Chapter 779 Is it a curse?

"What do you mean by that? What exactly do you want to say?" Liu Wenzhong frowned, looking at the Taoist priest in front of him solemnly.

What the Taoist said was not groundless. Although Liu Wenzhong didn't quite believe it, but now that the Taoist reminded him, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"My words don't mean much, and I didn't intend to say anything. It's just that the world is unpredictable, good and bad depend on each other, and being appointed as the prince at a young age, I'm afraid the disaster will outweigh the blessing!" The Taoist said again.

The Taoist's words were not astonishing, and he kept attacking Liu Wenzhong's psychological defense.

"Who are you? How dare you speak nonsense here, how dare you curse the current crown prince, if this word reaches His Majesty, do you think you will still be alive?" Liu Wenzhong's driver did not believe this evil, pointing at The Taoist's nose, opened his mouth to drink and curse.

The Taoist just glanced at the driver coldly, and then said to Liu Wenzhong: "From ancient times to the present, the princes of the founding emperors have almost never ended well.

Among them, the past is even more weird.Prince Yiwen Zhu Biao is the eldest son of Emperor Hongwu, and he is much loved by Emperor Hongwu.

Prince Yiwen was established as a prince by Emperor Hongwu early on, and the prince's position is very stable.

The other sons of Emperor Hongwu did not pose any threat to Prince Yiwen, and no one questioned him in the entire court. Almost the entire court supported Prince Yiwen, and his brothers also obeyed him.

Prince Yiwen has no experience of seizing his heir in history, and no one has fought against him.

If there is no accident, Prince Yiwen will definitely become the next emperor.

But what about the result?In August of the 24th year of Hongwu, Prince Yiwen visited Shaanxi under the supervision of Emperor Hongwu, and returned to Jinling in the second year.

Before leaving, Prince Yiwen was in good health and had no symptoms. After returning, he was also very healthy and had no symptoms.However, a well-behaved living person suddenly disappeared without saying anything. Who can explain the reason behind this?
Doesn't Lord Mao feel that His Royal Highness is very similar to Prince Yiwen? "

The Taoist priest's face was calm, and he spoke word by word.

"Shut up, bewitching words!" Liu Wenzhong scolded.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Are you looking for death? Or do you dislike yourself for living too long? You're nagging, how can you look like a Taoist priest?
You don't speak in a strange way, do you think I will believe these things you said?Let me tell you, get out of here quickly, get out of here before I get angry. " Liu Wenzhong pointed to the Taoist's nose and cursed.

Liu Wenzhong seldom loses his composure like this. If it weren't for the fact that what the Taoist priest said was too unbelievable, Liu Wenzhong wouldn't scold people like this.


The Taoist didn't say anything, he let out a long sigh, and turned to leave.

"My lord, although this person is crazy, he doesn't make sense?" The driver looked at the back of the Taoist priest and said.

Liu Wenzhong glared at the driver, and said coldly: "How can you and I say anything about the prince? Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't say what you shouldn't say!"

After Liu Wenzhong finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the firewood car.

Liu Wenzhong has lived for most of his life, and he is old and mature. What the Taoist priest said made sense, and he really coaxed Liu Wenzhong at the beginning.

But Liu Wenzhong is a person who has experienced big storms after all, and he recovered in a short time.

Liu Wenzhong didn't believe that this Taoist would wait for him here for no reason, and then say such things.

This Taoist must have a purpose in doing so.

If Liu Wenzhong believed it at this time, he would have fallen into the trap of this Taoist priest.

In fact, Liu Wenzhong already believed it a little bit now, but Liu Wenzhong couldn't admit it on the spot, because the price involved was too great.

After returning home, Liu Wenzhong was still thinking about these things.

Even when eating, I don't have any thoughts.

After a hasty meal, Liu Wenzhong came to the study, thinking about these things.

After thinking about it, Liu Wenzhong felt that he should tell Zhao Wen about this matter.

Liu Wenzhong took out some rice paper, spread it on the table, and began to write.

Early the next morning, Liu Wenzhong came to the imperial study with the memorial.

Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong standing in the imperial study and yawned.

"Is there anything Aiqing has to do so early?" Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong and asked.

Liu Wenzhong took the memorial out of his arms, looked at Zhao Wen, and said, "Your Majesty, I encountered something when I went home yesterday afternoon. After I went back, I thought about it and felt that it was of great importance. .”

