Chapter 63

Three days later in the early morning, Zhao Wen stood on the stone platform on the school grounds. He looked at the soldiers in bright armor and solemn military appearance below, and shouted loudly, "Do you know the purpose of my gathering you?"

"Know, know."

The faces of the soldiers were full of excitement. They looked at Zhao Wen with a fiery light in their eyes.

"Then tell me, what are we going to do?" Zhao Wen looked around and shouted in a deep voice.

"Suppress bandits, suppress bandits!"

The soldiers shouted angrily.

Zhao Wen nodded, and with a clang, he pulled out the Qiushui Yanling Saber from his waist.

"set off!"

The knife in Zhao Wen's hand pointed obliquely at the sky, and roared angrily.

"Kill kill kill!"

The soldiers waved their weapons and shouted angrily.

A hundred recruits walked out of the gate of Longmen Fort in neat steps.

Zhao Wen sat on the tall horse and walked in the front.Beside him, Song Hu, Wang Qi and Liu Wu were also sitting on their horses, walking slowly.On a flatbed behind him, Wang Liuqi and his brother-in-law Lin Xiaoliu were pulled.

After all, Wang Liuqi's brother-in-law Lin Xiaoliu had to lead the way to kill the bandits.

Li Xiaoying was wearing a pink double-breasted padded jacket with bright red peonies embroidered on it.

This dress was bought for her by Zhao Wen himself. To buy this dress, Zhao Wen spent more than 20 taels of silver.

She wears a golden hairpin on her head, and under the support of the breeze, the wings of a butterfly on the golden hairpin are flapping non-stop.

Li Xiaoying's face was full of worry. She stood on the top of the wall, staring intently at the direction Zhao Wen left.

Sitting on the horse, Zhao Wen turned his head to look at Li Xiaoying on the top of the wall, grimaced at her with a smile, then flicked the whip in his hand, and led a hundred soldiers away.

It wasn't until Zhao Wen's back completely disappeared that Li Xiaoying turned in the direction Zhao Wen left and called out softly, "Brother Zhao, you must come back safely."

Li Xiaosan stood behind Li Xiaoying with a distressed expression, looking angrily at the direction where Zhao Wen disappeared.

"My lord, it's such a good thing, why don't you take me with you?"

Li Xiaoying looked at Zhao Wen who had disappeared, and let out a long sigh.Then he turned his head and looked at Li Xiaosan, "How old are you? Where are you going? Besides, you all went, can this Longmen Fort still be guarded?"

"Then why should I be put in Longmen Castle? I will be 14 years old after the new year, and I am already an adult. Why don't you let me go?" Li Xiaosan said unconvinced.

Li Xiaoying chuckled, and said: "The little brat is still an adult, I think you should stay in Longmen Castle well, Brother Zhao will take you there in the future. It's just not now."

"Xiaohuan, let's go."

Li Xiaoying greeted the maidservant next to her, and then walked down the wall, leaving only Li Xiaosan standing there angrily.

When troops were sent out at this time, Zhao Wen left the personal guard battalion in Longmen Fort and was responsible for the defense work in the fort.After all, such a big Longmen Castle couldn't do without guards.

Originally, Zhao Daniu wanted to disagree with Zhao Wen's arrangement, but the officials were overwhelmed, and Zhao Wen insisted on this, so Zhao Daniu couldn't be stubborn, so he had to agree to Zhao Wen.

After the Longmen Fort was renovated by Zhao Wen, it was about twice as big as before.

But now in Longmen Castle, there are only these more than 100 soldiers stationed, and it looks very lonely.

After Zhao Wen left with 100 troops, the entire Longmen Fort was even more desolate.

If the defense of the entire Longmen Fort is to follow the way of this era, it is estimated that at least 500 people will be able to defend it.

But for Zhao Wen, there is no need for so many soldiers.

There are sixteen 56-type light machine guns on the four sections of the city wall, eight of which are 40 fire.Each section of the city wall has four 56-type light machine guns and two 40-fire guns.With such powerful firepower, who can easily break through Longmen Fort?
This is why Zhao Wen dared to leave only 27 soldiers for Longmen Fort.

"Oh, what a fucking bad luck. Look at those general flags, their nostrils are poked into the sky. Look at our eyes, just two words, twitch. Look at their twitching vigor, I It looks really angry."

Zhou Laoliu was wearing a red armor, with an iron pointed helmet on his head, a wooden bullet box with bullets on his waist, and a 56 and a half in his hand. Depressedly looking at the direction the team was leaving, he kept cursing and talking non-stop.

Zhou Laoqi was also quite unconvinced: "That's right, look at them, they are more embarrassing than marrying a new wife. I have never seen such an arrogant person since I grew up."

"I don't know what your lord is thinking, why did you leave us in Longmen Castle? We are your lord's personal guard camp, but we are direct descendants."

