Chapter 920 Oil Source
"Students remember His Majesty's imperial decree, must study hard and serve the country!"

Liang Bin reassured Zhao Wen loudly and loudly.

Zhao Wen said with a pleasant face: "Remember what you said. During the time of university study, everything has been studied as the main purpose. I am waiting for the day when you become a talent!"

Zhao Wen's words made Liang Bin's blood boil, and Liang Bin could of course hear Zhao Wen's expectations from Zhao Wen's words!

"The student will definitely not disappoint His Majesty's entrustment, and the student will definitely keep His Majesty's entrustment in mind!" Liang Bin said excitedly to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded and said, "Okay, you step back!"

Liang Bin saluted Zhao Wen and left the principal's office.

Looking at the back of Liang Bin leaving, Zhao Wen's face was full of smiles.

Liang Bin was able to pass the college entrance examination, and he was also a peasant boy, which proves that Liang Bin's talent and perseverance in reading are not comparable to ordinary people. If such a person is cultivated, his future achievements will definitely be incomparable Low.

"This Liang Bin is a good seed!" Zhao Wen laughed.

"Your Majesty, the fact that this Liang Bin can emerge from so many students has already proved that he is quite capable!" Li Cheng said.

"For this Liang Bin, you have to keep an eye on it. However, don't interfere with Liang Bin's study and life." Zhao Wen said.

"Okay, let's not talk about this Liang Bin, now accompany me around the school!"

Zhao Wen stood up and walked outside.

Li Cheng and Zhao Wen's guards hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen, surrounded Zhao Wen and walked out of the building.

"Where is your Majesty going first?" Li Cheng looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen didn't even think about it, so he said, "Let's go to the Engineering Academy first, and see how the nearest Engineering Academy is doing!"

In industrialization, the most important thing is the students majoring in engineering. Zhao Wen is very concerned about these students majoring in engineering. To a certain extent, Zhao Wen pays more attention to the students majoring in engineering than to the students majoring in political science. .

"Your Majesty, please follow me!"

Li Cheng walked to the side of Zhao Wen and led the way for Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen visits the university every year, and almost every time he inspects the university, he walks on foot. This is Zhao Wen's tradition, so this time Zhao Wen went to the College of Engineering on foot.

It is not very far from the office building to the College of Engineering, and it takes only ten minutes to walk.

The roads in the university are basically cement roads, which are spacious and very smooth.

Zhao Wen was walking on the cement road, thinking about things in his heart.

"Cement is good, but if you use cement to pave the road, there are still great limitations.

Asphalt is much better than cement for paving roads, but when oil is not exploited on a large scale, a small amount of asphalt is simply not enough to support paving.

Some oil fields with uncomplicated storage environment are easy to exploit, but it is not easy to exploit those oil fields with complicated geological environment. "

Thinking of this, Zhao Wen looked to the west.

Zhao Wen thought of the extremely rich Gou Dahu in the later generations. In Gou Dahu's place, a considerable part of their oil fields are gushing oil fields, which are not only easy to mine, but also have a large storage capacity.

In later generations, when it comes to the oil fields of Gou Dahu, who wouldn't be envious?This is not God appreciating food, this is simply God chasing and feeding food into his mouth.

"Right now, the shit-stirring stick must have become a mess. In the southwest, most of Annan has already been captured. As for the rest, it's only a matter of time.

As the number of immigrants in Java becomes more and more correct, it won't be long before Java can be completely controlled.At that time, these places in Southeast Asia will be under control.

It's time for Zhao Daniu and the others to come back."

Zhao Wen set his sights on the Middle East, the place with the richest oil reserves in the world.

The fastest way to get there is by sea.

If you go by sea, you have to pass through India, which is now the Mughal Empire.

After passing through the Mughal Empire, go further west and reach the Safavid Empire.

The Safavid Empire borders the Ottoman Empire, and these two empires are the most oil-rich places in later generations.

If you go by sea, the speed is the fastest.

Zhao Wen now has a lot of warships in his hands, which can completely supply such a large-scale war.

In addition to the sea route, there is another way, that is by land.

If you go by land, it will take a lot more time and cost than by sea.

If he went by land, Zhao Wen would have to push across the entire Eurasian continent, from east to west.

To be honest, the deterrent effect of going by land is indeed extraordinary, but the cost is indeed very high.

