Chapter 703 Che Jingde

The middle-aged man's face was full of loneliness, and he kept sighing.

"It's been nearly three hundred years since I founded the dynasty, and I didn't expect to encounter such a catastrophe!" The middle-aged man sighed, then stood up, picked up the bowl on the table, and drank the liquid inside.

The liquid in the bowl is nothing but a bowl of wine.Wine strengthens people's courage, and it can strengthen people's courage before they are about to die.

The middle-aged man picked up the hemp rope, threw it over the beam, and then pulled the rope out in a circle.

The middle-aged man stood under the rope, stepped on the chair, and hung his neck in the loop.

With a "plop", the middle-aged man kicked away the chair under his feet.

The middle-aged man struggled in mid-air for a moment, and gradually lost his movement.

Although middle-aged people are staunch, they serve the country with death.However, he overlooked a problem.That was the time before, these gentry almost never paid taxes.

These gentry are half responsible for the current scene of the Ming court.

By the time the middle-aged man's family members came here, the middle-aged man's body was already cold.


Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's soldiers and horses crossed the Yangtze River non-stop and entered Jinling City.

Jinling City was also gradually controlled by the troops of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

On the morning of the third day, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu boarded the ferry and crossed the river.

Crossing the river with Zhao Daniu and Song Hu was also a firewood car.

Under the protection of their personal guards, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu walked into Jinling City and came outside the imperial palace of Jinling City.

The Imperial Palace is the most important place in Jinling City and the symbol of Jinling City, so Zhao Daniu and Song Hu came here immediately after entering the city.

After seeing the two of them, the defenders outside the palace rushed over to greet them.

Zhao Daniu stood on the small square in front of the palace, looking at the palace in front of him.

"How is it?" Zhao Daniu looked at the palace.

"General, Wei Guogong Xu Hongji and most of the officials in Jinling City have retreated to the palace, and they are now in the palace." A thousand households stood behind Zhao Daniu and said to Zhao Daniu. "Yesterday, there were still some officials who jumped into the city to die for their country, but today there are no more. It is estimated that the rest are some people who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

Zhao Daniu said: "You're right, the rest are all greedy for life and afraid of death, but they're not good things either. Tell me to make the people inside surrender."

"Yes!" Qianhu clasped his fists at Zhao Daniu, and then brought a few soldiers to the front.

Seven or eight men with big arms and round waists stood side by side, and they yelled at the top of their voices in the direction of the palace, "Listen up, people inside, leave the city and surrender, otherwise, our army's artillery will definitely blow you to pieces! !"

Xu Hongji stood on the palace wall, watching the soldiers shouting at them in the square below, his temples throbbed.

Now Xu Hongji is like a mouse in the corner, he has no desire to escape, but he has no luck.

Cold sweat began to appear on Xu Hongji's forehead. He looked at the soldiers outside the palace wall, his body trembling unceasingly.

"What to do? What to do? What should we do now? What should we do now?" Xu Hongji's son Xu Wenjue stood behind Xu Hongji, panicked and shouted.

Those officials standing on the city wall are not much better, to some extent, they are not as good as Xu Wenjue.

The former loyal ministers have all jumped the wall to die for the country, and the rest are greedy for life and afraid of death.

If these people can stand firm and resist, it is estimated that the sun will come out from the west.

Various voices rang out from the palace wall, but these voices had the same characteristic, which was to make Xu Hongji surrender.

Xu Hongji was upset, his eyes were full of panic.

"Father, what are you still thinking? Hurry up and surrender. We are no match for the bandit soldiers. Hurry up and surrender. You can save your life after surrendering. If you don't surrender, we will all die.

Dad, our family has a large population.If you don't surrender, our family will die, and our family will be broken by your hands. "Xu Wenjue was hysterical.

"Surrender?" Xu Hongji panted heavily, trying to calm himself down.

"My lord, now that the imperial court is gone, the imperial court is probably gone. Why are we still sticking to it?"

"Yes, Lord, our lives are our own. Besides, we have resisted for such a long time. It's not that we don't want to be loyal to the country, it's because our strength is not enough, it's not a crime of war!"

