Chapter 730 Qian Qianyi in America

When Sun Chuanting heard that Sun Shirui said he was stable, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Sun Chuanting knew his son very well. If he was not absolutely sure, it would be impossible for Sun Shirui to say that.

"Tomorrow is mathematics. Your mathematics background is weak. Tomorrow's test will not be easy. Are you sure?" Sun Chuanting said to him as he walked outside.

Sun Shirui followed behind Sun Chuanting and said, "You should be sure. I have basically done all the content of the exam questions and strategies. I think there should be no problem."

"As long as there is no problem, as long as there is no problem!" Sun Chuanting said with a sigh of relief.

"I remember that exams are still a science. Are you sure about this course?" Sun Chuanting asked further.

Sun Shirui replied: "Almost, I'm sure."

"As long as you are sure, as long as you are sure!"

Sun Chuanting led Sun Shirui out of the crowd and onto the street outside.

A carriage was parked on the side of the street, which was specially rented by Sun Chuanting today, and it was specially used to pick up and drop off Sun Shirui.

Sun Chuanting took Sun Shirui into the carriage and left the university.


"What kind of shit is this? What kind of shit is this? What kind of shit is this?"

In a forest, a middle-aged scholar in a T-shirt was pointing to the sky, cursing with veins all over his neck.

Mosquitoes are buzzing around, and the sun in the sky is constantly projecting heat outside.

Although it is in the woods, the temperature has not dropped. The air is extremely hot and stuffy. The middle-aged man is sweating profusely, and his clothes are wet with sweat.

In front of him were some young or middle-aged men in bunts.

With axes in their hands, these people are cutting wood in this forest.

Among these people, quite a few of them have thin skin and tender flesh, and are quite rich.

Obviously, these people had never done this kind of work before.

The middle-aged man in a T-shirt looked at these people and kept waving the whip in his hand.

"Do it all for me. If you can't achieve your goal tonight, be careful." The whip in the middle-aged man's hand crackled in the air.

A rich middle-aged man with an ax and a young man stood in front of a big tree surrounded by three people.

The two of them, you with an axe, and I with an axe, kept chopping towards the roots of the big tree.

However, even if they rounded their arms, the marks left by the ax on the big tree were not obvious.

The rich middle-aged man waved it for a short time before he became panting, his forehead was covered with sweat.

The young man was also very tired, holding on to the big tree, panting heavily.

"Zhu Changxun, hurry up, if you can't complete the amount that should be completed before the sun goes down, be careful of your skin!" The middle-aged man in a T-shirt pointed at the rich middle-aged man and scolded.

The rich middle-aged man is Zhu Changxun, the King of Fu who was exiled to America by Zhao Wen, and the young man opposite him is his son Zhu Yousong.

The people who cut down trees in the forest belonged to Fu Wang's lineage.

The middle-aged man who scolded Zhu Changxun was none other than Qian Qianyi, who had approached Zhao Wen to seek a job as an official.

For Qian Qianyi, Zhao Wen felt disgusted in his heart.Even if this kind of person is killed directly, it is difficult to dispel the resentment in Zhao Wen's heart, so Zhao Wen threw Qian Qianyi in America.

Now America is still in a barren land, not as good as the mainland. After a person like Qian Qianyi who likes romance comes here, it is a kind of torture that is worse than death.

When Qian Qianyi first arrived in America, he was taken aback by the environment in America.

Although Zheng Yiguan led the manpower to develop the living area, except for the living area, most of the other places are wild and wild.

Wild animals are rampant in these places, miasma is rampant, and sometimes savages can be encountered.

For Qian Qianyi, the food he ate was rough and difficult to swallow, which made Qian Qianyi, who was used to eating fine grains, have a stomachache for a long time.

Before coming to America, Zhao Wen once told Zheng Yiguan about punishing Qian Qianyi, so after Zheng Yiguan arrived in America, he showed no mercy in punishing Qian Qianyi.

As long as the weather is fine, Zheng Yiguan will ask Qian Qianyi to take people out to log and open up the place of residence.

Today's Qian Qianyi is just a widow. Except for Liu Rushi who accompanied him, he has no one close to him, so he can only obey Zheng Yiguan's order.

