Chapter 787 Wu Keshan Meets

"But what? What's wrong? This world is not fair. Don't say such childish things in the future. You won't be afraid of others' jokes!" Wu Keshan shook his head and persuaded him earnestly.

Indeed, there is no absolute fairness in this world, even if it is relatively fair, it is not so easy to achieve.

Wu Keshan understood this truth very early on and believed in it deeply.

Manzhu Xili closed his mouth, didn't say anything, just quietly followed behind Wu Keshan, heading towards their family's property in Xuanzhen.

Horqin is a big tribe on the grassland, and Buhe is Zhao Wen's father-in-law, so Horqin has a lot of property in Xuan Town.

These industries are basically shops that sell some Horqin local specialties. Now the living standard in Xuan Town is already very high, so the purchasing power of the people in Xuan Town is still good.

Horqin can also earn a lot of money from these souvenir shops in Xuan Town.

In addition to these shops, there is also a guild hall dedicated to accepting people from Horqin.

The name of the guild hall is called Horqin guild hall, because Buhe is Zhao Wen's father-in-law, so when the Horqin guild hall was built, Zhao Wen specially approved a piece of land for Horqin to build the guild hall.

The Horqin Guild Hall is not very far from the Imperial Palace. The architectural style is similar to that of the Xuanzhen Post House. The buildings are all made of bricks, tiles and cement.

There are three buildings in the guild hall, located in a courtyard, each building is seven stories high, and the three buildings are connected together in a back-shaped structure.

Horqin surrendered to Zhao Wen earlier, coupled with the relationship with Zhao Wen, so Horqin is very rich now, and Buhe is willing to spend money, so Horqin Guild Hall can also be called a relatively luxurious hall in Xuanzhen .

The guild hall not only accepts people from Horqin, but also ordinary people on weekdays.

Of course, ordinary people do not have the financial resources to live in the Horqin Guild Hall.

The people who can afford to live in the Horqin Guild Hall are basically businessmen.

Wu Keshan took Manzhu Xili and his entourage to the road outside the train station.

There were cars coming and going on the road, and all kinds of firewood-burning cars passed in front of Wu Keshan non-stop.

Wu Keshan looked at the buses passing by on the road from time to time, his face was full of envy.

"In Xuan Town today, there are too many novelties. When I came to Xuan Town last time, there were not many cars of this kind in Xuan Town, but seeing them today, the number is increasing day by day. From the time I got out of the train Up to now, I have seen several buses.

When will Horqin have so many firewood cars like Xuanzhen? "Wu Keshan said enviously.

Manzhu Xili also said enviously: "This kind of car is really convenient and magical. If we can have a few in Horqin City, that would be great!"

"Maybe, I mentioned this matter to His Majesty before. At that time, His Majesty said that the productivity of the car factory in Xuanzhen is still a bit low, and the production speed of cars is still a bit slow. The cars produced are given priority to supply Xuan town.

But this time, I see that there are already so many buses on the street. It is estimated that the output value has already increased, and maybe I can really buy a few wood-burning cars to go back! "Wu Keshan said with longing.

As long as you are an individual, you will have vanity, but the size of the vanity is different.

Wu Keshan is not a saint, and he also has vanity, so when he sees a wood-burning car, he will inevitably feel a little envious.

The speed of the wood-fired car is not low, it looks good, and it can also provide shelter from the wind and rain.

In Wu Keshan's view, a wood-burning car looks much better than an ordinary carriage. Coupled with various reasons, Wu Keshan really wants this kind of wood-burning car.

"It would be great if we could get some wood-burning cars back home. In the future, we won't have to suffer from the cold when we go out to do errands in winter!" Manzhu Xili said happily.

"Okay, don't talk about these things, let's go to the guild hall first!" Wu Keshan said and walked forward.

Not long after, Wu Keshan and others arrived at the entrance of the Horqin Guild Hall.

Wu Keshan had just led people into the lobby of the guild hall, when the person in charge ran out from behind the counter in a hurry.

"I didn't know that Taiji came, but I couldn't meet him far away, so I asked Taiji to make amends!" The person in charge stood beside Wu Keshan, and saluted Wu Keshan respectfully.

