Chapter 723

Most people in this era have a condescending mentality when facing Westerners.When they look at Westerners, they basically look down on them.

Lin Haitong ran on the sea for such a long time before. Although he knew Hongyi's strength, this did not prevent Lin Haitong from looking down on Hongyi.

"Tell me, is the content on this true? Is the content on this true?" Wells handed the booklet in his hand to Derekron, then grabbed Lin Haitong's collar and pointed at Lin Haitong. Haitong chatted and roared.

"Of course it's true, all of this is true, and the content on it is all true. Are you Hongyi scared? Haha, let me tell you, the power of the imperial court is simply not something you can resist." Lin Haitong screamed at Wells without fear.

Enraged by Lin Haitong, Wells swung his right fist and hit Lin Haitong directly on the jaw.


Lin Haitong was punched by Wells and fell to the ground.

The first volume of "Heavenly Craftsmanship" carried by Lin Haitong flew out of it.

Wells looked at the first volume of "Heavenly Craftsmanship" that flew out, bent down, and picked it up.

"What's going on? What is written on it? Why are you so panicked?" Captain Derekron looked at Wells suspiciously.

He really couldn't figure out what was causing Welles' mental confusion.

Wells said: "I won't be able to tell for a while. Let's talk about it in detail after we go back. It's almost time for us to come out. Let's talk about it now when we go back."

Wells put those copies of "Heavenly Creation" into his arms, then pointed to Lin Haitong and others, and said to Derekron: "Bring all these captives back, I have some things to ask, don't Asking these things clearly, I really can't feel at ease."

Although Dereklon didn't know why Wells had such a big reaction, he didn't ask too much.

Almost half an hour later, all the captives and some of the supplies on the Fuchuan were transferred to the sailing battleship.

The captain Dereklon stood on the deck of the Fuchuan, pointed at the Fuchuan in front of him, and said, "What should we do with this ship? It's not far from Batavia, and it is estimated that it will be discovered soon. Towing must be It can't be dragged back."

"Let's scuttle it. It's not far from Batavia. If the enemy discovers it, it's not good for us. We'd better scuttle this merchant ship," Wheels said.

Captain Derekron nodded and said, "Then listen to you!"

Afterwards, the captain arranged the manpower according to what the chief mate said.

When the sail battleship left, Fuchuan descended slowly.

Because of the large size of the Fuchuan and the sealed cabin, the sinking speed is not fast.

After all, it was not bombed and sunk, but a few holes were drilled.

The Fuchuan sank slowly on the lonely sea surface. Seabirds flew over the Fuchuan and stopped on the mast of the Fuchuan from time to time.

A sailing battleship came from the direction of the old port. This sailing battleship was a ship of the Java Navy and was on a routine patrol on the sea.

Because of the Javanese Navy's replenishment of supplies, defense changes, etc., the number of Javanese Navy's ships on the sea is not large.This sailing battleship currently needs to patrol a very large sea area, so it didn't come here until the sun was about to sink.

The new dynasty's national flag was hung on this sailing battleship, and at the top of the mast, the new dynasty's national flag fluttered in the wind.

The sailing battleship soon discovered the sinking Fuchuan.

"My lord, there seems to be a ship in distress ahead!"

On the watchtower of the sailing battleship, a soldier was scanning the surrounding sea with a telescope, and found the sinking Fuchuan.

"What's going on?" The captain stood on the deck of the sailing battleship and shouted at the soldiers on the watchtower.

"My lord, about five miles to the northwest, there seems to be a ship in distress!" The soldier on the watchtower shouted loudly.

The captain held up the binoculars and looked in the direction the soldier said.

Sure enough, a lucky boat was sinking.

"Go to the ship in distress, and at the same time send them a semaphore, and ask them what happened." The captain shouted at the orderly behind him, and then fixed his eyes on the blessing boat in front of him.

However, what puzzled the captain was that there seemed to be no sailors on the lucky boat.This phenomenon is really abnormal. A sinking ship, no matter what kind of ship it is, the people on the ship will definitely save themselves.