Qian Qianyi is a person who is afraid of death. Although the environment is very bad, Qian Qianyi has never thought about committing suicide.

The place where Qian Qianyi is staying is not far from the residential area built by Zheng Yiguan, only about two or three miles away.

Although it is relatively close to the place where Zheng Yiguan lives, it is still a huge forest.

Qian Qianyi is leading Fu Wang's lineage to cut down trees here.

Fu Wang looked at Qian Qianyi who was arrogantly ordering him, his brows were frowned, and his face was dissatisfied.

"Qian Qianyi, in the past, you were just a dog of my family, but a slave of my family. Now you have turned over and become the master, and you don't pay attention to us people. Pooh, what the hell!"

Before King Fu could speak, Zhu Yousong, the son of King Fu, began to curse.

Zhu Yousong turned the ax in his hand horizontally and pointed at Qian Qianyi with a gloomy expression.

Qian Qianyi looked at Zhu Yousong like this without any fear.

"Hehe, do you really think you are high-ranking princes? Pooh, you are not shit now, you know? You are not shit now, you are just a group of captives, just a group of captives.

Your Zhu family is finished, your world is gone, and you people will not be able to go back in the future.Do you still think you are the former princes?You are nothing, you are nothing now.

Let me tell you, you'd better work hard for me, otherwise, I will let you go around. "Qian Qianyi pointed at Zhu Yousong and Zhu Changxun without showing any mercy, and yelled at them.

"You, you, you..." Zhu Changxun pointed at Qian Qianyi, his face flushed red, and he was speechless for a while.

Zhu Yousong wanted to scold, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Qian Qianyi threatened, "What? You still want to scold me? Think carefully, unless you don't want to eat tonight!"

"Well, well, well, well..."

When Zhu Yousong heard Qian Qianyi threatened him with this rhetoric, he froze all of a sudden.

Qian Qianyi's status here is much higher than those of them. If Qian Qianyi makes them deprived of food, they will really be deprived of food.

After all, these captives had no access to Zheng Yiguan. Besides, Zheng Yiguan didn't take them seriously.

Zhu Changxun, Zhu Yousong and others were forced to do nothing by Qian Qianyi, so it is worth continuing to work hard.

Looking at the few people who were working again, Qian Qianyi waved the whip in his hand and smiled triumphantly.

People like Zhu Changxun actually didn't have the intention to resist, and they didn't dare to have the intention to resist.

If they resist, then there will be no food.If they can't eat, it means they can't survive. This is America, even if they escape, they won't be able to go anywhere, they will only die faster.

Qian Qianyi also knew all this, so he was not afraid of these captives, nor was he afraid of their escape, let alone their resistance.

Because they are just captives, if they want to live, they can only do what they say, if they don't do what they say, their consequences will only be worse.

Qian Qianyi kept shaking the land with a whip in his hand. There are not many people in the Fuwang lineage. In fact, there are only two generations. The first generation is Zhu Changxun, and the second generation is Zhu Yousong.

The Fu Wang lineage is not like those princely families that have been passed down for hundreds of years. They don't have so many people, but his family has more evil slaves.

Fu Wang Zhu Changxun is Ming Shenzong's most beloved son, so Ming Shenzong gave Fu Wang too many things and population when Fu Wang was in charge.

These people were in King Fu's residence, and usually used King Fu's reputation to flaunt their power and oppress the local people. Zhao Wen did not let these evil slaves go, and brought them to America together.

Fu Wang Zhu Changxun and Zhu Yousong waved their axes and kept chopping down the trees in front of them. At this time, they were like farmers, without the majesty of the past, and their clothes were only cotton and linen clothes .

Wearing it on the body hurts a lot. For people like them who were spoiled and raised since childhood, this level of labor is about to kill them, but they can't do without labor.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull sound of felling trees echoed in the woods.

Not long after Zhu Changxun hacked, he became out of breath again.

He wanted to sit down and rest for a while, but just as his butt touched the ground, Qian Qianyi walked over waving the whip in his hand.

At this time, Qian Qianyi looked a bit like a villain who got his ambitions.

