Chapter 746 Wind and Snow Night

Goose feather heavy snow fell to the ground one after another, Cao Huachun stood on the city wall and looked out of the city.

The heavy snow covered Cao Huachun's vision a lot, and Cao Huachun couldn't see the camp outside the city clearly.

The hot breath blows away the snowflakes in front of him, Cao Huachun's mood is as cold and bleak as the current weather.

Cao Huachun was wearing armor, and it was extremely cold in this snowy day.

"If bandits Zhao attacked the city these days, it would not be a good thing for our army." Cao Huachun said with a troubled expression.

Cao Huachun didn't think that this heavy snow could stop Zhao Wen's footsteps, nor did he think that Zhao Wen would not attack the city at this time.

Since Zhao Wen won't stop attacking when it's snowing heavily, it doesn't make any sense for this snow to fall, and it will even have a big impact on the defense of the city.

After all, the snow on the city wall will cause considerable difficulties for transporting various defense equipment.

Cao Huachun took the guards behind him to patrol the city wall. For Cao Huachun now, ensuring the morale of the soldiers on the city wall is the most important thing.

Although the gap between the enemy and ourselves is too great, Cao Huachun is unwilling to give up easily.

Cao Huachun walked around the city wall with his personal guards, constantly encouraging the morale of the soldiers.

But morale is not so good to encourage at this moment when supplies are scarce in the cold weather.

These soldiers were recruited by Cao Huachun in Beizhili before. Although these soldiers are not elite soldiers, they are much better than ordinary guard soldiers. Choose to run away.

"Brothers, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, as long as you keep Thief Zhao out of the city wall, after the Chinese New Year, His Majesty will open the treasury and let you eat enough.

That is the national treasury. There are many good things in it, all kinds of chickens, ducks, pigs and cattle, all kinds of rice and white noodles. As long as you can eat, His Majesty will let you eat.Brothers, we must hold the city wall! "

Cao Huachun yelled loudly on the city wall. Cao Huachun's voice kept floating on the city wall. After hearing Cao Huachun's voice, the soldiers on the city wall kept shouting.

The people who can serve as soldiers in this era are basically poor people. These poor people don't even have enough to eat on weekdays. Now when they hear that there are so many good things to eat, they are all motivated.

In fact, there is nothing in the national treasury now, even the rats hate the empty treasury, where is there still food for these soldiers to eat?

What Cao Huachun said was just to encourage the morale of the army.

However, these defenders don't know these things. Where do these defenders know these things? They thought that there are really so many things in the current treasury.

"Elder-in-law, don't worry, it's just a few thieves, we will definitely defend the city wall!" A soldier stood on the city wall, looking at Cao Huachun who was passing by in front of him, and shouted loudly.

Cao Huachun was attracted by this soldier's voice, he looked at these soldiers, laughed and said: "Haha, you are right, you have ambition, come here, reward, we should have this kind of ambition!"

As soon as Cao Huachun's voice fell, a personal guard standing behind Cao Huachun came out, took out a piece of silver from his body, and handed it to the soldier.

These silvers belonged to Cao Huachun's family property. Although they spent a lot during conscription, there was still a little left over.

Cao Huachun's family property is not thin. No matter how loyal an eunuch is in this era, he will have some "deposits" more or less.

This soldier was just a peasant in the past, and even silver was rarely seen on weekdays. Now when he saw Cao Huachun, someone gave him a piece of silver just because he said a word, and he was so excited that he wanted to kowtow to Cao Huachun.

"Thank you, Eunuch, thank you, Eunuch!"

The soldier said to Cao Huachun with a flattering face, his knees bent involuntarily, and he was about to kneel on the ground.

Cao Huachun looked at the soldier with a smile, and said with a smile: "Get up quickly, the ground is cold, there is no need to kneel on the ground, get up quickly!"

The soldiers stood up under Cao Huachun's order.

Although he stood up, the soldier kept saying words of thanks.

