Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 811 Your Majesty, what happened?

Chapter 811 Your Majesty, what happened?
Zhao Wen drove a firewood car and parked in the camp of the Guards.

The vehicles in the palace have very distinct characteristics, and Zhao Wen also came to the military camp in a car before, so when Zhao Wen drove the car and just arrived outside the military camp, the guards outside the camp recognized Zhao Wen's vehicle and put the car on the ground. went in.

Zhao Wen drove the car to the school field in the middle of the barracks. Zhao Wen got out of the car and came to the high platform at the front of the school field.

Under normal circumstances, no matter what the situation, the soldiers in the Guards are in training.

Zhao Wen didn't go out of his way to find the officers of the Guards, because doing so would waste a lot of time.

Anyway, as soon as Zhao Wen arrived at the barracks, those officers would come to Zhao Wen as soon as possible.

When Zhao Wen came in, the guards outside notified the incident to the officers in the camp.

So Zhao Wen didn't wait long, and all the officers and men of the Guards came to the school grounds.

There are a lot of soldiers in the Guards, and it is almost impossible to arrange all the soldiers just by relying on this camp.

This camp can't store so many soldiers. Except for this camp, the remaining soldiers are basically in the camps outside the city.

There are almost three regiments stationed in this camp, with a size of more than 3000 people.

These three regiments are the first, second and third regiments of the Guards.

These three regiments are the absolute main force of the Guards, with the best equipment and the highest quality of soldiers in the Guards.

These soldiers are directly responsible for the defense of the palace and the city. Like the guards outside the city, they are all directly under Zhao Wen's control.

"Your Majesty, I didn't know that His Majesty came, but I couldn't meet him from afar, so I ask His Majesty to make amends!"

The heads of the three regiments and the counselors stood in front of Zhao Wen, saluted Zhao Wen, and hurriedly confessed.

"It's okay, I came here suddenly, don't say anything about atonement or not!" Zhao Wen waved his hand and said.

The counselors of the regiment leaders thanked each other and stood beside Zhao Wen respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what orders your Majesty has?" A regiment commander of the Guards looked at Zhao Wen, saluted Zhao Wen, and asked.

The group leader saw Zhao Wen's gloomy expression, but he didn't know why Zhao Wen had such an expression, nor why Zhao Wen appeared here with this expression.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Wen's face was gloomy.

"Zhang Dong, gather your troops and horses, wait for my order, and prepare to go at any time!" Zhao Wen looked at the officer standing in front of him.

This officer is called Zhang Dong, and he is the head of the third regiment of the Royal Guards. He was once sent by Zhao Wen to the east of Xuanzhen to face Sun Chengzong who attacked Xuanzhen.

Zhang Dong is a man with great abilities and high attainments in military affairs.Moreover, this person was very loyal to Zhao Wen, and he belonged to the kind of person who would never go west if Zhao Wen told him to go east.

Although Zhang Dong didn't know why Zhao Wen asked him to gather his soldiers and horses at this time, he didn't ask any more questions, and walked off the high platform according to Zhao Wen's instructions.

At this time, there are a large number of soldiers training on the school field, and the training scene of these soldiers is in full swing.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Wen's gloomy expression slightly improved.

"You guys go down first." Zhao Wen said to the officer standing next to him.

These officers were the chiefs of other regiments, and they stood quietly beside Zhao Wen, waiting for Zhao Wen's order.

Under Zhao Wen's order, the officers retreated.

Not long after, Zhang Dong gathered all his subordinates and stood directly in front of the high platform.

Zhang Dong came in front of Zhao Wen and shouted at Zhao Wen: "Your Majesty, the troops have assembled, please give instructions!"

Zhao Wendao: "Stand by on the spot, ready to go at any time, the place to go this time is Taiyuan Mansion.

By the way, mobilize all the vehicles in your department, this time I will go to Taiyuan Mansion by car in person! "

Zhao Wen's eyes were full of cold light, what happened this time really made Zhao Wen very angry.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Zhao Wen to be so angry, and it is impossible to mobilize the army, but this time the matter is too much, so much that Zhao Wen can no longer bear it.

What Zhao Wen hates the most is corruption, but now the entire Taiyuan Mansion is full of filth from top to bottom, how can Zhao Wen hold back?
When Zhao Wen mobilized the army, he didn't mean to kill indiscriminately, but to use the army to frighten the officials of Taiyuan Mansion.

