Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 728 Your Majesty, it's time for a crown prince

Chapter 728 Your Majesty, it's time for a crown prince

Today's Xuan Town can't compare with the later generations in terms of industry, but it is much larger than the previous industrial scale.

The increase of industrial scale brings about the increase of industrial raw materials.

Three acids and two alkalis are the most basic industrial raw materials in the industry. Now that the industrial level of Xuanzhen is rising, the demand for three acids and two alkalis will increase.

Zhao Wen had given Song Yingxing the manufacturing flow chart of these things and the way of industrialized production before, so Zhao Wen wanted to build a three-acid and two-alkali factory in advance.

"The joint soda production plant is built in the coastal area, but the hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid plants cannot be produced in the coastal area. First, it is unnecessary, and second, because these things are liquid, it is dangerous to transport. So you discuss with the Ministry of Industry Let's build these three kinds of acid factories around Xuanzhen." Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing and said.

Song Yingxing nodded, and bowed to Zhao Wen, "Follow Your Majesty's will!"

"That's what I'm looking for you for today. Now you can do your work. I won't bother Ai Qing anymore." Zhao Wen walked out with Chen Donglai and others as he spoke.

Song Yingxing hurriedly sent Zhao Wen out.

After Zhao Wen walked out of the research institute, he got into the car and returned to the palace.

At this time, it was almost dusk.At this time, Zhao Mingyu also finished school.

Because Zhao Mingyu is young, Zhao Wen's requirements for Zhao Mingyu are not very strict.

When Zhao Wen returned to the palace, Zhao Mingyu was playing with his younger siblings in the palace.In Zhao Wen's harem, the gap between Zhao Wen's sons was not as deep as in other dynasties.

Zhao Mingyu took his younger brothers and sisters to run around in the palace, and the guards and maids in charge of taking care of them followed closely behind them, for fear that any accident would happen to them.

Zhao Wen saw them when he came to the imperial study.

Zhao Mingyu looked at Zhao Wen who came back, and hurriedly rushed towards Zhao Wen, shouting with a smile on his face, "Daddy!!!!"

Zhao Wen bent down and hugged his son in his arms with a smile.

After a while, Zhao Wen put Zhao Mingyu down, and hugged those who played with Zhao Mingyu one by one.

"Okay, go play by yourself and be careful." Zhao Wen put down his child and said with a smile.

"Daddy, I've been waiting for Daddy here for a long time today, and I want to ask Daddy something today!" Standing in front of Zhao Wen, Zhao Mingyu pulled Zhao Wen's trousers, raised his smiling face, and asked stubbornly.

As soon as Zhao Wen heard this, he became interested in an instant. He squatted down, touched Zhao Mingyu's head, and asked, "What's the problem? Waiting for your father and me?"

Zhao Mingyu said: "Daddy, I heard from the teacher in class today that there is a ball under our feet? Is this true? If it was a ball, wouldn't we fall down? I really can't believe it, We have a ball under our feet."

Liu Wenzhong is not the only teacher who teaches Zhao Mingyu. Liu Wenzhong is the general person in charge of teaching Zhao Mingyu. There are many teachers who teach various knowledge under Liu Wenzhong.

"Your teacher is right. The place under our feet is a ball. There is no doubt about it." Zhao Wen said with certainty.

Zhao Mingyu said: "The teacher said the same thing, but when I asked him why, he just said that the place under our feet is a ball, and he didn't say why!"

"Why is the place under our feet a ball? This question is not unanswerable, but it is too much trouble to figure it out.

Although I know it, I won't be able to explain it to you in a while. Even if I can explain it clearly, you may not be able to understand it.Wait for a while, when you have almost mastered the knowledge you should have, I will explain it to you! Zhao Wen said: "You take your younger brothers and sisters to have fun now, I'm going to be busy now!" "

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he stood up.

Seeing this, Zhao Mingyu didn't bother Zhao Wen anymore, and left here with his younger siblings.