However, there was no figure on the lucky boat in front of him.

"Could it be that the people above left in the lifeboat?" The captain muttered, but this idea was quickly forgotten by the captain.

The reason is very simple, that is, the ship in front of me is a lucky boat, and the ships that go to and from the sea are basically large and improved lucky boats.

These large blessing ships are basically merchant ships, and they are very popular among merchants because of their large cargo capacity.

The lucky boat in front of me must be a merchant ship, and it has not sunk. According to common sense, at this time, the personnel on the lucky boat will definitely not easily leave the ship full of cargo.

The blessing ship in front of me was half sunk, and the upper part hadn't sunk yet, so it didn't look like it had sunk for a long time.

Generally speaking, at this time, the personnel on board may try their best to save themselves or rescue the cargo on board.

Even if the people on the ship don't want the cargo on this ship for the safety of their lives, they leave in a lifeboat.However, the lucky boat sank for a short time, and it was far away from the land. Those who escaped were not too far away from the lucky boat, but the captain watched for a long time, but he didn't see any shadow of a lifeboat nearby.

Besides, this is an important channel to the old port, and there are no hidden reefs or anything. How could the ship sink for no reason?

The captain kept thinking in his heart, his brows gradually wrinkled together.

"Could it be those people? It's really true if it doesn't work!" The captain slapped his thigh, and suddenly heard the red barbarians who have been active in the west of Java recently.

The more the captain thought about it, the more he felt that it was very possible. He shouted at the orderly behind him: "Send me an order, speed up, and reach the sunken ship in the shortest possible time."

Under the command of the captain, all the sails on the sailing battleship were raised, and the speed of the sailing battleship suddenly increased, heading towards the sinking Fuchuan.

Not long after, the sailing battleship came to Fuchuan.

After the hook lock and the ladder were connected to the Fuchuan, the soldiers on the sail battleship climbed onto the Fuchuan.

The situation on the ship was quickly reported back.

"My lord, there are five corpses on the boat. It seems that they didn't die for a long time. These five corpses were all killed by matchlock guns. There are five big holes in the bottom of the boat, but the holes are not very big, and the airtight cabin has not been completely destroyed, so The sinking speed of the ship is not fast, and our soldiers are now repairing it." An orderly stood in front of the captain, shouting loudly, talking about the situation on the Fuchuan.

Upon hearing this, the captain slammed his fist on the side of the ship in front of him.

"Damn it, damn it!" the captain kept cursing.

At this point, no matter how stupid the captain is, he can still figure out what happened.

"Sure enough, as I expected, this lucky boat was really attacked by Hongyi. Damn it, it has blatantly broken into our control area." The captain cursed viciously, gnashing his teeth.

"Hong Yi has been staring at us for a long time. Back then they built Zeelandia City on Taiyuan Island. I am afraid they wanted to use it as a springboard to attack us. Your Majesty is holy, leading the army and horse general Zeelandia The city was recovered and Hongyi was driven out.

In the face of huge benefits, it is absolutely impossible for Hongyi to give up. It is very normal for them to make a comeback now, but they did not expect them to be so courageous. " said the counselor on the sailing battleship.

Here in Java, all warships have a counselor on board.

The captain said: "You're right, Hong Yi is bold, I heard that their country is a thousand miles away from here, if they are not courageous, it is impossible for them to come here all the way. "

"To put it bluntly, it's because of interests. The interests here are big, so they come here. The barbarians don't understand, they only know about interests, and they don't know what etiquette and morality are. It's normal." The counselor said contemptuously.

"You're right!" The captain breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the orderly. "Tell the people on board to gather up the dead sailors, and at the same time hurry up to repair the ship. After repairing, tow the ship back to Batavia .”


A few days later, a sailing battleship towed a lucky boat to the port outside Batavia.

At this time, Batavia has completely changed its appearance. Although the name is still Batavia, it has nothing to do with Hong Yi.

All the buildings in the city are similar to those in the mainland. If you don't know that this is Batavia, you really think you are in the mainland.

