Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 793 What Have We To Be Afraid Of!

Chapter 793 What Have We To Be Afraid Of!

"The main purpose of our trip is to investigate the entire Taiyuan Mansion. In order to avoid suspicion, let's go to the Dianqian Siyamen of Taiyuan Mansion first, and live in the Dianqian Siyamen of Taiyuan Mansion." Xie Yan looked at the crowd and said Said.

The people standing next to Xie Yan also agreed with Xie Yan's statement.

As Xie Yan said that, she led everyone towards the Si Yamen in front of the palace in Taiyuan Mansion.

At this moment, three or five men appeared in front of Xie Yan.

These three or five men were dressed in very ordinary clothes, and they looked like ordinary people.

If it weren't for the fact that these few people were so strong, Xie Yan would really have thought that these people were just ordinary people.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Xie Yan narrowed her eyes and looked at the people in front of her with a look of vigilance.

The leader of these three or five men is a man of about 30 years old, standing in the center, with a thick face and a strong face.

The leader stopped in front of Xie Yan and the others, looked at Xie Yan who was walking in the front, and asked, "May I ask you, are you the official in front of the palace from Xuanzhen?"

The man looked at Xie Yan cautiously, and tentatively said.

Xie Yan didn't speak, but carefully looked at the person in front of him. Although these people didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, Xie Yan still didn't relax his vigilance.

"Who are you?" Xie Yan asked coldly.

"I am from the Dianqian Division of Taiyuan Mansion. Before that, Xuanzhen came to inform me that the Dianqian Division in the capital would send personnel over. I estimate the time, and it should come in the next few days, so I will come here in the next few days." Come all the way to the train station." The leading man replied.

"You said you are the people of the front office of the Taiyuan Mansion? What evidence do you have?" Xie Yan looked at the people in front of her and asked.

It stands to reason that no one in this world would dare to impersonate the Dian Qiansi, but Xie Yan still felt that there was nothing wrong with being careful.

"Yes, yes, we have evidence, we have evidence!" The man said as he took out his identity certificate from his arms and handed it to Xie Yan.

This man is not a fool, from Xie Yan's words, this man already felt that Xie Yan in front of him must have come from Xuanzhen.

Xie Yan took the man's identity certificate from the man's hand, and squinted his eyes to look carefully.

The ID card is made of iron, and it is made by stamping technology. The pattern on it is very exquisite. There is no such craft in the folks, and such exquisite patterns cannot be produced.

On the front of the waist card, engrave the words "Taiyuan Mansion Dianqiansi" in large characters, and on the back there are a few lines of small characters "Li Chenglin, Head of the First Regiment of Taiyuan Mansion Dianqiansi".

Xie Yan is a member of the Dianqian Division, so of course he can tell the authenticity of this kind of waist card, and Xie Yan also feels that there is no one in this world who would have the courage to forge the identity of the Dianqian Division.

"Your name is Li Chenglin? Are you the person in charge of the front office of the Taiyuan Mansion?" Xie Yan looked at the man in front of him and asked.

The man cupped his hands at Xie Yangong, and said respectfully: "I am Li Chenglin, the head of the former division of the Taiyuan Palace!"

The Dianqian Division stationed in Taiyuan Mansion is a regiment, and the leader of the regiment is Li Chenglin in front of him.

Li Chenglin is the head of the Dianqian Division, and this Xie Yan is not even the head of the group. Logically speaking, Xie Yan should salute Xie Yan when she sees Li Chenglin.

But who told Xie Yan to come from Xuanzhen, who told Xie Yan to be the main person in charge this time?
Xie Yan handed over the identity certificate in his hand to Li Chenglin, "We are from Xuanzhen, if that's the case, then go directly to the Dianqian Division of Taiyuan Mansion!"

Li Chenglin cupped his hands at Xie Yan, and then led Xie Yan towards the front office of Taiyuan Mansion.

Although Taiyuan Prefecture has developed for such a long time, there is no way to compare with Xuanzhen.

Xie Yan walked on the street of Taiyuan Mansion, looked at the surrounding scene, and murmured: "Although Taiyuan Mansion is the provincial capital of Shanxi, it is still much worse than Xuan Town!"

