Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 644 Qian Qianyi Meets Liu Wenzhong

Chapter 644 Qian Qianyi Meets Liu Wenzhong

Although today's Ming Dynasty is on the verge of collapse, Chongzhen is still the supreme emperor in the one-acre three-point land in the capital.

"Tell me, what should we do now? What should the court do now?" Chongzhen looked at the officials in the imperial study and asked.

After Chongzhen's voice fell, there was no sound in the imperial study room.

In the past, Chongzhen asked these officials to write memorials against Zhao Wen, but almost none of the memorials sent by these officials were useful. They were all big and empty nonsense, which had no effect at all.

At that time, Chongzhen had the heart to kill, but he forcibly endured it.

There was silence in the imperial study room, and the ministers knelt quietly on the ground without saying a word.

They lowered their heads and looked at the floor tiles in front of them, as if there were pictures on the floor tiles.

Chongzhen sat on the chair, his face became more and more ugly.

Finally, Chongzhen couldn't bear it anymore.He slapped the table in front of him, and shouted, "You guys are really a bunch of poor people, don't you even have the slightest solution?"

Zhang Zhifa swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, now we can only send soldiers from Shanhaiguan Sun Ge and Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui to defend the capital."

Zhang Zhifa held back for a long time before choking out such a sentence.

Chongzhen looked at Zhang Zhifa coldly, without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the imperial study was extremely depressing, and the sweat on Zhang Zhifa's forehead kept flowing to the floor. It didn't take long for the floor tiles in front of him to be soaked.

Chongzhen took a few deep breaths, and said, "Other than this, what else can we do? Although the Zhao thieves have no tendency to enter the customs through Shanhaiguan, Shanhaiguan has to guard against it. Besides, even if the soldiers and horses at Shanhaiguan are mobilized, they will Can they stop Zhao's troops? There are also Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui, the two of them are now besieging and suppressing the bandits in Huguang, if they give up at this time and enter the capital, then Huguang will definitely be corrupted."

Zhang Zhifa didn't answer, because no matter what Zhang Zhifa said, he couldn't answer.

Today's Daming is like a dying person who is about to be buried in the ground. He can only watch himself go to perish, but there is nothing he can do.

The imperial study room fell into an eerie silence again, and everyone shut their mouths again.

After a long time, Chongzhen sighed: "Just do as you said, pass the decree to the Ministry of War, transfer Sun Ge to the capital, and transfer Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui's soldiers to the capital.

All right, let's go down. "

Chongzhen waved his hands at these people, Chongzhen really had no other choice.Although Chongzhen used all the silver seized from the British Duke Cheng to train recruits, but now there are only about [-] recruits trained, even if you add the troops from the Beijing Camp and the Imperial Horse Supervisor, it is not enough at all.

Zhang Zhifa and others felt relieved and hurriedly resigned.

Zhang Zhifa walked out of the imperial study room, looking at the sun in the sky, his face was full of anxiety.

"Da Ming!" Zhang Zhifa let out a long sigh, then shook his head and walked outside.

Zhang Zhifa knew in his heart that Da Ming was on the brink of extinction, and everything he did now was futile, and he was just doing nothing.

Zhang Zhifa could see clearly that although the imperial court still had half of the country including Huguang Jiangnan, this half of the country was of no use to the imperial court.

The weather in summer is changeable, when Zhang Zhifa just walked out of the palace, dark clouds covered the sky.

In an instant, pouring rain fell from the sky.

The heavy rain washed the streets of the capital, and the rain mixed with sewage was flowing on the streets.

In the capital city at the end of Ming Dynasty, the environment was very poor, because the imperial court had no money to let people dispose of the garbage in the capital city.

Chongzhen stood under the eaves of the imperial study, quietly watching the rainwater falling from the eaves.

The rain hit the steps outside the imperial study, and the splashing rain wet Chongzhen's trousers.

But Chongzhen didn't care about it, the expression on his face changed again and again, and finally turned into a long sigh.

Chongzhen is not a fool. Although he is not as shrewd as Jiajing Wanli, he can see many things clearly.

The war has developed to the present, and Chongzhen has seen the situation clearly.

The decline of Ming Dynasty has reached an irreversible point.

But Chongzhen was the emperor of Ming Dynasty after all, even though he already knew the result, he still didn't want to give up. He clearly knew that any efforts he made would be futile, but he still prayed for a miracle in his heart.

Chongzhen was walking in the heavy rain, Gao Qiqian followed behind him, holding an oil-paper umbrella.

