Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 626 You Tell the Widow, How Sure Are You to Hold the City?

Chapter 626 You Tell the Widow, How Sure Are You to Hold the City?
Sun Hao ran wildly on the ground, and Wu Sheng also hurriedly asked his soldiers to separate the fighting crowd.

Under the threat of force from the soldiers, the fighting crowd was finally separated.

After separating the crowd, Wu Zhen dispatched some soldiers to chase after Sun Hao and others who were fleeing.

Sudden fights, sudden escape.Wu Xuan felt that this matter would never be so simple.

At the same time, Wu Zhen also reported the news to Sun Chuanting.

After Sun Chuanting heard the news, he hurriedly sent cavalry out of the city to pursue.

The speed of the cavalry going out of the city was slower. By the time the cavalry went out, Sun Hao and the others had already escaped a lot.

Sun Hao ran non-stop on the ground, and at the same time took out the big black star hidden on his body.

Behind Sun Hao, there were seven or eight soldiers chasing him.

These soldiers looked at Sun Hao in front, panting, and kept shouting loudly, "Stop for me, if you don't stop and get caught by me, I will never let you go. Stop for me!" !!"

The soldiers chasing and killing Sun Hao kept threatening Sun Hao, but no matter how they threatened, Sun Hao didn't look back, but kept running forward instead.

Not long after, the cavalry sent by Sun Chuanting also chased Sun Hao.

The speed of a person is not as fast as that of a war horse, so the distance between the cavalry and Sun Hao is getting closer and closer in a short time.

When Sun Hao heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes behind him, his heart suddenly sank.

He hurriedly looked back, only to see three cavalrymen chasing him.

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer, Sun Hao looked like he was about to be caught by these cavalrymen.

At the last [-] steps, the cavalry behind Sun Hao already smiled triumphantly.

It's a pity that their smiles came a little early.

Just when they were about to take out the lasso and trap Sun Hao, Sun Hao stretched out the big black star in his hand and pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Da da da!"

The gunshot of the big black star rang out, echoing non-stop in place.

Bullets whizzed past the ears of the three cavalrymen.

Because Sun Hao was running for his life, he couldn't calm down to aim, and the chasing soldiers were on horseback, so the hit rate of the big black star became very poor.

Sun Hao emptied the magazine of the big black star in his hand, but he didn't hit a single pursuer.

Although they didn't hit a single pursuer, the sound of the big black star's gunshot startled them.

These pursuers followed Sun Chuanting and withdrew from the Yellow River defense line. They had seen the power of Zhao Wen's weapons.

Therefore, when they heard the gunshot of the big black star again, they couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts, and the speed of the war horse also involuntarily slowed down.

Although the horse's speed slowed down, it didn't stop, still chasing Sun Hao.

Just at this moment, Sun Hao stretched his hand behind his waist again, and took out two grenades from it.

Without further ado, Sun Hao unscrewed the back cover of the grenade, pulled the string, and quickly threw the grenade out.

"Bang bang!"

Two explosions sounded, and the pursuers behind were relatively close to Sun Hao. When they saw two smoking grenades flying in the air, they wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

After the two explosions, a pursuer was killed on the spot, and the horse under his crotch was also blown to the ground, with less air intake and more air output.

Of the other two, one was seriously injured, and the horse on his crotch was similar to his.

The other one was not affected because it was far away from the explosion location of the grenade.

But the sound of the exploding grenade startled the horse under his crotch, and he was thrown off the horse by the frightened horse and fell to the ground.The war horse also fled away.

The horses under the crotch of the three pursuers were either killed or injured by the grenade, or they fled in fright.

Sun Hao took advantage of this time, rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and escaped in a flash.

Looking at the scene ahead, the chasing infantry also stopped one by one, not daring to chase any more.

After all, no one among these people knew whether Sun Hao still had this kind of grenade on him. If there were any, it would be the end for these pursuers.

Except for Sun Hao, the others were similar to Sun Hao when they escaped.After they took out the grenades and the big black star, the pursuers also stopped.

These cavalrymen retreated from the Yellow River defense line. They were already scared by Zhao Wen when they were on the Yellow River defense line.

Now when they see people like Sun Hao, even if they want to chase and kill them, they have more than enough money.Not to mention that the war horses under the crotch stopped moving one by one after hearing the explosion, and there was no way to chase them down.

At this moment, the soldiers surrounding Huang Pizi and others outside the city were also preparing to search Huang Pizi and others, intending to escort them into the city.

Huang Pizi and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that Sun Hao had fled away.