Moreover, it may not be possible to call there in a short while.

Zhao Wen's current industrial level can indeed support such a large-scale war, but it is not very cost-effective.

"After we go back, we'll have a good discussion and see what we should do."

In the following time, accompanied by Li Cheng, Zhao Wen came to the College of Engineering.

The College of Engineering now has many majors, and almost every major has its own laboratory.

Zhao Wen has spared no effort in investing in universities, especially the School of Engineering.

Accompanied by Li Cheng, Zhao Wen visited the laboratories of the College of Engineering.

There are already many new technologies in these engineering laboratories.

In Zhao Wen's view, most of these technologies are relatively backward, but they are all produced by the laboratory itself.

In this aspect alone, it is already very good.

It was already midnight when we returned to the palace.

Originally, it was impossible for Zhao Wen to come back so late, but when Zhao Wen was visiting the laboratory, some students asked some questions, and Zhao Wen became interested on a whim, so he seriously explained to these students.

After returning to the palace, Zhao Wen didn't go to sleep, but came to the imperial study to deal with the things that he remembered when he was in college today.

Zhao Wen sat in the imperial study, and Chen Donglai stood quietly beside Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took out a huge piece of rice paper and spread it on the table. Later, Zhao Wen took out a huge map of the world and spread it on the floor of the imperial study.

The world map that Zhao Wen took out was drawn by Zhao Wen a long time ago. Although some places are not very accurate, in this era, it is almost impossible to find anything that can surpass this map.

Zhao Wen took off his shoes and walked quietly on the map. His eyes kept looking at the Safavid Empire, Mughal Empire and Ottoman Empire.

The power of these three empires is still not under the eyes of Zhao Wen. If these empires were around the Central Plains, they would have been taken by Zhao Wen a long time ago.

After watching for about ten minutes, Zhao Wen returned to the table.

"Resupply is a very serious problem if you walk on the ground.

The supply line is long, not because I am afraid that someone will have wrong thoughts about the supply line, but if the supply line is too long, a lot of supplies will be wasted on the road.

Although I have a lot of supplies now, it's really not worthwhile to waste them like this.

Those countries in the west must be cleaned up, but the time is not ripe now.

After gaining a foothold in the Middle East, the speed can be faster under the attack from both sides. "

Zhao Wen thought about it and wrote these contents on the rice paper again and again.

It was already very dark, and a white belly appeared in the eastern sky.

Zhao Wen put away all the things he had just made, and then returned to the bedroom.


At three poles in the sun, Zhao Wen got up.

There was no court meeting today, so Zhao Wen slept a little longer.

After washing up and having breakfast, Zhao Wen walked out of the palace with Chen Donglai.

After leaving the palace, Zhao Wen went straight to the Military Academy.

Zhao Wen went to the Military Academy just for the things he thought about yesterday.

Although there is no large-scale use of troops now, troops are still being used in the southwest, so the military academy is still relatively busy.

After arriving at the Military Academy, Zhao Wen went straight to Qi Qingtian's classroom.

When Zhao Wen entered the military academy, the news that Zhao Wen came to the military academy had already spread throughout the military academy.

As soon as Zhao Wen arrived at the door of Qi Qingtian's class, Qi Qingtian rushed out to greet him.

"Your Majesty came here but failed to meet him far away, so please make amends!" Qi Qingtian hurriedly saluted Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen waved his hand and said, "Get up, I'm here today to discuss something with you!"

As Zhao Wen said, he walked into Qi Qingtian's classroom.

Zhao Wen sat in Qi Qingtian's classroom, and Qi Qingtian stood in front of Zhao Wen.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on!" Qi Qingtian asked.

"That's right, look at this!"

As Zhao Wen spoke, he took out a reduced version of the world map from his arms. This world map was also drawn by Zhao Wen a long time ago.

Zhao Wen spread the map on the table, and Qi Qingtian looked at Zhao Wen because he didn't understand. "Your Majesty, I don't know what this is for?"

Zhao Wen pointed to the map on the table and said, "You must know this map, it's a world map.

This is our place, here is the Safavid Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

The place where these two empires are located can be called the Middle East.

The products here are very rich. Under the ground in the Middle East, there is a lot of oil.

You must already know the use of oil..."

Zhao Wen seriously explained these things to Qi Qingtian.

Qi Qingtian stood in front of the map with a serious face.