When the surrounding soldiers saw this situation, they all said all kinds of grandiose words like this soldier.

Although these soldiers are the people of Beizhili, they have never seen Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses, and they have never fought against Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses. In addition, Cao Huachun kept weakening Zhao Wen, which made these soldiers become Some disagree.

Cao Huachun and the personal guards behind him carried a lot of silver. When these soldiers started to speak in style, Cao Huachun asked the personal guards to reward these soldiers with the silver on their bodies.

Driven by money, the morale of these soldiers on the top of the city reached its peak, and it seemed that even ice and snow could not cover their aura.

It was snowing continuously, and in a house not far from the city wall, a dozen strong men were sitting around a room with a fireplace.

"Everyone, His Majesty's soldiers and horses have arrived outside the capital. Should we do something? Before, His Majesty had ordered us to cooperate with the siege, and now we are also moving!" The leading man looked at the men sitting around the stove and said.

"Brother is right. We people have been dormant in the capital for such a long time, isn't it for today? Everyone, if we have not made contributions in this battle, then we will not make contributions in the future. chance!"

As soon as the voice of the leading man fell, a tall and thick man took over the conversation and started talking.

These people sitting in the house were the spies that Zhao Wen sent to the capital earlier. These people have been in the capital for such a long time, to some extent, it is for today's affairs.

Now that Zhao Wenbing is approaching the capital, how could these people remain indifferent?
For these spies, this is their last chance to make meritorious service in the capital. If they can't catch it this time, they won't have such a good chance in the future.

"That's right. This incident is our last chance to make meritorious service. No matter what, we must cooperate with His Majesty's attack on the capital!" The leading man said again.

"Brother is right, we should seize this opportunity now, serve His Majesty, and cooperate well in this battle!"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Yes, that's it, we should do it now!"

The men around spoke up.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's have a good discussion first. Although we don't know when His Majesty will attack the city, there will definitely be cannon fire when His Majesty attacks the city, and we will use the cannon sound as the name!"
Moreover, today, I saw that the eunuch Cao Huachun came down from the city wall and headed towards the palace very frequently. This phenomenon has not happened in the past few days.

It seems that His Majesty is going to attack the city in the next two days, maybe it will be tomorrow, you all should be smart, and we will go out and investigate the situation later! "The leading man looked at the surrounding men and made arrangements in detail.

It didn't take long for the man to arrange things almost.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the men in the room walked out of the room in twos and threes.

Although Cao Huachun didn't have many troops, he sent some soldiers to patrol the city in order to prevent people from causing damage in the city.

These men walked on the streets of the capital, because no one cleaned the snow, so they creaked and creaked on the streets.

Rows of footprints formed from the feet of these men and spread towards the distance.

The leading man led seven or eight men towards the direction of the city wall. In the capital city without street lights, the night was extremely dense.

After walking for a short time, the snow began to fall again.

Just after walking a short distance, the sound of stepping on the snow came over.

The leading man hurriedly led his men to a nearby alley and hid.

This is a night watch soldier, the number is about 20 people, they walk through the night with torches.

"crunch, crunch!"

The sound of feet stepping on the snow became more and more clear, and when it reached the maximum value, it began to decrease again.

"I'm going to pee, I can't hold it anymore!"

At this moment, the last soldier in this group of soldiers shouted towards the front with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

The leading soldier turned around and shouted at the soldier behind: "It's really a lazy cow, a lazy horse, and a lot of shit, go by yourself, we will go first, and you will catch up by yourself when the time comes!"

After the leading soldier finished speaking, he led the soldiers towards the front.

The soldier behind hurriedly ran to the distance, loosening his belt while running.

The soldier came to the side of the road and unbuttoned his belt for convenience.

The men hiding in the alley saw this scene with smiles on their faces.

"God helped me too!" said the leading man and led the people behind him towards the soldier who was peeing on the side of the road.

