao Qiqian was trying to comfort him, but now, he can only hope that Sun Chuanting can stop Zhao Wen.

Chongzhen yawned, picked up the hot tea on the table, and drank it down.

Chongzhen sat on a chair in the imperial study room, constantly adjusting his state.

However, no matter how he adjusted, the panic in his heart was always there, and no matter what, it couldn't disappear.

Chongzhen also had no intention of reviewing the memorial, he looked at Gao Qiqian, "Go, walk around the palace with me!"

After Chongzhen finished speaking, he stood up from his chair and walked outside.

Gao Qiqian bent down, replied, followed behind Chongzhen, and walked outside.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the imperial study, a gust of cold wind blew in.

Chongzhen shuddered, being sobered up by the cold wind.

"My lord, it's cold outside, why don't you wear a big cloak to go out?" Gao Qiqian asked.

Chongzhen shook his head, "No, a little wind can make my mind clearer."

Seeing that Chongzhen insisted on this, Gao Qiqian couldn't say anything more.

He looked at the little yellow gate standing at the entrance of the imperial study room, and said, "You guys hurry up and make some lanterns!"

The little yellow gate at the door saluted Chongzhen, and then walked to the back of the imperial study.

Not long after, these little yellow gates appeared at the entrance of the imperial study with palace lanterns.

Holding palace lanterns, these little yellow gates walked in front of Chongzhen with a bowed body, illuminating Chongzhen.

Gao Qiqian followed Chongzhen closely with several eunuchs.

Chongzhen was walking on the bluestone road in the palace, looking ahead with a pair of eyes.

The roads in the palace are basically paved with bluestone slabs, but not all, some places are paved with cement.It's just that it was paved very early, and it was paved when Zhao Wen didn't raise troops.

Chongzhen came to the imperial garden without knowing it, and the road outside the imperial garden was paved with cement.

Chongzhen stood on the road outside the imperial garden, he looked at the cement road under his feet, and said, "This is the cement road!"

"Back to the emperor, this is exactly the cement road. This cement road was paid by Zhao thief when he was just promoted to the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen..."

As Gao Qiqian spoke, he felt that something was wrong with what he said, before he finished speaking, he hastily closed his mouth.

Chongzhen was not angry because of this, but sighed, "Oh, it would be great if Zhao Wen didn't rebel? If Zhao Wen didn't rebel, then the current country would be as solid as gold."

Chongzhen felt that he was thinking too much while talking.

He smiled self-deprecatingly, "Hehe, I'm overthinking too. How could someone like Zhao Wen not rebel?"

"But my lord, a large part of the reason for Zhao's rebellion is that he was forced by Wen Tiren!" Gao Qiqian said.

"Hmph!" Chongzhen snorted coldly, turned around, looked at Gao Qiqian, and shouted: "What do you know? Even if Wen Tiren didn't force him, Bandit Zhao would rebel."

When Wen Tiren forced Zhao Wen to rebel, a large part of the reason was due to Chongzhen.

If you agree with Gao Qiqian's words and think that Zhao Wen's rebellion was forced by Wen Tiren, doesn't that mean that the reason why Zhao Wen rebelled was because of Chongzhen?

Chongzhen is a conceited person, it is impossible for him to admit such a thing.

Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian coldly, and shouted: "Pity Qin Huang Han Wu, a little less literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, a little less coquettish.

Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, only knew how to bow and shoot big eagles.

All going forward, count the romantic figures, but also look at the present.

This is Zhao Thief's poem. You should be able to figure out what he is talking about in this poem without explaining it.

What did he mean by the last sentence, don't you understand?
Comparing himself with Qin Huang, Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu, doesn't that mean what he means?Just from this poem, it can be seen that Zhao thief has long been rebellious.

If he hadn't rebelled, it would be impossible for him to write such a word.

There is also the previous sentence, wanting to compare with the Tiangong test.

What is Tiangong?Tiangong is the sky, the sky.I am the Son of Heaven, and he wants to compare himself with the heavens, so does he still see me as the Emperor?He also directly compares himself with the heavens, and directly ignores me.

