Chapter 670 A Doomsday Scene

Chongzhen stood up with Gao Qiqian's support, and the little eunuchs standing beside Gao Qiqian hurriedly dressed Chongzhen.

With the support of Gao Qiqian, Chongzhen walked out of the palace and came outside the palace.

Chongzhen looked at the rising sun outside, his face was full of sorrow and regret.

Chongzhen was saddened that Sun Chengzong lost all the last soldiers and horses of Ming Dynasty, and there was no way to resist Zhao Wen in the future.

What I regret is that I should not have agreed to Sun Chengzong's request at the beginning. If he hadn't sent troops to Xuanzhen, then Chongzhen still has [-] soldiers and horses in his hands.

"The last soldiers and horses, the last soldiers and horses of the imperial court are all gone. Sun Chengzong died in battle, and the whole army of one hundred thousand soldiers and horses was wiped out, the whole army was wiped out." Chongzhen said in a low voice with a sad face.

The sun shines on Chongzhen's face, but Chongzhen's face is not as beautiful as the sun.

Gao Qiqian stood beside Chongzhen, silently supporting Chongzhen.

After Chongzhen finished speaking, he fell into silence again.

"Your Majesty, it's time to eat." After a while, Gao Qiqian reminded him.

Chongzhen shook his head, "I don't want to eat, I can't eat it. The last soldiers and horses of the court are gone, how can I eat it? The last soldiers and horses of the court are gone, and the court is already in decline, how can I eat it?" go down?
By the way, where did the rout go?Have you been to the capital?How many people are left in the rout? "

"Back to the emperor, the rout had already arrived in the city last night. The generals who led the troops were Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao's uncle and nephew. They were generals under Sun Chengzong's command. After they led the troops into the capital, , has been kneeling in front of the palace gate until now." Gao Qiqian replied.

After Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao led their troops into the capital, they knew that they could not escape Chongzhen's punishment, so they knelt in front of the palace gate.

Because Chongzhen was already in a coma at that time, Gao Qiqian was busy with Chongzhen and didn't care about it.

Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao have also been kneeling outside the palace gate, and they have not left until this morning.

"According to what they said, they originally gathered about 9000 or 5000 soldiers, but because of the defeat and the lack of food, the routs ran away a lot, and now there are only about [-] soldiers left." Gao Qiqian replied .

"5000 people? 5000 people? Before Sun Chengzong led the expedition, he led nearly 10 people, and now there are only 5000 left?" Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that Sun Chengzong commanded 5000 soldiers , and now there are only [-] people left.

Afterwards, Chongzhen's face became distorted, and he roared through gritted teeth: "What can 5000 people do? What can these 5000 people do? They can't do anything. Even if they bring the left-behind people in the capital, they can't exceed 2 people. These People and horses can't even defend the capital."

"Let the two of them come in, and I have to ask carefully, what is going on in the war, and why it was defeated so badly. And Sun Chengzong, how did he die, did he die in battle, or how did he die? " Chongzhen's face completely collapsed, his chest heaving and falling.

Gao Qiqian hurriedly turned around, looked at the little yellow gate following behind him, and asked them to call in Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao, who were kneeling outside the palace gate.

And Gao Qiqian himself helped Chongzhen to the imperial study.

Not long after, Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao were taken to the imperial study.

Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao didn't have time to change their clothes, they were still wearing armor.

It's just that the armor is covered with dried blood, and the two of them are covered with mud, and the two of them are in a panic.

The waist knives on their waists had been removed when they entered the palace gate.

"Sin will meet His Majesty!"

The two looked at Chongzhen sitting in the imperial study room, and kowtowed again and again.

Chongzhen sat on it, looking at the two people who kowtowed to him non-stop, his teeth creaking.

"Tell me, what's going on? Why are there less than 5000 of my [-] soldiers left? Where are the rest? Where are they?" Chongzhen said to the two man growled.

Because Chongzhen's body is relatively weak, he roared twice and then coughed non-stop.

"Your Majesty, it's not that our army is bad, nor is Master Sun's strategy bad, it's that Bandit Zhao's weapon is too powerful, it's that Bandit Zhao's weapon is too powerful." Cao Wenzhao knelt in the imperial study, looking at Chongzhen, Talked up.

