Chapter 769 Execution
Looking at Zhao Wen's back, Wu Sangui kept yelling.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please spare me, please forgive me, these things have nothing to do with me, have nothing to do with me. Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please forgive me, please forgive me!" Wu Sangui kept yelling at Zhao Wen's back. Shout.

Like ordinary people, Wu Sangui doesn't want to die, he wants to live, even if the hope is slim, he also wants to live.

However, Zhao Wen would not let him live, Zhao Wen could only let him die.

Three days passed quickly, and Wu Sangui was pulled out of the prison by seven or eight soldiers.

Along with Wu Sangui, his father Wu Xiang, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were also pulled out.

For these people, Zhao Wen has no mercy.

In the center of Xuan Town, Zhao Wen had someone build a high platform.

The executioner had been waiting for a long time, but Zhao Wen was not here, and was still dealing with political affairs in the royal study.

For Zhao Wen, it was just killing a few scumbags, and Zhao Wen didn't need to personally supervise and kill them.

Not long after, Wu Sangui and the others were escorted to the high platform by soldiers.

The high platform is made of wood, and it was temporarily built for the execution of people like Wu Sangui.

Near the high platform, people stood full of people.These people stared intently at the high platform in front of them.

Yesterday, the execution of Wu Sangui was reported by Zhao Wen through the newspaper.

After the people in Xuanzhen learned the news, many people came to the high platform to watch the execution of Wu Sangui and others.

Of course, the newspaper also wrote all the crimes of Wu Sangui and others.

After seeing these contents, the people in Xuanzhen despised people like Wu Sangui very much.

According to the words of the people in Xuanzhen, the execution of people like Wu Sangui would be very satisfying.

Wu Sangui was tied up by Wuhuada, with a rag stuffed in his mouth, and tied to a wooden stake on the high platform.

In addition to Wu Sangui, Wu Xiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng and others were also tied to wooden stakes.

A civil servant held a booklet in his hand and stood in front of the high platform, reading aloud the crimes of Li Zicheng and others and how to deal with them.

The civil servant's voice was frustrating, and he read out the details of Li Zicheng and others.

Although the people below already knew the crimes of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others, they still couldn't suppress their inner anger after hearing about it today.

"Kill them, kill them!"

The people shouted loudly at Li Zicheng and others on the high platform.

Many of the people in Xuanzhen came from Shanxi and Shaanxi.

These people hated Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others very much. If it weren't for Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, they wouldn't be wandering around like aimless mice.

In the eyes of these people, what happened to them now was caused by people like Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong.

If it wasn't for them, how could they have turned into that miserable appearance.

Moreover, these people were also plundered by Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong at the beginning, which caused very serious harm to them.

"Kill them, kill them!"

The shouts of the people became louder and louder, like a tide, one wave after another, heading towards Li Zicheng and others.

Li Zicheng was tied to a wooden stake with a rag stuffed in his mouth.

He looked at the excited people under the high platform, and he was terrified.

Li Zicheng's body couldn't help trembling with fear, and cold sweat trickled down from Li Zicheng's forehead.


Li Zicheng's nephew, Li Guo, yelled at the people below, but because his mouth was tightly stuffed with rags, he could only yell.

Li Guo's appearance was not much better than Li Zicheng's, his legs were shaking like chaff sieves.

Liu Zongmin is not much better, not even as good as Li Zicheng and Li Guo.

Liu Zongmin was the number one general under Li Zicheng, and he was also a murderer without batting an eyelid. I don't know how many people died in his hands.

When he slaughtered those common people, he never thought that he would have today.

The cold sweat on Liu Zongmin's forehead was like rain, flowing down non-stop. It didn't take long for a puddle of water to appear on the ground in front of him.

Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang looked similar to Li Zicheng and the others, their bodies were shaking non-stop, and they couldn't help trembling.

The threat of death approached step by step, Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang could not take it calmly.

Wu Sangui wanted to vomit because he was too scared.

However, the mouth was stuffed with a rag, and the vomit could not come out, and it even flowed back into the trachea.

Not long after, Wu Sangui began to roll his eyes.

The soldier standing next to Wu Sangui saw Wu Sangui's appearance, hurriedly took out the rag from Wu Sangui's mouth, and began to slap Wu Sangui on the back.

After the soldiers' timely treatment, Wu Sangui finally recovered.

Even though he was recovering, death was still inevitable.