The officials on the top of the city chattered all over the place, trying to persuade Xu Hongji.

Xu Hongji didn't speak, his brows were tightly locked together.

Xu Hongji couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Xu Wenjue looked at Xu Hongji like this, and he could probably guess what Xu Hongji was thinking.

Xu Wenjue quietly shrank back, and quietly walked down the palace wall with his dog-legged followers.

After Xu Wenjue walked down the palace wall, he headed towards the palace gate.

Xu Wenjue didn't want to wait for death, and his own father couldn't make up his mind for a long time, so Xu Wenjue wanted to open the palace gate and cook the raw rice.


As soon as Xu Wenjue walked to the gate of the palace, the soldiers guarding here greeted him.

"My father said that he is going to surrender, so please open the palace gate quickly!" Xu Wenjue said to the soldiers guarding the palace gate.

The soldiers guarding the palace gate looked at each other, wondering if what Xu Wenjue said was true.

Xu Wenjue saw that the defenders did not move, put on airs, and angrily said: "The bandits outside the city are about to attack the city. Once the bandits attack the city, do you think you can survive? Don't you want to live? You If you don't want to live, then why didn't you die on the city wall, instead retreated here?

My father asked me to inform you for the sake of your lives.Quickly, open the palace door. "

"Master, I wonder if you have the warrant from the Duke? Without the warrant from the Duke, we really dare not act recklessly!" the leader of the guard said.

"Hmph, now that the war is urgent, where can my dad find pens and paper? Do you think I'm deceiving you? It's not like you don't know what kind of person I am, so open the city gate quickly!"

Xu Wenjue coaxed and lied, and finally persuaded the defenders.

In fact, these defenders were also afraid of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's troops.

After they saw how powerful Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's troops were, they didn't think they could get out alive if they didn't surrender.

But now what Xu Wenjue said has a nose and eyes, it looks like it is true, and it really coaxed them.

The palace door opened slowly, and the door hinges creaked.

Seeing that the palace gate had been opened, Xu Wenjue rushed out with his followers without saying a word, and knelt outside.

"I surrender, I surrender, the heavenly army is invincible, we surrender!"

Xu Wenjue knelt on the ground outside the palace gate and kowtowed in front of him.

His appearance is no different from that in history when he knelt to welcome Jiannu into the city.

Seeing Xu Wenjue who suddenly appeared outside, Xu Hongji's expression changed drastically.He really didn't expect that his son could do such a thing.

Xu Hongji wanted to yell at him, but the officials on the city wall were not calm anymore.

They hurried down the palace wall and ran out of the palace gate, for fear that they would be left behind.

After these officials rushed out of the palace gate, together with Xu Wenjue, they knelt on the ground outside the palace gate and kept kowtowing to the front.

All of a sudden, various voices begging for mercy came and went.

The blood under the palace wall has not been cleaned up, and the blood has a dark red luster under the sunlight.

How ironic and embarrassing this scene is.

Xu Hongji supported the crenel on the palace wall, looked at everything in front of him, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

"Evil, shameless!" Xu Hongji yelled, then his head tilted and his body went limp.

Zhao Daniu looked at everything in front of him and smiled.

"Hehe, I thought you guys were going to resist to the death, but I didn't expect that you are all a bunch of soft bones, hehe!"

Zhao Daniu sneered twice, and then asked his soldiers to take these people down.


Five days later, Jinling City was completely taken down by Zhao Daniu.

Because the battle was too fast, Jinling City did not suffer any serious losses.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu set up their offices in Wei Guogong's mansion.

In the backyard of Duke Wei's mansion, those officials who surrendered were imprisoned.

In the main hall of Duke Wei's mansion, Zhao Daniu handed a memorial to a soldier, "Send this memorial to Xuanzhen as quickly as possible!"

This is a military newspaper signed by Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

After seeing off the soldiers who delivered the memorial, Zhao Daniu looked at Song Hu who was standing beside him. "Huzi, what's going on in the city recently?"

