Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 732 Sending Troops to Ezo Island

Chapter 732 Sending Troops to Ezo Island

In today's era, it is still relatively difficult to dig a canal.

After all, the tools of this era are not as advanced as those of later generations. If the canal is to be excavated in this era, the manpower and material resources consumed will be a huge number.

Digging canals is quite important to Zhao Wen.If there is no canal, if you go from the west to the south, if you go by land and sea, you need to go around the American continent.If you go by land, the transportation capacity will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the excavation of the canal is still very helpful for the colonization of the east coast.

Before the railway was built, the running speed and transportation capacity on land were far inferior to those on the sea.

Besides, the manpower needed to excavate the canal is basically local indigenous people.These people only need to be given food, not money.

Zhao Wen wants to completely control the American continent in his own hands, and he will entrust his son there in the future. Therefore, if the canal is dug earlier, the benefits will be reflected earlier.No matter when, this canal must be dug, dug sooner or later.

After Zheng Yiguan returned to the city, he began to get busy.

The American continent can be said to be full of waste, and Zheng Yiguan needs to be busy with many things every day.

Almost everything is managed by Zheng Yiguan himself, and he has very little rest time every day, but Zheng Yiguan is not dissatisfied because of this reason.

While Zheng Yiguan was busy, the country of Wa, thousands of miles away, was undergoing great changes.

In late August, Hong Chengchou began to mobilize troops to prepare to attack Hokkaido, which had not yet been captured.

Hokkaido was called Ezo Island by Wa Kingdom in this era.

Edo Castle suddenly became busy, with soldiers running everywhere and busy people everywhere.

Some of these soldiers were wild samurai who surrendered to Zhao Wen. At this time, Wa Kingdom did not have the concept of a country, and their loyalty to Zhao Wen was the same as that of other daimyos.

Soldiers coming and going can be seen on every street, and the people living in Edo City look at these soldiers with excitement on their faces.

These soldiers are very enthusiastic about sending troops to Ezo Island.In their eyes, it seemed that Hong Chengchou had gone to attack their enemies.

It seems that the emperor and the Tokugawa family on Ezo Island are their enemies.

In the early morning of September [-]rd, before dawn, Hong Chengchou took advantage of the darkness and walked out of the Governor's Mansion.

Hong Chengchou had fought in wars before, and although he was not highly regarded in history, he still had the ability to fight.

This time, in order to completely wipe out the Emperor of Japan and the remnants of the Tokugawa family entrenched on Ezo Island, Hong Chengchou planned to personally supervise the battle.

He was wearing a suit of armor and walking on the bluestone road outside the Governor's Mansion. A dozen guards surrounded him, protecting him as he walked forward.

At the same time, a considerable number of warships have gathered at the port outside Edo Castle.The soldiers stood neatly on the deck quietly waiting for the order to set off.

Not long after, Hong Chengchou came to the port.

Sakata Arui and the others had been waiting at the port for a long time, when Hong Chengchou came to the port and began to give lectures.

When the sun rose into the sky and the whole sky was brightly lit, Hong Chengchou's fleet headed towards Ezo Island mightily.

Hong Chengchou was driving a treasure ship. He stood on the deck and looked at the sea ahead with a telescope.

Seabirds flew over Hong Chengchou's head, and Hong Chengchou felt very calm.

In his opinion, this war is no different from usual.

Hong Chengchou's fleet has a total of more than 20 ships.The number of people is about 6000, and half of them are soldiers from Xuanzhen. The weapons of these soldiers are five-six punches, five-six-and-a-half and the like.

The rest of the people were basically wild warriors who took refuge in Zhao Wen, and these people were led by Sakata Arui.

For Hong Chengchou, the number of these soldiers is enough.

To some extent, Hong Chengchou's car is actually more like a gunboat moving on the sea, with weapons everywhere on it.

Sakata Arii was also in Hong Chengchou's car. He stood beside Hong Chengchou, holding up his binoculars and looking at the sea in front of him.

"My lord, this time we will definitely be able to wipe out all the remnants of the forces that have huddled on Ezo Island." Sakata Arui looked at Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou nodded and said: "The remaining forces on Ezo Island are vulnerable, the power in our hands is overwhelming, and they have no ability to resist at all.

