Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 637 Formulation of the New Dynasty System Framework

Chapter 637 Formulation of the New Dynasty System Framework

In Zhao Wen's plan, military and internal affairs must be separated.

Otherwise, the result will be like Daming.

Originally, the military of the Ming Dynasty was decided by the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion at the beginning, but after the Tumubao Incident, the responsibility of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion was taken over by the Ministry of War.

Since then, the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies has become a decoration.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang's original intention of setting up the Five Armed Forces Governor's Mansion was good.But the emperor behind him didn't live up to expectations. If it weren't for Zhu Qizhen, the five army governor's mansion would not have become a decoration so soon.

Moreover, in Zhao Wen's plan, military academies will be established in the future to train talents for the military, and ordinary civil servants should not be flooded with military academies and military departments.

In addition to the Senate and the Military Academy, Zhao Wen also planned to set up the Dianqian Division and the Army Division.After ascending the throne, Zhao Wen will transfer Li Xiaosan and Wang Qi to these two positions.

These two departments are actually the kind of institutions similar to Jinyiwei and Dongchang, which are under the direct management of the emperor.

Among them, the Dianqian Division supervises civil officials, and the Army Division supervises generals.

It's not that Zhao Wen doesn't trust his officials, it's just that some things have to be prepared in advance.

When Zhao Wen was in power, the officials under him did not dare to have second thoughts, but what about in the future?
So, there is nothing wrong with being prepared early.

In addition to these, Zhao Wen also set up a royal guard, the number of which is planned to be expanded to about 5. The main duties are to protect the safety of the royal family, take charge of the emperor's ceremonial guards and the security of the palace, and only obey the orders of the royal family. Outsiders do not have transfer rights.

Now Zhao Wen's personal guard battalion is the embryonic form of this guard army. The weapons are mainly automatic weapons such as 56 punches, and they are stationed near the imperial palace.

In addition to the guards, Zhao Wen also set up a standing army in the capital, which is actually the Beijing camp of the Ming Dynasty, stationed near the capital, and the main weapons used are semi-automatic weapons such as 56 and a half.

Among them, the Royal Guards were under the direct management of the emperor, and the standing army in the capital was under the joint management of the emperor and the Military Academy.

The weapons used by the army in Zhao Wen's hands today are almost all 56 and a half 56 punch weapons from later generations. As a result, the military establishment of this era is somewhat inappropriate.

So, Zhao Wen is going to plan to take out the establishment of the squad, platoon, company and regiment in later generations.

As for the locality, Zhao Wen intends to change the chief secretary into a provincial system, that is, change the chief secretary of Shaanxi and the chief secretary of Henan into Shaanxi province and Henan province.

As for the title of the position, for the time being, it will continue to use the name of Daming, and still use the name of governor and magistrate.

In each province, there are two official positions of governor and governor, with several subordinate officials under their jurisdiction.

There is no difference in size between these two official positions, and they are both at the same level. The only difference is that the governor manages the people's livelihood in the province, and the governor manages the officials in the province. The system is similar to that of later generations.

In addition to these two positions, Zhao Wen also plans to set up household divisions, engineering divisions, and criminal divisions in each province to manage household registration, engineering, and criminal law within a province.

As for the names of prefectures and counties, Zhao Wen did not intend to change them, and they still used them.

There are two positions in the prefect and the general government in one place, and the two are at the same level.The prefect manages the people's livelihood of a prefecture, and the general government manages the officials of a prefecture.

The other configurations are similar to those in the provinces. The household bureau, industrial bureau, and criminal bureau are set up below to manage household registration, engineering, and criminal law within the prefecture.

Set up magistrates and general counties in the county, and at the same time set up posts such as household offices, labor offices, and criminal offices to manage these things in a county.

At the town level, this method is also adapted to set up townships, general towns, household houses, workshops, and punishment rooms to manage these things in a town.

After the Han Dynasty, the imperial power did not go to the countryside, and the management of the imperial court only involved the county level, and the people in the towns could only be managed by the gentry.In this way, government orders will not go to the countryside, and the people in the towns only know the squires, not the court.

In order to break this situation, Zhao Wen planned to set up these official positions in the town.

These positions are only for managing internal affairs, as for the local military, they are not under their jurisdiction.

On the local level, at the provincial level, Zhao Wen planned to set up an Armed Forces Division, an Armed Forces Bureau at the prefecture level, and an Armed Forces Station at the county level.

These departments manage the local reserve forces, while the regular army is under the direct jurisdiction of the Military Academy.

For the regular army's garrison, we have to wait until Daming is completely taken down before making any plans.