Sun Hao and others have escaped, and the cover has been completed, and the things to be done now are their own business.

Sun Hao and the others fled, but the pursuers did not catch them. Under such circumstances, these soldiers would definitely vent their anger on themselves and others.

Huang Pizi narrowed his eyes as he looked at the soldiers walking towards him.

Huang Pizi and the others are not fools, and they can guess what will happen next.

Huang Pizi stepped back slowly, and at the same time winked at Ergou and the others beside him.

These people touched their right hands to their waists knowingly.

"Brothers, run!"

Huang Pizi suddenly pulled out a big black star, and pulled the trigger at the soldiers who were walking towards him.

Not to be outdone, the monkey, the dog, the third grandson and the others also pulled out the big black star and pulled the trigger at the soldiers in front.

In an instant, four or five soldiers were hit by the bullets fired by the big black star and fell to the ground.

There were laborers all around. When they saw the situation, they panicked instantly, and they fled in all directions screaming loudly.

As for the remaining soldiers, they were also taken aback by this sudden scene and ran for their lives one after another.

Chaos broke out outside the city. Sun Chuanting stood on the top of the city, watching the scene outside the city, trembling with anger.

"Brothers, take advantage of the chaos and run away separately." Huang Pizi yelled at the monkey and the others, and then ran away.

Huang Pizi and others took advantage of the chaos and fled in all directions.

When the time came to dusk, Wu Tong came to the side of Sun Chuanting who was standing on the tower of the city gate.

"My lord, judging from the weapons they used, the person who made the rebellion and escaped should be a spy of Bandit Zhao.

As for the specific number, it is still unclear.When these people fled, quite a few people also fled.Therefore, for a while, we still couldn't tell who was the spy and who was the civilian among the escaped people.

The culprit of the fight also escaped, and we only caught seven or eight participants.Because it was not clear whether they had weapons on them, they did not continue to chase them. "Wu Xuan stood beside Sun Chuanting, looking at Sun Chuanting solemnly.

Sun Hao and the others took advantage of their weapons and under the cover of panicked laborers, they almost all ran out.

Listening to Wu Tong's answer, Sun Chuanting's face became extremely gloomy.

"What happened, how did this happen? What are you eating? What are you eating? These people must be Zhao thief's spies. How did you screen them out before?" Sun Chuanting was furious, and he looked angrily. Looking at Wu Tong standing in front of him, he roared again and again.

Before that, Sun Chuanting asked Wu Tong to lead troops to strictly investigate the Kaifeng mansion to prevent Zhao Wen's spies from sneaking in.

However, Sun Chuanting really did not expect that at the critical moment of strengthening the city wall, Zhao Wen's spies escaped, and he was not alone.

"My lord, it's not that I don't need to work hard. I really didn't expect that there would be Zhao thief's spies in the city? Before that, there was nothing unusual in the Kaifeng mansion. Who knew there would be spies in the city?

Who would have thought that thief Zhao's spies would escape from the city at this time?And they all have Zhao thief's weapons in their hands, our cavalry dare not chase after them at all. " Wu Xuan argued.

"Hmph, Zhao thief's spies are everywhere." Sun Chuanting snorted coldly, and said, "Bring me all these people who fight and fight to the city wall, and kill the sacrificial flag."

Sun Chuanting was so angry that he didn't know where to vent it, so he could only vent it on these people who hadn't escaped and fought.

Wu Zhen nodded and hurriedly walked down.After a while, Wu Xuan led the fighters up the city wall.

The soldiers tied these people behind their backs and forced them to kneel on the city wall.

Soldiers holding waist knives stood behind these people. Following Wu Chen's order, the sword flashed, and the heads of these people flew out.

Sun Chuanting glanced at these people who were being executed, snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and went down the city.

As for Sun Hao and others who escaped, Sun Chuanting did not send anyone to chase them all the way.

Today's soldiers and horses no longer dare to confront Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses. Even if they are sent out, it will not be easy to capture Sun Hao and others.


After Sun Hao left Kaifeng Fucheng, he kept running to the west. During the escape, his subordinates kept moving closer to him.

Because it was too urgent to escape, there were only a few people around Sun Hao.

Under the leadership of Sun Hao, these people kept running towards the west.

In the afternoon of the second day, Sun Hao encountered a cavalry.

This cavalry was Song Hu's vanguard and did not accept them at night. When they saw Sun Hao and others, because they didn't know the identity of Sun Hao and others, they immediately surrounded Sun Hao and others.

At this time, Song Hu had already passed Zhengzhou and came to Zhongmou County, and Yebushou under his command had already arrived at Xiangfu County, where Xuanwuwei was located not very far from Kaifeng Fucheng.