Chongzhen came to Kunning Palace, the gate of Kunning Palace was open at this time, Chongzhen's Empress Zhou was sitting in the side hall of Kunning Palace, holding a somewhat torn dragon robe in her hand, and was mending it stitch by stitch. with.

During the Chongzhen period, the court's finances were difficult, and even Chongzhen was no exception.

Since Chongzhen ascended the throne, Chongzhen has reduced or exempted palace expenses several times.

The expenses of the Chongzhen Dynasty were not as much as the annual expenses of the imperial palace during the Jiajing Wanli period.

Chongzhen walked into the Kunning Palace, and the eunuchs and maids on duty in the Kunning Palace rushed to salute.

"Your Majesty!" Zhou Shi heard the voice, she looked at Chongzhen who walked in, stood up hurriedly, put down the things in her hands, and greeted him.

Prince Zhu Cihong, who was playing next to Zhou Shi, also hurriedly followed behind Zhou Shi.

"I've seen my father!" Zhu Cihong bowed obediently.

Chongzhen nodded, and then sat next to Mrs. Zhou.

Chongzhen looked at the dragon robes on the table and sighed, "Since you married me, you haven't had a good day."

Sitting next to Chongzhen, Mrs. Zhou said: "As the saying goes, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, and it is a blessing for a concubine to be able to marry His Majesty."

"Oh, the state affairs are difficult. If the court can survive this calamity, I will definitely ask someone to buy you some new clothes." Chongzhen sighed as he looked at the old clothes on Zhou's body.

Mrs. Zhou smiled, "Your Majesty is interested, but there is no need for it. I have never worn such good clothes when I was a child. Although the clothes are a bit old, they are comfortable to wear. Don't worry, Your Majesty."

Chongzhen didn't talk to him, but looked at Zhu Cihong who was standing beside him respectfully.

Now Zhu Cihong is six or seven years old, although he is not very old, but standing there is like an old master, straight and upright.

"How is your homework today?" Chongzhen looked at his eldest son.

Zhu Cihong replied respectfully: "Returning to the emperor, what I have learned recently is not bad. I wrote the first and second chapters of "Great Learning" silently this morning. After the master checked, I said that my ministers are all right, and there is not a single mistake. "

Chongzhen nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, but you can't be proud of it. You have to be humble. When the water is full, it will overflow, and when the moon is full, it will be damaged. You must always be humble and cautious."

"I know!" Zhu Cihong saluted respectfully.

At this moment, Chongzhen's eldest daughter, Zhu Wei, came bouncing into the side hall in a small red palace dress.

When she saw her father, she hurriedly bowed.

Chongzhen also loved his eldest daughter very much.

"What did you do?" Chongzhen asked with a warm face.

Aunt Zhu said, "Just now I went around the palace."

"It's raining, put on more clothes, don't get sick. It's okay, I have something to do, so I'll go first." Chongzhen stood up and walked outside.

The Zhou family, Zhu Cihong and Zhu Wei sent Chongzhen out in a hurry.

Chongzhen walked to the courtyard in front of Kunning Palace, turned his head and glanced at his wife and children standing under the eaves, and shook his head helplessly.

Especially when he saw his children, he sighed and said: "It's a pity that I was born in an emperor's family. It would be great if I was born in an ordinary family."

After Chongzhen finished speaking, he left without looking back.


A middle-aged man came to the gate of Xuan Town in a carriage, and there were two other carriages behind the carriage he was riding in.

The carriage in the back is filled with the belongings of middle-aged men.

Surrounding the carriage, there were more than a dozen sturdy men, these men were the attendants of the middle-aged man.

"The people in the carriage get off, we want to check!"

Several soldiers guarding the city stopped in front of the carriage and shouted loudly at the carriage.

The middle-aged man got off the carriage, and a beautiful woman got off with him.

These two people are none other than Qian Qianyi and Liu Rushi.

That night, Qian Qianyi tried every means to persuade Liu Rushi to let her come to Xuanzhen with him.

It was not easy for Qian Qianyi to come all the way. Originally, the journey was only two or three days away, but it took Qian Qianyi seven or eight days.

"Take out your household registration certificates, I want to check." The leading defender looked at Qian Qianyi.

The household registration certificate is the identity certificate of the people in Xuanzhen. It is stamped with an iron plate, and the owner's name, gender, home address and appearance are written on it.

"Residence certificate?" Qian Qianyi looked puzzled, "It's the first time I come to Xuanzhen, and I don't have a residence certificate."

"What are you doing in Xuanzhen? What's in the carriage behind you? Open it and let me see." The defender pointed to the carriage behind Qian Qianyi.

