Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 697 Sending the Feudal King to Dengzhou

Chapter 697 Sending the Feudal King to Dengzhou
The preparation of vulcanized rubber is actually quite simple, and there are detailed records in high school chemistry of later generations, and Zhao Wen is very clear about these.

When the time came to the middle of the night, Zhao Wen had already written all the preparation process of vulcanized rubber and the specific production procedures.Zhao Wen bound the written content and put it on the table.

Zhao Wen not only wrote about the preparation methods of vulcanized rubber, but also wrote about the preparation methods of various tires.In fact, things like tires are not very difficult, and they can be manufactured at the current industrial level in Xuanzhen.

Of course, compared with the later generations, the tires produced by Zhao Wen are still very common. Those special tires are not something that Zhao Wen can play with now.

Early the next morning, Zhao Wen had someone call Song Yingxing over.

The department Song Yingxing is in charge of is the busiest department in Xuanzhen today, but Song Yingxing doesn't have any complaints about these things, and even enjoys it.

For someone like Song Yingxing who likes to do research, not letting him do research is a kind of torture.

In the imperial study room, Song Yingxing sat opposite to Zhao Wen.

In Zhao Wen's hand, he was holding the booklet that he got out overnight last night. The booklet was very thick.

"Rubber is widely used in industry, and it is also an essential basic industrial product. As for why rubber is so important, I told Aiqing before, so I won't repeat it anymore.

However, if natural rubber is not processed, there is no way to directly apply it in industry.Because natural rubber is soft and has a lot of moisture, it is not wear-resistant.

In order for rubber to be better used in industry, it is necessary to vulcanize the rubber to a certain extent. Only vulcanized rubber can perfectly fit the industry.Here are some specific processes and precautions for vulcanized rubber that I wrote last night. As Zhao Wen said, he asked Chen Donglai to hand over the content he had written to Song Yingxing.

After Song Yingxing took over what Zhao Wen had written, he flipped through it.

Zhao Wen wrote about the advantages and specific applications of vulcanized rubber on these contents.

Song Yingxing opened the booklet and read it in detail.Earlier, Zhao Wen had told Song Yingxing about the advantages of vulcanized rubber, so Song Yingxing was no stranger to vulcanized rubber.

Song Yingxing looked at the preparation procedures on the booklet with a relaxed smile on his face.The preparation procedure of vulcanized rubber is not very difficult for the current publicity, and Song Yingxing is very confident that this vulcanized rubber can be produced.

"Your Majesty, you have written the specific process of vulcanizing rubber in this booklet, and even have some blueprints about the vulcanizing rubber factory. After I go down, I will definitely be able to produce vulcanized rubber in the shortest possible time." Song Yingxing patted himself Said with a vow on his chest.

Zhao Wen said with a smile: "This is better, by the way, after you go down, then imitate the wheels of the 107 rocket launcher to produce car tires. Remember, the wheels must be big, not too small, but not too big.

If it is small, the wood-burning car produced will be small.Wood-burning vehicles are mainly used for transporting materials and sending troops.Therefore, the wheels of wood-burning cars should be as big as possible within the allowable range, at least bigger than the current wood-burning cars. "

Zhao Wen's purpose is very simple, that is to create a larger firewood car.After all, the transport capacity of a firewood car has a lot to do with its size.If it is too small, the transportation capacity will be greatly reduced, so it is better not to manufacture it.

"Your Majesty, after I go down, I must imitate the wheels of the firewood car according to your instructions. The wheels of the firewood car are not very difficult. In the past, it was only due to the lack of rubber, so it has not been produced. Now there are Rubber, I will definitely be able to manufacture this kind of wheel." Song Yingxing replied.

"In addition to the wheels, we also need to improve the wires. There are not many rubbers today, let's deal with the wheels of the wood-fired cars first, but the improvement of the wires cannot be left behind.

Aiqing, hurry up and do it.By the way, there are a lot of rubber and other materials produced by Zheng Yiguan, and not all of them have been sent to Xuanzhen, so let's wait for all the rubber to be sent to Xuanzhen, and then do it together, but Aiqing can also do some rubber experiments first one time. Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing and said calmly.

