Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 635 Conquering the whole territory of Henan

Chapter 635 Conquering the whole territory of Henan
Chongzhen didn't wake up until noon.

One thing after waking up was to call the cabinet elder and the six ministers into the imperial study.

Chongzhen sat on the main seat of the imperial study, his face was pale, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Obviously, Chongzhen had not fully recovered at this time.

"Ai Qing, do you know the [-]-li rush sent by the Guide Mansion?" Chongzhen looked at the ministers in the imperial study and asked.

"Return to Your Majesty, I already know about it. Not only us, but even the people in the entire capital know about it."

Zhang Zhifa, chief assistant of the cabinet, stood up, looked at Chongzhen who was sitting on it, and said with a embarrassed face.

"Does the whole capital know?" Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Who leaked this news? How could the whole capital know?"

To be honest, Chongzhen didn't want this news to be conveyed at all. As for the reason, it was very simple, because once this kind of news was conveyed, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to the hearts of the people in the capital.

Facing Chongzhen's questioning, the officials in the imperial study were silent.

"Why are you dumb? Talk? Who spread the news?" Chongzhen's face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

After a long time, Chongzhen's face gradually calmed down.

It's not that Chongzhen didn't want to investigate who spread the news, but that the uncooked rice has now been cooked into cooked rice.

If it is checked at this time, it is bound to make the already flustered capital even more flustered.

It's not that Chongzhen doesn't want to investigate, but that it can't be investigated at this time.Even if it is investigated, it must be done secretly.

"The thief Zhao has already captured Kaifeng Mansion, and it won't be long before the whole of Henan will be captured by the thief Zhao.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any countermeasures? " Chongzhen rubbed his temples and said helplessly.

The ministers below look at me and I look at you, but no one speaks.Even Zhang Zhifa, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was silent and did not say a word.

For the following officials, Zhao Wen was able to take Henan in a short period of time, coupled with his previous performance, it represented that Zhao Wen was already invincible.

Zhao Wen is invincible, what can they do?What can be done?There is no way.

Chongzhen looked annoyed at the silent crowd.

"You people are holding the salary of the imperial court, and when the imperial court encounters difficulties, you will become like this." Chongzhen questioned the ministers below, speaking fiercely.

However, these officials below did not say anything because of Chongzhen's questioning, they still lowered their heads and remained silent.

Chongzhen looked at these officials and felt upset for a while, "Go down. After you go down, discuss it carefully. Before tomorrow afternoon, I will see your memorial. There must be a way to deal with Zhao Wen in the memorial. If not, Just figure it out."

Chongzhen flicked his sleeves, stood up, and went directly to the back.

These officials couldn't fart for a long time, and Chongzhen couldn't do anything about it. Could it be that he was still spending time with these people?

When Chongzhen left, the officials in the imperial study room walked out of the imperial study room in twos and threes.


The sky gradually darkened, and the Kaifeng mansion also became calm.

However, the people who got the food still couldn't calm down their mood.

After all, they have never encountered such a thing.

At the same time, King Zhou, his son and most of King Zhou's family members were also captured by Zhao Wen's soldiers.

Today's Kaifeng Mansion is tightly sealed off by Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses. It is not too rare to catch King Zhou and others.

In the main hall of King Zhou's mansion, King Zhou and others were tied up by five flowers and knelt in the center of the hall.

In addition to people from Zhou Wang's lineage, there are also people from Lu Wang's lineage.

Around them are the soldiers and horses guarding them.

Zhao Wen stood in front of King Zhou and the others, looking at King Zhou quietly.

"Zhao thief, what do you want to do? The widow tells you, don't watch you do whatever you want now, when the imperial army arrives, you will definitely be defeated by the court. At that time, the widow will see what you will do."

King Zhou glared at Zhao Wen who was standing in front of him, and cursed loudly.

Zhou Wang is a courageous person, unlike Jin Wang Fu Wang, who dared to scold Zhao Wen in front of Zhao Wen.

As for Lu Wang Zhu Changhao, he knelt aside in panic, trembling, not daring to look directly at Zhao Wen.

"The imperial army? Do you think there is still a large army in the imperial court now? I don't tell you what the imperial court looks like today." Zhao Wen shook his head, then looked at Li Xiaosan, "Take Zhou Wang and Lu Wang and others away, Let's deal with it the same way we dealt with King Fu of Jin before."

Although King Zhou was much better than King Fu of Jin, Zhao Wen couldn't let him go for this reason, after all, it was a matter of position.

