Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 604 What happened, Your Majesty?

Chapter 604 What happened, Your Majesty?
A few quarters of an hour later, Gao Qiqian brought soldiers from Jinyiwei, Dongchang and Yumajian to the city wall where the British Duke was.

At this time, the British justice was sitting in the gate of the city, with a table in front of him, and a teapot on the table.

From time to time, the British Duke picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of hot tea.

"Where are the soldiers and horses of Zhao thief here? Your Majesty is really worrying too much, and he has become like a frightened bird." The British Duke held a teacup, took a sip of tea, and said disapprovingly.

Behind him stood his personal guards. His personal guards were basically the children of the British government and belonged to the private property of the British government.

The armor on these personal guards is much better than that on ordinary soldiers.

At this moment, a messenger ran up from under the city wall and came to the British Duke.

"My lord, Eunuch Gao is here, and he's bringing soldiers and horses from the Imperial Horse Supervisor!" The messenger looked at the British lord.

"Gao Qiqian? What is he doing here at this time? He also brought the soldiers and horses of the Imperial Horse Supervisor? Is His Majesty worried that the old man will not be able to defend the city wall? What's more, there are no soldiers and horses of Bandit Zhao outside the city today."

The British Duke thought that Chongzhen didn't believe that he could keep the soldiers and horses, so he didn't think too deeply.

After a while, Gao Qiqian brought Jinyiwei, Dongchang and the infantry from the Yumajian to the place where the Duke of England was.

As for the cavalry in the imperial horse prison, they were arranged by Gao Qiqian under the city wall and near the city wall.

"Eunuch Gao, why did you bring the soldiers and horses from the Horse Supervisor here at this time? Doesn't your Majesty believe in this old man?" The British Duke watched Gao Qiqian approaching, stood up, and greeted him with a smile.

Although the Duke of England has been a nobleman for a hundred years, but now that he is a high-ranking and potential saint, the Duke of England has to give a little bit of respect.

"Haha!" Gao Qiqian laughed twice, "Master Guo, His Majesty may not trust other people, but he must trust you.

When His Majesty ascended the throne, the British government put in a lot of effort. How could His Majesty not believe you?

Our family is here now because His Majesty wants to ask the Duke of the State about some things. As for the specifics, our family does not know very well. It is estimated that it should be similar to what happened before. "

"Hey, what's the matter. Your Majesty is completely overwhelmed. There are no soldiers and horses of Bandit Zhao outside the city. The old man has stayed here for such a long time, and he has never seen any soldiers and horses of Bandit Zhao. Your Majesty completely It's overthinking." The British official said disapprovingly.

"Our family also thinks so, but you also know. Now that Zhao bandits have sent 20 troops to attack Henan, this incident is like a thorn in His Majesty's heart, and His Majesty will inevitably be a little worried." Gao Qi He pretended to be calm and said.

"No, His Majesty felt that the number of defenders on the top of the city was a bit small, so he specially asked me to draw the soldiers from the left and right guards of Teng Xiang, the imperial horse supervisor."

Gao Qiqian pointed to the soldiers and horses of the left and right guards standing on the city wall.

"Why did Your Majesty pull out the soldiers from the Imperial Horse Supervisor? Your Majesty should not use the soldiers and horses from the Imperial Horse Supervisor. Besides, there are countless elite soldiers in the Beijing camp. There is no need to mobilize the soldiers and horses from the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

Your Majesty is really a bit startled..." The British Duke felt that what he said was not quite right as he spoke.

Gao Qiqian looked at the British Duke with a smile, as if he didn't hear the British Duke's voice.

"Your Majesty, please hurry up. Don't make His Majesty wait any longer. Leave the important task of city defense to our family for the time being." Gao Qiqian urged.

"In that case, the old man is leaving." The Duke of England cupped his hands at the raised bow, and then walked down the stairs of the city wall with his personal guards.

The British Duke didn't know the facts of the matter, so he didn't think deeply about it.

Although the pursuers outside the city wanted to pass the news to the British Duke very much, they dared not.

Even if they know that the general on the city wall is the British Duke, that won't work.

Once contacted with the British Duke at this time, wouldn't it mean that the British Duke's men were chasing and killing Chen Xinjia?

After the British left, Chen Xinjia was not in a hurry to let his troops open the city gate, but replaced the defenders at the gate and on the wall of Wengcheng with the troops of the horse guard.

The defenders on the city wall and Wengcheng didn't know why Gao Qiqian did this, but they didn't refuse either.

After all, defending the city is a hard job, and these soldiers from the Beijing camp also have nothing to do.

