Chapter 628

Sun Chuanting looked at Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses outside the city, and panicked for no reason.

Although this was not the first time that Sun Chuanting faced Zhao Wen, Sun Chuanting still couldn't overcome his fear when facing Zhao Wen.

This fear was like a sharp dagger, piercing Sun Chuanting's heart.

Panting heavily, Sun Chuanting looked at Wu Chen who was following behind him, "Take the supervising team and patrol the city wall. From now on, if anyone escapes, he will be executed immediately."

Wu Tong didn't speak, and walked down the city with Sun Chuanting's order.

Sun Chuanting's supervisory team was selected from his main barracks, and there were more than 300 people in total.

Now the supervisor team is resting under the city wall.

After Wu Zhen came to the city, he brought the superintendent's team back to the city wall.

At this time, King Zhou also got the news that Zhao Wenbing was coming to the city.

He walked back and forth in the main hall of Prince Zhou's Mansion, his face full of anxiety.

Before, Sun Chuanting told him that he was only [-]% sure of holding the city wall, which really worried King Zhou.

The prince of Zhou stood behind King Zhou, he looked at the anxious King Zhou, and said, "Father, the bandit Zhao is now approaching the city, and the guards in the mansion were also lent to Master Sun.

Mr. Sun is a rare capable official in the court, father and king don't need to worry too much. "

King Zhou's son kept reassuring King Zhou.

King Zhou stopped and looked at Prince Zhou, "That's what I said, but if Sun Chuanting really can't hold the city wall, what should we do?
Our Zhou Fan lineage has been passed down for more than 200 years. If it is cut off in the hands of the widow, how can the widow go down to meet Zhou Fan's ancestors? "

The king of Zhou looked anxious, [-]% certainty was the same as not sure to the king of Zhou.

What's more, the soldiers and horses outside the city are the well-known Zhao Wen.

"Father, why don't you do this, my son will bring the last guard in the mansion to the city wall." Prince Zhou said.

King Zhou shook his head without thinking, "No, you can't go. Bandit Zhao is outside the city now, who knows when Bandit Zhao will attack the city. If you attack the city at this time, if you make a mistake, we should What to do?

Besides, there are only 40 or [-] guards left in the mansion. These people are almost useless for the defense of the city, and it is the same as if they did not go.

Sun Chuanting will definitely report back the situation on the top of the city, so let's just wait quietly. "

At the same time, Lu Wang Zhu Changhao was sitting in a house in Kaifeng's mansion.

At this moment, where does he still have the style he had when he was in Weihui Mansion?

He sat in the hall of the house with an ugly face.

"Damn Sun Chuanting, damn it, damn it. The widow had a good life in Weihui's mansion before, but because of his incompetence, the Yellow River defense line was not defended, so the widow had no choice but to run away.

Because of the rush to escape, the widow didn't take most of the things in the palace.

Now, a few days after the widow came to Kaifeng Mansion, the Zhao thief came to the city again.What did Sun Chuanting do, how could he be so incompetent?Does he want the king to escape again?

Where should the king escape this time?Could it be Zhili and the capital?But even if they fled to Zhili and the capital, how long could they stay?
Zhao thief's soldiers and horses pursued him all because of Sun Chuanting's incompetence.If he could defeat Thief Zhao, why did the widow come to this, why did he come to this. "

Lu Wang Zhu Changhao sat in the hall, yelling and cursing Zhu Changhao unscrupulously.

When Zhu Changhao fled from Weihui's mansion, because of the emergency, he could only leave behind all the things he couldn't take away.

Zhu Changhao has only been in Kaifeng mansion for a few days now, and he hasn't rested yet. If the city of Kaifeng mansion is breached, he will flee again.

This was unbearable for Zhu Changhao.

Zhu Changhao has lived for such a long time, enjoying all the glory and wealth, and suddenly encountered such a thing, the resentment in his heart can be imagined.

"My lord, now that Zhao's bandits are approaching the city, judging by Sun Chuanting's strength, it may not be so easy to stop Zhao's bandits. So, my lord should make plans early." Standing beside Zhu Changhao, the chief executive of the palace looked at Zhu Changhao, He said gloomyly.

"Make plans early? You mean to let the widow pack up and prepare to escape?" Zhu Changhao looked at the chief of the palace.

The head of the palace nodded heavily, "That's right, that's it. The prince is a relative of the emperor and the blood of the Taizu. Judging from the current defense situation of Kaifeng mansion, I am afraid that Sun Chuanting may not be able to defend Kaifeng.

