Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 815 Is it Lin Danhan's fault?

Chapter 815 Is it Lin Danhan's fault?
Perhaps because Zhao Mingjing's movements were too large, the pony under his crotch started to run forward.


Just as Zhao Mingjing was led forward by the pony, a saber light appeared where Zhao Mingjing left.

The knight's knife fell through the air, leaving only a sound of breaking through the air.

In the same way, the actions of the knight also attracted the attention of others.

"China, what do you want to do?" A knight not far from the knight saw this scene and shouted at the knight.

When the knight saw Chi Na waving the knife in his hand towards Zhao Mingjing, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. His whole body was icy cold, from head to sole of his feet.

When he saw the horse that Zhao Mingjing got off and ran a few steps forward, and Zhao Mingjing dodged the knife, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"China, what do you want?" The knight ran towards China.

Chi Na turned his head and glanced at the knight, but only glanced at the knight lightly, then waved the knife in his hand and rushed towards Zhao Mingjing.

The knight's voice caught the attention of the people around, and Hai Lanzhu and Wu Keshan looked behind.

Just as Wu Keshan turned his head, he saw a shining knife coming towards Zhao Mingjing.

Wu Keshan broke out in a cold sweat instantly, he didn't have time to think about it, he hastily pulled out the waist knife from his waist, and moved towards Chi Na's knife to meet it.


A crisp sound sounded, and the knife in Chi Na's hand was swung away by Wu Keshan.

After Wu Keshan swung China's knife, he jumped off the horse and came to Zhao Mingjing, standing in front of Zhao Mingjing.

Zhao Mingjing didn't know what happened just now. He jumped off the pony, stood quietly behind Wu Keshan, and looked at everything in front of him curiously.

Hai Lanzhu also hurriedly jumped off the horse, hugged Zhao Mingjing tightly in her arms, and covered his eyes at the same time, preventing him from seeing what was in front of him.

"Take him!"

Wu Keshan looked at China in front of him, and shouted hoarsely.

Even now, Wu Keshan's calf is still shaking.

If the knife just fell on Zhao Mingjing, Wu Keshan didn't know what kind of consequences he would suffer. Wu Keshan couldn't imagine the consequences.

After the sound of metal clashing, Chi Na was pushed to the ground by Wu Keshan's guards.

Wu Keshan breathed heavily, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Hai Lanzhu hugged Zhao Mingjing tightly in her arms, and looked around vigilantly, as if everyone around might attack Zhao Mingjing.

The guards brought by Wang Qi immediately surrounded Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing, holding weapons and looking around vigilantly.

"Taiji, you have to give us an explanation today!" One of Wang Qi's subordinates stood up and looked at Wu Keshan with a gloomy expression.

Wu Keshan took a few deep breaths, and replied: "We will definitely give you an explanation, Chi Na is my subordinate, I will definitely give you an explanation. How about this, put down your weapons first, we are all a family, there is no need to fight each other !"

Wu Keshan looked at the weapons in these people's hands and began to persuade them.

"Put down your weapons? If we put down our weapons, what should we do if another person comes out to assassinate the prince? Don't say anything, let's wait until my lord comes back!" said Wu Keshan, who was justly rejected by his subordinates. proposal.

Seeing that these people insisted on this, Wu Keshan couldn't say anything more, so he could only ask his subordinates to hold China firmly to the ground, and then wait for Wang Qi to come back.

"Drive, drive!"

Wang Qi's voice came from a distance, Wang Qi rode on the horse and rode Juechen, Manzhu Xili followed behind Wang Qi, and the whip in his hand kept pulling towards the horse under his crotch.

The distance between the two sides is constantly shortening, but Wang Qi is not far from Wu Keshan.

Not long after, Wang Qi stopped beside Wu Keshan and the others.

Just as Wang Qi stopped, the subordinate who spoke before came to Wang Qi.

"My lord, just now one of Wu Keshan Taiji's subordinates wanted to assassinate the prince." This person explained what happened just now in detail.

When Wang Qi heard this, his face changed greatly, and the sweat on his forehead instantly gushed like a fountain.

Wang Qi jumped off his horse and came in front of Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing.

When he saw Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing intact, he was relieved.

"Wu Keshan Taiji, don't you need to explain to me?" Wang Qi took a deep breath, looked at Wu Keshan, and asked loudly.

Wu Keshan said dejectedly: "Master Wang, don't be so angry, I will definitely investigate this matter, what happened today has nothing to do with me, it was just an accident, I really don't know!"

"Do you know, don't say it yet, I just want to tell you something, although the second prince is your nephew, but you have to remember that the second prince is His Majesty's son first, and your nephew last.

Before you find out the matter, you should not contact the second prince.Another one, leave this assassin to me, and let me investigate! "

It happened so suddenly that Wu Keshan didn't know what to do now, so he could only hand over China to Wang Qi as Wang Qi said.

Wang Qi was brought to Wang Qi's side by Wu Keshan's subordinates, and Wang Qi directly asked his subordinates to bring China over.

After getting it over, Wang Qi's men directly tied up Chi Na Wuhuada.