Of course, for these officials, it is impossible for Zhao Wen to just lightly frighten them. As long as they are criminal officials or corrupt officials, Zhao Wen will not let them go.

The other one is that Zhao Wen wanted to prevent any problems when dealing with these officials.

After all, there are too many officials involved in this accident.

At this time when the soldiers were preparing, Liu Wenzhong took Chen Donglai and several officials from the Senate to the barracks in a car.

Liu Wenzhong didn't know where Zhao Wen had gone, so in order to find Zhao Wen in time, Liu Wenzhong planned to ask the Guards for help.

When Liu Wenzhong's vehicle had just parked on the school field in the barracks, Chen Donglai, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, saw Zhao Wen's vehicle.

Zhao Wen's vehicle was parked alone at the edge of the school grounds, and Chen Donglai recognized Zhao Wen's vehicle at a glance.

"Lord Liu, this is His Majesty's vehicle, and His Majesty is here!" Chen Donglai got out of the car, pointed at the vehicles parked outside the school grounds, and shouted loudly at Liu Wenzhong who was sitting in the vehicle and hadn't gotten off yet.

Upon hearing this, Liu Wenzhong hurriedly got out of the car.

"Is this the car His Majesty drove out?" Liu Wenzhong pointed to the car in front of him and asked with a puzzled expression.

The matter is of great importance. If it is not [-]% certain, Liu Wenzhong is not sure.

"That's right, this is His Majesty's car, this is the car His Majesty drove out, I can be sure, I can guarantee with my life, this car is the car His Majesty drove out!" Chen Donglai pointed to the car not far away. That car, said swearingly.

"Your Majesty came here? What is your Majesty here for? It shouldn't be!"

Hearing this, Liu Wenzhong let out a long breath and relaxed a lot.

However, right after that, Liu Wenzhong became puzzled.

For no reason, why did Zhao Wen come here?It doesn't make sense!
Liu Wenzhong muttered in a low voice, and walked forward.

Liu Wenzhong really didn't know why Zhao Wen came here, and really didn't know why Zhao Wen came here.

"Come on, let's go find it quickly and see if His Majesty is here!" Liu Wenzhong said and walked forward.

As soon as he walked to the school grounds, Chen Donglai saw Zhao Wen standing on the high platform.

Chen Donglai pointed to Zhao Wen on the high platform, and shouted to Liu Wenzhong who was walking next to him: "Master Liu, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is there!"

Liu Wenzhong looked in the direction of Chen Donglai's finger, and he saw Zhao Wen.

At this time, Liu Wenzhong completely relaxed, and his hanging heart finally let go.

At this time, Zhao Wen's gaze was also looking here, and he happened to see the two of them.

After Liu Wenzhong saw Zhao Wen, he quickly ran towards Zhao Wen.

After ten or so breaths, Liu Wenzhong came in front of Zhao Wen.

"Your Majesty, why did you come here? What happened? Your Majesty, why did you run away without saying hello? What do you mean by coming here for no reason?" Liu Wenzhong asked anxiously.

Now Liu Wenzhong is eager to know why Zhao Wen is like this, why he ran here without saying hello, and he is still alone.

Zhao Wen said: "I have something important to do here. As for what it is, Ai Qing shouldn't ask. I'm going to visit Taiyuan Mansion, and I'll leave the affairs of the past few days to the Senate."

Zhao Wen didn't say what it was because of, but just said that he was going to Taiyuan Mansion.

Liu Wenzhong was keenly aware of the abnormality of this matter.

What did Zhao Wenping go to Taiyuan Mansion for no reason?Is there anything worthy of Zhao Wen's visit?

Just now, Chen Dong said that Zhao Wen became like this after seeing the things Chen Lin sent, and Liu Wenzhong couldn't help linking these two things together.

It must be that Zhao Wen came up with such an idea after seeing what Chen Lin sent, otherwise, Zhao Wen had no reason to go to Taiyuan Mansion at this time.

Now Chen Lin is in Taiyuan Mansion, checking the situation of the officials in Taiyuan Mansion. In the past, there were always various news that there was corruption in Taiyuan Mansion.

Liu Wenzhong thought about these questions in his brain, and it didn't take long for him to understand everything.