The civil servant who read the crimes of these people closed the booklet in his hand, pointed to Li Zicheng and others behind him, and shouted loudly: "The auspicious time has come, prepare to execute!"

The people below the high platform fell silent instantly, and almost all the people were staring at the high platform.

Every move on the high platform is watched by these common people, for fear of missing a tiny bit.

Li Zicheng and the others were the first to be executed.

Li Zicheng, Li Guo, and Liu Zongmin were untied from the wooden stakes by the soldiers and brought to the edge of the high platform.

"Your Majesty!"

The soldiers controlling Li Zicheng and the others shouted angrily, raised their right foot, and stomped hard on the knees of Li Zicheng and the others.

Li Zicheng and the others were unsteady and knelt down directly.

In front of them, the wooden stakes for placing their heads had already been prepared.

For these people, Zhao Wen did not intend to shoot them, it would be too cheap to shoot them.

The heads of Li Zicheng and others were severely pressed on the wooden stakes.

The wooden stakes are newly made, with the unique fragrance of wood on them.

However, Li Zicheng has no time to distinguish this fragrance now.

A big hand came from the side of Li Zicheng's face and took out the rag from Li Zicheng's mouth.

This big hand is the right hand of the long-awaited executioner.

The rags from the mouths of Li Guo and Liu Zongmin were also taken out by the executioner.

After the executioner finished all this, the executioner stood behind Li Zicheng and others, sitting in the final preparations.

Behind each of Li Zicheng and the others stood an executioner, and these executioners kept wiping the big knives in their hands with a clean rag.

From time to time, these executioners sprayed a sip or two of strong wine on the Guitou Broadsword.

Under their wiping, the ghost head sword gleamed coldly.

Li Zicheng's right cheek was pressed against the wooden pier, and his eyes were tightly closed.


Li Zicheng kept breathing heavily and gasping for breath.

Li Zicheng had killed many people, but this time, with his identity changed, Li Zicheng was about to become a ghost under the sword.

Li Zicheng's body trembled violently, his body was like a ball of mud.


The civil servant who supervised the beheading walked up to Li Zicheng and the others, and shouted loudly at Li Zicheng and the others.

The executioner standing behind Li Zicheng and the others stepped forward, and kept gesticulating with the ghost-headed sword in his hand on the necks of Li Zicheng and the others, looking for the best place to strike.

With a flash of the knife, the executioner slashed out fiercely with the ghost-headed sword in his hand.

Before the knife fell on Li Zicheng's neck, Li Zicheng felt the coldness.

Li Zicheng's eyes suddenly widened, and the expressions on his face twisted together.

There was a "click!", followed by a muffled "bang".

The ghost head knife cut through Li Zicheng's neck, and chopped on the wooden stake under Li Zicheng's neck.

Blood splattered in an instant, splashing the face of the executioner who was standing by and executing the execution.

"Good, good, good killing, good killing!"

"Good kill!"

As Li Zicheng's head rolled down, the people below the high platform applauded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Li Guo and Liu Zongmin's head also rolled down.

The bodies of Li Zicheng and others were dragged to the side by the soldiers controlling them, making room for them.

Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang were released from the wooden stake by the soldiers and escorted to the wooden pier.

The rag from Wu Sangui's mouth was removed, and he kept yelling, "No, no, no, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!!!"

Wu Sangui's feet kept fluttering on the ground, pushing backwards with all his strength.

However, all this is in vain.

Wu Sangui was dragged and dragged to Mudunzi by the soldiers.

The pungent smell of blood rushed into Wu Sangui's nostrils, and the irritating Wu Sangui began to vomit again.

Wu Sangui had killed many people, and the smell of blood was often smelt.However, Wu Sangui, who smelled blood now, was not as calm as before.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Wu Sangui cried hysterically, struggling.

Under the control of Kong Wu's powerful soldiers, Wu Sangui's head was pressed against the wooden pier.

Wu Xiang's head was also pressed against the wooden pier.

Unlike Wu Sangui's yelling, now Wu Xiang seems to have been frightened, his eyes are dull and lifeless.


The civil servant who supervised the beheading looked at Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui and his son, and shouted loudly.

With the flash of the knife, Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui's head rolled off, blood gushing out.

In the end it was Zhang Xianzhong, and Zhang Xianzhong's generals were executed together with Zhang Xianzhong, a total of seven people.