Song Yingxing stood up, took the brochure given by Zhao Wen, and walked out of the imperial study.

Looking at the back of Song Yingxing leaving, Zhao Wen heaved a sigh of relief.

After Song Yingxing left, Zhao Wen asked Chen Donglai to find Liu Wenzhong.

Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong who was sitting in front of him, and said, "Yesterday, I asked you to formulate rewards for those merchants. How is Ai Qing's formula?"

Liu Wenzhong said: "Return to Your Majesty, it has almost been formulated."

"That's good. Now that it's formulated, let's implement it as soon as possible. By the way, these feudal kings and their clans who were captured recently were transported to Dengzhou. I plan to send these feudal kings to Dengzhou. to America.

When transporting, it is not necessary to transport all the vassal kings to Dengzhou, but to select half of them first.The remaining princes will be sent to Oceania in the future.Also, you have to start sending the rubber seeds cinchona seeds sent by Zheng Yiguan to Taiyuan Island, and plan to plant them on Taiyuan Island. "

It is still possible to transport rubber from the Americas to Xuanzhen in the short term, but it will not work if it takes a long time. After all, the cost of doing so is very high.

"Obey!" Liu Wenzhong saluted Zhao Wen.

Early the next morning, a train left Xuanzhen's railway station and headed for the southernmost tip of Shanxi.

Different from other trains, the people on this train were those Ming vassals captured by Zhao Wen and their clans.

Zhao Wen has now taken Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Henan, Huguang and Shandong.Therefore, the princes of these places were also captured by Zhao Wen.

The number of these vassal kings and their clans is huge, almost tens of thousands.

Of course, Zhao Wen didn't take any prisoners of those low-level clans like Zhen Guo Lieutenant Fu Guo Lieutenant.

These people sometimes live worse than ordinary people, and there is no need to target them.

Fu Wang's family sat in a carriage, their faces were full of sorrow.

Zhu Yousong, the son of Prince Fu, was originally obese, but since entering Xuan Town, his weight has been losing weight.

Now he is no longer as greasy as before.

Zhu Yousong sat on a chair in the train carriage, looked at King Fu who was sitting opposite him, and asked worriedly, "Father, is Bandit Zhao planning to kill us?"

Zhu Yousong was very worried. Although Zhao Wen hadn't shown any intention of killing them since entering Xuanzhen, they couldn't guarantee that Zhao Wen would never attack them.

Zhu Yousong was afraid that Zhao Wen would kill him this time.

Fu Wang Zhu Changxun shook his head, "Impossible. If he wants to kill us, he can just kill us. Why do he do this? Why is he pulling us to another place by train? Although I don't know where Zhao Wen is going to take us Send it, but definitely won’t kill us in another place.”

Zhu Changxun didn't think that Zhao Wen would kill them. If Zhao Wen wanted to kill them, he would have killed them long ago, so why wait until now.

"Then what are we going to do?" Zhu Yousong couldn't figure it out.

When these people got on the train, they didn't know where they were going, and Zhao Wen didn't ask them to tell them.

Therefore, these people on the train did not know where they were going.

"Okay, don't think about it. Even if you know why you want to do this, there is nothing we can do. Now we are just fish on the chopping board, and we can't do anything." Zhu Changxun turned his head and looked out of the train window.

This is not the first time for people like Zhu Changxun to take a train, so they don't show much surprise now.

As the night gradually fell, it was very quiet in the carriage, and there was hardly any sound.

These people in the carriage are all feudal kings and clans of feudal kings from all over the world. They don't know where their future lies, and they don't know what they will face.

Seven or eight soldiers with live ammunition appeared from the end of the carriage, and their eyes kept scanning these people in the carriage.

"Tell you, you are not allowed to have any other ideas. If anyone has other ideas, don't blame me for being rude. If you are obedient, there is still a way to survive. If you are not obedient, then I can't guarantee you I can survive." A burly man shouted into the carriage with a sinister face.

Wherever they looked, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at them.

These soldiers were the soldiers who escorted the clans of these vassal kings, they were drawn by Zhao Wen from the Royal Guards, and they were specially used to escort the clans of these vassal kings.