The footsteps of these men were very light, for fear of startling the soldier who was peeing.

Maybe it was too relaxing to urinate, but the soldier didn't even notice the man approaching.

Not long after, the soldier pulled up his trousers, trembled, and was about to leave.

But just two steps away, the leading man brought someone up to touch him.

The leading man came to a distance of seven or eight steps behind the soldier. With his right hand turned into a palm, he suddenly accelerated his speed. When he was two or three steps away from the soldier, he jumped up and slashed at the soldier's neck with a knife in his hand.

A sharp pain came from the neck, and before the soldier could yell out, the leading man covered the soldier's mouth with his left hand.

The soldier's eyes darkened and he passed out.

The men following behind the leading man hurriedly surrounded him, picked up the soldier and walked away.

The whole action was smooth and smooth, without any hesitation, without any sloppiness.

Not long after, the soldier was brought to the place where they lived by these men.

After some torture and interrogation, these people finally figured out the current situation.

"It seems that we guessed well before, His Majesty is likely to launch an attack tomorrow!"

The leading man looked at the people in the room and said solemnly.

"Our time is running out, and it will be dawn in another hour!"

"Brother, what should we do? Should we act now?"

A bearded man looked at the leading man.

"If you act now, it will easily attract the attention of the defenders.

In my opinion, let's wait until His Majesty's cannon fires before we act.

With the cover of His Majesty's cannon fire, we can go smoothly. said the leading soldier.

In fact, these spies are competing with time for credit.

They knew that Zhao Wen's weapons were powerful, and that even without them, Zhao Wen could easily capture the capital.

If they can't seize the opportunity in this battle, then to a large extent, they will not be able to have such good conditions as this time.

Therefore, whether it is Zhao Wen's order or for credit, these spies must act.

"Your Majesty's artillery is powerful, we need to be faster, otherwise, this battle really has nothing to do with us!" The leading man murmured.

At this time, Chongzhen was sitting in the warm pavilion, his eyes were wide open, staring at the window.

The window was open, and snowflakes drifted in from outside the window from time to time.

Wang Chengen originally wanted to close the window, but Chongzhen stopped him.

The sky outside the window was still dark, and Chongzhen's heart began to beat violently.

Wang Chengen stood beside Chongzhen, the candles in the warm pavilion were burning quietly, and the candlesticks were covered with tears.

In the entire Nuan Pavilion, there was nothing but Chongzhen's heavy breathing.

"How long until dawn?" Chongzhen looked at Wu Chengen.

"My lord, there is still an hour!" Wang Chengen glanced at the sky outside the window and said.

"There is only one hour left!" Chongzhen muttered to himself.

The atmosphere in the warm pavilion was extremely oppressive, and it was so oppressive that one could not breathe.

Chongzhen opened his mouth wide and panted heavily, it seemed that only in this way could he breathe enough oxygen.

The heavy snow outside the window was still falling, and the snow had already covered the steps outside.

This nearly 300-year-old palace has encountered this kind of heavy snow many times, but this time it is different from usual.

As time passed minute by minute, Chongzhen became more and more anxious.

"I'm going out to get some air!"

Chongzhen took a deep breath, stood up, and walked outside.

Wang Chengen hurriedly followed Chongzhen and walked outside.

As soon as the door was opened, the wind and snow came into the Nuan Pavilion, and snowflakes as big as goose feathers hit Chongzhen's face.

Chongzhen wiped the snowflakes casually, and walked outside.


There was a crunching sound as the feet stepped on the snow.

Rows of footprints appeared behind Chongzhen.

"My lord, it's cold outside, let's go in!" Looking at Chongzhen standing in the snow, Wang Chengen persuaded.

Chongzhen shook his head, "I can't breathe inside!"

Snowflakes fell on Chongzhen's Yishan crown, dyeing the top of the hat white.

Chongzhen raised his head and looked at the sky, snowflakes fell on Chongzhen's face.

(End of this chapter)

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