"Mother, I will protect you!" Wang Qi came to Hai Lanzhu, saluted Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing, and said respectfully.

Hai Lanzhu looked at Wang Qi, then at Wu Keshan, and said with lingering fear: "What happened just now was really unexpected, I really don't know how it happened.

However, I think it is impossible for my brother to do such a thing. Although this China is my brother's bodyguard, I think all this should have nothing to do with my brother! "

After all, Hai Lanzhu is Wu Keshan's younger sister. Although what happened just now happened suddenly and was aimed at Zhao Mingjing, Hai Lanzhu felt that it was impossible for Wu Keshan to do such a thing.

"Your Majesty is clear about all these ministers, but until the matter is fully understood, we should protect your Majesty and Your Highness!" Wang Qi said without giving up.

At this time, Manzhu Xili also came back here.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was a little dazed.

He called his subordinates, asked about what happened, and finally figured out what happened just now.

Manzhu Xili stared at China who was under the control of Wang Qi's men, and cursed: "China, are you deceived by lard? How could you do such a thing? Who are you instigated by?" ? Would you do such a thing? What exactly do you want to do?"

After Manzhu Xili scolded him, he smiled at Wang Qi and said, "Lord Wang, there must be a misunderstanding here. My elder brother is definitely not such a person. This China must have been instigated by others. My elder brother is not It is possible to do such a thing!"

Manzhu Xili moved closer to Wang Qi, and at the same time got close to Wang Qi.

"Whether it's true or not, let's talk about it after I investigate clearly. It's too early to say anything now. Okay, don't talk about these things, go back first!" Wang Qi said, protecting Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing Go in the direction of the palace.

Seeing the backs of Wang Qi and others leaving, Wu Keshan sighed a long time, and followed Wang Qi with his men towards the palace.

Before returning to the palace, the people sent by Manzhu Xili told Buhe the news. After hearing the news, Buhe brought his personal guards to meet Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing without saying a word. .

However, the current matter has not been thoroughly investigated, so even if Bu He came with his personal guards, Wang Qi still firmly protected Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing in the middle.

If it was before, Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing would definitely live in the palace.

But something happened today, so Wang Qi changed the place where Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing lived to Xuanzhen's barracks in Horqin City.

Zhao Wen had a team of about 1000 people stationed in Horqin City. For safety reasons, Wang Qi sent Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing'an to the barracks.

The environment of the barracks may not be very good, but in terms of safety, there is nothing to say.

After Wang Qi arranged Hai Lanzhu and Zhao Mingjing, he began to interrogate China.

In an empty house in the barracks, China was tied to a pillar in the room by five flowers.

Wang Qi led his men to surround China.

"Tell me, who asked you to do this?" Wang Qiyi shook the whip in his hand and asked Chi Na loudly.

Chi Na stared at Wang Qi, gritted his teeth and said, "You southerners will sooner or later be trampled under your feet by the eagles on the grassland, just like you were trampled under by Genghis Khan back then!"

As soon as Wang Qi heard this, the blood in his body began to burn.

Nanren, this term is a contemptuous term for the Southern Song Dynasty during the period of Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan, and it is a great insult.

The Yuan Dynasty divided people into three, six, and nine classes, and this southerner was the lowest slave.

"I haven't heard this word for a long time, I hope you can hold on!"

Wang Qi's eyes instantly turned scarlet, and then he swung the whip in his hand and lashed towards China.

"Crack, snap, snap!"

The whip hit China's body. At the beginning, China could still grit his teeth and stiffen, but after holding on for a few breaths, China couldn't hold on anymore and screamed.

Chi Na's screams kept ringing in the room, and the whip in Wang Qi's hand never stopped.

"Hehe, Nanren, hehe, Nanren. I will make you tougher, and I will make you harder.

That's right, we are southerners, but we southerners conquered the entire grassland.

What kind of shit, the Golden Family, in the eyes of His Majesty, are all chickens and dogs! "

While slapping Wang Qi, he yelled and cursed in a low voice.

After about a quarter of an hour, Chi Na was beaten by Wang Qi and passed out.

Wang Qi threw the whip in his hand to the ground, and said to his subordinate standing next to him: "Wake him up for me, then whip him, and pry his mouth open for me!"

After Wang Qi finished speaking, he walked out of the room and came to the open space in the barracks.

Under the protection of Wang Qi's men, Zhao Mingjing played with Hai Lanzhu in the open space.

Just now, Zhao Mingjing didn't see China's actions, so he didn't know what happened just now, he only knew that he couldn't go back to the palace now.

"Your Majesty, please stay here with your Highness for a few more days, and the ministers will let you rearrange the room where your Majesty and Your Highness live." Wang Qi saluted Hai Lanzhu respectfully and said.

Hai Lanzhu stood up, looked at Wang Qi in front of him, and asked, "Did that China say that? Who instructed him to do this? Brother couldn't have done this!"

"No, this China's mouth is very hard, and he hasn't said anything yet!" Wang Qi shook his head.