"Your Majesty, Master Sun's strategy is to first let Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui and Wu Jisheng lead the troops. One will go outside the pass and raid Longmen Fort, the place where the Zhao bandits rose. Then Master Sun led the remaining soldiers and horses to Zhuolu Mountain in the south of Xuan Town.

Zhuolu Mountain is located in the south of Xuanzhen Town. As long as you pass Zhuolu Mountain, you can directly reach the hinterland of Xuanzhen Town, and even go straight to the city of Xuanzhen Town.

This plan was flawless, as long as Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui and Wu Jisheng could attract the attention of Zhao's soldiers and horses, then Master Sun would surely lead the troops out of Zhuolu Mountain and reach the hinterland of Xuanzhen.

At the beginning, the war was relatively normal..."

Cao Wenzhao told the details of the matter in detail.

Chongzhen sat on it, listening to Cao Wenzhao's voice, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Crack!" Chongzhen slapped the table in front of him fiercely, then pointed at Cao Wenzhao's nose and cursed, "Since you know you can't rush out, why didn't you choose to retreat? Why didn't Sun Chengzong choose to retreat?
Also, did Sun Chengzong really die in battle?Or how did he die? "

When Cao Wenzhao heard Chongzhen's questioning, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly explained, "Your Majesty, Lord Sun really died in battle. At that time, he led a team to attack a line of defense in the northwest.

He pressed all the soldiers and horses in his hands up, and finally went into battle himself, but the swords and guns were blind, Zhao Bandit's artillery was really terrifying, Mr. Sun was hit by Zhao Bandit's artillery fire, and he just disappeared..."

"Nonsense, nonsense. Sun Chengzong is the leader of an army, how could he go to battle in person, you are talking nonsense." Chongzhen pointed to Cao Wenzhao's nose angrily, and kept yelling and cursing.

"Your Majesty, this is true, this is true!" Cao Wenzhao kept explaining.

Chongzhen panted heavily, his face turned pale.

Standing beside Chongzhen, Gao Qiqian hurriedly persuaded him, "The emperor be careful of the dragon body, the emperor be careful of the dragon body."

"I'll ask you again, why didn't you bring back the remaining soldiers and horses after the first defeat?
Knowing that he is not Zhao thief's opponent, and knowing that he can't make it through, why insist on doing so?If the remaining soldiers and horses were brought back, even if the battle was defeated, it would not be so miserable. "Chongzhen yelled at Cao Wenzhao hysterically.

Chongzhen was very puzzled, why Sun Chengzong didn't bring back the remaining soldiers and horses after the defeat, but continued to attack instead.

"Your Majesty, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If the remaining soldiers and horses are brought back at that time, if the Zhao bandits take advantage of this to attack, our army will suffer an unprecedented defeat." Cao Wenzhao replied.

"Hehe!" Chongzhen's eyes were half-opened, and he sneered murderously, "Unprecedented fiasco? Is there a fiasco like this one? Tell me it is an unprecedented fiasco, can it be as miserable as yours this time?
I think you are just making excuses on purpose, you people are simply incompetent to the extreme.

I didn't agree with Sun Chengzong sending troops to Xuanzhen before, but I really couldn't hold him back, and finally let him take out the last soldiers and horses of the imperial court.

When he left, he also promised me that he would definitely defeat Bandit Zhao.But what about the result?Even thief Zhao didn't touch it, and finally put himself in it. "

The more Chongzhen talked, the more angry he became, and the more he talked, the more angry he became, and finally pushed all the things on the table in front of him.

The eunuch and maid in the imperial study hurriedly knelt on the ground, trembling.

Gao Qiqian knelt at Chongzhen's feet, and kept persuading Chongzhen not to be angry.

Chongzhen's eyes were scarlet, walking up and down in the imperial study.

At this moment, he had reached the point of collapse.He really didn't dare to imagine, if Zhao Wen took the opportunity to attack at this time, what would he do to resist it.

In recent days, fewer and fewer military newspapers have been sent from Huguang and Shandong.

Chongzhen knew what this meant, which meant that Huguang and Shandong would probably be taken by Zhao Wen.

Once Huguang and Shandong were captured by Zhao Wen, for Chongzhen, the capital at this time became an isolated city, and Chongzhen, for him, completely became a lonely family.

"Okay, okay, okay. I misunderstood Sun Chengzong before. I originally thought that Sun Chengzong was a capable person, but I didn't expect that he was just like Zhou Yanru, Wen Tiren and others, all incompetent and shameless .