"What's the matter?" Zhao Wen asked.

Liu Wenzhong handed the memorial to Chen Donglai who came down, and said: "Your Majesty, I have written this matter in detail on the memorial, please read it."

"Okay, let's see what is causing love to come to me so early!" Zhao Wen took the memorial from Chen Donglai's hand and read it.

Liu Wenzhong wrote all the details of the incident on the memorial, and restored everything in detail.

At the beginning, Zhao Wen's face was relatively normal, but his face became distorted when he watched it.


Zhao Wen slapped the table fiercely, and cursed: "Bewitching words to confuse people, this is gossiping words to confuse people, this is simply gossip to confuse people!"

Zhao Wen suddenly stood up, walked back and forth behind the table, and kept yelling and cursing.

Zhao Mingyu is Zhao Wen's son. As a father, who can bear someone talking about his son like that?

Isn't this cursing that his son won't live long?Isn't this cursing that his son is about to die?
No matter who it is, as long as he is a father, he can't stand others talking about his son like that.

Zhao Wen rarely gets angry, but this time, Zhao Wen did.

"Bewitching words to confuse people, monster words to confuse people, damn it, damn it!" Zhao Wen yelled loudly, his words fierce.

The eunuchs and maids in the royal study stood quietly, trembling.

These eunuchs and maids rarely saw Zhao Wen get angry like this.

Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen who was burning with anger, and felt a little regretful.

However, now that the memorial has been delivered to Zhao Wen, it is too late to regret it.

"Your Majesty, calm down, Your Majesty, calm down!" Chen Donglai hurriedly tried to persuade Zhao Wen.

After a while, Zhao Wen adjusted his mentality and calmed down a bit.

"Liu Aiqing, let me ask you, where is the Taoist priest who deceived the crowd? I want to ask him, what kind of enmity do I have with him, that he wants to curse my son like this?!"

Liu Wenzhong shook his head, "Your Majesty, I don't know either. After I went back last night, I asked someone to investigate, but there is no news until today."

"No news? I still don't believe it. There are still people in Xuan Town that I can't find!"

Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai and said, "Let Wang Qi come to me, I have something important to give to him!"

"Follow the order!" Chen Dong said and ran outside.

Not long after, Wang Qi came to the imperial study.

On the way here, Chen Donglai briefly told Wang Qi what happened.

It's just that Wang Qi didn't see Liu Wenzhong's memorial, so he didn't know what Zhao Wen was angry about. He only knew that Zhao Wen was very angry now.

"Okay, stop saluting!" Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi who was about to salute, and said impatiently.

Wang Qi stood up straight without asking any questions, and waited for the next sentence.

"Look at this!" Zhao Wen handed the memorial sent by Liu Wenzhong to Chen Donglai.

Chen Donglai took the memorial and handed it to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi opened the memorial and read it in detail.


Halfway through watching, Wang Qi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cold sweat began to flow from his forehead.

At the same time, he kept complaining to Liu Wenzhong in his heart, "Lord Liu, lord Liu, what do you want to do? Aren't you deliberately provoking His Majesty? You think you are living too well and are deliberately looking for stimulation ?
Can you tell His Majesty about this kind of thing?Can you tell His Majesty about this kind of thing?Isn't this the cursed prince?Who can bear this!

Master Liu, Master Liu, you have been so smart all your life, how could you make such a mistake?Can't you talk to us guys beforehand? "

Wang Qi closed the memorial in his hand and handed it to Chen Donglai.

"Your Majesty, this Taoist priest is definitely a person who deceives the public. Your Majesty is a saint who has never been seen through the ages. How can a small Taoist priest be able to talk about it? I think this person should be arrested and interrogated!" Wang Wang Qi wiped the cold sweat off his head, and said viciously.

"That's what I mean. I've handed over this matter to Ai Qing. Before setting up the grand ceremony, I must arrest this person!" Zhao Wen said.

"Your Majesty will complete the task entrusted to you in time!" Wang Qi assured Zhao Wen.


After walking out of the palace, Wang Qi approached Liu Wenzhong who was walking next to him, and asked, "Master Liu, my Lord Liu, why didn't you talk to us about this kind of thing before? What a terrible thing, why are you so reckless?"

"Hey!" Liu Wenzhong sighed heavily, "As the saying goes, caring makes chaos. I was too anxious, and I just wanted to report this matter to His Majesty in time, I didn't think too much!"

