Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 763 The Annihilation of the Prince Mu's Mansion

Chapter 763 The Annihilation of the Prince Mu's Mansion
Mu Tianbo really couldn't figure out what the purpose of Lin Jing and the others was to do this.

From Mu Tianbo's point of view, his own strength was no match for Lin Jing's soldiers, and it would be easy for Lin Jing to defeat his soldiers.

Mu Tianbo really couldn't figure out why Lin Jing didn't attack them with all his strength, but followed them closely, fishing for them all the time.

This feeling of being caught by someone is really uncomfortable.

"Send me an order to cheer everyone up. At the same time, inform the family and people in front that if anything happens, let them leave immediately." Mu Tianbo shouted at the orderly who was following behind him.

The messenger went forward with Mu Tianbo's order.

As the sky gradually darkened, Mu Tianbo led the troops to set up camp.

The place Mu Tianbo chose was a relatively open place.

At the same time, the generals of General Zhao Daniu gathered together.

Zhao Daniu jumped off his horse and looked at the general standing in front of him.

"Everyone, according to the report from Yebu, Mu Wangfu and others have already started camping. Everyone in Mu Wangfu should not know that our main force has arrived, so they dare to set up camp at this time.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a great opportunity for us to catch them all. "Zhao Daniu looked at the officers surrounding him and said solemnly.

"My plan is to send soldiers and horses to surround the people of Prince Mu's Mansion in the dark, and then launch an attack after dawn.

You can say whatever you want to say! "Zhao Daniu said to these officers,

In the following time, Zhao Daniu had a detailed discussion with these officers and finally came up with a plan.

The plan is to send some soldiers and horses to move forward, around the troops of King Mu's Palace, and half surround the troops of Prince Mu's Palace.

Wait until dawn, let the remaining soldiers and horses attack, and the surrounding soldiers and horses will shrink the encirclement.Try to wipe out all the people in the Mu Palace within one day.

"The plan is this plan, do you understand?" Zhao Daniu looked at the officers around him and shouted loudly.

"Understood!" The officers replied loudly.

"In that case, let's carry out the order just now!"

Following Zhao Daniu's order, these officers returned to their own team, and led their team to their reserved places according to Zhao Daniu's order.

A waning moon hangs in the sky, and mist floats on the ground.

Under the cover of the night, groups of soldiers headed towards Mu Wangfu's troops.

The garrison of King Mu's mansion almost occupied this open space, so the soldiers sent by Zhao Daniu could only stay in the forest around the garrison of King Mu's mansion.

Although the mountains and forests are not conducive to the deployment of soldiers, they can perfectly hide the soldiers' figures.

In the middle of the night, Zhao Daniu's soldiers and horses were basically deployed.

Zhao Daniu's soldiers and horses did not sleep, and stared at the Mu Palace troops in front of them at their own place.

Zhao Daniu was riding a war horse, holding a pocket watch in his hand.

Pocket watches are not high-tech items for Xuanzhen now, and it is not difficult to manufacture them.

The pocket watch in Zhao Daniu's hand was made according to the habits of this era, and the scale inside was twelve hours.

The time adopts the twelve-hour system instead of the 24-hour system of later generations.

The pocket watch in Zhao Daniu's hand is not much different from the pocket watches of later generations in appearance. The shell is gilded, with exquisite patterns carved on it, which looks very beautiful.

Zhao Daniu closed the pocket watch in his hand, and said to the messenger next to him, "Notify the artillerymen in front that the shelling will start in an hour!"


The messenger went forward with Zhao Daniu's order.

At the rear of Mu Wangfu's troops, Zhao Daniu set up artillery positions.

When the time comes to attack Prince Mu's Mansion, let the artillery bombard it first.

However, Mu Tianbo didn't know about all this.

Because the strength in his hands was too weak, Ye Bushou sent by Mu Tianbo couldn't run far at all.

Therefore, Mu Tianbo didn't know the real situation now, thinking that the soldiers and horses following him were only people like Lin Jing.

Time passed by, and the moon in the sky gradually sank to the horizon.

Zhao Daniu took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

"Notify the artillery position, the shelling will start in a quarter of an hour!" Zhao Daniu said to the messenger beside him.

At this time, there is already a white belly in the east.

The artillery above the artillery position is making final preparations. The artillery in the hands of these artillerymen is basically a mortar.