Zhao Wen looked at the back of his son and daughter leaving, laughed twice, and then walked into the imperial study.

"Your Majesty doesn't look like a ninety-five supreme emperor, but more like a benevolent father!" Liu Wenzhong stood at the corner outside the imperial study room, watching the scene in front of him with a smile on his face.

Liu Wenzhong had already come just now, and he was about to report something to Zhao Wen, but he saw the scene just now, so Liu Wenzhong stopped and didn't bother Zhao Wen.

Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen who walked into the imperial study, and walked up.

When Zhao Wen was just sitting in the imperial study, Liu Wenzhong came to the imperial study.

Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong who walked in, without thinking too much, and asked, "Is there anything wrong with Ai Qing?"

Liu Wenzhong bowed and saluted, and took out a memorial from his arms, "Your Majesty, this is the memorial sent by the King of Joseon. The lineage of the King of Joseon has left North Korea, and it will take a long time to board a boat bound for Dengzhou. You can reach Xuanzhen."

Chen Donglai brought the memorial in the hands of Liu Wenzhong to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen opened the memorial and read it carefully.

After a while, Zhao Wen put the memorial aside.

"The king of Joseon must arrange them well after he arrives in Xuanzhen. The king of Joseon is a man who knows the current affairs. We can't be too mean to these people." Zhao Wen said.

Now that the king of Joseon has surrendered, no matter what, Zhao Wen has to arrange for them well, at least to let them have no worries about food and clothing.

Of course, they surrendered to Zhao Wen, so they couldn't stay in North Korea any longer, they could only come to Xuanzhen to be a well-off prince with no worries about food and clothing.

"These matters have been arranged properly!" Liu Wenzhong replied respectfully.

At this time, Zhao Wen suddenly thought of something, squinted his eyes, and looked at Liu Wenzhong with a strange expression.

This matter is not a big deal, Liu Wenzhong can handle it by himself, there is no need to bring it to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen was puzzled, there was absolutely no need to bring this matter up to himself.

Zhao Wen asked with a puzzled face: "I'm afraid that Ai Qing came to me not for this matter?"

Liu Wenzhong said: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from Your Majesty, the minister came here not just for this matter!"

"Then what else is there? Tell me and listen." Zhao Wen said.

Liu Wenzhong's expression suddenly became serious, and he said solemnly: "Your Majesty, it's time to establish a reserve!"

After Liu Wenzhong finished speaking, he fixed his eyes on Zhao Wen, as if he wanted to take any reaction of Zhao Wen into his eyes.

After Zhao Wen heard Liu Wenzhong's voice, his heart skipped a beat.

It's not that Zhao Wen doesn't want to establish a reserve, nor is it that it's a bit early to establish a reserve, but that Liu Wenzhong's remarks today are a bit too abrupt, which makes Zhao Wen unprepared now.

"Your Majesty, the world is about to be pacified, and the country is gradually on the right track, so it's time to establish a reserve. The establishment of a reserve is the foundation of the country, and the foundation of the country cannot be shaken. I hope your majesty can make preparations early!" Liu Wenzhong continued.

From ancient times to the present, as long as the emperor is in his prime, most of them are more against the matter of establishing a reserve.For the emperor who is in his prime, isn't Lichu just saying that he is old?The emperor is a creature of power and is very sensitive to power. The sudden appearance of a prince will make the emperor feel uncomfortable.

Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen and thought the same in his heart.

Zhao Wen is now in his prime, so Liu Wenzhong is afraid that Zhao Wen will have such thoughts in his heart.

Zhao Wen took a few deep breaths and said, "Aiqing is right, it's time to establish a reserve."

Liu Wenzhong was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect Zhao Wen to be so happy.

Liu Wenzhong hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to Zhao Wensan.

"Your Majesty Shengming, Your Majesty Shengming!"

While Liu Wenzhong kowtowed to Zhao Wensan, he flattered Zhao Wen.

To be honest, Liu Wenzhong really did not expect Zhao Wen to agree to this matter so simply and neatly.