In this way, if Zhao thief enters the city, the prince must be one of Zhao thief's targets.Therefore, the prince should remove all the guards of honor of the prince and destroy all things related to the prince.

Then put on ordinary people's clothes and pretend to be ordinary people. Once Zhao thief breaks through the city, he can get out of the city at that time. "

The chief of the royal residence looked at Zhu Changhao and expressed his opinion.

Zhu Changhao kept nodding his head, "You're right, you're right. In this way, although the widow has been wronged a lot, at least he saved his life.

Well, let this matter be left to you. "

Zhu Changhao looked at the head of the palace.

The head of the palace gave a salute, and then withdrew.

When the sun fell into the west mountain, Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses had already been deployed.The entire Kaifeng mansion was surrounded.

Because of the powerful weapons, Zhao Wen didn't use the tactics of encircling the city and choosing to encircle the city on all sides.

The sun dipped below the horizon and the moon rose in midair.

The people in the city all shrank in their homes, unable to sleep because of anxiety.

Sun Chuanting on the city wall also had difficulty falling asleep.

Sun Chuanting sat in the attic of the city gate building, with a table in front of him.

On the table are several dishes containing meals.

These meals had been cold for a long time, and Sun Chuanting had no appetite to eat.

Sun Chuanting sat beside the table, holding a long sword in his hand, and by the light of the candle on the table, he kept wiping it with a piece of white silk.

"Looking at the sword with the lamp on while drunk, dreaming back to the battalion of blowing horns, burning eight hundred miles under the command, fifty strings turning outside the fortress..."

Sun Chuanting couldn't help thinking of Xin Qiji's "Broken Array".

He recited Xin Qiji's "Broken Time", his brows were tightly knit together, and his face was full of melancholy.

"It's a pity that it happened for nothing to end the affairs of the king and win the fame before and after him!"

After reading the last sentence, Sun Chuanting sighed heavily, "Oh, how can the situation that Mr. Zhong Min encountered back then be compared to what is happening now?

Although the former Song Dynasty was incompetent, it also had half of the country.Although the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin were powerful, they were already at the end of their strength at that time. How could they compare to the bandits of Zhao today?
The evil of the Zhao thief is far more than a hundred times that of the gold thief? "

Sun Chuanting wiped the long sword in his hand for a while, then put it on the table.

The shiny long sword reflected the light of the candle and reflected on Sun Chuanting's face.


Sun Chuanting sighed again, then stood up.

The armor on his body rattled non-stop when he stood up.

Sun Chuanting came outside and stood behind the crenel.

With his hands behind his back, he looked out of the city.

Zhao Wen's camp was not very far from the city wall, and Sun Chuanting could clearly see the light of the torches stretching for several miles.

"I'm afraid Bandit Zhao will attack the city tomorrow, although I have placed so many sacks on the city wall, can I stop Bandit Zhao?

If it can't be stopped, once Kaifeng Mansion is lost, Henan will have no way out, and Shandong and Zhili will be in the future. With hands behind his back, Sun Chuanting looked at the lights in Zhao Wen's camp outside the city.


The night was short. When the white belly appeared in the east, Sun Chuanting, who hadn't slept all night, led his guards and began to patrol the city wall.

"Come on, cheer me up. If it's already light today, Bandit Zhao is about to move, so hurry up and cheer me up."

Sun Chuanting's voice kept echoing on the city wall, and the defenders on the top of the city hurriedly cheered up.

Sun Chuanting looked at the defenders on the top of the wall, feeling confused.He really didn't know how long the defenders on the top of the city could last.

Originally, he wanted to arrange the defenders on the top of the city into the caves behind the city wall, and wait until Zhao Wen's artillery fire ended before coming out.

But after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

Once Zhao Wen's artillery bombardment started, he didn't know when it would stop. It would not be so easy to get these soldiers back to the city wall.

It's not that Sun Chuanting didn't think about abandoning the city wall, shrinking all the defenders in the city, and fighting Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses in the street.

But Wu Tong, who had experienced the battle of defending the city of Taiyuan, told him that it was impossible to do so.

Zhao Wen's weapons are powerful, if he fights Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses in the street, there is no possibility of victory at all.

After much deliberation, Sun Chuanting also had to place all the soldiers and horses on the city wall.

Cooking smoke began to appear over Zhao Wen's camp. Sun Chuanting looked at the cooking smoke and murmured, "Zhao thief has already started eating and is about to attack the city."