In addition, Zhao Wen also plans to set up a large law court.In charge of the laws of the world, responsible for formulating and revising laws and reviewing cases reported by local governments.

Set up a big law hall in the province, set up a big law bureau in the government, set up a big law firm in the county, and set up a big law firm in the town.

After all, the population in this era is small, and there are not so many people in a town, so setting this up is useless.

These local law bureaus and law halls are mainly used to try cases.As for the departments of the criminal bureau, they are responsible for maintaining law and order, inspecting and arresting robbery.

What Zhao Wen did was to disperse the power of local officials.

The power of local officials in Ming Dynasty is really too great, not only in charge of prison rewards and punishments in a place, but also in charge of people's livelihood, taxation and various rights.

Such rights are really too great, so Zhao Wen had to separate these rights.

When Zhao Wen finished writing everything, he let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the gradually brightening sky outside the window, he stood up and stretched himself.

"Get Liu Wenzhong, Lu Xiangsheng, and officials from various ministries in Xuanzhen, and let them arrive at the Yamen Hall within two quarters of an hour."

Zhao Wen walked out of the study door and looked at the guard standing at the door of the study.

The guard clasped his fists at Zhao Wen, and hurriedly ran out with Zhao Wen's order.

Zhao Wen returned to the study, picked up the rules and regulations he had made, rolled them into a roll, put them under his elbows, and walked outside.

Zhao Wen came to the kitchen, made breakfast casually, and then came to the hall of the yamen.

It didn't take long for the hall to be full of people.

Zhao Wen sat on the main seat, put the rice paper under the elbows on the table next to him, looked at the officials standing in the hall, and said, "Sit down, everyone, there is no need to be polite."

The officials in the hall thanked them, and then sat on the chairs on both sides of the hall.

Zhao Wen cleared his throat, and said: "Mr. Liu asked me before, what rules and regulations the new dynasty was going to implement, I already had an idea before, and I wrote my idea out overnight last night. This is my result last night. Take a look."

As Zhao Wen spoke, he picked up the rice paper on the table and handed it to the guard standing beside him.

The rice paper is very big, almost as big as a tabletop, and there are seven or eight sheets in total.

The guard took the rice paper from Zhao Wen and handed it to Liu Wenzhong first.

Liu Wenzhong took the rice paper and looked at it quietly.

The first sheet of rice paper was a frame drawing drawn by Zhao Wen, Liu Wenzhong squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully.

Zhao Wen picked up the tea poured by his servants and sipped it.

There are a lot of rice papers, and it took Liu Wenzhong nearly two quarters of an hour to read them all.

After reading these contents, Liu Wenzhong suddenly became complicated.

Before Zhao Wen told him that he didn't plan to use the rules and regulations of Ming Dynasty. At the beginning, Liu Wenzhong thought that Zhao Wen was improving according to the rules and regulations of Ming Dynasty. Even if he didn't use the rules and regulations of Ming Dynasty, it should be similar.

However, when he read Zhao Wen's plan, he was shocked. He really didn't expect that Zhao Wen completely overturned Daming's rules and regulations and replaced them with a new one.

Moreover, each of these rules and regulations does not seem to be groundless. Obviously, they were brought out after careful consideration.

Liu Wenzhong handed the rice paper in his hand to Lu Xiangsheng next to him.

Lu Xiangsheng took the rice paper and squinted his eyes to read it.

After about an hour and a half, the officials in the hall finally read all the content on the rice paper.

"What do you want to say?" Zhao Wen put down the teacup in his hand and looked at the people in the hall.

Liu Wenzhong was the first to say: "The rules and regulations created by your lord have overturned all the rules and regulations of Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, so many departments have been added. From the establishment of the system of three provinces and six ministries in the Sui Dynasty to the present, the system of three provinces and six ministries has been in use for nearly a thousand years.

After the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty abolished the prime minister system, he also set up four auxiliary ministers. During the Jianwen period, a cabinet was finally formed.Although the three provinces are gone, the specific framework and the six departments are still there.

However, the rules and regulations that adults have come up with now have completely changed the system of three provinces and six ministries. The six ministries include the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Officials.

In addition to these six departments, the rules and regulations formulated by the adults also set up departments such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Taxation, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Counselors, the Department of Logistics, and the Department of Equipment. as much.

My lord, in this way, will there be hidden dangers of overbearing officials in the Song Dynasty? "

Because of his status and the length of time he has followed Zhao Wen, Liu Wenzhong has become the head of the civil servants in Xuanzhen.

Because he is a civil servant, Liu Wenzhong focused on internal affairs.

