Chapter 717 The Naked Threat
Li Hao sat blankly in the compartment of the wood-burning car, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and his expression was incredible.

The diesel-burning car was driving on the uneven official road in Shandong, and the car swayed slightly.

However, in Li Hao's eyes, this kind of swing is not considered swing at all.

Because of the tension, Li Hao's body was stretched very straight, and almost his whole body was exerting force.

"What kind of car is this? Why is it so fast? It runs faster than a horse, and it doesn't need a horse or a ox." Li Hao looked at the driver who was driving.

The driver said with a smile: "This is a wood-burning car, just use firewood, and the speed is much faster than ordinary horse-drawn carts."

"Can you run so fast with firewood? It's incredible!" Li Hao looked shocked. He couldn't imagine that such a fast and powerful car could run on firewood.

The convoy left Dengzhou, and the sky gradually darkened.

The convoy stopped in an open space and set up camp.

Among them, the vehicle is on the periphery of the camp, and the tent is in the middle.

There are not many tents, after all, the compartments of firewood cars can also sleep people.

The population in this era is small, even in densely populated Shandong, there will be a lot of wasteland, and the camp is now in the wasteland.

The fire was burning quietly in the camp, and the iron pot placed above the fire was rumbling, and water vapor rose from the iron pot.

The team members sat around the fire, drinking hot water and eating dinner.

Dinner is ordinary military rations, that is, some canned food.

Li Hao held a steaming can of beef with envy on his face.

The canned beef is full of beef, and the canned food is even more fragrant after heating.

Although Li Hao is the son of Li Hao, North Korea, like the Central Plains Dynasty, forbids anyone to slaughter cattle at will. Therefore, even if Li Hao's status is not low, he can rarely eat beef, let alone the current situation. Canned beef.

Li Hao smelled the aroma from the can, and his saliva kept drooling.

Jin Yan squatted beside Li Hao, swallowing saliva non-stop.

"It turned out to be beef, and it turned out to be beef. Don't they know the importance of farm cattle? How can they slaughter beef at will?" Jin Yan resisted the smell of canned beef and chattered endlessly.

Canned beef is delicious, but Jin Yan always feels that this is a bit inappropriate, after all, farming cattle is a very important part of farming.

Li Hao couldn't take care of so much, and started to feast on the canned beef.

The chopsticks kept stirring in the can, and the ping-pong-pong sounded non-stop.

Li Hao didn't lift his head, and kept pushing the beef in the can into his mouth.

The beef mixed with the gravy rolled up and down in Li Hao's mouth. Li Hao chewed the beef casually twice before swallowing the beef.

The beef in the canned beef is so badly cooked that it can be swallowed after just a few chews.

After a long time, Li Hao let out a long breath and put down the empty can in his hand.


Li Hao burped for a very long time.

"It's comfortable!" Li Hao rubbed his stomach with a satisfied face.

The fire in front of him was burning quietly, crackling from time to time.

The fire light reflected on Li Hao's face, which was full of red light.

Jin Yan hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't bear the hunger anymore, so he started eating.

After one bite, Jin Yan couldn't bear it any longer, and devoured the beef in the can into his stomach regardless of the dignity of the scholar.

The person in charge of the team wiped his mouth, looked at Li Hao who was sitting opposite him, and said with a smile: "How's the food? Are you full? Conditions are limited, so only a few of you can eat this kind of military ration. When we arrive in Xuanzhen After that, entertain a few of you well."

Li Hao waved his hand and said: "It's not a problem, it's not a problem. Today's food is very good, very good, we have nothing to dissatisfy. We are very satisfied, we are very satisfied."

Jin Yan's focus is not here. He heard the head of the convoy say that this is military rations, so he asked curiously: "Is what we ate just now military rations?"

"That's right, it's the rations in the army." The person in charge said calmly.

Jin Yan's eyes gradually widened, and horror and disbelief began to appear on his face, "We just ate beef, and you said that this beef is actually military rations?"

Jin Yan let out a reproach, and shouted in disbelief.

Jin Yan really didn't expect that what he ate just now was just military rations.

You know, what I ate just now was all beef. Jin Yan grew up so big, and he had never heard of any army whose rations were beef.

