Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 800 Problems with Account Books

Chapter 800 Problems with Account Books

After a long time, Chen Lin covered the white cloth again, and then began to examine the bodies of Li Chenglin's family members.

For about an hour, Chen Lin checked the bodies of Li Chenglin's family.

"The wounds were all caused by sharp blades such as swords, and the wounds were irregular. They were all caused by cold weapons, especially the wound on Li Chenglin's body. The fatal wound was on the neck. It was not something ordinary people could cause.

If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to be so accurate! "Chen Lin stood at the door of the room, looked at the corpse in the room, and muttered.

"My lord, we have inspected these corpses before, the wounds on Li Chenglin's body are all at the vital points, if it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to be so severe!

Moreover, we also asked the neighbors near Li Chenglin before.

According to what they said, on the night of Li Chenglin's accident, there were shouts of killing and even gunshots.

The neighbors were scared, so no one went out to check. "Xie Yan stood beside Chen Lin and explained in detail.

Chen Lin looked at Xie Yan, "There is a gunshot? Whose gun? Is it the murderer's gun?"

"I don't know whose gun it was, but Li Chenglin's family didn't have any gunshot wounds.

We found several bullet casings in Li Chenglin's home, and the bullet casings are the bullet casings of the big black star.

From the looks of it, the gunshots should have come from the big black star.It's just that we didn't find a big black star in Li Chenglin's house. "Xie Yan said.

"Li Chenglin's family has no gunshot wounds, which means that the people who chased and killed Li Chenglin's family probably did not have guns.

If the people who chased and killed Li Chenglin's family had guns, then Li Chenglin's family must have had gunshot wounds. "Chen Lin took a deep breath, "From this point of view, it should be Li Chenglin who shot!" "

"My lord, I think so too!" Xie Yan replied.

"It seems that there are quite a few people who killed Li Chenglin's family. I really don't understand what kind of people would send a large number of people to kill Li Chenglin's family!" Chen Lin's face was full of gloom.

"Okay, let's go out." Chen Lin said and walked outside.

When they walked out of the basement, Xie Yan looked at Chen Lin and asked, "My lord, what should we do now? What should we do? What should we do?"

"What to do? What else can you do? Of course, do what you should do! Let's not talk about this, let's go back to the Yamen first."

Chen Lin walked outside after speaking, Xie Yan hurriedly followed behind Chen Lin, and walked towards the Si Yamen in front of the hall.

Not long after Chen Lin walked out of the inspection office, a person ran out of the inspection office and ran in another direction.

This person is none other than Du Yue, the inspector of the inspection yamen.

Du Yue is a young man in his 30s who was transferred from the local reserve.

Du Yue wrapped himself tightly, and ran towards the distance non-stop.

Not long after, he stopped at the door of a house.

Du Yue looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he walked to the gate of the house and knocked rhythmically on the door.

The sound of knocking on the door came to the inside. After a while, the door opened from the inside, and an old man opened the door.

Du Yue approached the old man and asked, "Is your lord here?"

"My lord is not here now, but you can wait a moment!" The old man jumped up and said.

"If that's the case, then I'll wait first!" Du Yue walked into the door as he said.

The old man came out, looked around, and when he saw no one was there, he closed the door tightly.

Time passed slowly, and the sun set on the horizon.

A carriage stopped at the gate of the house, and a middle-aged man got off the carriage and came to the gate of the house.

After a while, the middle-aged man sat in the hall of the house.

Du Yue stood beside the middle-aged man, and said respectfully: "My lord, the current head of the Dianqian Secretary came to my place today, and they checked the bodies of Li Chenglin's family."

"Did you just check the bodies of Li Chenglin's family?" The middle-aged man looked at Du Yue.

Du Yue said: "My lord, I just checked the bodies of Li Chenglin's family and did nothing else."

"At the beginning, I planned to use guns to kill Li Chenglin, but after thinking about it, I thought it would be easy to expose, so I asked people to use knives.

Now it seems that my method is still good.Otherwise, it might really be exposed now. "The middle-aged man said with a relaxed face, as if everything was under his control.