For a man like him, it was only a matter of time before he rebelled. "

Chongzhen over-interpreted Zhao Wen's poem at that time, Chongzhen had a good memory, Zhao Wen only read this poem once, and Chongzhen memorized the whole poem.

Chongzhen thought he could not write such a majestic poem, so he was deeply impressed by this poem.

Seeing Chongzhen's unkind expression, Gao Qiqian hurriedly knelt down on the ground, trembling nonstop.

"The emperor's atonement!" Gao Qiqian kowtowed at Chongzhen, and hastily confessed.

"Huh!" Chongzhen snorted coldly, "It's an unintentional thing to say about you, I will forgive you today, and don't say such things in the future."

After Chongzhen finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and turned around.

Gao Qiqian took a deep breath and finally felt relieved.

Don't look at Gao Qiqian is now the favorite of Chongzhen, but if Chongzhen wants to punish him, it's just a matter of one sentence.

Cao Huachun, who was valued by the deep Chongzhen back then, was just a word from Chongzhen, which deprived him of his status, let alone Gao Qiqian now.

Gao Qiqian followed behind Chongzhen, tightly shut his mouth, not daring to speak nonsense.

The night wind blew, and the palace lantern in Xiaohuangmen's hand swayed non-stop.

The night wind blew over Chongzhen's body, lifting a corner of his clothes, revealing the clothes inside.

There are still a few patches that can be vaguely seen.

Chongzhen stopped, he felt the night wind blowing, and looked at the stars in the sky.

"I remember that there was a Westerner from the West in Qin Tianjian, named Tang Ruowang. He and Xu Guangqi worked out a new calendar. This is a capable person, but he disappeared later. Do you know where he went? ?” Chongzhen whispered.

Although Chongzhen didn't look back, Gao Qiqian understood that the words must be for himself.

Gao Qiqian replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, the factory guard once investigated Tang Ruowang after he disappeared. According to the results of the investigation, it seems that this person went to Xuanzhen."

"Xuanzhen?" Chongzhen narrowed his eyes, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Ah!" The murderous aura didn't last long, and all the anger of Chongzhen turned into a long sigh.

Chongzhen shook his head, "A barbarian is always a barbarian, and they don't know how to be loyal to the emperor and love the country."

"By the way, hasn't that trash Chen Xinjia come back yet? Now that Bandit Zhao has sent troops to Henan, it should be time for him to come back? Bandit Zhao can't kill him, right?" Chongzhen suddenly thought of letting him ask for peace. Chen Xinjia.

"Master Chen hasn't come back yet, I think Bandit Zhao won't kill him!" Gao Qiqian said cautiously.

At the same time, at a position forty miles to the west of the capital, a carriage was running wildly.

Beside the carriage, there were more than a dozen war horses closely following the carriage, and a powerful man with Kong Wu was sitting on the horses.

Chen Xinjia sat in the carriage, his face was full of worry, and he kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Have they caught up? How far is it from the capital?" Chen Xinjia shouted to the outside of the carriage.

The driver outside the carriage waved his whip, his heart hanging in the air, Chen Xinjia yelled a few times, but the driver didn't respond.

"What about you? Are you deaf?" Chen Xinjia shouted at the top of his voice.

At this moment, the coachman finally heard Chen Xinjia's voice clearly.

"Let me ask you, how far is it from the capital now? How far is the pursuer from us?" Chen Xinjia hastily repeated the question just now.

The coachman hurriedly shouted: "Master, we are now less than forty miles away from the capital, and the pursuers behind have not caught up. As for how far we are, I don't know."

When Chen Xinjia heard that the distance to the capital was less than forty miles, his hanging heart finally relaxed a lot.

"Hmph, damned Duke Ying, Duke Cheng, Marquis of Xining, Marquis of Zhenyuan, if I can return to the capital alive, I will definitely go to His Majesty to read a book for you, a bunch of extremely hateful beasts, a bunch of beasts!"

Sitting in the carriage, Chen Xinjia yelled with righteous indignation, his face was full of anger. At this time, Chen Xinjia was full of anger.

Chen Xinjia was also unlucky enough. He originally went to Xuanzhen to seek peace with Chongzhen's secret decree.

