Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 739 It's time to win the capital

Chapter 739 It's time to win the capital
"He also has to be courageous. I don't believe that the King of Joseon really has that courage. If he really had that courage, he wouldn't have been able to surrender directly in the first place." Zhao Wen said casually.

For Zhao Wen, a small King of Joseon is nothing to worry about.Even if he has thoughts that he shouldn't have, does he have the strength, does he have the strength to rebel?
It's not that Zhao Wen looked down on him, even if Zhao Wen let him go, he couldn't make any trouble.

Sometimes, this kind of thing does not depend on whether he has the heart, but whether he has the strength.

The street lamps in the imperial garden illuminated the road in the imperial garden, and Zhao Wen walked slowly on the road in the imperial garden.

This is a new habit that Zhao Wen has cultivated in recent years. Every time after correcting the memorial, he will habitually take a walk in the imperial garden.

Although the Royal Garden of Xuanzhen Palace is not big, it has everything that should be there.Chen Donglai quietly accompanied Zhao Wen, waiting for Zhao Wen's orders all the time.

As the night gradually darkened, Zhao Wen returned to the bedroom.

Zhao Wen lay on the bed, thinking about the following things in his mind.

Today, almost all of the world has been taken, except for Tibet, which has not been taken, and the rest of the place has basically been taken by Zhao Wen.

The places notified by Ming Dynasty before have all become Zhao Wen's territory, and only Beizhili and the capital have not been captured.

Although Beizhili and the capital city have not been taken by Zhao Wen, many people in Beizhili and the capital city have gone to Xuanzhen.

Zhao Wen has spies in these places, so if the local people want to come to Xuan Town, the local spies will make arrangements.

In Xuanzhen's industrialization, population is always the most important.

For these common people, Zhao Wen is very welcome.

"It's time to take Beizhili and the capital!" Zhao Wen said slowly while lying on the bed.

Zhao Wen lay on the bed, thinking about the following things in his mind.

Now there is only one capital and Beizhili left in Daming, and it is time to take the capital and Beizhili.

At the same time, in the imperial palace in the capital, Chongzhen wandered around in the imperial garden.

At this time, Chongzhen was very old, his hair had turned white, and his face had many more wrinkles.

The cheeks are sunken with distinct hollows.Now Chongzhen looks very thin and thin, as if he could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Because there were no street lights in the imperial garden, it was pitch black. A few eunuchs walked in the front with palace lanterns, and Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen followed behind Chongzhen.

Chongzhen looked at the dark imperial garden and sighed continuously.

Although the connections between the capital and the outside world have been severed, this does not mean that Chongzhen has no way of knowing the current outside situation.

In the capital, the spies sent by Zhao Wen would bring almost every issue of the newspaper into the capital.

It is precisely for this reason that Chongzhen knows a lot of outside news.

"It seems that only the capital and Beizhili are left in the entire Ming Dynasty!" Chongzhen said with a look of despair.

Now Chongzhen only has the capital and Beizhili in his hands. Even if Chongzhen wanted to escape for his life, he didn't know where to flee.

For the current Chongzhen, demise is a foregone conclusion, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes to the world, it will not be able to save the country that is about to perish.

Chongzhen stopped suddenly. He looked around and said in a dead voice: "The ancestors taught the emperor to guard the gate of the country, and the king died in the country. Although I dare not say how wise and powerful I am, I must do what my ancestors taught me."

After Chongzhen finished speaking, he looked at Cao Huachun who was standing behind him, "How is the matter going?"

"Going back to the emperor, it's almost done. The princes have been arranged, and they are all arranged in ordinary families." Cao Huachun said.

"Hey, why bother to be born in the emperor's family, why bother to be born in the emperor's family!" Chongzhen kept sighing, his tone full of loss and sorrow.

Chongzhen asked Cao Huachun to settle Zhu Cihong and his sons and daughters in the capital. Chongzhen knew that he had no way out and his ending would not be good, so he wanted to arrange his sons and daughters properly so that they could live well go down.

Chongzhen in history also did this, but things were too hasty, so basically few of his sons and daughters ended well.

In this era, Zhao Wen did not attack the capital for a long time, leaving a lot of time for Chongzhen.

Chongzhen was the emperor of Ming Dynasty, but also the father of one.Chongzhen never thought of letting his son be buried for Daming with him.