"Lord Liu, no matter how anxious you are, you can't tell His Majesty directly. Your Majesty is the Nine Heavens Dragon descending to earth. Are you afraid of offending Your Majesty if you play it like this?

What's more, if the prince later..."

Wang Qi closed his mouth after speaking halfway.

Behind him, Wang Qi knew what Liu Wenzhong was talking about even if he didn't say it.

It is nothing more than if the crown prince ascends the throne in the future and knows what happened today, what should he do?
"Being a minister is a matter of loyalty to the emperor! I have no second thoughts in my heart!" Liu Wenzhong said.

"Master Liu, that's what you said, but this thing is not done like this!!!

Mr. Liu, the ceremony of establishing the crown prince is about to begin. If you want to talk about it, you have to wait until the ceremony of establishing the crown prince is over.

You tell Your Majesty at this time, what should you do if Your Majesty believes in it and the ceremony of establishing the crown prince will not be held? "Wang Qi looked at Liu Wenzhong with a bitter expression on his face.

Liu Wenzhong froze in place as if struck by lightning.

"Oops, the old man forgot about this!" Liu Wenzhong patted himself on the head, suddenly realizing.

"It's a disaster, it's a disaster, it's really a disaster, the old man really didn't think of this.

His Majesty and the crown prince have a deep affection for father and son, far surpassing any emperor and crown prince in history.

If Your Majesty listens to the contents of my memorial and refuses to hold the ceremony for the crown prince's safety, then I will be a sinner? "Liu Wenzhong was flustered, full of regret.

He regretted that he was a little too anxious to report this matter to Zhao Wen.

"The old man is smart and confused for a while, and he is confused when he cares about it. How could he do such a thing!" Liu Wenzhong slapped his thigh, regretting very much.

"Lord Liu, there is no medicine for regret in this world, let's find that Taoist priest who deceived the crowd in time." Wang Qi said helplessly.


Zhao Wen walked out of the imperial study room and wandered around in the imperial garden.

At this time, Zhao Wen didn't have any thoughts to review the memorial anymore.

How could Zhao Wen be in the mood when people said that about his son?

Zhao Wen kept turning around in the imperial garden, thinking about the contents of Liu Wenzhong's memorial.

"Fusu of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Ying of the Han Dynasty, Liu Chan of the Shu Han Dynasty, Sun Ce of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, Yang Yong of the Sui Dynasty, Li Jiancheng of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty, Zhu Biao of the Ming Dynasty..." Zhao Wen walked in the palace On the path in the garden, he kept chanting.

"Without exception, almost all of these people did not end well. Could it be that from ancient times to the present, all the princes of the founding emperors have not ended well?
Zhu Yuanzhang's son Zhu Biao, no one competed with him for the throne, and he was in his prime at the time. If there is no accident, Zhu Biao's ascension to the throne is a certainty, but why are all the good ones gone?
It shouldn't be. Before that, Zhu Biao went to Shaanxi for inspection.Zhu Biao is the eldest son of Zhu Yuanzhang. He has been running around with Zhu Yuanzhang since he was a child, and his physical fitness is not generally good.However, he passed away suddenly when he was in his prime, which is really too weird.

In history, after Nurhachi raised troops in the Qing Dynasty, the relationship between the successor Huang Taiji and Dorgon was full of haze, and the truth was unknown.

Even Huang Taiji died suddenly.

After Kangxi ascended the throne, the prince was abolished, and he did not die well, and his son also fought for the throne.

Is all this really just a coincidence?If it's just a coincidence, isn't this really a coincidence?It couldn't be more coincidental.

If it's not a coincidence, what the hell is going on with these things?Is it a curse? "

Zhao Wen couldn't understand all this, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

There are many things in this world that are very mysterious and cannot be explained clearly with common sense.

Until now, Zhao Wen still can't explain clearly how he crossed over, and he doesn't know why he crossed over.

Zhao Wen was thinking about the contents of Liu Wenzhong's memorial, and wandered aimlessly in the imperial garden.

"By the way, this matter must be strictly blocked, and it is forbidden to spread it. Tell Wang Qi and Liu Wenzhong that they are not allowed to spread it." Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai and said in a deep voice.

"Observe the order!" Chen Donglai saluted Zhao Wen respectfully and walked towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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