Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 705 The Heartbroken Chongzhen

Chapter 705 The Heartbroken Chongzhen

The gate of Cha Jingde's house was blown down by a grenade, and a huge gap was left in the wall connected to the gate by the grenade.

The soldiers who came to arrest Che Jingde rushed in one after another and rushed into the gate of Che Jingde's house.

"The general has an order to catch everyone alive. Remember, catch alive!" A thousand households shouted loudly.

The sound of dense footsteps of soldiers appeared in the front yard of Che Jingde's house. After these soldiers rushed into Che Jingde's house, they divided into a dozen teams and rushed in.

Che Jingde stood in the hall, his body trembling unceasingly.

"Could it be that they rushed in? What can we do?"

A gentry stood up in panic and looked at Che Jingde.

Che Jingde looked flustered, and said, "Run, Bandit Zhao's soldiers and horses are likely to rush in, so run quickly."

Che Jingde hurriedly ran outside.

Just after running a few steps, several servants of the mansion appeared in front of Che Jingde.

"Master, it's too bad, bandits have rushed in!" These servants shouted at Che Jingde with a look of panic.

Che Jingde hurriedly said: "Hurry up and notify everyone in the mansion, let them run quickly."

"Ta Ta Ta Ta!"

Accompanied by the sound of dense footsteps, a group of soldiers in bright armor rushed over.

Che Jingde looked at the soldiers who appeared in front of the hall, and ran away.

However, how could Che Jingde's speed match the speed of these soldiers?

Just as Che Jingde ran a few steps, he was pinned to the ground by the soldiers.

Along with Che Jingde, Che Jingde's accomplices were also pushed to the ground.

These people were brought into the hall by soldiers and kept under strict supervision.

The rest of the soldiers kept shuttling around Che Jingde's house, raiding the house.

In an instant, Che Jingde's house turned into a noisy downtown, with chickens flying and dogs jumping and screaming.

Qianhu, the leader of the army, appeared in front of the hall with a few personal guards. He looked at Che Jingde and others who were being detained in the hall, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Hehe, I really don't know what to say about you. I say you are powerful, but you were caught by us so quickly. I say you are not good, but you dare to openly resist our army. I have been fighting for so many years, and I am still number one." This is the first time I have seen such a situation." Qianhu looked down at Che Jingde who was tied up and pinned to the ground, and said sarcastically.

Che Jingde's chest heaved violently, and the right half of his face was tightly pressed against the ground.

What Che Jingde felt immediately was not fear, but anger.

In the history of the late Ming Dynasty, when Li Zicheng entered the capital, all the civil and military officials in the city were like Che Jingde.

This Che Jingde is also a virtuous person like those people. He has been a master for a long time, and he really thinks that he is a master.

"Everybody, you fools, let me go! Why are you arresting me? Why are you arresting me?" Che Jingde yelled hysterically.

Qianhu looked at Che Jingde coldly, and said in a cold voice: "It's really reckless to dare to speak hard when you are about to die. As for why you are arrested, you know it well. Also, we are traitors, so we should arrest you." What's wrong.

If it weren't for the general's order, I would have slashed you with a knife now, and I really thought I was someone.Pooh, pigs and dogs are nothing. "

Qianhu spit on Che Jingde with a mouthful of thick phlegm, and when Che Jingde was treated like this before, he became even more angry.

"Take care of these people, and at the same time torture Che Jingde's accomplices. Once the torture is found, immediately send troops to search the house. Remember, no one will be left behind, and no one will be left behind." Qianhu pointed at these people in the hall and shouted loudly with.

The ransacking of the house lasted until the afternoon of the next day. During this period, the people in the city were too scared to go out by the commotion in the city, and their hearts were in panic.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu knew that it was not a good thing for the people to keep their hearts hanging, so they sent soldiers and horses to explain the situation in the city.

Although the effect is not very good, it is better than no publicity.

Che Jingde, his accomplices and their family members were detained in the backyard of Wei Guogong's mansion.

In a house in the backyard, Che Jingde's immediate family members were tied up and thrown in the house.

This house was originally a bedroom in Wei Guogong's mansion. In order to detain Che Jingde and the others, Zhao Daniu asked people to empty out all the things in the house.

Che Jingde stood behind the door and kept yelling outside.