"Obey!" Li Xiaosan cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then took Zhou Wang and others down.

After Zhou Wang went down, Zhao Wen also returned to the backyard of the palace to rest.

Zhao Wen had been in Kaifeng Mansion for several days, so Zhao Wen planned to send troops to Guide Mansion the next day to take it down.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was still pitch black, and Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses walked out of Kaifeng Fucheng in the dark and marched towards Guide Mansion.

When leaving, Zhao Wen left two hundred soldiers in Kaifeng Mansion to maintain local order.

At the same time, Song Hu had already captured the counties around Kaifeng Mansion, and the entire territory of Kaifeng Mansion had basically fallen into Zhao Wen's hands.

Zhao Wen's army walked for about five days, and finally arrived outside the city of Guide Mansion.

Originally, Zhao Wen couldn't spend so much time, but Zhao Wen came all the way, and the counties along the way were basically waiting for the wind. Zhao Wen spent a lot of time when taking over these counties.

Zhao Wen rode on a horse and looked at the Guide Mansion City in front of him, and said, "Guide Mansion City can't be compared with Kaifeng Mansion City, pass on the order, let's attack the city today."

Li Xiaosan hurriedly conveyed Zhao Wen's order.

Half an hour later, Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses were ready to attack the city.

Similar to the previous siege, this time the city was attacked from all sides, and the city walls were first bombarded with artillery.

Because the number of defenders in the city of Guide Mansion was small, the artillery bombardment took less than a quarter of an hour.

After the artillery bombardment, there were gaps in the walls on all sides, and Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses also rushed in.

An hour later, Guide Mansion fell, and Zhao Wen also entered the city of Guide Mansion. When the city was destroyed, the prefect of Guide Mansion committed suicide in the yamen of the prefect of Guide Mansion, and Tong Zhi also committed suicide and died for his country.

As for the remaining officials, they were captured by Zhao Wen.

It is now May, and it will be June in future generations.

After entering June, it is summer, and the weather is starting to get hot.

Wearing unlined clothes, Zhao Wen stood on the pitted city wall of Guide Mansion, looking at the distant scenery.

Li Xiaosan stood behind Zhao Wen, "My lord, the results of the battle have been counted. In this battle, 13 people from our army were injured, three of whom were seriously injured, and the rest were slightly injured.

The three people who were seriously injured were hit in the head by a brick falling from the city wall when they rushed into the city wall, and the minor injuries were caused by their own accidental bumps.

As for the defenders in the city, 300 were killed and 700 were captured.According to the captured officer, the defenders in Guide Mansion totaled 1000 to [-] young and strong. "

"I have known about this matter, and ordered the military doctors in the army to treat these wounded soldiers well.

As for those captives, after dawn tomorrow, we will send people to escort them to Shanxi. " Zhao Wen said.

"As ordered!"

Time passed slowly, and night gradually fell.

Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses patrolled the city of Guide Mansion constantly, maintaining the order of Guide Mansion.

The next day, the soldiers captured in Guide Mansion were also escorted to Shanxi.

At this time, Zhao Wen also divided the soldiers and horses in his hands into several parts, and let them go out of the city, centering on Guide Mansion, to attack the counties around Guide Mansion.

In addition to the soldiers and horses in Zhao Wen's hands, Song Hu's soldiers and horses are also attacking the remaining county towns of Guide Mansion.

In the Ming Dynasty, Guide Mansion governed seven counties and one prefecture. Because Sun Chuanting had recruited soldiers and horses from various prefectures and counties in Henan, the number of defenders in these prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Guide Mansion was very small.

Almost ten days later, Zhao Wen's troops captured the entire Guide Mansion.

After taking down the entire Guide Mansion, Zhao Wen left behind the soldiers who maintained order, and then led the soldiers and horses to Shanxi.

Now that Zhao Wen's attack route has been pierced by Zhao Wen, it is not suitable to stay here any longer.

When Zhao Wen came back to the Yellow River defense line, the remaining two soldiers and horses also completed the tasks arranged by Zhao Wen.

So far, the whole territory of Henan has been taken by Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen led the army to the capital of Huaiqing Mansion on the edge of the Yellow River defense line.

Zhao Wen stayed here for about six or seven days. After the other two groups of soldiers and horses arrived, Zhao Wen led the army back to Taiyuan Mansion.

Now that the Henan government has been completely captured, Zhao Daniu has also captured Guanzhong and southern Shaanxi, and is attacking northern Shaanxi. It will not take long to capture the entire territory of Shaanxi.