Batavia is now a very busy and bustling port in Java, where a large number of merchant ships handle goods every day.

With the increase of people coming from the coast, the development of Java has become more and more in-depth.

Java's demand for various materials from the mainland is also increasing. Java is rich in spices, and spices are also in short supply in the mainland.So, if you come to Batavia now, you can make money by just picking up some goods.

The sailing battleship was docked at the military port outside Batavia, and the captain of the sailing battleship, Li Chengfeng, reported what happened to him.

Soon, the news was sent to the governor's office layer by layer.

In the hall of the governor's yamen, Mao Chengzuo sat in the hall of the yamen, looking at the soldiers who came to report the situation, his face darkened to the bottom of the valley.

"Give me the captain and counselor who discovered this!" Mao Chengzuo whispered.

Not long after, Li Chengfeng and counselor Wang Bingyang came to the hall of the governor's office.

The two stood in the hall without saying a word.

"When did this happen? Where is the specific location? What were you doing at that time? Tell me the cause and effect of the incident!" Mao Chengzuo went straight to the point.

Li Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "My lord, this is what happened..."

Li Chengfeng told in detail what happened that day.

After Li Chengfeng finished speaking, Wang Bingyang also spoke.The two said almost the same thing.

Mao Chengzuo frowned tightly, and slapped the table in front of him with his right hand, "You actually ran into my territory and acted wildly, how audacious!"

In the past, these Hongyi only dared to harass in the west of Java, but now they ran into the sea area controlled by Mao Chengzuo, and even robbed a ship.

This undoubtedly gave Mao Chengzuo a big mouth.

"Who is the merchant ship in the accident? Have you figured it out?" Mao Chengzuo asked.

"Back to my lord, the time is short, and I haven't figured it out yet." Li Chengfeng replied.

"If you haven't figured it out, figure it out quickly. You must figure it out in the shortest possible time and do a good job in the aftermath." Mao Chengzuo looked at the two and kept talking about the follow-up matters.

When the two went out, Mao Chengzuo asked Zheng Zhibao who had arrived in Batavia to come over.

Earlier, Zhao Wen had asked the Military Academy to draft an imperial decree, asking Zheng Zhibao to lead half of the navy stationed on Taiyuan Island to Java.

"General Zheng, please sit down!"

Seeing Zheng Zhibao walking in, Mao Chengzuo hurriedly pulled a chair and placed it in the middle of the hall.

"Thank you, Lord Mao!" Zheng Zhibao cupped his hands at Mao Chengzuo and thanked him.

Mao Chengzuo sat opposite Zheng Zhibao and told Zheng Zhibao about the previous events in detail.

Zheng Zhibao frowned tightly listening to Mao Chengzuo's voice.

After Mao Chengzuo finished speaking, Zheng Zhibao said: "According to the behavior of this matter, it must be the Hongyi. When I dealt with the elder brother and the Hongyi, I knew a lot about these Hongyi.

This is a group of arrogant and extremely daring people, as if they are invincible.If it hadn't been for the big brother who led us to win a few battles against Hongyi, it would be really hard to say what happened later. "

Hongyi in this era is a famous sea coachman. Without Zhao Wen, Hongyi would be almost invincible on the sea. Moreover, this situation will continue until the rise of the Shit Stirrer.

Hongyi has the capital of arrogance and the ability to be proud.In this era, there are few countries that can be regarded by Hong Yi.

"Damn Hong Yi, when His Majesty drove them out, I didn't expect these guys to make a comeback again. Damn it!" Mao Chengzuo cursed twice.

"To deal with these red barbarians, we can only defeat them completely with strong blows." Zheng Zhibao said.

Mao Chengzuo nodded, "General Zheng is right. I'm looking for General Zheng today, and I want to discuss something.

Now, Hongyi bullies people too much, kicking his nose on his face.Although His Majesty has no intention of letting us attack Hongyi, I don't want to be so aggrieved all the time.

So, I thought, how about the two of us unite to form a fleet, go deep into Hongyi, and do something? "

(End of this chapter)

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