"I am a gentry, how dare you treat the gentry like this? If the news gets out, the gentry in the world will definitely not spare you. I will see what you will do then? Without us gentry, Bandit Zhao will not be able to secure the throne.

From ancient times to the present, which dynasties and generations have not treated us gentry preferentially, how dare you, Zhao Wen, treat us like this?Do you really think that those untouchables can rule without us gentry?Let me tell you, you are wrong, without us gentry, you don't want to be able to secure this country. "

Che Jingde kept yelling loudly at the door, as if Zhao Wen would not be able to secure his position without the gentlemen like them.

The guard standing at the door of the room listened to the shouting and cursing inside, but didn't bother, and let Che Jingde scold him like that.

The current Che Jingde has a strong mouth, except for howling a few times, there is no harm.

Che Jingde's voice was so loud that Xu Hongji and others who were detained in the next yard also heard Cha Jingde's voice.

Like Che Jingde, Xu Hongji was also imprisoned in an empty room. Besides Xu Hongji, there was also Xu Wenjue.

These two are direct descendants of Duke Wei's mansion, so they are given special care.

Xu Hongji squatted in the corner of the room, he listened to Che Jingde's voice, and kept sighing.

"Hey, this is the gentry I am facing? It's disgusting, what are these things, what are these things!
I can understand that these people don't care about the change of dynasty at all. As long as the Zhao thief can keep their interests, they don't care who the emperor is at all.

Hehe, Emperor Taizu Gao was right to kill these unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.I bother!Still thinking about wagging his tail at Thief Zhao's rebel, who would have thought that he would ignore you at all.I really deserve it, I deserve it, I bah! "Xu Hongji crouched in the corner, shouting angrily.

"Father, don't talk about these things. What should we do now? Will these thieves kill us?" Xu Wenjue looked at Xu Hongji and said worriedly.

When Xu Wenjue surrendered, he thought he surrendered, and Zhao Daniu and Song Hu would not deal with him.

But who would have thought that before Xu Wenjue could react, he would be imprisoned.

Although the food has not been interrupted for the past few days, Xu Wenjue really doesn't know whether Zhao Daniu will use him for surgery.

On the small square in front of Duke Wei's mansion, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu stood in front of the small square.

In front of the two of them is the property copied from the homes of gentry like Che Jingde.

The number of these properties is huge, and this small square is fully occupied.

Although this small square is not big, it is as big as two acres of land.

Just like this, there are still many properties that have not been pulled over.

"Everyone says that the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River are rich, but I didn't think so before. Seeing it now, it's really extraordinary."

Zhao Daniu looked at the property in front of him with emotion.

Song Hu looked at the things in front of him with emotion, "Good guy, there are too many of these things, I feel that these people's property is even richer than the Shanxi merchants who ransacked their homes back then.

You look at the boxes they keep the money in, some of the boxes are rotten and look like they've had a lot of time. "

Zhao Daniu walked over with a few personal guards, shuttled among these properties.

Blackened silver can be seen everywhere, many of which look like official silver.

Thinking about the origin of these official banks, they must not have been obtained through legitimate means.

In addition to the silver that looks like official silver, there are also silver coins issued by Xuanzhen, and there are quite a few of these silver coins.

In addition to a large amount of silver, there are also a large number of rare treasures, including tall corals, huge pearls, and gems.

All in all, as long as it is something of value, there is everything.

"Really rich!" Zhao Daniu stopped, looking at these properties, filled with emotion.

Zhao Daniu returned to Song Hu's side, pointed at these properties, and said, "I see, after these things are counted, they should be sent to Xuan Town as soon as possible."

"You're right, these things should be sent to Xuanzhen in time. How about this, let's transfer all the firewood cars in the general and send them to Xuanzhen with firewood cars." Song Hu replied.

"That's justified, these things are expensive, and they must be delivered to Xuan Town in the shortest possible time.

After sending these things away, I think we should send Wei Guogong and Che Jingde to Dengzhou. Zheng Yiguan is about to leave. " Zhao Daniu said.

"Let's ask His Majesty for instructions on this matter, and let His Majesty decide." Song Hu said.

Zhao Daniu nodded, "Then I will listen to you. When transporting property, please ask His Majesty for instructions."