Li Chenglin walked beside Xie Yan, and said respectfully: "Xuanzhen is the current capital, and Taiyuan Mansion is definitely not as good as Xuanzhen. However, the current Taiyuan Mansion is much better than before."

"You are right. When I attacked Taiyuan Mansion back then, I participated in that battle. The Taiyuan Mansion at that time was indeed much worse. It is all thanks to His Majesty that Taiyuan Mansion can have the current scene. You people from Shanxi Officials must remember these things!" Xie Yan said.

"Yes, yes, we will definitely remember these things, and we will never forget these things!" Li Chenglin said respectfully.

It didn't take long for Li Chenglin to bring Xie Yan to the gate of the front office of Taiyuan Mansion.

The Dianqian Division of Taiyuan Prefecture is located in the center of Taiyuan Prefecture, in a prosperous area.The si yamen in front of the hall is not luxurious, but it is not bad either.

Surrounding the si yamen in front of the hall are various yamen institutions.

Li Chenglin stood outside the gate in front of the hall, pointed to the yamen next to him, and said, "There are yamen in Taiyuan Prefecture around here, there are magistrates and other yamen. At that time, it will be very convenient to investigate."

Xie Yan nodded and said, "I know all these things, let's go in first."

Li Chenglin couldn't say anything, opened the door, and walked in with Xie Yan and others.

Xie Yan and others were sitting in the hall in front of the hall and the backyard of the department. Li Chenglin hurriedly led someone to serve tea in front of these people.

Holding a cup of tea, Li Chenglin put it on the table next to Xie Yan, and at the same time asked with a smile: "I haven't asked your name yet!"

Xie Yan took out her ID card and put it on the table.

Li Chenglin picked up his ID card and looked at it carefully.

"So it's Mr. Xie!" Li Chenglin put down the ID card in his hand and said with a smile.

"By the way, my lord, what is our charter this time? Where should we start to investigate now?" Li Chenglin asked calmly.

Xie Yan looked at Li Chenglin and said: "It's not confirmed yet, that is, in the next few days, we people should discuss it carefully in the next few days, let's talk about it after the discussion is completed! By the way, this investigation, you Taiyuan The Dianqian Secretary of the Mansion must cooperate with us!"

"Definitely, definitely, definitely! This matter must be certain. After all, this matter was ordered by His Majesty himself. We people will definitely cooperate with you adults!" Xie Yan waved her hand at Li Chenglin and said.

Xie Yan sat there like an uncle. Although Li Chenglin's official position was higher than Xie Yan's, who told Xie Yan to come from Xuanzhen.

As the saying goes, there is no way for a small official in Beijing to see the third rank of the National People's Congress, not to mention that Li Chenglin is still an imperial envoy.

As night fell, the street lights in Taiyuan Mansion were lit up.

The number of street lamps in Taiyuan Mansion is not comparable to that of Xuanzhen Town, and the lights are sparse, and they can barely illuminate the roads of Taiyuan Mansion, but they are much better than before.

At night in Taiyuan Mansion, there are not many people on the streets. After all, Taiyuan Mansion does not have as many night markets as Xuanzhen.

In a small alley not far from the Si Yamen in front of the hall, a small courtyard was brightly lit.

In the study room of this family courtyard, seven or eight people crowded into this room, and the room was packed to the brim.

Among them, Li Chenglin who greeted Xie Yan today was inside.

The man sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man with a small beard on his chin. If he just looked at his appearance, he was a very, very decent man.

Li Chenglin stood in front of this middle-aged man, respectful, and the other people in the room also stood respectfully in front of this middle-aged man, mainly the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man held two walnuts in his right hand and kept rolling them.

"How are things going today? Have you figured out the origin of that pedestrian today?" The middle-aged man looked at Li Chenglin.

Li Chenglin bowed his body, and said flatteringly to the middle-aged man: "My lord, although I haven't completely figured out the origins of these people today, I do know something.

The people who came today were led by a person named Xie Yan. This Xie Yan was a battalion commander in the Xuanzhen Dianqian Division, and was under Wang Qi's direct jurisdiction.