Wu Keshan didn't care about these details, he waved his hand at the person in charge, and said, "Okay, let's not talk about these things, let's arrange a few rooms for us now, I'm really tired after taking the train all the way!"

"I'll make arrangements now, I'll make arrangements now!" The person in charge said as he ran towards the inside.

Not long after, Wu Keshan and others moved into the arranged guest room.

At the same time, the officials of the Ministry of Rites outside the train station also sent the list of people recorded to the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites.

Zhao Wenzheng, who returned to the imperial study, was seriously dealing with the accumulated memorials.

Although Zhao Wen has a lot of things in his hands now, and although Zhao Wen has not really figured out the matter of undermining the ceremony of establishing the crown prince, political affairs cannot be left behind.

As the grand ceremony for establishing the crown prince approached, most of the memorials on the table in front of Zhao Wen were congratulatory forms.

Looking at the congratulatory forms on the table, Zhao Wen did not become happy because of the good words on the congratulatory forms.

"I hope there won't be any troubles in the grand ceremony!" Zhao Wen muttered.

At this moment, the Minister of Rites came to the imperial study.

"I've seen Your Majesty!" The Minister of Rites bowed respectfully to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen waved his hand at the Minister of Rites and said, "Be flat!"

The Minister of Rites thanked him and stood up straight.

"Your Majesty, this is the list of people from various prairie tribes who have come to Xuanzhen to watch the ceremony these days. Please have a look at it!" Minister of Rites took out a booklet from his pocket and held it up high.

Chen Donglai came down, took the brochure from the Minister of Rites, and placed it in front of Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen picked up the booklet and flipped through it.

After flipping through a few pages, Zhao Wen saw the names of Wu Keshan and others.

Zhao Wen looked at the booklet in his hand, fell into deep thought, and didn't speak for a long time.

After about a quarter of an hour, Zhao Wen looked at the Minister of Rites, "Aiqing, let's go down first, we must properly arrange these people who have arrived!"

As Zhao Wen said, he asked Chen Donglai to hand over the booklet in his hand to the Minister of Rites.

After receiving the brochure, the Minister of Rites turned around and left, and walked out of the imperial study.

Looking at the back of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai, "Go and find Wang Qi, I have something to give to him!"

Chen Donglai saluted Zhao Wen respectfully, and then walked outside.

Not long after, Wang Qi stood in the imperial study room.

Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi standing in the imperial study room, and said, "Ai Qing, I have a matter for you to handle, and you must be careful when doing it, so as not to be known by others.

The people from Horqin who came to watch the ceremony were already in place, and the people who came this time were Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili.Arrange for me to keep Wu Keshan and the others under my watchful eyes.

Now it will be the grand ceremony for the establishment of the reserve, and the people of Horqin are very suspicious. I need you to keep a close eye on the people of Horqin. If there is any trouble, please notify me immediately! " Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi in front of him and said.

"Your Majesty, do you want to arrest them directly and interrogate them?" Wang Qi looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen shook his head and said, "No need for the time being. Although those captured now say that the sabotage of the ceremony was arranged by Bu He, but until there is no real evidence, don't act rashly for the time being."

In any case, Buhe is Zhao Wen's father-in-law. Although everything points to Buhe now, there is no real evidence, and everything is just the one-sided words of those people.

Before there is real evidence, Zhao Wen will not do anything to people like Wu Keshan.

"Obey!" Wang Qi saluted Zhao Wen, and then walked outside.

Wu Keshan and his entourage tidied up the room arranged by the hall, and then walked out of the hall.

Wu Keshan is different from other people, he is Zhao Wen's relative, so the first thing he did when he arrived in Xuanzhen should be to meet Zhao Wen.

Wu Keshan headed towards the palace with Manzhu Xili and a few followers.

The Horqin Guild Hall was not far from the imperial palace, and it didn't take long for Wu Keshan and others to arrive at the imperial palace.

Although Wu Keshan is Zhao Wen's relative, he still had to be informed when he entered the palace.

At this time, Zhao Wen was sitting in the imperial study and dealing with the memorial.