"My lord, the princes and princesses have all been arranged properly. These ordinary families are hidden piles set up by Jin Yiwei a long time ago, and no one except me knows about them.

These hidden piles are all loyal to the imperial court, His Majesty can rest assured.

In a few days, I plan to let these people take the prince and princess to Xuanzhen.Under the light and darkness, thief Zhao will definitely not find out.After staying in Xuanzhen for a while, go to other places. "Cao Huachun said.

After hearing what Cao Huachun said, Chongzhen felt a lot more relaxed.

Chongzhen did not object to Cao Huachun's plan.

Although there are certain risks in going to Xuan Town, staying in Xuan Town is far better than staying in the capital.

In Chongzhen's view, when the capital is breached, all kinds of rebels will definitely attack the capital.

At that time, the living environment is bound to be very harsh.

"That's good, that's good."

Chongzhen walked forward with a slow pace.

Cao Huachun followed Chongzhen and did not leave for a moment.

"Has anything happened in the capital recently?" Chongzhen asked while walking.

Cao Huachun said: "Your Majesty, another group of people in the capital escaped from the city this morning. Counting today's events, the fleeing people in the capital have not stopped since this month, almost every day. Beijing."

"Let's go, let's go, if you want to go, go. You can't live in the capital, so it's fine to run away, it's fine to run away." Chongzhen said expressionlessly. "By the way, what about the officials in the capital? What are they doing now?"

"Returning to the emperor, the officials in the capital also wanted to escape from the city, but these officials were all blocked back.

The emperor said before that people can go out of the city, but officials can't, so in the past few days, I have released all the staff from Jinyiwei and Dongchang to take charge of this matter.

This morning, the servant of the Ministry of Rites and his family wanted to take the opportunity to escape from the city, but they were stopped by Jin Yiwei and Dongchang's staff. "Cao Huachun said quietly.

Chongzhen's face was full of ruthlessness, "Hmph, these officials are simply too hateful. At the beginning, I asked them to find a way to deal with Zhao thief, but what? They have nothing to do. That's all, they didn't deal with Zhao thief It's okay to use the best way, after all, Zhao thief is not so easy to deal with.

But, what good things have these officials done in the past few years?Embezzlement of treasury money, corruption, it can be said that Daming can now have such a scene thanks to this kind of person.

Chongzhen's voice was so cold that Cao Huachun's heart trembled.

Although Chongzhen will soon be the king of subjugation, as the saying goes, the prestige of a tiger's death still exists.

Chongzhen is not yet the king of subjugation, so there are still ways to deal with these officials.

"Arrest all these officials who eat inside and outside, and send them on the road when the capital falls." Chongzhen said with a gloomy face.

Cao Huachun said hastily: "I would like to obey the emperor's will."

"By the way, why haven't you seen Gao Qiqian these few days? What has he been up to these few days?" Chongzhen suddenly thought that he hadn't seen Gao Qiqian for a long time.

When Cao Huachun heard this, his expression turned ugly, "My lord, Gao Qiqian hasn't appeared for several days, and I haven't seen him either. Yesterday, I went to Gao Qiqian's house to look for him , but according to the servants in his family, they don’t know where Gao Qiqian went. Moreover, Gao Qiqian basically took away all the belongings in Gao Qiqian’s family. As for where he took them, his servants don’t know .

My lord, in my opinion, Gao Qiqian might have defected! "

Cao Huachun's words are not aimless, but have a certain basis.

No one knows what kind of person Gao Qiqian is, but Cao Huachun knows it all. He is a person who loves life and fears death, and loves money extremely.

Cao Huachun didn't believe that Gao Qiqian would live and die with the capital at all, so in Cao Huachun's view, Gao Qiqian probably defected.

"Hehe!" Chongzhen sneered, his face frosty.

"What a good slave, what a good slave, I really never thought that my great eunuch would escape now. I really didn't expect to be so greedy for life and afraid of death."

The current Chongzhen has a feeling of being deceived. At the beginning, Gao Qiqian stayed in front of Chongzhen for a long time. During that time, Chongzhen valued Gao Qiqian very much. There is no high potential to be favored.

Gao Qiqian, who is so important, has absconded now, how can Chongzhen feel at ease?