After all, beef is much more precious than ordinary meat. After all, cattle are the most important livestock in farming.

"That's right, it's military rations. What are you making such a fuss about? Nowadays, almost all the soldiers and horses in my Xuan Town have this kind of military rations. Your Majesty has said that only when soldiers eat well can they win battles.

Now that the grassland has surrendered to His Majesty, cattle and sheep are not a problem for us at all, so we can supply enough beef and mutton to the soldiers. "The head of the convoy said calmly, and didn't feel any surprise in supplying beef to the soldiers.

Jin Yan was speechless at what the team leader said.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is!" Jin Yan replied sheepishly and closed his mouth.

The moon was hanging in the sky, and Li Hao, Jin Yuan and others lived in tents next to the fire.

The wind is not very strong tonight, and the fire is burning quietly outside the camp.

Jin Yan lay in the tent next to Li Hao, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

"The strength of the soldiers and horses of the new dynasty can be seen just from today's dinner. My soldiers and horses in North Korea can't even eat normal meals on weekdays, but the soldiers and horses of the new dynasty can eat meat, and they are still beef.

If the situation is really as the official said, then the new dynasty is really terrible.All the armies can eat meat, which is simply unheard of, unprecedented. "Jin Yan looked at the top of the tent with a serious expression on his face.

The next day, the sky was clear, and under the rising sun, the convoy headed towards Shanxi.

After a few days on the road, I arrived in Shanxi.

In the southernmost railway station in Shanxi, Li Hao stood on the platform of the railway station, trembling constantly.

A train stopped quietly beside Li Hao, reflecting the dark light.

Li Hao opened his mouth wide and his eyes were dull.

"What is this? Why is it so long?" Li Hao pointed to the train in front of him, with fear written all over his face.

Li Hao has never seen a train, nor has he heard of a train.

The train was tall and long, reflecting the light of steel, which made Li Hao a little scared.

People are always afraid and cautious about the unknown, and Li Hao is the same.

The person in charge of the team patted Li Hao on the shoulder and said, "This thing is called a train. There's nothing to make a fuss about. Let's go, get on the train!"

The team leader said and got on the train.

Li Hao hurriedly followed behind the person in charge and walked to the train.

Li Hao walked in the train carriage carefully, even his footsteps were very soft.

After everyone came in, the team leader arranged the seats for these people.

Half an hour later, accompanied by bursts of sirens, the train moved forward slowly.

Li Hao looked at the scenery flying backwards non-stop outside the window, with a pale face.

"Too fast, too fast, too fast!" Li Hao's face was pale and flustered.

He originally thought that a wood-burning car was fast enough, but he didn't expect that this thing called a train was faster than a wood-burning car.

Li Hao sat on the seat, clasped his hands firmly on the table in front of him, and even stepped on the ground firmly with his feet.

Li Hao was exerting all his strength, fearing that he would be thrown out.

The team leader looked at Li Hao with a smile and let Li Hao go.

Two or three days later, the train stopped at Xuanzhen Railway Station.

Li Hao and others were also taken off the convoy by the team leader and came to the post house in Xuanzhen.

Zhao Wen didn't meet them right away, but asked someone to take Li Hao and the others around Xuan Town for a few days, so that they could get to know the current Xuan Town well.

In the past few days, Li Hao went to all the places he could go in Xuanzhen.

The experience of these few days gave Li Hao the greatest feeling that Xuanzhen is the best place in the world, and Xuanzhen is the most powerful place in the world.

Li Hao has never seen such a prosperous place. To Li Hao, this feeling is like heaven, so Li Hao can't believe it.

Three days later, in the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at Li Hao and Jin Hao standing in front of him.

Li Hao stood in the imperial study room, not daring to look directly at Zhao Wen, his body trembling constantly.

"Little minister Li Hao pays homage to His Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

Li Hao hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully to Zhao Wen.

Jin Yan was similar to Li Hao, kowtowing respectfully to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wendao: "Get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Hao and Jin Yan thanked each other and stood up from the ground.

"Your Majesty, this is our identity certificate, this is the decree of my father, this is..."

Li Hao hurriedly took out all the things he was carrying, and raised them above his head respectfully.