"Oh, I believe in brother. There is no way he would do such a thing!" Hai Lanzhu said with a lonely face.



The cloth and a big mouth landed firmly on Wu Keshan's face, and a bright red palm print appeared on Wu Keshan's face.

Wu Keshan covered his face and knelt on the ground, not daring to complain.

"What do you eat? Why didn't you find this kind of person before? They still stay until now? After I heard about that incident just now, my legs were so frightened that I almost died of fright."

In the apse of the palace, Bu He pointed angrily at Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili who were kneeling in front of him, and shouted loudly.

"Abu, you can't completely blame your elder brother for this matter, who knew that China would do such a thing!" Manzhu Xili looked at Buhe and began to defend himself.


Buhe smacked Manzhu Xili's face again with a big mouth.

Like Wu Keshan, Manzhu Xili's face was also swollen.

"You still have the nerve to say it? If you didn't say that you were going to compete in some shit horse racing, would such a thing happen?
You used to be quite stable, why did you do such a stupid thing? " Bu He pointed at Manzhu and practiced salutes, completely disregarding his own decency.

"Jing Er is not only your nephew, but also my grandson, he is His Majesty's son. Let me tell you two, even if you add up and tie the two of you together, you can't compare to Jing Er's single finger."

The more Bu He talked, the more angry he became, and finally he lifted his foot and kicked the two of them directly.

Afterwards, Bu He pointed at the two of them again, and cursed: "Look at the two of you, what serious things have you done? Your Majesty is about the same age as you. If you have a little bit of your Majesty's ability, you will not Makes me so uneasy."

Wu Keshan got up from the ground and knelt down in front of Bu He again, "Abu, I never knew that such a thing would happen, it was so sudden.

That China has been with me for two or three years, who knows what kind of person this China is. "

"Don't talk about this first, let me ask you, where is Chi Na from? Where did he come from? Did he meet anyone before this happened?" Bu He asked with a straight face.

For Buhe, the most urgent task now is to find out the identity of China first.

"Abu, this china came from Lin Danhan's side. He seemed to have committed something in Lin Danhan's side back then, and was kicked out in the end. I happened to meet him.

I thought he was honest and strong, so I took him in. "Wu Keshan replied seriously.

"Lin Danhan? Bo'er is only Lin Danbatur?" Bu He frowned when he heard the name Lin Danhan, and his face darkened.

After a long time, Bu He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "This Chi Na is probably the spy that Lin Danhan got around you, since he can plant spies by your side, maybe there are spies by my side too. "

"Abu, why are you so sure that Chi is the spy that Lin Dan Khan planted beside me? Three years ago, His Majesty had just ascended the throne, and the entire grassland surrendered to His Majesty. Even this Lin Dan Khan was no exception. He had no reason to do so." Wu Keshan looked puzzled.

"Yes, Abu, Lin Danhan has no reason to do this!" Manzhu Xili also said with a puzzled expression.


Bu He sighed, and said: "What do you know, Lin Danhan is a descendant of the golden family, whose blood is much purer than those of our collateral lines.

This person is not an ordinary person, this person has the ambition to dominate the grassland.Before Nurhachi raised his troops, he had already begun to implement the plan to unify the grassland.

Later, Nurhachi rose up, and Lin Danhan even fought several battles with Nurhachi.It's a pity that the strength is not as good as Nurhachi, Lin Danhan lost again and again, and we took refuge in Nurhachi, so Lin Danhan ran all the way west.

When His Majesty rose up and defeated Huang Taiji several times, Huang Taiji was unable to look westward on the grassland, so Lin Danhan wanted to take the opportunity to reap some benefits and lead the tribe eastward.

But they never expected that the grassland would surrender to His Majesty not long after they arrived.Lin Danhan is not escaping, nor is he not escaping, he can only submit to His Majesty like us.

If Lin Danhan wants to escape, it is estimated that those in Kharkha will not refuse this credit. "

What Bu He said is indeed good, Lin Dan Khan in history is indeed a man with great ambitions.

Lin Dan Khan's name is Lin Dan Batur, and he is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.

Lin Dan Khan's greatest wish in this life is to restore the unity of the grassland and rebuild Genghis Khan's hegemony.

It's a pity that he lived in the era of the rise of post-gold.

When the Hou Jin expanded, the strategy it formulated was to conquer the grassland first, so it was inevitable that it would conflict with Lin Danhan.

Although Lin Danhan tried his best to avoid confrontation with Houjin, he was beaten all the way west by Houjin.

If there is no Zhao Wen, he would have been beaten by Huang Taiji and fled to Qinghai in history, and finally died of illness in Qinghai.

Now, because of the existence of Zhao Wen, Lin Danhan is not as embarrassed as in history, and the situation is much better.

Although the entire grassland has surrendered to Zhao Wen, the obsession in Lin Danhan's heart has not dissipated.

Now Lin Danhan has been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for a grassland chaos.

However, this opportunity has never come, and Lin Danhan has no choice but to create some opportunities.

It is precisely for this reason that there was that mysterious Taoist priest, and that is why what happened today.

(End of this chapter)

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