Three days later, the convoy loaded with belongings headed towards Xuanzhen.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu brought out all the firewood vehicles in their hands, a total of more than 100 firewood vehicles.

Although there are a lot of these firewood cars, they cannot be transported all at once.

These properties are not only silver and gold, but also some antique calligraphy and paintings, these things are not easy to transport.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu didn't expect to be able to deliver all these things at once, but chose to have people transport things like silver and gold to Xuanzhen first.

While transporting these things, Zhao Daniu's East Road soldiers and horses had completely captured Huai'an Mansion.

The troops from the East Route entered the territory of Yangzhou Prefecture. After entering the territory of Yangzhou Prefecture, Zhao Daniu's troops from the East Route were invincible and looked down on the whole territory.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, Yangzhou Mansion was quickly taken down.

After the soldiers and horses of the East Road captured Yangzhou Mansion, they left behind a certain amount of soldiers and horses, and then went south, preparing to attack Changzhou Mansion, Suzhou Mansion and Songjiang Mansion.

Song Hu's troops from the South Route also captured most of Anqing Mansion and Chizhou Mansion one after another.

At this time, Zhao Wen had also received the military report sent by Zhao Daniu.

This military report was sent by Zhao Daniu after he conquered Jinling City. The content of the military report is very simple, just a brief description of the results of the battle.

Zhao Wen wasn't too surprised by the outcome of the battle. With the weapons and equipment in the hands of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu, Zhao Wen would be surprised if they couldn't take down Jinling City.

Zhao Wen sat in the imperial study and put down the military newspaper in his hand.

"Send the military newspaper sent by Zhao Daniu and Song Hu to the newspaper office, and make it the headline on the front page tomorrow." Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai who was standing beside him.

Chen Donglai carefully picked up the general newspaper, and walked out of the imperial study with a few followers.

In the early morning of the next day, the new issue of the newspaper spread rapidly in Xuan Town.

The people in the city were not surprised by the victory of the war, but who would dislike the strength of their place?
Therefore, as soon as the new issue of the newspaper came out, it attracted a lot of looting from the people in the city.

The newspaper spread more and more widely, and was also brought to the capital by spies from the capital.

Not surprisingly, newspapers also reached Chongzhen's desk.

In the imperial study room, Chongzhen looked at the newspapers on the table with a blank expression on his face, no one knew what Chongzhen was thinking.

At this time, Chongzhen was more than ten years old, his temples were full of white hair, and he didn't want to look like a man who was nearly 30 years old.

"Jinling fell, Yingtianfu fell, and Nanzhili fell. I am Ming, and only Beizhili is left. There is only a big place like Beizhili left. Maybe in the future, there will be no such big place. It's gone." Chongzhen leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and sighed long.

Cao Huachun stood quietly beside Chongzhen, and persuaded: "My lord, everything will be fine!"

Cao Huachun has recruited more than 2 recruits in Beizhili, and now he has returned to the capital.

Chongzhen also arranged Cao Huachun by his side. As for Gao Qiqian, he was selectively forgotten by Chongzhen.

"Will it get better? Hehe, if I had said this five or six years earlier, I would have believed it, but now, I don't believe it at all.

If it weren't for the newspapers in Xuanzhen, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know that Jinling has fallen.It is estimated that the people in Nanzhili don't know whether the capital is still there. Maybe they thought the imperial court was gone.

All the passages between the capital and the outside world have been cut off by Thief Zhao, and now even the news cannot be sent out. Except for the capital and Beizhili near the capital, the rest of the place is not my Daming. "

Chongzhen's tone was very slow, full of lifelessness and depression, Chongzhen had completely lost confidence.

"My lord, don't the imperial court still have coastal areas like Zhejiang and Fujian in their hands? The situation is not too bad." Cao Huachun didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only say such unnutritious words.

"Haha, hahahaha!" Chongzhen smiled wryly, "Do these places have anything to do with the imperial court and the capital?
Sichuan, Henan, Shandong, and Huguang were taken by Zhao thieves, and the south completely lost contact with the capital. The imperial court has become an enclave with no more vitality.

Alright, I'm going to rest! "

Chongzhen stood up and walked towards the harem with a bitter expression on his face.

It is still broad daylight now, if it was in the past, Chongzhen would definitely not rest in broad daylight, but now Chongzhen's heart is dead.

(End of this chapter)

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