As for Liu Wu, he has also captured Chengdu and the areas north of Chengdu, and is leading troops to attack south.

There are many mountainous roads in Sichuan, and Liu Wu's time to enter Sichuan is relatively short, so the speed is the slowest.

For Zhao Wen now, within two months, Sichuan and Shaanxi will all be captured.

The war is coming to an end, and the things that should be done are about to be done, and the most urgent thing now is to ascend the throne.

In mid-June, Zhao Wen arrived in Taiyuan Mansion.After resting in Taiyuan Mansion for two days, Zhao Wen got on the train bound for Xuanzhen.

Going back with Zhao Wen, Lu Xiangsheng, Song Hu, Li Xiaosan and others, as well as Zhao Wen's personal guard battalion, as for the remaining soldiers and horses, were left in Taiyuan Mansion by Zhao Wen.

Originally, Zhao Wen wanted to keep the army in the occupied Henan territory, but after thinking about it, he gave up this idea.

Nowadays, there is not much food in Henan, and it is difficult to feed the local people. If the army stays in Henan, the food and grass consumed will be astronomical.

In addition, the railway to Henan has not yet been built, and the transportation of grain to Henan still depends on manpower.

If the army is kept in Henan, it will put a lot of pressure on logistics and transportation.

Therefore, Zhao Wen will bring all the remaining soldiers to Taiyuan Mansion except for the soldiers who stayed behind.

The enthronement ceremony will not be completed in a short while. Putting these troops in Taiyuan Mansion can also give these soldiers a good rest.

On June 25, Zhao Wen arrived at Xuanzhen Railway Station.

As soon as Zhao Wen walked out of the train station, he saw the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers.

Liu Wenzhong stood at the exit of the train station with officials from Xuanzhen, waiting for Zhao Wen with a smile on his face.

When Zhao Wen just walked out of the station, Liu Wenzhong came up with a group of people.

"I've seen you!" Liu Wenzhong bowed to Zhao Wen.

The officials standing behind Liu Wenzhong also rushed to see Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded slightly and said, "Get up!"

"My lord, the frame has been waiting for a long time, please move your lord." Liu Wenzhong said.

Zhao Wen nodded, and then walked outside.

The road outside the train station was crowded with common people. They looked at Zhao Wen's guard of honor and shouted loudly.

Surrounded by Liu Wenzhong and others, Zhao Wen got into the carriage outside the train station.

The carriage that greeted Zhao Wen was not an ordinary carriage. Now Zhao Wen is about to ascend the throne, so the specifications of the carriage are in accordance with the etiquette of the emperor.

According to the records of Zhou Li, the emperor drives six, so the carriage Zhao Wen sat in was pulled by six white horses.

The decorations on the outside of the carriage were all replaced with bright yellow cloth with nine-clawed golden dragons embroidered on it.

Behind Zhao Wen's carriage are two carriages pulled by four horses.

Surrounding the carriage were soldiers from Zhao Wen's personal guard battalion.

They rode the war horses that Liu Wenzhong had prepared long ago, and bravely opened the way for Zhao Wen.

On both sides of the road stood armored soldiers holding Zhangba long spears. These soldiers were guards of honor specially arranged by Liu Wenzhong for Zhao Wen.

There is a red tassel hanging on the tip of the spear, blowing by the wind, it looks like a sea of ​​red.

The people watched the slowly approaching carriage and burst into loud cheers.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

Wave after wave of cheers, straight into the sky.

The carriage was driving on the streets of Xuan Town. Zhao Wen sat in the carriage, listening to the cheers outside, his face was a little excited and a little nervous.

The Zongbing Yamen is not very far from the train station. In the past, even if you walked, it would only take half an hour.

But now, it took Zhao Wen an hour.

Now the imperial palace in Xuanzhen has been built, but because Zhao Wen has not yet ascended the throne, he cannot live in the imperial palace for the time being.

When Zhao Wen arrived at the Zongbing Yamen, the small square in front of the Zongbing Yamen was already full of people.

Li Xiaoying stood at the front of the crowd with a big belly, and Hai Lanzhu also stood behind Li Xiaoying with a big belly.

Behind the two of them are Zhao Wen's children.

Zhao Wen's son and daughter can walk now.

Then there are those low-level officials who are not enough to welcome Zhao Wen.At the end are the servants in the yamen.

The carriage stopped in front of the Zongbing Yamen, and Zhao Wen got off the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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