Fighting in mountainous areas, the most suitable artillery is the mortar.Moreover, the mortar is lighter than other artillery, so it is the most suitable.

After a quarter of an hour passed, the artillery on the artillery position began to get busy, taking the shells out of the ammunition box.

The artillery commander stood beside the artillery position. He closed the pocket watch in his hand and shouted loudly.


The voice of the artillery commander was very loud, and it was constantly resounding in the artillery position.

The artillerymen who had already prepared began to load the shells into the mortar barrels.

After a few breaths, the mortar roared.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

One after another, the shells flew towards the Mu Wang Mansion camp in front of them.

At this time, the people of Prince Mu's Mansion were still in a deep sleep, and they did not expect the imminent danger at all.


When the first shell landed in the camp of Mu Wangfu's troops, it was like a bolt from the blue, waking up a large number of soldiers in the camp.

"Boom boom boom!"

Immediately afterwards, dense shells landed on the camp of Mu Tianbo's troops.

The sound of the explosion was connected together like firecrackers set off during the New Year.

The flames began to burn, and the tent was ignited by the explosion, burning continuously, and the flames soared into the sky.

Mu Tianbo woke up suddenly and jumped up from the bed.

"What's going on? What happened?" Mu Tianbo stood in the big tent, listening to the explosion sound next to his ears, he was extremely disturbed,
"Duke, it's not good!" A soldier rushed in screaming.

"What happened? What happened outside?" Mu Tianbo asked the soldier loudly.

The soldier replied: "My lord, it's not good, the bandits are attacking, the bandits are attacking!"

"The thieves attacked? Why did they attack at this time? In the past few days, these thieves have not attacked at night. Why are they attacking at night this time?" A series of thoughts appeared in Mu Tianbo's mind. doubt.

However, before Mu Tianbo had to think about it, the continuous explosion sounded again.

Mu Tianbo wrapped his clothes casually around his body, and rushed out of the tent with a weapon in his hand.

By this time, the sun had emerged from the horizon and the sky was beginning to brighten.

As soon as Mu Tianbo rushed out of the tent, he saw the scene of violent bombing.

"Tie Bing, you and I are at odds with each other!" Mu Tianbo cursed loudly, his eyes were about to burst.

"Grandpa, let's run for our lives, we just have to run for our lives!" The soldiers following Mu Tianbo shouted loudly at Mu Tianbo.

Explosions continued to explode in the camp, and screams and shouts resounded non-stop.

Mu Tianbo knew that he had no way to organize the soldiers.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!" Mu Tianbo roared at the soldiers beside him, shouting three withdraw words at once.

"Notice, let everyone evacuate! Everything is gone, let everyone evacuate, let everyone evacuate!"

Even if Mu Tianbo wanted to organize the soldiers to counterattack, he had no chance.

The soldiers in the barracks were collapsed by the sudden bombing and ran around, Mu Tianbo couldn't gather the soldiers together.

Under the protection of his personal guards, Mu Tianbo stepped on a war horse and galloped forward.

Things had come to this, Mu Tianbo could no longer care about the soldiers who were in the explosion.

Right now, he just wanted to escape from the camp as soon as possible.

The bombing continued, and the soldiers in the camp ran wildly around under the bombardment.

What these soldiers didn't know was that there were even more terrifying dangers waiting for them in the surrounding mountains and forests.

"Attention everyone, the broken soldiers are coming!" An officer shouted at the soldiers beside him, and then loaded the 56 in his hand.

The soldiers next to him also loaded their guns, quietly waiting for the rout in front of them.

Not long after, the officer shouted: "Shoot! Give them some color first!"

The officer's voice fell, and he pulled the trigger first.

Immediately afterwards, his soldiers also pulled the trigger.

The gunshots sounded like stir-fried copper beans, crackling non-stop.

The soldiers fleeing into the forest kept falling to the ground as if hitting an invisible wall.

"We are in ambush, we are in ambush!" A soldier looked at the soldiers in front of him who were falling to the ground, and shouted loudly.

His voice was full of despair, he really never imagined that he would encounter such a thing after finally escaping.

"Shrink the encirclement and prepare to capture them!" Zhao Daniu shouted at the messenger beside him, hearing the sound of gunfire and artillery.

It didn't take long for Zhao Daniu's order to reach those soldiers.