Chen Donglai walked to Li Hao's side, took these things out of his hands, and brought them to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen flipped through them a few times casually, and put these things on the table.

"Are you the second son of the current king of Joseon?" Zhao Wen looked at Li Hao and asked.

Li Hao nodded, and replied respectfully: "Return to Your Majesty, that's right!"

"If I remember correctly, your title should be Lord Fenglin, right?" Zhao Wen said.

Li Hao replied: "Return to Your Majesty, that's right!"

"What do you want to do in my Xuan Town? What are your thoughts?" Zhao Wenfa asked.

Li Hao said: "In today's world, only Your Majesty is the true Dragon Emperor. The world is all about His Majesty, and His Majesty is..."

Li Hao kept flattering, and finally said: "North Korea is a small country with few people and weak military force. If it does not have the protection of the heavenly kingdom, it may be in danger. Therefore, I beg your Majesty to accommodate our country."

After Li Hao finished speaking, he knelt down again, with a sincere and respectful attitude.

Jin Yan also said: "From ancient times to the present, the Central Plains has produced heroes in large numbers, and it is a land of outstanding people. Our North Korea is only a poor village, and we can only survive if we attach ourselves to the Central Plains. I hope your majesty can take it in!"

Jin Yan also knelt down and looked at Zhao Wen sincerely.

Looking at the two kneeling on the ground, Zhao Wen suddenly laughed, "Haha, don't rush to worship me. I remember that in the Qin and Han Dynasties, North Korea seemed to be the territory of the Central Plains, right?"

Zhao Wen's words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking Li Hao and Jin Hao.

"Your Majesty, North Korea's land is barren and not suitable for farming. It is a remote and remote place..." Li Hao raised his head, looked at Zhao Wen, and explained tremblingly.

Li Hao knew what Zhao Wen meant by what he said, and what the purpose behind what Zhao Wen said was nothing more than wanting to annex North Korea.

Jin Yan also trembled, looking at Zhao Wen in disbelief.

Jin Yan really did not expect that Zhao Wenhui would be so straightforward, not even saying a word that was beating around the bush.

This is simply Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it.Jin Yan thought secretly.

"What you said is very reasonable, but North Korea has always belonged to the Central Plains Dynasty since the Qin and Han Dynasties." Zhao Wen said again.

"Your Majesty is right. When North Korea was in Qin and Han Dynasties, it did belong to the Central Plains Dynasty. However, it has been thousands of years." Jin Yan looked at Zhao Wen and said.

"Thousands of years have passed? What happened to the millennium? Could it be that after a thousand years, North Korea was not under the jurisdiction of the Central Plains Dynasty when it was in the Qin and Han Dynasties?
Forget it, I am too lazy to go around in circles with you.In one word, North Korea must surrender! Zhao Wen stood up, slapped the table in front of him, and said loudly.

Li Hao was startled by Zhao Wen's sound of slapping the table, "Your Majesty, it's the same when we respect the new dynasty as the suzerain. It's the same when North Korea becomes a vassal state of the new dynasty."

"It's not the same, it's different." Zhao Wen shook his head. "I know what you want to say. You think the vassal state is the same as direct submission, but I think it's different. I won't say more, North Korea must submit."

Li Hao looked at Zhao Wen anxiously, so anxious that he was about to cry.

To some extent, Xinchao is the father and North Korea is the son.Even if North Korea has the heart to resist, it does not have the courage.

Along the way, Li Hao knows what kind of existence the new dynasty is, and also knows what the new dynasty means to North Korea.

To a certain extent, if the new dynasty wants to take down North Korea, then North Korea can only be captured without a fight.

"Don't worry, if you and your Joseon King are willing to submit to me, I will not hurt you, and I will keep your titles, of course, only the titles of your Joseon King's lineage." Zhao Wen said.

When Li Hao heard this, his eyes lit up, and then dimmed again.

Although it is said that the title will be retained, it is estimated that it will be the title of the Ming Dynasty vassal king.

Enfeoffment but not tin soil, nobility but not the people.Nothing but a famous name.

"Of course, you can choose to resist. But I don't guarantee your safety!" Zhao Wen said expressionlessly.

What Zhao Wen said was a blatant threat.

(End of this chapter)

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