"Damn, damn, really damn!" Chongzhen yelled and cursed again and again, at this moment Chongzhen was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

"I order you to deal with this matter in time. You must arrest Gao Qiqian, and after you are arrested, I will kill you!" Chongzhen said through gritted teeth.

If the common people escaped from the capital, Chongzhen could not be held accountable, and if the officials fled from the capital, Chongzhen could not be held accountable now, but Chongzhen could not bear to deal with people around him like Gao Qiqian for a moment.

"Follow the emperor's will!" Cao Huachun hurriedly replied.

Chongzhen walked out of the imperial study with a gloomy face, and went to Kunning Palace.

Kunning Palace is the palace where the empress lives. In the past, Zhu Cihong would accompany his mother in Kunning Palace, but now Zhu Cihong has been sent out of the palace by Cao Huachun.

Therefore, only the queen and some court ladies and eunuchs who take care of the queen are left in the Kunning Palace.

Queen Zhou sat in front of the dressing table beside the bed, staring blankly at a palm-sized glass mirror on the dressing table.

This glass mirror was given to Queen Zhou by Chongzhen.

Although the relationship between the Zhou family and Chongzhen was not as good as that between Emperor Xiaozong and Empress Zhang, it was much better than the relationship between other emperors and empresses.

Chongzhen walked into the palace of Kunning Palace, and the maids and eunuchs in the palace rushed to salute Chongzhen.

"Get flat!" Chongzhen said to the eunuchs and maids who were saluting.

This movement attracted Zhou's attention, and Zhou hurriedly stood up from the dressing table and came to the palace outside.

"I've seen His Majesty!" Mrs. Zhou saluted Chongzhen.

"The queen doesn't need to be too polite!" Chongzhen walked in front of the queen Zhou, and held Zhou's hands with a smile.

"I haven't been here for several days, so I came to see you today!" Chongzhen took Zhou's hand and sat on a chair in the palace.

"Your Majesty can come to my concubine's place, so my concubine is naturally happy!" Sitting next to Chongzhen, Zhou showed a happy expression.

Although Zhou showed a happy expression, this happy expression was a bit too far-fetched.

Chongzhen saw something was wrong at a glance.

"What's bothering the queen?" Chongzhen asked.

As soon as Chongzhen said this sentence, he felt a little regretful.

Isn't this obvious?The country is about to perish, how could the queen be happy?
Just when Chongzhen regretted speaking like this, Zhou said: "Your Majesty, this concubine is wondering if Lang'er slept well and ate well today..."

"Hey, he is also my flesh and blood, you love him, and I love him too.

But do you think he would have survived otherwise?

Bandit Zhao is the most vicious thief ever. Do you think Bandit Zhao can let him go?

I'm also doing it for Hong'er's sake, he has no destiny to be an emperor in his life, I just ask him to be an ordinary citizen. "

Chongzhen took Zhou's hand and said earnestly.

To some extent, Chongzhen still valued Zhu Cihong very much.

Chongzhen in history established Zhu Cihong as the prince early, and spared no effort in cultivating Zhu Cihong.

"The concubines understand what His Majesty said, but the concubines are always worried." Zhou frowned and said worriedly.

"Don't think about these things. The people I arrange are all reliable people. These people will definitely take good care of them, so don't worry about it." Chongzhen comforted Zhou.

Hearing what Chongzhen said, Mrs. Zhou had no choice but to nod, "In that case, the concubine can rest assured!"

"Do you regret marrying me? If you didn't marry me, you don't have to worry about it now. Now I'm like a living dead. I don't know when Zhao thief's knife will hit my neck .” Chongzhen asked.

Mrs. Zhou shook her head, and looked at Chongzhen firmly, "It is my blessing to be able to marry Your Majesty. This concubine will not regret it. Even if Zhao's bandits attack the capital tomorrow, this concubine will not regret it."

Zhou Shi's words made Chongzhen feel much better in frustration, and Chongzhen hugged Zhou Shi in his arms.

The candles in Kunning Palace were burning quietly, and the eunuchs and maids standing around hurriedly lowered their heads.

The night outside the palace was thick, and the entire capital was quiet, even the people who usually went to watch the watch disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, the current capital has reached the final point, and when Zhao Wen attacked the capital, it was the moment when the capital finally collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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