"By the way, what do you think of that Chen Lin?" The middle-aged man asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Chen Lin looks very ordinary, like an old farmer, without any special features. If Xie Yan hadn't said that he was Chen Lin, I would have thought he was just an ordinary subordinate." Du Yue replied .

The middle-aged man put down the teacup in his hand, stood up, and walked to the door of the hall.

He looked at the moon in the sky tonight, took a deep breath, and said: "The more ordinary people are, the more we should pay attention to them. This person is Wang Qi's capable general, and the one who can be valued by Wang Qi cannot be an ordinary person." .”

"Is there anything else? If you don't have anything else, go back first. The rumors are tight these days. If you have nothing else, don't come here." The middle-aged man turned around and looked at Du Yue .

Du Yue cupped his hands at the middle-aged man, and said, "Retire, little one!"

After speaking, Du Yue withdrew and walked outside.

The middle-aged man stood at the door of the hall, looking at the back of Du Yue leaving, his eyes were full of complicated light.

The middle-aged man has already thought that this matter will definitely be taken seriously by the people above, but the middle-aged man does not regret it.

Because, if Li Chenglin revealed those things about the middle-aged man, it is estimated that the crime of Zhu Jiuzu would be enough.

Middle-aged people dare not gamble, nor can they afford to gamble, so they can only wipe out Li Chenglin's family.

Although this is a bit ruthless, people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, and middle-aged people have to do this for themselves.


Chen Lin was sitting in the hall of the Si Yamen in front of the palace, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and frowning tightly.

Chen Lin has kept this action for a long time, and the tea in the cup has cooled down.

Xie Yan and her group were busy in the yard, checking the documents and account books they got from the engineering department and the household department.

Xie Yan sat on a stool in the yard, and there was a table in front of him, which was full of paperwork and account books.

Around Xie Yan, there are almost all people like this.

Above their heads, are a dozen or so light bulbs.Therefore, even at night, these paperwork and account books can be checked.

"Thank you sir, there is a situation!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Xie Yan followed the prestige, and saw Sun Pingcheng walking towards this side with two booklets in his hands with a serious face.

"What's the matter? Master Sun?" Xie Yan asked.

"A few accounts are wrong, I'm sorry!" Sun Pingcheng came to Xie Yan's side and put the booklet in his hand on Xie Yan's desk.

"My lord, this is the account book of the engineering company, and this is the account book of the household division." Sun Pingcheng pointed to the two account books and said, "The account book of the household division says that in March last year, Xuanzhen came to A sum of money was used to renovate some houses in the old city of Taiyuan Prefecture, which was about 4 silver dollars.

After Husi got these silver coins, he handed them all over to Gongsi, and entrusted Husi to build the old city. "

"Then what? Is there something wrong here?" Xie Yan asked with a blank face.

Xie Yan is not a professional, so she can't understand such things as account books.

"Master Xie, look here, you are looking here. This is the account of the two families, please take a look!" Sun Pingcheng pointed to some data on the two account books, and said to Xie Yan.

Xie Yan looked at the account books of the household division, and then at the account books of the engineering division, still confused.

"Master Sun, I think this account is fair. Is there any problem here?" Xie Yan raised her head and looked at Sun Pingcheng with a bewildered expression.

"What's the problem? Thank you, Sir, there's a big problem here!

In May of the first year of Qiyuan, the Senate issued a policy.

Beginning in May of the first year of Qiyuan, the bookkeeping method of yamen and government agencies in various places must be changed from the single-entry bookkeeping method to the double-entry bookkeeping method, and any government must implement it unconditionally.

This is where the problem arises. From the first year of Qiyuan, government offices all over the country must implement the double-entry bookkeeping method, but the bookkeeping method of the household division and engineering division of Taiyuan Prefecture is still the single-entry bookkeeping method. "Sun Pingcheng pointed to the two account books and said in detail.

Xie Yan had never been in contact with these things, so he didn't know the difference between the two accounting methods, but as the head of the palace, his keen intuition still made him aware that something was wrong.

"You mean to say that the two yamen of Taiyuan Prefecture, Gongsi and Husi, did not implement the policy of the Senate, and still use the single-entry bookkeeping method?" Xie Yan asked.