Cao Wenzhao, I ask you, what do you think I should do now?What should I do with my country?If thief Zhao calls, how should I resist?What should I resist?
You people are like stinky shit, stinky, stinky.Why didn't you two die in Xuanzhen like Sun Chengzong did.What are you two doing back here?Are you two running back and waiting for me to confer titles on you?How do you two have the face to run back?Why don't you two die?Why don't you two die? "Chongzhen walked in front of Cao Wenzhao, condescending, looked at Cao Wenzhao, and cursed.

At this time, Chongzhen no longer cared about his identity, and he yelled and cursed without any scruples.

The imperial court is almost gone, and it is useless to care about status and so on.

"Hehe, at the beginning someone proposed to move the capital, but it was blocked. Fortunately, even if you want to move the capital now, you can't move it.

The capital has completely become a dead city. There are Zhao bandits from the grassland in the north, Zhao bandits from Xuanzhen in the west, Zhao bandits from Liaodong in the east, and Zhao bandits from Huguang, Shandong in the south.

Even if I want to transfer troops from Jinling Jiangnan and other places to Beijing, I'm afraid I won't even be able to deliver the news.Haha, okay, okay, Daming's great power has finally been defeated in the hands of you officials. "

Chongzhen seemed to be insane, yelling madly in the imperial study.

At this time, Chongzhen was already desperate to the extreme. He really didn't dare to imagine that if Zhao Wen was overwhelmed by the army one day, how would he resist.

Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao knelt in the imperial study room, their bodies trembling constantly.

After a long time, Chongzhen looked at the two of them with fire in his eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "Put the two of them in prison, and Sun Chengzong defeated all the soldiers and horses in my hands. Now that he is dead, there is nothing I can do about him. But you two, I will never forgive you lightly."

After Chongzhen's voice fell, Gao Qiqian, who was kneeling on the ground, hurriedly got up from the ground and ran outside.

After a while, seven or eight big Han generals rushed into the imperial study room and dragged the two away.


At the same time, the entire capital was panicked, and almost everyone fell into a panic.

In the past, although there were rumors that Sun Chengzong had lost the battle and defeated the last soldiers and horses of the court, but after all, he had not seen it with his own eyes, so many people in the capital still had some doubts and had a little luck.

Later, although there were broken soldiers who escaped from Xuanzhen, not many people believed it.

However, since Cao Wenzhao led the defeated soldiers into the city last night, these people in the city finally believed the news of Sun Chengzong's failure.

In addition, the gossip came from nowhere, saying that His Majesty vomited blood and fell into a coma after hearing this.

This news put a veil of fear on the people in the capital.

For a moment, the entire capital was in a complete panic.

Some wealthy households with more wealth hurriedly packed up their belongings and fled outside the city. These people crowded the gate of the city and blocked the gate of the city into a pot of porridge.

The green-skinned hooligans in the capital also took advantage of the situation to make trouble. These people blatantly robbed property on the street, and they were extremely arrogant.

Many of the officials in the capital were not in the mood to go to the yamen, and they all stayed at home, discussing what to do with a few officials with better relations.

But it doesn't mean that all the officials in the capital are such shameless people.

Shi Bangyao, the left deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, was fully dressed and arrived at the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate's yamen in a carriage.

In the past, the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate was full of sedan chairs or carriages, but at this time, there was nothing in front of the gate.

Shi Bangyao got off the carriage and looked at the deserted gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, his face twitched for a while.

"Damn it, damn it. My Ming Dynasty is not dead yet, and everyone is traitorous and shameless." Shi Bangyao stood in front of the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, yelling and cursing non-stop.

"My lord, it has been spread all over the capital now. Old Sun Ge's soldiers and horses were defeated in the Zhuolu Mountain in Xuanzhen Town. One hundred thousand soldiers and horses were wiped out. Now the last soldiers and horses of the imperial court are gone." The driver who drove Shi Bangyao jumped down. Carriage, whispered.

Shi Bangyao turned around, stared at the coachman, and cursed: "Zhuzi, do you believe such nonsense? Let me tell you, you have forgotten all these words, and you are not allowed to say them in the future."


The coachman wanted to explain something, but seeing Shi Bangyao's cannibalistic gaze, he closed his mouth.

"Huh!" Shi Bangyao wore an official uniform, flicked his sleeves, and walked into the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

 Thank you for your reward, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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