Zhou Laoba caressed the Type 56 light machine gun mounted on the lookout of the Zangbing Cave, and said depressedly.

"But I have to say, these guys are really powerful. I have never heard of a firearm with such a fast rate of fire and such a powerful force." Zhou Laoba stroked the Type 56 light machine gun, Dazed.

Zhou Laoliu looked at Zhou Laoqi and Zhou Laoba, leaned in front of them, and said with a strange expression: "Hey, do you know the origin of our adults?"

Zhou Laoqi and Zhou Laoba were taken aback, what is the origin of your lord?
The heads of the two shook like rattles, "Sixth brother, we don't know what your lord's background is."

Zhou Lao Liu slapped the two of them on the head, and said with hatred: "I usually tell you to be smart, but you just don't listen. You don't know such important things, where is your heart?"

Zhou Laoliu breathed a sigh of relief, looked outside the door, and then said to the two of them with a mysterious face: "This is what our chief banner officer accidentally said, and I overheard it. This matter can't be done in Longmen Fort." It is said that everyone knows it, but there are not a few who know it. It is rumored that our adults came from the sky."

After Zhou Lao Liu finished speaking, he pointed his right index finger upwards.

Zhou Laoqi looked at Zhou Laoliu with a look of horror, and said, "Impossible? If it came from the sky, wouldn't it be a god?"

Zhou Laoba looked at Zhou Laoliu with disbelief on his face, shook his head and said, "Come on, it came from the sky, so why don't you fall to your death?"

"It didn't come from the sky, so what do you say about the weapons in our hands? Look, there are words on these weapons that we can't understand. This is not fairy script. What is it?" Zhou Lao Liu pointed at 56 and a half nameplate, and said to the two of them.

The two looked at the Arabic numerals on the nameplate, and were speechless for a long time.

After a while, Zhou Laoba patted his forehead in disbelief, and said, "Unbelievable, unbelievable. After Brother Six said this, I feel that we adults are becoming less and less like ordinary people.

Sixth brother, you are right, we adults should come from the sky, otherwise, these weapons would not make sense at all.

These weapons are all unbelievably sophisticated. According to the craftsman level of Daming, they will never be able to be made. "

Li Xiaosan stood on the top of the wall, turning around with a depressed expression on his face.

When he walked to a cave for hiding soldiers on the top of the city, he suddenly heard a voice coming from inside.

So he directed at the cave of the soldiers and yelled loudly into it.

"You don't stand guard well, why are you talking nonsense? Aren't you afraid of military sticks?"

Zhou Laoliu and the others were chatting enthusiastically, when they suddenly heard an angry reprimand, they hurriedly stood there respectfully, without saying a word.

Li Xiaosan looked at the three standing there respectfully, without saying a word, nodded in satisfaction, and then walked away satisfied.

Sitting on his horse, Zhao Wen pointed to the forked road ahead, and said to Lin Xiaoliu, "Which way to go?"

Lin Xiaoliu rubbed his eyes, looked at the fork in front of him, and hurriedly replied: "My lord, take the one on the left. The one on the left is a small road, which can save a lot of time.

Follow the path on the left, and go forward for about an hour, there will be a small forest, through the grove, and after another hour or so, a small mountain will appear.Those bandits are just above the hill.

The road on the right leads to the official road, although it can also reach the bandit den.But it takes a lot of time. "

Zhao Wen looked at Lin Xiaoliu, "How do you know so clearly?"

"So that your lord can understand that this group of bandits has been rampant in our place for several years, and almost everyone knows where they are.

It's just that in the past few years, these bandits only robbed big households and never robbed poor peasants like us, so we didn't take care of them.

After a long time, they will naturally know their details. "

Lin Xiaoliu said to Zhao Wen respectfully.

"Take the one on the left, let's go!" Zhao Wen waved his hand, adjusted the horse's head, and headed for the one on the left.

Although the official way is easy to follow, Zhao Wen doesn't want to follow the official way.

My group of people are well-dressed and powerful, if someone sees it and let those bandits know, it will be bad.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Wen chose the path on the left.

The mountain road is rugged, only as wide as three people standing shoulder to shoulder.Although the mountain is not high, the dry grass on the road is dense and covered with snow, and the soles of the feet are slippery when walking.

Zhao Wen jumped off the horse, led the horse, and walked on the rugged path.

Some of the ice and snow on the road had melted away, and the soldiers walked on this path with one foot deep and one foot shallow, which took a lot of effort.

Wang Liuqi and Lin Xiaoliu also jumped off the flatbed, followed Zhao Wen, and walked forward slowly.

The sparrows were jumping up and down on the branches and chirping incessantly.

Zhao Wen led the team to walk quietly on the mountain road. The whole team was like a ghost, except for the snorting of war horses and the snorting of stepping on the snow, there was no other sound.

(End of this chapter)

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