"That's right!" Sun Pingcheng nodded, and said: "Single-entry bookkeeping is a simple and incomplete bookkeeping method. This bookkeeping method does not show all expenses, but takes these expenses as a total There are only expenses and income on the books.

This method is very simple, but its disadvantages are also obvious. This method is prone to corruption.

It is precisely because of this situation that the Yizhengyuan completely abolished this bookkeeping method in the first year of Qiyuan and changed it to a more advanced double-entry bookkeeping method.

However, I didn't expect that Taiyuan Mansion still implements this method of bookkeeping.

What's even more strange is that no one has mentioned this matter. "Sun Pingcheng said with a look of doubt.

"Master Sun, what do you mean that these two account books are very suspicious?" Xie Yan asked.

Sun Pingcheng nodded, and said: "That's right, although the account shows that all the silver coins of Husi have entered the engineering department, but the engineering department did not clarify the whereabouts of these silver coins, but only revealed some sporadically.

Moreover, the accounts of Husi and Gongsi are very vague about the whereabouts of these silver coins, and cannot fully show them.

In this way, it is very difficult to thoroughly check out these silver coins. "

When Xie Yan heard this, her eyes narrowed instantly, "You mean, the money was stolen?"

"I can't be absolutely sure, but there are nine out of ten possibilities. Moreover, not only this sum, but almost all the sums have problems! Almost all the account books and documents obtained from the Department of Industry and Household Division have problems! "Sun Pingcheng said.

When Sun Pingcheng spoke, his voice trembled a little, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his back was wet with cold sweat.

Sun Pingcheng dare not be 100% sure that there are problems with these funds, but he is also very sure.

Sun Pingcheng couldn't imagine how deep the water inside was. If he got all the water out, many people would drown.

This is the first major corruption case since the founding of the country.

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask Mr. Chen for advice!" Xie Yan stood up and ran towards Chen Lin.

At this time, Chen Lin still maintained his previous actions, thinking about the problem.

Xie Yan came to Chen Lin's side, looked at Chen Lin like this, and whispered to Chen Lin: "Master Chen? Master Chen?"

"What's wrong?" Chen Lin came back to his senses, his hands shook, and the tea in the cup spilled all over the floor.

"My lord, the thing is like this..." Xie Yan repeated what Sun Pingcheng told him just now.

Chen Lin's eyes were full of strange light, "Is what you said true?"

Chen Lin's voice was low, like the low whimper of a beast.

"Master Sun, it's absolutely true, Lord Sun is right there!" Xie Yan pointed at Sun Pingcheng.

Chen Lin put down the teacup in his hand, stood up, and walked towards Sun Pingcheng.

When he came to Sun Pingcheng, Chen Lin asked directly: "What's wrong with the account books of the engineering department and the household department?"

"My lord, this is the account book of the household division and the engineering division." Sun Pingcheng pointed to the two books on the table and looked at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin picked up the two booklets on the table and read them carefully.

It's a pity that Chen Lin, like Xie Yan, can't understand the account books.

Standing beside Chen Lin, Sun Pingcheng explained in detail: "My lord, there are many problems with the account books of the engineering division and the household division..."

Sun Pingcheng repeated what he just said.

"You mean to say that the engineering department and the household department have embezzled money?" Chen Lin asked.

"If there are no accidents, it should be. Because the single-entry bookkeeping method is the easiest to corrupt money, as for how much money has been corrupted, we have to check it again!" Sun Pingcheng said.

"Continue to check? How long will it take?" Chen Lin asked.

Chen Lin put down the account book in his hand, "How long will it take to check out all these things carefully?"

"My lord, this will probably take a very long time, because the manpower is too small, and there are not many people who are proficient in this way. Judging by the current manpower, it may take several months." Sun Pingcheng replied.

"No!" Chen Lin shook his head, "No, I don't have so much time, it's too long. Do you have any other ways to save some time?"

"Your Majesty really has no other way, unless you ask His Majesty to call in some professionals, otherwise, with these people now, it will not work at all." Sun Pingcheng replied.

(End of this chapter)

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