Gao Qiqian stood on the city wall outside the city gate building, looking out of the city.

Although Gao Qiqian didn't see the pursuers outside the city, it hasn't been long since Chen Xinjia entered the city.

Gao Qiqian looked at the sun in the sky, reckoning that the British Duke had already gone far away, and then asked the infantry of the imperial horse supervisor on the top of the city to lower the suspension bridge on the moat outside the city.

"Elder-in-law, why is this?" British Duke's deputy hurriedly walked to Gao Qiqian's side, pointed to the lowered suspension bridge outside the city, and asked hastily.

Gao Qiqian glanced at this person coldly, "Do I need to tell you about our family's work? What kind of person are you?"

Just because he has the potential to greet the British with a smile does not mean that he can face the British lieutenant with a smile.

As the most important eunuch in front of Chongzhen and a small lieutenant, Gao Qiqian didn't pay attention to him, even though the British Duke was behind him.

The lieutenant general was blushed and embarrassed by Gao Qiqian's words.

"Our family is responsible for what happens, you don't have to worry about what our family is doing." Gao Qiqian dropped a sentence, and then looked at the commander of Jinyiwei, Luo Sigong, who was following him.

Although Luo Sigong is the commander of Jin Yiwei, but now that Gao Qiqian is gaining power, he has to rely on Gao Qiqian, and has become Gao Qiqian's echo.

After all, it was Gao Qiqian's credit for releasing Jin Yiwei again, and most of the staff in Jin Yiwei was recruited by Gao Qiqian.

"Take a few people and open the city gate, and let the sons of the Yumajian go out of the city to kill the thieves!
Tell the sons and daughters of the Yumajian that after leaving the city, chase and kill me around the city wall, and if you find the thief's movement, catch me alive. "Gao Qiqian looked at Luo Sigong.

Luo Sigong cupped his hands, then followed Gao Qiqian's order and went down the city wall.

After a while, the cavalry of the Imperial Horse Supervisor rushed out of the city gate.

"Eunuch, why is this?" The deputy general looked at the cavalry cavalry who rushed out of the city gate, and then leaned in front of Gao Qiqian with a look of doubt, "Eunuch, there are no enemy troops outside the city. Why?"

Gao Qiqian glared at the lieutenant general, his face was frosty, and he didn't say a word.

Seeing Gao Qiqian like this, the lieutenant closed his mouth knowingly.


"What's going on? Why are there soldiers and horses leaving the city?"

A group of pursuers gathered in a grove about two miles away from the capital. They looked at the soldiers and horses leaving the city with doubts on their faces.

After Chen Xinjia entered the city, they did not leave, but wandered around the capital to see if they could enter the city.

"Could it be that the Duke knew about us outside the city and wanted us to enter the city?" a chasing soldier asked doubtfully.

"Impossible, we didn't send news to the Duke, how did the Duke know our identities?
What's more, even if we know our identities, it is impossible to put up such an array to welcome us into the city. "A chasing soldier shouted.

"Then who are these soldiers and horses? They are far away from us, and we can't see their clothes clearly. Let's talk about them after we see their clothes clearly."

A chasing soldier said something softly, and then stared at the soldiers and horses leaving the city.

After leaving the city gate, the cavalry of the imperial horse supervisors dispersed and moved towards the surroundings.

Among them, a cavalry of more than 50 people came towards them.

When the horse guard's cavalry came about a mile in front of them, the pursuers finally saw the dress of the horse guard.

"No, their clothes are those of the Imperial Horse Supervisor. I'm afraid Chen Xinjia has already seen His Majesty. Maybe these people came out to arrest us." When a soldier saw the Imperial Horse Supervisor's attire, his face changed drastically.

Although the military uniform on the Yumajian was similar to that of the soldiers and horses in the Beijing camp, there were quite a few differences.

These pursuers are the confidantes of Duke Cheng of the United Kingdom, so they can naturally tell the difference between the troops in the Beijing camp and those in the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

"Run, these people are here to hunt us down, run quickly, we can't fall into their hands."

A chasing soldier shouted, then got on his horse and fled into the distance.

As soon as they ran, they immediately attracted the attention of the horse guards.

"Brothers, chase!" A hundred households of the horse guard suddenly saw the figure of a cavalry in the grove in front of him, and immediately roared, leading his men and horses to chase forward.

Duke Ying didn't know about what happened outside the city, and he had already arrived in the imperial study at this time.

Standing in the center of the Imperial Study Room, the British Duke kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to Chongzhen who was sitting on the main seat, and made a big salute.

Chongzhen looked at the devolved British Duke, suppressed the disgust in his heart, and smiled, "No need to be like this, please hurry up."