The sound of gunfire and artillery began to fade away, and the soldiers stood up from the woods at the same time, pressing forward.

"Kneel down and surrender without killing, kneel down and surrender without killing!"

The soldiers held guns and kept shouting towards the front.


When the time came to noon, the gunfire had completely disappeared, and the battle was drawing to a close.

Except for Mu Tianbo and others who escaped, there were not many people in the Mu Palace who could escape.

Song Hu looked at the military reports sent by the officers, and said with a relaxed face: "Finally, the people in the Mu Palace have been wiped out, leaving only Mu Tianbo.

Yunnan has high mountains and dense forests. If Mu Tianbo really wanted to hide, it would be really hard for me to find him.It's just that I've pretty much cleaned up his subordinates, so it doesn't hurt to escape one of him. "

In the afternoon, the battlefield was almost cleaned up.

In this battle, Zhao Daniufang killed and wounded 7000 people, and almost all of those who survived were captured by Zhao Daniu.

As for those who escaped, the number was really not many, except for Mu Tianbo and others, almost none.

Early the next morning, Zhao Daniu escorted the prisoners to Bazhaisi.

These captives Zhao Daniu are of great use. When the railway is built in Yunnan in the future, these captives will be excellent laborers.

While Zhao Daniu was escorting the captives, Liu Wu led a troop to chase a rout in the mountains and forests of northern Yunnan.

The leader of this defeated army was none other than Zhang Xianzhong, who was as famous as Li Zicheng.

Zhang Xianzhong was riding a war horse, his clothes were covered with sweat.

With a panicked expression on his face, he leaned on the back of the war horse in a panic, and galloped forward.

His four adopted sons followed Zhang Xianzhong on horseback.

In the back, there is a group of broken soldiers in rags.

These rout soldiers were exactly the old battalion that Zhang Xianzhong was proud of.

Now Zhang Xianzhong only has the old battalion troops left in his hands, as for the soldiers who came coerced, they all fled without knowing where to go.

"Damn it, it's abominable, these people seem to be sacrificing their lives, chasing after them, it's really abominable!" Zhang Xianzhong yelled and cursed loudly while running for his life.

"Zhao Wen, you are only powerful with your weapon. If I also have this kind of weapon, how can it be your turn to be emperor? What a joke, the seat of emperor must belong to me, Zhang Xianzhong." Zhang Xianzhong cursed angrily.

"Father, where are we going now?" Li Dingguo came to Zhang Xianzhong's side and asked Zhang Xianzhong loudly.

Zhang Xianzhong said: "Wherever there is a way to survive, go there!"

Zhang Xianzhong didn't know where to go now, so he could only run around aimlessly.

Liu Wu rode a war horse and led his men more than 30 miles away from Zhang Xianzhong.

If this was Pingyuan, people like Zhang Xianzhong would have been caught up by Liu Wu long ago.

"I'll see where you can escape this time!" Liu Wu looked at the road ahead and said coldly.

Two days ago, Liu Wu led the soldiers and horses, as usual, to clear the chieftains in the mountains and defeat them.

However, this time they unexpectedly met Zhang Xianzhong and others who were panting in the mountains.

Without saying a word, Liu Wu led his troops to chase and kill Zhang Xianzhong and others.

Zhang Xianzhong and others are also real chicken thieves, and they found Liu Wu and the others before Liu Wu caught up.

Without saying a word, Zhang Xianzhong led his soldiers and horses to gallop all the way.

Zhang Xianzhong ran wildly all the way, Liu Wu pursued closely.

Because of the rugged mountain road, Liu Wu failed to catch Zhang Xianzhong for several days.

Zhang Xianzhong's current manpower is only those old battalion troops who have followed him for a long time, and the number is about 7000.

Although there are only so few troops, there is a very serious problem in front of Zhang Xianzhong now, that is, there is no more military rations in the army.

Although Zhang Xianzhong was carrying food when he was running away, the food had been eaten up in the past few days. If he couldn't replenish the food, maybe Zhang Xianzhong's consequences would not be much better than Li Zicheng's.

"Speed ​​up, pass my order, let the old battalion behind to speed up!" Zhang Xianzhong shouted to the messenger beside him.


I would like to recommend a friend's historical article "Bringing a Warehouse to the End of Ming Dynasty", similar golden fingers, also anti-Qing, you can read it
(End of this chapter)

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