There will be soldiers patrolling the compartment every hour, and the number of people will be counted every other day.

Therefore, even if these vassal princes and clans wanted to escape, it would not be so easy.

A few days later, the train stopped at a railway station at the southernmost tip of Shanxi.

The feudal kings and clans on the train were driven off by the escorting soldiers.

After driving them down, the soldiers escorted these people into a firewood car.

At this time, all the rubber and other materials in Dengzhou had been sent to this railway station, so the firewood cars were also vacant.

These vassal kings and clans were loaded into the carriages of firewood cars and sent to Dengzhou.

Because of the large number of people, only a part of the feudal royal family was transported for the first time. As for the rest, they went to Dengzhou on foot first.

Fu Wang's lineage was a bit unlucky, and didn't get in a firewood car.

Under the escort of soldiers, Fu Wang's lineage walked to Dengzhou on foot.

At this time, Fu Wang's lineage was wearing very ordinary clothes, and their originally obese bodies were much thinner.

These people were walking on the official road, and the scorching sun made them sweat profusely.

Although they were tired, they dared not stop.

Because once they stop, the whip is likely to be waiting for them.

Although these vassal kings and clans are not in danger of life, they cannot escape the pain of flesh and blood.

Fu Wang looked at the big sun above his head, and the sweat on his forehead kept flowing down.

There are farmlands on both sides of the official road, and the crops in the farmland are growing vigorously in the sun.

The people working in the farmland looked at this group of people on the official road, and they became curious for a while.

They gathered on both sides of the official road, pointing at the crowd here and talking about it.

Fu Wang wiped off the sweat from his brow, and walked forward slowly.

"Hurry up, everyone, and anyone who dares not to move forward, be careful!" An escort soldier flicked the whip in his hand, making a crackling sound, and shouted loudly.

King Fu lowered his head and walked forward.


"Zheng Aiqing, this time I will let you rest for two months. After two months, you will go to America!"

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at Zheng Yiguan who was sitting in front of him, and said.

Zheng Yiguan was not surprised by Zhao Wen's request.

"After you go this time, I will provide you with some wood-burning cars. With wood-burning cars, it will be much more convenient for you in America.

In addition to wood-burning cars, I will provide you with mining workers.After arriving in America, start mining. " Zhao Wen said.

Although there is no way to completely occupy the Americas now, this does not prevent Zhao Wen from opening mines in the Americas.

If it weren't for the fact that the population of America is too small, Zhao Wen still plans to build a railway in America.

Zheng Yiguan said: "Your Majesty, after having a wood-burning car, the rubber plantation does not have to be restricted by the terrain. At that time, I can expand the rubber plantation."

"That's good!" Zhao Wen nodded, and continued: "Now, I have sent some of the captured vassal kings and their clans to Dengzhou, and it won't be long before they arrive in Dengzhou.

As the first batch of people to go to America, these people will be handed over to you.After these people go to America, Ai Qing must take good care of them.

In these two months, Aiqing sees what she needs, and if she needs anything, just tell me, and I will definitely satisfy Aiqing. "

"I don't have anything special to ask for!" Zheng Yiguan replied.

"It goes without saying that I'm so sure, think about it after you go back." Zhao Wen waved his hand at Zheng Yiguan, "Okay, let's stop here today, Ai Qing will step down first!"

Zheng Yiguan stood up, bowed to Zhao Wen, and then backed out.

After Zheng Yiguan withdrew, Zhao Wen took out the charts that Zheng Yiguan had sent up and the map of Zheng Yiguan's plantation.

Zhao Wen placed the two maps on the desk, and squinted his eyes carefully.

Looking at the map near the plantation, Zhao Wen kept thinking.

"The plantation is located in the southern part of North America and the northern part of South America, not far from the later Panama Canal. Looking at the marks on the map, Zheng Yiguan has completely controlled the surrounding area.

It's just that there are insufficient manpower, so Zheng Yiguan can't go too far to develop.After sending these people and wood-burning cars to the Americas this time, it is estimated that they can be developed farther away. "

(End of this chapter)

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