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, Qi Qingtian thought about it.

Seven or eight minutes later, Qi Qingtian asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to take this place down?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. I want to take these places down." Zhao Wen's eyes were full of hot light.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand something. We also have a lot of oil here, why do we go so far away to get oil?

Moreover, this Ottoman Empire is too far away from us. Who knows where it is, and what should we do if it is some kind of wild land? "

Qi Qingtian looked at Zhao Wen solemnly. To him, these places are just some wild lands. Where is the Central Plains?

Even if you get the oil, there is no need to go so far to get it done.

Anyway, it's a bit unrealistic!

Zhao Wen saw Qi Qingtian's expression in his eyes, without thinking, Zhao Wen had already guessed what Qi Qingtian was thinking.

"I know what you are thinking, maybe in your opinion, these places are just wild places.

You are right, our country does have oil, but our country's oil is really too little.

In the future, if the industry is more developed, the oil extracted by our country will not be enough at all.

The Middle East is rich in oil reserves.

Let me put it this way, if you just dig a hole in the ground, you will get a lot of oil. "

Zhao Wen didn't show any impatience, and explained to Qi Qingtian earnestly.

Zhao Wen could also understand why Qi Qingtian thought this way.

"Your Majesty, is this oil really so important? How does Your Majesty know that there will be a lot of oil here in the Middle East?!" Qi Qingtian still hesitated.

"How do I know? Of course I have a reason to really know. If I say there is here, there is here!"

Zhao Wen's words instantly made Qi Qingtian understand.

Qi Qingtian thought of Zhao Wen's background all of a sudden, and in an instant, Qi Qingtian didn't doubt Zhao Wen on this matter.

"But Your Majesty, Southwest is still using troops. If there is a war on two fronts, I'm afraid there will be a lot of logistical pressure!" Qi Qingtian looked embarrassed.

"I know, I don't plan to fight on two fronts. After Zhao Daniu and the others take Annan completely, I plan to transfer them back.

The naval forces in my hands are already very strong, and the ironclad ships have also begun to be built. Even if the ironclad ships will not be built well for a while, I will be invincible on the sea by relying on those traditional warships.

Therefore, I plan to send the soldiers and horses to the Safavid Empire by sea.As for logistics and supplies, I have my own way, and it doesn't cost money! "

Zhao Wen tapped on the table with a confident expression on his face.

Qi Qingtian was even more puzzled. It was unknown how far it was to the Safavid Empire from here. How could it be possible for supplies to cost nothing?

"I don't know what His Majesty's solution is?" Qi Qingtian asked with a puzzled expression.

"Of course I have a way, but the time has not come yet, so I can't say it yet.

I came here today for this matter. After I leave, you bring these people from the Senate to discuss this matter! "

Zhao Wen stood up as he spoke, and walked outside.

Qi Qingtian hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen and sent Zhao Wen out of the military academy.

Walking out of the Military Academy, Zhao Wen walked towards the Yamen of the Ministry of Commerce.

The Ministry of Commerce is in charge of all commercial affairs in the world. After Zhao Wen established the Ministry of Commerce, all businessmen in the world must register.

Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce has a list of merchants from all over the world.

Zhao Wen's method of not spending money is very simple, that is to mobilize merchants.

Back then, Zheng Yiguan relied on merchants to transport rubber and other materials back from the Americas. This time, Zhao Wen wanted to let these merchants play their remaining roles.

Businessmen are profit-seeking, as long as they are profitable, they dare to touch it even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

At that time, if the Safavid Empire and the Ottoman Empire are really won, these businessmen will definitely be more excited than Zhao Wen.

In fact, Zhao Wen also thought of a way, which is to issue war bonds.

However, this method is too risky, and Zhao Wen dare not take it lightly.

War bonds are debt securities issued by governments to finance military spending in times of war.

If the method of war bonds is adopted, Zhao Wen may take the Safavid Empire and the Ottoman Empire without spending a penny.

However, after the war is won, those who have bought war bonds will be very valuable in their hands.

It may be nothing once or twice, but I am afraid that after the people have tasted the sweetness, they will become uncontrollable and become fanatical about war bonds, and they will become fanatical about war.

Zhao Wen didn't want all the people in the world to become warmongers with fire in their eyes. After all, this would do great harm to the entire country.

 Thank you for the 7 monthly tickets of frozen water, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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