In the past, if it wasn't for the consolidation of the conquered territory, those people on Ezo Island would have been wiped out. "

Hong Chengchou didn't pay attention to the emperor and the Tokugawa family who were huddled on Ezo Island.

The Ezo Island in this era was not actually ruled by the Wa Kingdom.

The people who lived on Ezo Island in this era were called Ezo by the Wa people.

The general who conquered barbarians set up by the Japanese state, the "barbarian" in it refers to Yezo.

Compared with Wa Kingdom, the living environment on Ezo Island is more difficult, and the way of life of these Ezo people is almost similar to that of primitive society.

Moreover, these Ezo people are extremely barbaric. To a certain extent, the Wa people at this time did not like shrimp islets, nor did they look down on Ezo islands.

However, under Hong Chengchou's attack, the Tokugawa family and the emperor had to evacuate to Ezo Island.

At the southernmost tip of Ezo Island, the Tokugawa shogunate set up large and small forts along the long coastline.

It is not so much a fortress as a beacon tower against enemy invasion.

If Hong Chengchou leads troops and horses to attack, these beacon towers will immediately spread the news to the Tokugawa family and the emperor in the central part of Ezo Island.

In the central area of ​​Ezo Island, the Tokugawa family and the emperor lived here.

When the Tokugawa family and the emperor first arrived here, they had conflicts with the Ainu people who lived here.

The Ezo people on Ezo Island are still in the stage of slash-and-burn cultivation, so they are not the opponents of the Tokugawa family and the emperor, and they were defeated by the troops of the Tokugawa family.

It will take until the Meiji Restoration for the Wa Kingdom to fully control Ezo Island, that is, more than 200 years later.

At this time, Ezo Island was not very important to the Wa people.

If it wasn't for the Tokugawa family and the emperor being thrown out of the way by Hong Chengchou, they certainly wouldn't have come to Ezo Island.

These people built a large number of houses and fortifications here, but the fortifications they built were nothing more than chickens and dogs to Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou's fleet headed for Ezo Island mightily on the sea.

Edo is far away from Ezo Island, so Hong Chengchou will not be able to reach Ezo Island for a while.


"Damn it, damn it!" Tokugawa Iemitsu knelt in a low thatched hut, his face full of resentment.

He has lived here for a long time, several years have passed since the Edo debacle.

In the past few years, Tokugawa Iemitsu has never been in a good mood.

Tokugawa Iemitsu is the current head of the Tokugawa family and the third generation general who conquered barbarians.

In the past, General Zhengyi was just a symbolic title, and he didn't know how to conquer barbarians in a serious way.But now, under the pressure of Hong Chengchou, Tokugawa Iemitsu has no choice but to "conquer barbarians".

The house that Tokugawa Iemitsu stayed in was extremely low, as if it had been crudely built. The gap on the gate was as wide as a finger, and the wooden boards were rough and full of barbs.

There are not even tiles on the roof, but the wooden boards on the roof are simply covered with thatch.

Tokugawa Iemitsu's important minister Matsudaira Nobutsuna knelt down opposite Tokugawa Iemitsu, and persuaded him: "Patriarch, there is a saying in the Ming Dynasty, so the heaven will send a great mission to the people, you must first suffer your heart and starve your heart." Body and skin, exhausting one's mind and will, emptying one's body and disturbing one's actions, so moving one's heart and forbearance, once benefiting one's inability.

The current tribulation is just a stumbling block on the Patriarch's way forward, as long as he survives this period, everything will be solved easily. "

Tokugawa Iemitsu took a deep breath, looked at Matsudaira Nobuzuna worriedly, and said, "Do you think we still have a chance? I still remember the scene of the great defeat in Edo until now, do you really think we Can we counterattack? What counterattack do we use? What counterattack do we use?"

Tokugawa Iemitsu became more and more angry, and finally stood up directly, pointed in the direction of Edo Castle, and roared loudly, "What are we going to counterattack? What are we going to use to counterattack? Are we going to fight those people with cannons with swords? We How to fight? How can we fight?

Back then, Edo was defeated and there were countless casualties, but this was not the main force of that group of people attacking us.If their main force attacks us, how can we survive?We are just lingering. "

After Tokugawa Iemitsu finished speaking, he closed his mouth without saying a word.