Zhao Wen also abided by his reservation and did not send Li Dingguo and the others to the execution ground.

Unlike Li Zicheng, Wu Sangui, and the others, Zhang Xianzhong didn't seem to be afraid, he didn't scream or panic.

Zhang Xianzhong was dragged to the wooden pier by the soldiers, and his head was pressed on the wooden pier by the soldiers.

Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates began to shout loudly, begging for mercy.

Before execution, the executioner would take out the rags from their mouths, so Zhang Xianzhong's men could shout out loudly.

The rag from Zhang Xianzhong's mouth was also taken out, but Zhang Xianzhong didn't yell like his subordinates.

From the looks of it, Zhang Xianzhong seemed to be the calmest and least afraid of death.

But all of these are just appearances, no one can remain unchanged in the face of death.

When the ghost head sword swung, fear finally appeared on Zhang Xianzhong's face.

The duration of the fear was very short, and in an instant, the fear gathered on the face and left the body together with the falling head.

Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates also separated their corpses just like him.

The bloody smell became more intense, drifting from the high platform to the bottom of the high platform.

However, the people below the high platform didn't care at all, they were all cheering non-stop.

"Long live Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

The cheers were louder and louder, and spread far away.

Not long after, the people in the distance began to cheer, and the cheers continued to spread.

At the end, the whole Xuan Town began to cheer.

Zhao Wen, who was sitting in the imperial study room, also heard the cheers. He put down the brush in his hand, looked outside the imperial study room, and murmured, "What's going on? Why are there all these voices?"

"Your Majesty, I think it should be the cheers from His Majesty's people to commemorate the beheading of Li Zicheng and his ilk." Chen Donglai, who was standing next to Zhao Wen, said.

Zhao Wen nodded, "What you said makes sense!"

"Okay, let's not talk about these things. How are Zhang Xianzhong's adoptive sons?" Zhao Wen asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, these people have been sent to primary school according to His Majesty's instructions," Chen Donglai said.

Zhao Wen once promised Zhang Xianzhong that he would not do anything to people like Li Dingguo.Of course, Zhao Wen didn't want to do anything to Li Dingguo either.

After all, the three famous kings in history have a great reputation and have been passed down through the ages. It is impossible for Zhao Wen to do anything to such a person.

However, because of the existence of Zhao Wen in this era, Li Dingguo's three famous kings are doomed to be false.

But Zhao Wen did not attack Li Dingguo for this reason.

Zhang Xianzhong's righteous sons are Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu, and Ai Nengqi.

Among them, Li Dingguo has the greatest reputation and the greatest contribution in history.

At the beginning of the sixth year of Yongli, Li Dingguo led [-] troops to attack Hunan after making full preparations.

First captured Yuanzhou and Jingzhou, then attacked Guilin, Guangxi, defeated the Qing army, and forced the Qing army commander, the famous traitor Dingnan King Kong Youde, to commit suicide.

At the beginning of July, Li Dingguo occupied Guilin, and then took Liuzhou, Hengzhou and other four states, and his troops pointed at Changsha.

The Qing court was shocked when they heard the news, and sent an additional [-] troops for reinforcements.

The Qing court soldiers and horses came fiercely, Li Dingguo avoided their edge, temporarily withdrew from the outskirts of Changsha, and retreated to Hengzhou.

The coach of the Qing army, Prince Nikan, led his troops in pursuit. Li Dingguo set up an ambush to encircle the Qing army and attacked from all sides.

The coach of the Qing soldiers, Nikan, defeated the Qing soldiers.

When the news reached the Qing court, the entire Qing court was shocked and even prepared to retreat outside the pass.

As for Zhang Xianzhong's other adoptive sons, they are not even a little bit worse than Li Dingguo.

Sun Kewang finally surrendered to the Qing court, and Ai Nengqi died relatively early, leaving nothing rich in history.

Liu Wenxiu led the army to resist the Qing soldiers until the last moment, and finally died of illness.

The four sons of Zhang Xianzhong, except for Sun Kewang, have good conduct, much better than Li Zicheng and his like.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhao Wen to deal with them like he dealt with Li Zicheng and the others.After all, these people are still half-grown children.

After Zhao Wen agreed to Zhang Xianzhong, he sent Li Dingguo and the others to the elementary school in Xuanzhen.

In Zhao Wen's plan, in the future, they will decide their future path based on their learning situation.

However, from then on, they also completely drew a line with Zhang Xianzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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