Zhao Wen didn't have as many thoughts as other emperors, and Zhao Wen also knew what Liu Wenzhong was thinking.

Zhao Wen is neither Qin Shihuang nor Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He knows that he cannot live forever, so this prince will be registered sooner or later.Since sooner or later the crown prince will be registered, it is better to forget about the registration this time.

"Okay, you get up first, what is holy or not, I have already planned this matter. I will leave this matter to you, and the Council and the Ministry of Rites will handle this matter together." Zhao Wen pointed at Liu Wen The public said.

Liu Wenzhong nodded heavily, and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely discuss this matter with the Ministry of Rites."

After speaking, Liu Wenzhong walked out of the imperial study room, and walked briskly towards the Council of Governors.

Looking at the back of Liu Wenzhong leaving, Zhao Wen smiled, and then got busy.

There were many memorials on the desk, and Zhao Wen picked up the top memorial and started to review it.

Time passed slowly, and early the next morning, the newspaper published the matter of the appointment of the crown prince.

The content published in the newspaper is only about the establishment of the prince, but the time of the establishment of the prince was not published.

The affairs of the establishment of the crown prince are extremely complicated, and it is impossible to finish these matters in less than a day, and even the time for the establishment of the crown prince cannot be finalized.

It's just that Zhao Wen agreed to this matter, so the newspaper published the matter of the appointment of the crown prince.

It didn't take long for the news of the establishment of the crown prince to spread throughout Xuan Town, and almost everyone in Xuan Town was discussing this matter.

In a small house in Xuan Town, a middle-aged scholar was sitting in the lobby holding today's newspaper and quietly reading it.

"It's a good thing to appoint a crown prince as soon as possible. In this way, the world can be stabilized. Zhao Wen is not very old now, but it is really commendable to have this kind of courage." The scholar sighed and said with emotion.

This person is none other than the previous Sun Chuanting.Now he bought a small house in Xuan Town and brought his family here.

The reason why Sun Chuanting did this was actually because of his son Sun Shirui.

Sun Chuanting wanted his son to be admitted to a university in Xuanzhen, so he moved his family to Xuanzhen.

After all, it is close to the university and well-informed.

For the sake of his son, Sun Chuanting has been staying in Xuanzhen since the new year.

Originally, the university entrance examination was held in June, but due to a series of reasons, it was scheduled for mid-August.

It is already the beginning of August, so the time for the exam is very close.

Sun Chuanting put down the newspaper in his hand and came to the open space outside. He raised his head, looked at the sun in the sky, and took a deep breath.

As a traditional scholar, Sun Chuanting has always attached great importance to the establishment of a prince.

In Sun Chuanting's view, only by establishing a prince as soon as possible can the world be completely stabilized.

What Sun Chuanting didn't expect was that Zhao Wen was still very young, and he actually started to appoint a prince, which really surprised him.

From Sun Chuanting's point of view, Zhao Wen should at least wait a few more years to become a crown prince. After all, there were very few founding emperors in history who were so young to appoint a crown prince.

Sun Chuanting wandered around the open space for a while, and then came to the study.

Sun Chuanting's son Sun Shirui is sitting in the study reviewing his homework.

With a pencil in his hand, Sun Shirui was seriously doing math problems on a piece of rice paper.

The pencil is not a high-tech thing, so Zhao Wen got it out very early.

The characters written by the pencil are not as good-looking as those written by the brush. It is undeniable that the writing speed of the pencil is very fast, and it is also very convenient. It does not have as many limitations as the brush.

Mathematics is a subject that requires a lot of calculations. If you use a brush to do calculations, it is too wasteful of time and paper, and it is not as practical as a pencil.

Sun Shirui frowned tightly as he looked at the book on the table.

This question policy is the scope of the exam questions and the exam outline released by the university this year.

This question policy contains the types of questions for this exam.Of course, it is impossible to choose questions from this question strategy for the exam. This question strategy is just for this year's candidates to have a mental preparation.