"Command the whole army, get ready, Bandit Zhao is about to attack the city." Sun Chuanting shouted at the top of his voice.

The orderly behind him hurriedly followed the city wall with his orders and went around.

Originally, Wu Zhen did not agree with Sun Chuanting's supervision of the battle on the city wall. After all, shells have no eyes. If Sun Chuanting was killed by shells, how would the city defend?
But Sun Chuanting insisted on guarding the city wall, no matter what Wu Tong said, Sun Chuanting would do the same.

Even seeing that Sun Chuanting insisted on this, Wu Xuan stopped persuading him and let Sun Chuanting go like this.

Two quarters of an hour later, the smoke in Zhao Wen's camp had dissipated.

The artillery has arrived at the artillery position that was set up yesterday.

Except for the west city wall where Zhao Wen is located, there are artillery on the rest of the city wall.

When the artillery came to the position, they began to prepare for firing.

At this time, the infantry attacking the city had also assembled.

They were divided into three arrays and stood neatly behind the artillery positions.

Zhao Wen rode on the horse and was protected inside by the personal guards led by Li Xiaosan.

Zhao Wen looked at the sun in the sky, took a deep breath of the moist air, and said, "Notify the artillery positions that they will bombard the city of Kaifeng in a quarter of an hour. Remember, aim for me, and try not to let the shells fly over the city walls and land on the ground." in town.

The people in the city are the foundation for the future, if there are no casualties, there will be no casualties. "

Li Xiaosan took a few messengers and quickly conveyed Zhao Wen's order.

After receiving Zhao Wen's order, the artillerymen outside the four walls made the final preparations before the shelling.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and when the quarter of an hour passed, two shells flew out from the artillery position in front of Zhao Wen and flew towards the city wall of Kaifeng Fucheng.


With a whistling sound, the shell hit the city wall after a short flight.

It was not the first time that Sun Chuanting had fought against Zhao Wen. When he heard the sound of breaking through the sky, he immediately buried his body behind the crenel of the city wall.

"Bang bang!"

Two explosions sounded, and two huge flames shot into the sky.

Where the shells landed, the sacks used to reinforce the city walls were blown apart in an instant.

The soil in the sack was blown everywhere, flying around with fragments of shells.

The soldiers at the landing point were killed without even a scream.

Around the point of impact, fragments penetrated the soldiers, shattering their internal organs.

The screams sounded, and the soldiers in the distance were frightened.

These two shells were used to calibrate the artillery. When the two shells hit the city wall accurately, all the artillery on the artillery position roared.

For a while, like the firecrackers set off during the New Year, the sound of artillery firing was endless and continuous.

After a short flight, rumbling explosions rang out on the city walls.

"Bang bang bang!"

It was like setting off firecrackers on the city wall, and the sound of explosions kept ringing.

All soldiers affected by the explosion were instantly killed by the explosion.

The sound of the rumbling explosion reached Sun Chuanting's ears, causing tinnitus in his ears.

Black gunpowder smoke and flames continued to rise on the city wall, and the defenders on the city wall were crying for their fathers and mothers after being bombed.

Especially those young and strong who had never fought against Zhao Wen. When they saw a few alive and kicking people being blown up like rag bags, they collapsed.

They threw down the weapons in their hands, screaming and fleeing to the city.

Surrounding Qing Zhuang were Sun Chuanting's soldiers and horses. When they saw these Qing Zhuang who were about to flee for their lives, they brandished their waist knives and chopped off their heads.

"Whoever dares to run away will end up like this!" A soldier with his face covered in blood, holding a bloody head in his hand, shouted at the flustered young man in front of him.


At this moment, a shell landed beside the soldier impartially.

In an instant, huge flames enveloped the soldier.

The soldier didn't even react, so he fell silent.

The young men in front of him were also affected by the explosion, the air wave knocked them over, and shrapnel flew into their chests.

In the blink of an eye, all the people in this area were lying on the ground.

The sacks filled with mud on the city wall were blown to pieces under the series of explosions, and the mud inside was also blown into dust, which filled the city wall.

If Zhao Wen's artillery was a red cannon or a Frang machine, it would not be easy to blast through the sacks filled with mud on the city wall in a short time.

However, the cannon in Zhao Wen's hands is not comparable to that of the red cannon and Frang.

Once the shell hits, it can blow up the sack where the shell landed, and even touch the city wall bricks under the sack.

(End of this chapter)

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