Sun Hao is now in the wilderness east of Xiangfu County.

The weapons in their hands pointed at Sun Hao and others who were surrounded by them.

"Who are you guys?" Commander Yebushou looked at Sun Hao and asked loudly.

"We are the spies sent to Kaifeng Mansion by the Chief Soldier, this is our identity certificate." Sun Hao hastily put away the big black star in his hand, and at the same time took out an iron plate from his arms.

Because Sun Chuanting was in a hurry to strengthen the city walls, and there was no abnormality in the previous Kaifeng mansion, he did not search the recruited laborers.

In this way, Sun Hao and others mixed out of the city with weapons and identity documents.

Commander Yebushou took Sun Hao's identity certificate, checked it and interrogated some questions, Commander Yebushou also believed Sun Hao.

"We have important military information to report to the commander-in-chief." Sun Haohao shouted to the fact that he would not accept it for several nights.

"How about this, we will give you our horses, you go quickly." Commander Yebushou jumped off the horses with his men, and handed the horses to Sun Hao and the others.

Sun Hao thanked him, then got on his horse and galloped away after Yebushou pointed out the direction.

Under Sun Hao's non-stop running, Sun Hao finally came to Zhao Wen's place the next afternoon.

At this time, Zhao Wen had already left Heyin for a long distance, and he was only half a day away from Zhengzhou.

When Zhao Wen heard the news from Sun Hao, he didn't have any worries. To Zhao Wen, whether Kaifeng Mansion is reinforced or not is meaningless. Even if Sun Chuanting builds Kaifeng Mansion like a copper wall and iron wall, it will not help Zhao Wen. .

After Zhao Wen settled Sun Hao and others, he led his troops to Zhengzhou.

After resting in Zhengzhou for a day, Zhao Wen led the army and went east.

At the same time, Ye Bushou under Song Hu's command had already appeared at a location about twenty miles away from Kaifeng Mansion.

In the afternoon of the same day, they came to Kaifeng mansion without closing these nights.

Yebushou had just appeared around the Kaifeng mansion these days, when he was discovered by the defenders on the top of the city.

These days, Sun Chuanting lived and ate on the city wall, so he got the news very quickly.

Sun Chuanting stood on the gate of the city wall to the west, looking at Ye Bushou cruising outside the city, his face was full of depression and worry.

"My lord, because of those people's troubles, the strengthening of the city wall outside the city stopped.

The soldiers and horses that appeared outside the city were all cavalry, and it seemed that Zhao's soldiers and horses should not be collected at night.Zhao thief's army is not far from Kaifeng mansion. "Wu Chen said with a serious face.

"In less than four days, Zhao's bandit army will definitely come to the city. Tell all the people on the city to work overtime to strengthen the Kaifeng city wall." Sun Chuanting said in a deep voice.

The news that Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses had arrived in Kaifeng Mansion was constantly spreading in the city of Kaifeng Mansion. The atmosphere in Kaifeng Mansion was suppressed to the extreme all of a sudden, and there was a tendency that the building was full of wind and rain.

King Zhou in Kaifeng Fucheng also knew the news immediately.

After knowing the news, King Zhou called Sun Chuanting to the palace with some anxiety.

King Zhou sat in the study of the palace, looked at Sun Chuanting who was sitting in front of him, and asked in a concentrated voice, "Has Zhao Wen really appeared outside the city?"

"Returning to the prince, the one who appeared outside the city was the thief Zhao Yebu. The main force of the Zhao thief has not arrived yet, and it is estimated that it will be these two days." Sun Chuanting did not lie to King Zhou, and said everything he knew. out.

Upon hearing this, King Zhou frowned tightly.

"Master Sun, tell me the truth, how sure are you that you can hold this city of Kaifeng? At least you have prepared me in my heart." Zhou Wang let out a long breath and looked at Sun Chuanting.

 Thank you for your reward, and thank you for your support! ! !

  I was tortured by wisdom teeth for a long time before, but I heard that pulling out wisdom teeth would be very painful, so I kept procrastinating.Today I finally mustered up the courage to go to the hospital to have my wisdom teeth pulled out. I had two teeth removed on the right side.

  I took anesthesia when I pulled it out, I didn’t feel anything when I pulled it out, but the right side of my face was swollen after the pulling out, but after the anesthesia wore off, the right half of my face hurt like hell, and it was still the same kind of nerve pain, so painful that I couldn’t help it. I know what to do, so I can only write this chapter today, please forgive me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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