"Could it be this moth made by Chen Lin, right? What Lu Xiangsheng said at the beginning is indeed correct, this Chen Lin is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!" Liu Wenzhong scolded Chen Lin countless times in his heart.

"Why did your Majesty suddenly go to Taiyuan Mansion? What happened, and His Majesty insisted on going to Taiyuan Mansion? It's the same if you leave it to the people below!" Liu Wenzhong persuaded.

After all, Liu Wenzhong actually didn't want Zhao Wen to go to Taiyuan Mansion. The reason is very simple, that is, Chen Lin is now in Taiyuan Mansion, and now Chen Lin doesn't know how to get Zhao Wen to Taiyuan Mansion. In the eyes of Liu Wenzhong, this kind of behavior is a proper traitor, so Liu Wenzhong is afraid that this Chen Lin will get Zhao Wen to Taiyuan Mansion, and there is probably nothing good.

When Wei Zhongxian was in chaos, the factory guards ran amok and acted recklessly, so Liu Wenzhong was afraid that the current Dianqian Secretary would evolve into the Jinyiwei back then.

From Liu Wenzhong's point of view, this Chen Lin brought Zhao Wen to the Taiyuan Mansion, and he might be suspected of turning the palace minister into a Jinyiwei.

"You don't need to explain. I have made up my mind on this matter, and I will leave tonight. As for why I went to Taiyuan at this time, it is because if I don't go to Taiyuan Mansion, I am afraid that I will be the second A Chongzhen." Zhao Wen said with a cold face, his face livid.

When Liu Wenzhong heard what Zhao Wen said, his heart skipped a beat.

Liu Wenzhong really didn't know what caused Zhao Wen to say such a thing. What Zhao Wen said was so serious that Liu Wenzhong didn't know how to answer it for a while. .

Liu Wenzhong closed his mouth, and after about 20 breaths, he spoke again.

"Your Majesty, please think again. What is the reason for His Majesty to go to Taiyuan Mansion at this time? And it is so urgent?"

Liu Wenzhong persuaded again: "Your Majesty, now that the country has just been established, and His Majesty has the intention to move the capital, you shouldn't move the holy frame just because of a trivial matter. What should you do if something goes wrong?" Liu Wenzhong persuasively persuaded Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality, "If there is no other way, it is absolutely impossible for me to go to Taiyuan Mansion, but the current situation has reached the point where I can't go, if the matter is not so serious, it is impossible for me It's time to go to Taiyuan Mansion, after all, I have a lot of things in my hands.

As for what it is, you go back first. After you go back, I will ask Chen Donglai to deliver the things Chen Lin sent to you. You can go and see for yourself, and then tell me whether I should go to Taiyuan Mansion or not. "

Zhao Wen's face was firm, full of doubts.

No matter what Liu Wenzhong said, Zhao Wen didn't let go.

Seeing Zhao Wen like this, Liu Wenzhong completely gave up.

Just when Liu Wenzhong was about to leave, Liu Wenzhong suddenly remembered one thing, that is, why did Zhao Wen appear in the barracks?
"Your Majesty, since you are going to Taiyuan Mansion, why are you coming to the barracks?" Liu Wenzhong, who had just turned his head and was about to leave, suddenly thought of this, turned around and asked.

"Hehe!" Zhao Wen sneered, and said, "Why did I come here? Of course I was going to Taiyuan Mansion with soldiers and horses. Can you calm down?"

Zhao Wen's face was as cold as frost, and these words made Liu Wenzhong's heart as cold as if he had fallen into a freezer.

"What is it that makes His Majesty so angry? His Majesty wants to take soldiers and horses to Taiyuan Mansion? What is the reason for this? Why is it like this? How did things develop to this point? ?”

Liu Wenzhong's heart was so cold, Liu Wenzhong really couldn't figure out what happened to make Zhao Wen go to Taiyuan Mansion with soldiers and horses.

Liu Wenzhong didn't dare to think about why Zhao Wen would make such a decision.

In Liu Wenzhong's impression, although Zhao Wen was a founding king, he had a very good temper and rarely punished officials below him at will.

Even if the official committed something, when punishing, Zhao Wen would not punish it arbitrarily because of his own preferences, but handed it over to the Big Law Court to deal with it according to law.

For so many years, Zhao Wen has never punished officials at will because of his own preferences.

(End of this chapter)

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