Sun Shirui looked at a question in the book carefully, his face was full of anxiety, and his forehead was full of sweat.

He wanted to solve this problem very much, but his strength did not allow it.

Sun Shirui has done this type of question before, but the questions he did before are very simple, and there is no comparison with this question at all.

Sun Shirui looked at the above text, at a loss, not knowing what to do.

In fact, this question is not difficult, it is just an application question of a linear equation in two variables.In later generations, junior high school students can easily solve this kind of problem, but in this era, even Sun Shirui, who is in his weak years, has no clue.

Sun Shirui's father is Sun Chuanting, but Sun Chuanting is a very traditional scholar.

Scholars in this era basically study the Four Books and Five Classics, and rarely dabble in this kind of arithmetic problems.

Let Sun Chuanting write stereotyped writing, Sun Chuanting is very good at it, but if you ask him to do this kind of math problem, he will have no clue.

Even though Sun Chuanting has a great reputation in history, it is difficult to help Sun Shirui on math problems.

Sun Chuanting looked at Sun Shirui who was studying hard, took a deep breath, and said, "Why don't you take a break and go around outside, and then start studying after you finish the tour, your forehead is covered with sweat."

Sun Chuanting looked at the sweat on his son's forehead and said.

Sun Chuanting has experienced the imperial examination. Although it is not a university admissions exam, Sun Chuanting can understand Sun Shirui's feelings.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting made his tone as calm as possible.

Sun Shirui put down the pencil in his hand and looked at Sun Chuanting, and said in a panic: "Now, the exam is not long now. Before, I rarely came into contact with this type of questions. If I don't hurry up and prepare If I take the next exam, I'm very likely to lose my name."

Indeed, judging from Sun Shirui's background, it is still very difficult to solve this kind of math problem. After all, he has never been exposed to mathematics before.

Sun Chuanting walked up to Sun Shirui, looked at the books on the table, and asked, "What is the problem that makes you so difficult? Let me have a look."

Sun Shirui hurriedly stood up, stood by, pointed to the question in the book and said: "This is the question, this question is very difficult, very difficult, I have no clue until now. Before, I met I have seen this type of questions before, but those questions are much simpler than today's one.

I can solve that problem, but I can't solve this problem.Not only can't do it, but I don't even have a clue. "

Sun Chuanting looked at the question for a while, but he was confused.

"I remember that there is an answer in this book? You can read the answer and see how it is done." Sun Chuanting looked at Sun Shirui and said.

Sun Shirui shook his head and said, "I want to do it myself. I don't want to read the answers. There are no answers in the examination room."

"However, if you really don't know how to do some questions, just look at the answers. Although I have never done this kind of question, I think this kind of question is similar to fighting a war. If you can't beat it, you can't win it. .

Therefore, it is not a bad thing to see the answer, there is no need to be so nervous.You have not been in contact with this type of question for a long time, and it is normal that you cannot do it. "Sun Chuanting kept comforting Sun Shirui.

"By the way, when I went out today, I heard from outsiders that near the university, there are some private schools opened by university students. Every year when the exam is approaching, they will come out to explain the questions to the candidates. Why don't you go there and have a look?" Sun Chuanting suddenly remembered something.

Sun Shirui's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Is this true?"

Sun Chuanting said: "It should be true!"

Sun Chuanting only heard what people said, so he is not sure.

A few months before the exam every year, students in the university will take advantage of this time to come out and set up private schools to explain the questions and precautions to candidates during the exam.

In the past few years, with the increasing number of people applying for universities, this phenomenon has formed a scale.

This model already has the embryonic form of a later-generation tutoring institution, and if it develops for a few more years, it will definitely evolve into a later-generation tutoring institution.

"If it's true, then I'll go." Sun Shirui said.

Mathematics is not another subject. If there is no special teacher to explain it, unless you have a very high mathematical talent, otherwise, it will be difficult to understand the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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