Moreover, Liu Wenzhong has not yet dared to ask Zhao Wen about the issue of the Senate. Liu Wenzhong is not a fool, and he can tell at a glance why Zhao Wen made such changes. It is nothing more than fear of a situation where the Ming cabinet has too much power.

Therefore, Liu Wenzhong first asked these departments set up by Zhao Wen in a roundabout way.

"Yes, my lord, are there too many departments? The Ming Dynasty only had six departments, and only six ministers. If the new dynasty set up so many departments at one time, will there be hidden dangers of overbearing officials in the Song Dynasty?" Lu Xiangsheng also asked solemnly.

"I know what you're thinking, it's just that there are too many departments, the position of Shangshu is worthless, and the power in your hands has become smaller.

In the past, we took the Ministry of Households as an example.The Ministry of Households not only manages the household registration of the whole country, but also manages the taxation of the whole world.

But how many officials does a household department have?Can these officials complete this huge task?Therefore, in order to handle affairs better and more conveniently, these functions must be refined. "

There was nothing wrong with the second half of Zhao Wen's words, but the first half scared the people in the hall enough.

The above words are obviously hitting these people.

Although Liu Wenzhong could be regarded as Zhao Wen's father-in-law, at this moment, the cold sweat on his forehead was still flowing non-stop.

"My lord, how are the official ranks of these department heads calculated?" Although Liu Wenzhong was a little scared, he still mustered up the courage to ask.

"The chiefs are appointed according to the system of three provinces and six departments. The head of the department is the minister, and two deputy chiefs are appointed as ministers. The official ranks are handled according to the Ming Dynasty.

I just wrote an outline of these contents, and I have not yet perfected the detailed rules and regulations.After going down today, write down your doubts and suggestions on the booklet and give it to me. Within five days, try to completely improve the rules and regulations.Let me add a word, the rules and regulations of the new dynasty are handled in accordance with these rules and regulations. "Zhao Wen said calmly, but his words were full of doubts.

"I'll wait for orders!"

The officials in the hall saw that Zhao Wen's words were all about this, so they had no choice but to accept orders.

"By the way, in addition to these contents, I also plan to formulate the Great Charter of the new dynasty!" Zhao Wen said.

"Magna Carta?" Liu Wenzhong was taken aback, looking at Zhao Wen in confusion.

The other officials almost had the same expression, looking at Zhao Wen with puzzled faces, not knowing what the Magna Carta Zhao Wen was talking about.

"That's right, it's the Magna Carta. A country is not a family. Han Feizi once said that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and there must be no negligence for a moment. Besides, there is no rule without rules.

This Magna Carta is the biggest rule of the new dynasty, and no one can violate it. It is the basic principle of the new dynasty's operation, and no one can go beyond it.

The Magna Carta is the fundamental law of the new dynasty, which stipulates the fundamental system of the new dynasty and is the basic legal norm for all people's behavior.

All laws and any laws of the new dynasty must not violate the Magna Carta.No one, not even me, or even the future emperor, shall violate the Magna Carta. "Zhao Wen looked at the officials in the hall and said in a leisurely manner.

The Magna Carta mentioned by Zhao Wen is actually the constitution. To some extent, the constitution has great constraints on imperial power.However, everything has two sides. Although the constitution will restrict the imperial power, it can also prevent the imperial power from being too great and causing too much harm to the country.At the same time, it will also have great benefits for the operation of the country.Besides, the Magna Carta must have been formulated by Zhao Wen, how could Zhao Wen be against himself?

Sometimes, the imperial power still needs to be restricted. There are many examples in history that the imperial power has a bad influence on the country.

As far as the Qing Dynasty is concerned, although Yongzheng is relatively clean and honest, what about his son?His son Qianlong went to Jiangnan when he wanted to go to Jiangnan, but he emptied the treasury.At that time, who would dare to stop the whole court?Who dares to stop?

Another example is the Lafayette in the late Qing Dynasty. When people said that he listened to politics behind a curtain, he listened to politics behind a curtain. Who would dare to say anything?
Therefore, there must be such a law that restricts these rights.

When these people in the hall heard Zhao Wen's voice, especially the last sentence, almost all of them widened their eyes and looked at Zhao Wen in disbelief.

These people are not fools, of course they can understand the meaning of Zhao Wen's last sentence, is it nothing more than restricting the imperial power?

They really didn't expect that Zhao Wen would come up with such a thing.

From ancient times to the present, for civil servants, the emperor's power is too great to be restricted.

In order to restrict the imperial power, Dong Zhongshu also came up with some kind of induction between heaven and man.

Even so, the powerful emperors behind him can still do whatever they want. Let's take Emperor Jiajing as an example. If they want to make alchemy, they can make alchemy. No one dares to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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