"Your Majesty, Wu Keshan Taiji and Manzhu Xili Taiji are asking to see you!" A little yellow door stood in front of Zhao Wen and said.

Zhao Wen raised his head and looked at Chen Donglai, "Go and bring Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili in!"

In any case, Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili are both Zhao Wen's relatives and Hai Lanzhu's elder brother. Given the lack of evidence, Zhao Wen still needs to take care of their identities!

Not long after, Chen Donglai brought Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili to the imperial study.

The two looked at Zhao Wen who was sitting on it, and saluted respectfully.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Zhao Wen stood up from the chair, looked at the two with a smile on his face, "Get up quickly!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Manzhu Xili and Wu Keshan thanked each other and stood up.

"Give me a seat!" Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai.

Chen Donglai hastily took out two small stools and placed them behind Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili.

"Is the road going well?" Zhao Wen asked as he looked at the two people sitting in front of him.

Wu Keshan replied: "Returning to Your Majesty, the current railway has been built to Horqin City. This journey has been very smooth, and nothing has happened."

Today's railway has been repaired to Horqin City. Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xililai got on the train in Horqin City.

Horqin City is not far from the border to the north of Xuan Town, so the construction of the railway is relatively simple.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if I should say something or not?!" Wu Keshan looked at Zhao Wen with anticipation.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Wen asked.

"Your Majesty, it's not a big deal. I just want to buy some cars." Wu Keshan asked expectantly.

"Haha, what did I do, it turned out to be to buy a car!" Zhao Wen laughed loudly, and said indifferently: "It's easy to talk about, easy to talk about, this matter is easy to talk about.

In the past, the output in the factory was insufficient, and the cars produced could only be given priority to the army and Xuanzhen.Well now, the capacity of the factory has come up, and a large number of cars have been manufactured now.

There are a large number of these cars, I plan to wait for a while, let go of the car business, and plan to start selling.If Aiqing wants it now, she can do it now. "

Seeing what Zhao Wen said, Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili immediately became happy.

"Your Majesty, I want to buy some trucks, buses, and some cars!" Wu Keshan said excitedly.

"Your Majesty, when will the wood-burning cars we want be available to us?" Manzhu Xili asked impatiently.

"Fiber-burning vehicles are military-controlled materials, and their importance is self-evident.

How about this, after the ceremony of establishing the reserve is over, you go back and discuss it with Buhe, and come up with a specific charter. " Zhao Wen said.

Seeing what Zhao Wen said, Wu Keshan felt relieved.

"Thank you, minister!" Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili stood up and saluted Zhao Wen respectfully.

"Your Majesty, this is a gift for me to watch the ceremony this time. Please take a look at it." Wu Keshan took out a piece of rice paper from his bosom and held it up high.

Chen Donglai came down from above, and took the gift list in Wu Keshan's hand to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took the gift list and looked at it carefully.

The gift list is gilded and looks very gorgeous.

The gifts on the gift list are all relatively expensive gifts.

After Zhao Wen read it, he casually placed the gift list on the table.

"Is there anything else going on on the Horqin Grassland now? Is everything normal? How is Bu He's body?" Zhao Wen looked at Wu Keshan and asked.

Wu Keshan replied: "Everything is going well in Horqin now. After this summer, some cattle and sheep have been added. It is estimated that next year, the number of cattle and sheep slaughtered will further increase.

Abu is in good health, and likes to ride around on a horse on weekdays..."

Wu Keshan knew everything, and kept talking about the changes in Horqin for almost half an hour.

Zhao Wen listened to Wu Keshan's voice and captured all the useful information from it.At the same time, Zhao Wen's eyes were fixed on Wu Keshan's face, trying to see something from Wu Keshan's face.

However, it turned out to be a pity that Zhao Wen didn't see anything.

"Okay, I'm going to deal with political affairs, so Ai Qing will step down first!"

After a long time, Zhao Wen waved his hands at the two and said.

Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili stood up, saluted Zhao Wen, and retreated.

Looking at the backs of Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili leaving, Zhao Wen said to himself, "Are those people lying?"

(End of this chapter)

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