Song Hu said: "The city is still relatively peaceful now, Ying Tianfu's yellow book and fish book and other documents have also been received.

It's just that the gentry in the city seem to be uneasy. "

"How to say?" Zhao Daniu frowned and looked at Song Hu.

"General, someone wants to see you!"

Just then, a guard walked in.

Zhao Daniu asked: "Who?"

"Returning to the general, it is the gentry in Jinling City. They said that they are the representatives of the gentry in Jinling City. They came to see the two generals and said that they have something to talk to the two generals." The guard replied respectfully.

"See you?" Zhao Daniu looked at Song Hu.

"Hehe!" Song Hu sneered, "Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, see, why don't you see me, I want to see what medicine they sell in their gourds!"

"Let them in!" Zhao Daniu yelled at the guards, and then sat on the main seat in the main hall.

Song Hu sat next to him, and the two sat side by side in the middle of the main hall.

Not long after, seven or eight well-dressed gentry came in.

The leading gentry is none other than Che Jingde, the father of Che Ruize.

Che Jingde and the representatives of the gentry stood in the center of the hall, bowing their hands towards Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

"Two generals!" Che Jingde said with a smile on his face.

The rest of the gentry stood behind Che Jingde, following Che Jingde's example, and cupped their hands at Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

Zhao Daniu waved his hand, "Get up, everyone!"

"Several, sit down!" Zhao Daniu pointed to the chairs on both sides of the hall.

Che Jingde and the others thanked them, and then sat down.

After everyone sat down, Zhao Daniu looked at Che Jingde and asked, "I don't know what your name is?"

Che Jingde said: "Don't dare to be, get off the car. Jingde was originally an official in the Six Ministries of Jinling. It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning!"

"Oh, if that's the case, why come to me when you have time?" Zhao Daniu stared straight at Che Jingde, wanting to see something from Che Jingde's face.

But Che Jingde hid it very well, always had a faint smile on his face, Zhao Daniu couldn't tell anything from Che Jingde's face at all.

Che Jingde said with a smile: "General, I came here not for anything else, but for the stability of Jinling City."

"How do you say that?" Song Hu sat up straight and looked at Che Jingde with interest.

Che Jingde coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said, "The two generals, Jinling City or Yingtian Mansion have a total population of more than 140 million. With such a large population, I am afraid that there is no second place in the whole world." a place like this?"

What Che Jingde said is correct. Jinling City had a population of 120 million during the Wanli period.

It is a large city with one of the largest populations in the Ming Dynasty.

"This is true, but what does it have to do with you coming to my place?" Zhao Daniu looked at Che Jingde calmly.

He really wanted to see what kind of tricks this Che Jingde was trying to pull off.

"How can this be irrelevant? The two generals are figures who conquer the world, and they must not have stayed in Jinling City for a long time. If the two generals leave Jinling City, such a big Jinling City may not be easy to manage.

Although I have not been involved in political affairs for a long time, it is more than enough to manage Jinling City. As long as we are here, Jinling City will be your Jinling City. "Che Jingde finally expressed his intention of coming.

When Zhao Daniu heard this, he laughed angrily.

"Haha, sir. Do you mean that without you, we would not be able to completely control Jinling City? Haha, you are really interesting! Haha!"

Zhao Daniu was overjoyed and laughed non-stop.

Even Song Hu laughed along with him, and the laughter of the two of them was incomparably resounding.

Che Jingde heard disdain and contempt from the laughter of the two, and at that moment, Che Jingde's face became a little distorted.

However, Che Jingde forced himself to relax as much as possible.

"Two generals, is what I said wrong?" Che Jingde said calmly.

Zhao Daniu stopped and said: "I don't know if what you said is right or not, anyway, there has never been a city in this world that we can't take down.

We are not easy to kill, and we don't bother to use bullshit things like massacres to deter the people.However, we have our own way of governing the place.The whole world has come like this, is there still a Jinling City missing?
Could it be that without a butcher, we would still eat pigs with hair?How is this possible? We are about to take down the whole world. "

(End of this chapter)

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