The British announced a thank you, and then stood up.

"Come on, give me a seat!"

Chongzhen pointed to Duke Ying, and looked at the eunuchs on both sides of the imperial study.

An eunuch hurriedly ran behind the British Duke with an embroidered pier, and put the embroidered pier behind the British Duke.

The British Duke thanked him again, and then sat down on the show pier with half his buttocks.

After the British public seat was settled, Chongzhen began to speak.

"Aiqing, now that Zhao bandits have sent 20 troops to attack Henan, what do you think about Aiqing?" Chongzhen's eyes flickered sharply, but he concealed it very well.

"Zhao thief is just a chronic disease. I have been in the Ming Dynasty for nearly 300 years. What kind of storms and waves have I not experienced? Zhao thief is just a clown who can play for a few days." The British father said majesticly.

It's not that the British public can't see the current situation clearly. On the contrary, the British public sees it very clearly. As for why the British public said this, it's because they didn't say that. How should they say it?
Could it be that your majesty Zhao thief is powerful, we are not opponents, so surrender quickly.

"Aiqing is right, and I think so too. Although Zhao thief is powerful, the court has experienced countless storms and waves for 300 years, so there is nothing to be afraid of. As long as the court can unite as one, it will be able to overcome this difficulty." Chongzhen With regard to the words of the British prince, he had a scene.

"But!" Chongzhen suddenly changed his tone, "But Zhao's 20 army is really terrifying, and since Zhao's rise, he hasn't lost a single battle.

Therefore, it is inevitable that someone will have other thoughts.According to news from Jinyiwei East Factory, the Westerner from Qin Tianjian had defected to Thief Zhao, and fortunately he was a Westerner. If he were an official from the court, the consequences would be disastrous. "

"Your Majesty is completely overwhelmed. Now that the court is full of people, all civil and military people in the court are loyal and patriotic. Except for the barbarians, this kind of thing can't happen." The British Duke said excitedly, like Zhao Wen is like a thief like Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong.

The British Duke didn't know that Chongzhen already knew that he was going to surrender to Zhao Wen, so he didn't think about it for a while.

"What Aiqing said is very true, but I'm still a little worried." After Chongzhen finished speaking, he looked straight at the Duke of England without saying a word.

The Duke of England looked at Chongzhen like this, his face was full of doubts.

Chongzhen opened his mouth and said: "Since the Battle of Jingnan, the Duke of England has always been the leader of the nobles in the court and the minister of the humerus of the court. Whenever the court is in danger, the Duke of England can always stand up. I am very pleased with the British lineage, although the sound of horseshoes outside the city is not Zhao's fault, but it is also a great achievement for the British to lead the troops to defend the city without hesitation."

"This is what I should do, and it is my duty to share the worries of Your Majesty." The British Duke hastily thanked him.

"I am very pleased to see that Aiqing is so loyal to state affairs!" Chongzhen looked at the Duke of England and said.

In the following time, Chongzhen and British Gongdong chattered nonsense.

From the beginning of the founding of the country to the time when Zhao Wen rebelled.

The Duke of England's thinking has been led away by Chongzhen.

The British public is also very puzzled about Chongzhen's appearance.

Because Chongzhen had never talked so much nonsense with him before.

The British Duke felt that something was wrong with Chongzhen today, but he still couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Of course, Chongzhen was not talking nonsense with the British public for no purpose. The reason why he did this was to delay time.Because he had to wait for Gao Qiqian to come back, as long as Gao Qiqian came back, it meant that the pursuers who were chasing and killing Chen Xinjia outside the city had been caught.

Hard work paid off, when the sun began to set, Gao Qiqian walked into the imperial study.

He glanced at the British Duke sitting in the middle of the imperial study, and then moved closer to Chongzhen's ear.

"Your Majesty, we have already captured them. These people are dead men. We only captured five alive. Most of them committed suicide, and a small number escaped." Gao Qi whispered into Chongzhen's ear.

Seeing Gao Qiqian and Chongzhen like this, the British Duke kept muttering in his heart: "From last night to now, there have been a lot of strange things. Why did His Majesty call me here today to just talk nonsense?"

Chongzhen nodded, and then looked at the Duke of England, "Talking with Aiqing today, my confidence has greatly increased, there is a person like Aiqing, why worry about Daming being unhappy.

Let's stop here today, Ai Qing, let's get back.By the way, I will guard the city wall for the past few days, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. "

"The minister leads the decree to resign!" The British Duke stood up, saluted Chongzhen, and then withdrew.

 Thanks to the book friend 20181004103440919 for the reward, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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