There are three regiments directly under the Dianqian Division in Xuanzhen, and each regiment has three battalions, making a total of nine battalion commanders.Letting a small battalion commander take charge of our Taiyuan Mansion, I always feel that those people above don't take us seriously. "

"Hehe, what is our Taiyuan Mansion? In the eyes of those officials and lords in Xuanzhen, isn't it even a fart? Besides, only a small battalion commander was sent, isn't it to prove that Xuanzhen is still more at ease with us? Well, maybe this Jingcha is just a formality!" The middle-aged man didn't care at all.

"Everyone, what do you think of this Jingcha? Can you tell me?" The middle-aged man looked at these people standing in front of him and asked.

"I think what your lord said is very correct. It is obvious that those people above don't care about our Shanxi or Taiyuan Fu, so it is very likely that what your lord said is just a formality!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's just a formality. What are we afraid of? What are we afraid of?"

"My lord, yesterday, people from the Beijing Inspection and Inspection Team came to our Taiyuan Mansion, and now they live in the Dianqian Division of Taiyuan Mansion."

In the study room of the governor's yamen, a scribe stood in front of the desk and said to the governor Feng Yu who was sitting behind the desk.

Feng Yu put down the brush in his hand, looked at the scribe, and said, "Come here, it's a normal thing, what's the big deal?"

Feng Yu didn't take it seriously, and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"But my lord, the Dianqian Division is equivalent to Jinyiwei. What if this group of people mess around in Taiyuan Mansion?" The clerk looked at the governor suspiciously.

The governor said: "I, Feng Yu, sit upright and walk straight, what is there to be afraid of? Is it possible that the people in the front of the palace will want to mess around like Jin Yiwei, killing the loyal and good?"

"Small doesn't mean that. For officials like adults who serve the country and the people, the people in front of the palace must not dare to move, but if they are not afraid of ten thousand, they are afraid of what happens. If these people really mess around, that's terrible." It's miserable, the biggest skill of this kind of person is to turn black and white.

There has never been such a thing in the Xin Dynasty. Now that something like this happened suddenly, who knows what it will turn out to be?
My lord, could it be that some treacherous official slandered His Majesty and deliberately let His Majesty do this, so as to use His Majesty's hand to repel dissidents and suppress Zhongliang? "The scribe chattered.

Feng Yu narrowed his eyes, looked at the clerk, and murmured, "Why do you care so much about this matter? You are just a small clerk in my governor's office. You can't even count as a regular employee. What are these things for? Could it be that you want to learn something from me? Why are you so courageous? I have never seen you like this before, why are you still chattering today? "

Feng Yu was expressionless, staring coldly at the scribe in front of him.

The scribe was sweating coldly at Feng Yu's words.

Under Zhao Wen's current rule, although all the officials are now state officials, and they are fed by the state's finances, there are still some people who are temporarily recruited to help the local government deal with matters. The book in front of Feng Yu Li is exactly such a person, just a small clerk who is responsible for copying official documents on weekdays.It's just that there are not many such people.

This scribe is exactly such a person, just a temporary worker.

Just now, the scribe had just sent a document to Feng Yu, so he asked a question.

It was because Feng Yu was relatively young and didn't have any big airs, that's why the scribe dared to ask like this. Otherwise, how could the scribe dare to ask like this.

"Okay, you go down first, I have work to do, so go down by yourself!" Feng Yu said coldly.

The scribe cupped his hands at Feng Yugong and ran out like flying.

Looking at the back of the clerk leaving, Feng Yu said lightly: "Do you really think I don't know your background? This time the inspectors came, and now you know you are anxious? Know that you can't survive? You want to ask me about it? News, how is it possible? Don’t say I don’t know, even if I know who and where they came from, I won’t tell you!”

Feng Yu shook his head, and then began to deal with the government affairs on the desk.

Next to the Governor's Yamen is the Governor's Yamen. The distance between the two Yamen is less than fifty steps.

On the local level, Zhao Wen referred to the system of later generations and set up governors and governors in the provinces.

Among them, the governor is in charge of the people's livelihood and other political affairs of a province, while the governor-general is in charge of the officials of a province.

The two official positions have no size and belong to the same level.

In Shanxi, the biggest official positions are governor and governor.

There is no distinction between these two official positions, they are both at the same level, but the division of labor is different.

These two people belong to a cooperative relationship, and no one can control the other, and don't even think about meddling in the other's business.

Of course, unless unusual means are used.

(End of this chapter)

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