It's no wonder that Qian Qianyi has been busy in Daming for most of his life, and he has never been a high official for a few days.In Daming, Qian Qianyi had been a slave for half his life, and now he has finally turned himself into a master, how could he give good looks to these princes who are usually high above him.

Seeing Qian Qianyi approaching, Zhu Changxun hurriedly stood up, and then waved the ax in his hand.

Zhu Changxun didn't dare to stop, for fear of stopping and hearing Qian Qianyi's nagging again.

Time passed by, and when the sun began to set on the western mountain, Qian Qianyi gathered these people together and walked back.

Not long after, Qian Qianyi brought these people back to their place of residence.

The residence built by Zheng Yiguan is actually a small city, not very large in size, but it can accommodate many people.

Outside the city, Zheng Yiguan has built several rubber plantation gardens. At present, Zheng Yiguan is still expanding the planting area of ​​rubber plantations.

The place Qian Qianyi develops today is one of the rubber plantation gardens that Zheng Yiguan plans to expand in the future.

Although the distance from here to the mainland is relatively far, the products on the American continent are relatively rich, and these people are not hungry because of food shortages.

When Zheng Yiguan and others came, they also brought a lot of food and seeds.

The American continent can be said to be one of the most suitable places in the world to grow food. Last year, Zheng Yiguan hoarded a lot of food.

Zhu Changxun's lineage was brought into the city by Qian Qianyi, and came to the place where they lived.

The place where they live is located in the northeast corner of the city. In addition to Zhu Changxun and others, there are also King Jin and other princes who were exiled to America with King Fu.

Outside their residence, soldiers in the hands of Zheng Yiguan were stationed.

Because they are captives, the places where they live are relatively simple.Moreover, there are soldiers guarding.

The soldiers guarding them were actually just to prevent them from fighting among themselves, and were not afraid of them fleeing, because on this American continent, their fleeing often meant starving to death.

When the sun fell into the horizon, the smell of rice wafted over the prisoner's living area.

The moon rose in the night sky, and there was no difference in nature between the moons of America and the moons of the interior.

As the saying goes, Lu Cong is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown.

Zhu Changxun was lying on the bed, unable to sleep, so he sat up, opened the window beside the bed, and looked out the window.

The room Zhu Changxun lives in is similar to the room in the mainland, but he is not a prince now, so the room he lives in can only be the room where ordinary people live.

The moon tonight was extraordinarily bright and round. Zhu Changxun looked at the moon in the sky and recalled everything about when he was in Luoyang.

Thinking about it, Zhu Changxun had some regrets. He regretted why he didn't do his best to support Luoyang's city defense.

Zhu Changxun thought to himself, if he really supported the city defense back then, would he not be like this?Maybe Zhao Wen couldn't win Luoyang City at that time?

The more Zhu Changxun thought about it, the more he regretted it, the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it.

But it was too late to say anything now, Zhu Changxun had no choice but to regret.

Moonlight sprinkled on the ground.Spread a layer of white frost on the earth.

Under the protection of a group of soldiers, seven or eight young people sat in two wood-burning cars, tore through the bright moonlight, and headed towards the city.

The moonlight shines on the wood-burning car, reflecting bright moonlight.

The shell of the wood-fired car was wet with the dew rising from the night.

Two wood-burning cars entered the city, and these seven or eight young people got off the wood-burning cars and headed towards the place where Zheng Yiguan lived.

The place where Zheng Yiguan lives is located in the center of the city. At this time, Zheng Yiguan is sitting in the study, dealing with the affairs of the past few days.

Not long after, these seven or eight young people came outside Zheng Yiguan's study.

After the seven or eight young people informed, they entered Zheng Yiguan's study.

Zheng Yiguan's study room is not big, and after these seven or eight young people entered, it immediately became crowded.

Zheng Yiguan sat behind the desk, looked at the seven or eight young people who came in, and asked, "How is the survey going? How about the mines?"

An older young man stood up and said to Zheng Yiguan excitedly: "Hey, General Zheng, we have surveyed all the mines you marked before, and they are really different. Fan Xiang, the content is very rich.”

(End of this chapter)

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