However, they only saw Zhao Wen, and the rest of the time was spent listening to the nonsense of Hong Chengchou and Liu Wenzhong, who had no intention of seeking peace at all.

Taking him around all day long, Chen Xinjia made indirect remarks several times, talking about the peace, but the two pretended not to hear it as if they didn't know about it.

Chen Xinjia's patience was gradually worn down, and he planned to have a showdown with them.

But just as he was preparing for a showdown, he heard that Zhao Wenbing sent 20 yuan to march into Shanxi.

As soon as Chen Xinjia heard the news, he understood that the matter of seeking peace was over.

Chen Xinjia wanted to return to Beijing when he knew that the matter of suing for peace was impossible to succeed.

However, Hong Chengchou and Liu Wenzhong tried every means to prevent him from returning to Beijing.

Just when Hong Chengchou and Chen Xinjia were about to let him go, he suddenly met someone from the capital.

These people who came from the capital were none other than Cheng Guogong and Yingying Gong, who were sent to prepare to surrender and come to contact Zhao Wen.

Originally, Chen Xinjia had no access to these people, but Hong Chengchou and Liu Wenzhong arranged a banquet and arranged them on a table.

It doesn't matter if they are arranged on the same table, after all, Chen Xinjia doesn't know the people sent by the Duke of Cheng and the UK.

Moreover, the people sent by Duke Cheng and Duke Ying rarely met Chen Xinjia, nor did they know Chen Xinjia.

However, how could Liu Wenzhong and Hong Chengchou let them go so easily.

Therefore, Hong Chengchou and Liu Wenzhong introduced the identities of these people one by one.

Now, Chen Xinjia was not calm anymore.

Good guy, the imperial court is not dead yet, you people just want to surrender?How can this be possible?Moreover, if I make this matter public, His Majesty will definitely remember me as a great credit.

Therefore, Chen Xinjia resigned to Liu Wenzhong in advance with this idea in mind.

Liu Wenzhong did not reject Chen Xinjia this time, and happily sent Chen Xinjia out of Xuanzhen, and also kept the troops sent by British Duke and Cheng Guogong for a few days.

Liu Wenzhong naturally hoped that Chen Xinjia would bring this news to Chongzhen.

When Chen Xinjia left for a day or two, Cheng Guogong and Yingying Gong also asked Liu Wenzhong to resign.

Liu Wenzhong reckoned that Chen Xinjia had left a day or two earlier, logically he should be arriving in the capital soon, so he released these people.

After these people left Xuan Town, they desperately chased and killed Chen Xinjia.

These people also understand that if Chen Xinjia exposes this matter, they will be finished.

These people are the confidantes of Duke Cheng of the United Kingdom and the others. Although they pulled several carts when they went to Xuan Town, they also rode good horses.

When they left Xuan Town, they threw away the cart that was carrying the goods, and chased and killed Chen Xinjia on their horses.

Judging from Chen Xinjia's speed, these people couldn't catch up with him, but the carriage broke down halfway, and it took half a day to repair the carriage, so these people caught up with him.

Chen Xinjia sat in the compartment of the carriage, his right hand firmly supported the inner wall of the compartment, and his left hand kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

About seven or eight miles behind Chen Xinjia, there were almost 50 knights chasing desperately.

"Catch up and kill Chen Xinjia. If he escapes back to the capital, then we will all be finished." A knight looked ahead and screamed loudly.

He waved the whip in his hand, and kept whipping towards the horse's buttocks.

As the distance from the capital got closer, the defenders on the walls of the capital also heard the sound of horseshoes.

In the dark night, especially when there are no tall buildings near the capital, and everything is quiet at night, the sound of these horseshoes can be heard far away, and they are still clearly visible.

"What sound? It seems to be the sound of horseshoes?" A soldier standing on the city wall heard the sound of horseshoes, and his face instantly became serious.

"Could it be Zhao thief who killed him?" A soldier standing beside him looked worriedly in the direction of the sound of horseshoes.

Following Zhao Wen's rise of troops, the defenders in the capital also became panicked, even to the point where they turned pale.

 Thank you book friend 20191004204610455, that ray of sunshine in summer, don’t give it a reward, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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