Tokugawa Iemitsu didn't believe that he would be able to counterattack one day at all. In Tokugawa Iemitsu's view, these people like himself were just lingering here.

The Edo defeat mentioned by Tokugawa Iemitsu was the scene when Hong Chengchou's troops attacked Edo Castle.

There were not many soldiers who attacked Edo Castle at the beginning. Although there were not many soldiers, Edo Castle quickly fell under the bombardment of mortars and 40 fire.

Tokugawa Iemitsu, who was in a panic, took everything he could from the city and fled to Ezo Island.

"Ah!" Nobuzuna Matsudaira sighed, not knowing how to persuade Tokugawa Iemitsu for a while.

At this time, Tokugawa Iemitsu had completely lost his confidence, his heart was in a mess, and he had been beaten to pieces by Hong Chengchou's soldiers.

"It's fine for those people brought from Ming Dynasty to attack me. The most abominable thing is those wild warriors. These people were just like dogs in the past. Now that they have taken refuge in those people, they think they have a backer, so they won't send me away. Put it in your eyes.

These people are so naive, those people are just using them.Just wait, wait later, these wild warriors will definitely be wiped out by those people. "

Tokugawa Iemitsu gritted his teeth and said that compared to people like Hong Chengchou, Tokugawa Iemitsu hated those wild warriors who took refuge in Hong Chengchou.

Tokugawa Iemitsu was very upset by the refuge of these wild samurai.

Matsudaira Nobuoka knelt down opposite Tokugawa Iemitsu, took a deep breath, "Master Patriarch, although our current situation does not look very optimistic, we cannot give up just because of this.

There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty that good fortune depends on misfortune, and misfortune depends on blessing.Although we were forced to Ezo Island, at least we are still alive.If we plan well now, maybe we can counterattack back. "

"Hehe. It's all right, don't say it anymore, I know you are comforting me, don't say such things in the future, it is really meaningless to say such things.

I know in my heart whether I can counterattack and go back, and you also know in your own heart, there is no need to use such words to prevaricate me, and there is no need to use such words to comfort me.

You and I know what it is like now, there is no need to say such meaningless words. "Tokugawa Iemitsu waved his hands and stood up, said a little irritably, and then walked outside.

Now Tokugawa Iemitsu's heart is full of dark clouds, his brows are tightly wrinkled, his face is full of frost, the current situation has made him completely give up.

Looking back, when Tokugawa Iemitsu became the third general, he was so high-spirited, but now, he is just a tiger about to die of illness.

The huge contrast made Tokugawa Iemitsu unable to recover for a long time.

Tokugawa Iemitsu was strolling outside, looking at the busy crowd around him, a deep sense of frustration welled up in his heart.

In an open space not far from Tokugawa Iamiko, there is a courtyard made of thatched houses, where the current emperor lives.

Although the current emperor has no rights and is just a puppet, he still has to do what he should do, even though the current Tokugawa Iemitsu has been forced to Ezo Island.

In the front hall of the courtyard, a gorgeously dressed girl under the age of 20 sat quietly at the main seat in the hall.

This girl is the current emperor of Japan, known as Emperor Mingzheng.

Emperor Mingzheng is the eighth empress of the Wa Kingdom, and she is also a complete puppet.

Emperor Meisho is the granddaughter of Tokugawa Hidetada, the second-generation Tokugawa shogunate, and the niece of the current Tokugawa Iemitsu.

So, Tokugawa Iemitsu treats her pretty well on weekdays.But also for this reason, Emperor Meisho was a complete puppet.

Emperor Meizheng sat on the main seat in the hall, and beside her stood an old woman who was nearly 40 years old.

This old woman was specially arranged by Tokugawa Iemitsu to take care of Emperor Mingzheng's maid.

Emperor Mingzheng was not very old. She looked at the maid and asked, "Are we unable to go back?"

The old woman was stunned for a moment, and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know these things. Please don't think about it, the general has his own way."

Emperor Mingzheng let out a long breath and said, "If that's the case, then I won't ask."

In history, Emperor Mingzheng was a woman with a gentle and gentle personality. To put it bluntly, she was a submissive character.

(End of this chapter)

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