The defenders were not surprised when they heard that Qian Qianyi came to Xuanzhen for the first time.Now Xuanzhen is becoming more and more powerful, and people from other places come to Xuanzhen almost every day.

"This is my property!" Qian Qianyi replied, and then led the defenders to his carriage.

After checking Qian Qianyi's belongings, the defender said, "Follow me. It's the first time for you outsiders to come to Xuanzhen, and you need to apply for a temporary residence permit. If you don't have a temporary residence permit, you won't be able to live in Xuanzhen. You guys Leave your things at the city gate first, and we will take care of them for you."

After speaking, the defenders sent a soldier to lead Qian Qianyi, Liu Rushi and Qian Qianyi's entourage to a small house not far from the city gate.

This small house is the place where the temporary residence permit is applied.

When Qian Qianyi came here, there was already a long line of people applying for temporary residence permits.

"You just wait here, don't run around, if you are caught by the city's patrol, it will not be so easy to get out." The soldier leading the way warned a few times, and then left.

Qian Qianyi looked at the surrounding scenery in shock, his mouth opened wide.

This is Qian Qianyi's first visit to Xuanzhen, and he has never seen such a prosperous place.

Almost all roads are paved with cement, and the streets are full of people coming and going and hawkers selling things.

There is no patch on the clothes worn by the people, and they are all made of cotton cloth.

The people here have rosy complexions, and it seems that they eat well on weekdays.

"Hey, the people here are really rich, and the windows of these shops are actually made of glass.

And these two wheeled things, what are these things that can run so fast?
Is this Xuanzhen?How can it be so prosperous? "

Qian Qianyi was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, the horror on his face never disappeared.

Liu Rushi was similar to Qian Qianyi, and she had never seen these scenes before.

While the two were surprised, the team had already arrived at him.

After a while, Qian Qianyi came to the city wall with a small wooden sign.

The appearance of the temporary residence certificate is similar to that of the household registration certificate, but the materials are different, one is an iron plate and the other is a wooden plate.

After Qian Qianyi brought his temporary residence permit to the guards at the city gate for inspection, he drove his carriage into Xuanzhen City with his entourage.

Qian Qianyi wandered the streets of Xuanzhen for a long time, and then found an inn to stay.

In today's Xuanzhen, the currency in circulation is silver coins, and the capital is not far from Xuanzhen. In addition, the silver coins are exquisite and contain more silver than the city's silver, so they are deeply loved by the people in the capital.It is for this reason that Qian Qianyi also has a lot of silver coins, so it is not a problem to live in an inn.

Qian Qianyi was sitting in the guest room of an inn. He was holding a newspaper that he got from Xuanzhen in his hand, and carefully read it.

"Now that I seek refuge with Zhao Wen like this, I will definitely not be taken seriously, so I need to find someone to recommend.

According to the contents of the newspaper, now, the official that Zhao Wen values ​​most is Liu Wenzhong.It seems that I have to go to him first. "

Qian Qianyi muttered for a while, and then said to Liu Rushi who was sitting in the room: "You wait for me here, and I will go and handle some things."

After Qian Qianyi said that, he walked out of the room and came to the lobby of the inn.

Qian Qianyi came to Xuanzhen for the first time, and he didn't know the layout of Xuanzhen, let alone where Liu Wenzhong lived, so he had to find out these things first.

Qian Qianyi stood in front of the counter in the lobby, took out five silver coins from his pocket, and spread them on the counter.

"Hey, what is this guest officer talking about?" The shopkeeper looked at the five silver coins on the table and asked with a smile.

"I want to ask, where does Mr. Liu Wenzhong live? I have something to do with him." Qian Qianyi didn't have time to think, and directly stated his purpose of coming.

"Looking for Master Liu? Who are you?" When the shopkeeper heard that Qian Qianyi was looking for Liu Wenzhong, he immediately put on a scrutinizing expression.

"That's right, if you can tell me where Master Liu lives and the route to Master Liu's residence, all these silver coins will be yours." Qian Qianyi said.

"Listen to your accent, are you a foreigner?" asked the shopkeeper.

Qian Qianyi nodded, "That's right, I'm a foreigner. I'm a Jinshi. I heard that Xuan Town is rich, so I came here to seek refuge with Master Liu."

Qian Qianyi did not say that he would take refuge in Zhao Wen, but instead said that he would take refuge in Liu Wenzhong.

The shopkeeper looked at the silver coins on the table and thought for a moment, "Okay, since that's the case, then I'll tell you, it's not a secret anyway."

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day everyone! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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