Chapter 1055 Enemy Attack
This group of people all graduated from Banshan College.

And all of them are geeks.

In their eyes, Dean Du He is a god.

In the past few days, these people have used various information to make judgments and deductions, and finally came to a conclusion that the opening of the Huxian Business Center will definitely touch Lu's nerves, and Lu Mingyou will definitely not sit idly by.

However, every time they wanted to send news to Du He, they were stopped by Ma Zhou.

Finally, in the middle of the night, they broke out.

"Ma Zhou is a traitor!"

"Ma Zhou is Lu Shi's running dog!"

"Let's go, let's report to the dean and kill him!"

Everyone walked to the backyard emotionally.

However, not long after they walked out, they bumped into Ma Zhou head-on.

The tall scholar pointed at Ma Zhou and cursed, "There is a traitor among us, and that is him. Everyone arrest him and hand him over to the dean."

"Yes, arrest him!"


More than a dozen people are ready to move.

Ma Zhou stood where he was, and sneered: "Hmph, a bunch of mobs, you alone want to touch me, come on!"

Ma Zhou gave an order, and seven or eight guards rushed out immediately.

"Arrest them! Put them all in the utility room, and no one will be released without my order."


The guards rushed forward and forcibly took away all the people in the think tank.

Everyone yelled, "Ma Zhou, you traitor!"

"You liar!"

"The dean must have been deceived by you, Ma Zhou, if Mrs. Lu takes revenge on Dream Group, you will be a sinner, you will be a sinner through the ages!"

"The dean is extremely intelligent. Sooner or later, he will know that all of this is caused by you!"

"Ma Zhou, I will have sex with your wife, your old lady!"


With his hands behind his back, Ma Zhou watched coldly as a dozen people were forcibly taken down.

Then he turned to the two guards and said, "Don't tell anyone about this. If anyone asks, just say that the think tank has been sent to the business center."


After he finished speaking, he walked away.




Lou House.

Wu San told Lu Mingyou the latest news from Hu County.

Hearing this, Lu Mingyou frowned and said, "So, under Du He's command, he has raised a bunch of strange talents, and they actually guessed that we would do something?"

"Now it seems that this is indeed the case. These people are very powerful. Unfortunately, there is a Ma Zhou."

"Hahaha, it's really God's help. These monsters can deduce that I, Lu, will take revenge. With Du He's intelligence, they may not know it. How crazy your revenge will be, hahahaha..." Lu Mingyou laughed.

Wu San also laughed.

"Do it at midnight tonight! We must be quick. We must evacuate within an hour, and Chang'an City must not be disturbed."

"My subordinate understands!"


child time.

It was dark.

A few stars hid behind the black clouds.

Hu County.

Outside the glass factory, a gust of cool wind blows.

The patrolling guards yawned and walked lazily back and forth at the gate.

Suddenly, a guard looked into the distance in surprise.

"Look, what is that?"

When the other guards heard the words, they all turned their heads to look, and were stunned.

Looking around, there were hundreds of torches in the woods in the distance.



Then, there was an overwhelming rain of arrows.

Puff puff.

Several guards were shot and immediately fell to the ground.

Afterwards, hundreds of torches slowly moved towards the glass factory.

A group of black knights suddenly appeared and rushed towards the gate of the glass factory.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Someone attacked the glass factory!"

dang dang dang.

dong dong dong dong.

The sound of gongs and drums sounded hurriedly.

The guards of the glass factory began to resist hastily, and blocked the first attack of the black knight, but suffered heavy losses.


When the sound of chaos came from outside, Mo Yifei was still doing research in the laboratory.

Afterwards, the guard leader of the furniture factory hurried in and said, "Ms. Mo, something is wrong. There is a large group of people attacking the glass factory. This subordinate will protect you and leave."

Mo Yifei stood up and asked, "How many people are there?"

The guard commander replied: "At least there are 200 people, and all of them are well-trained, so it is not easy to deal with. Although we have [-] guards, more than a dozen of them have died, and we can only guard for an hour at most."

Mo Yifei said: "One hour is enough, immediately send someone to the city management brigade to deliver the letter."


"Miss Mo, I'll send someone to escort you out through the back door."

"No, I won't leave. The glass factory is my painstaking effort, and I can't let it be destroyed. If I die, you can tell Du He that I live and die his people, and death is his ghost."


With that said, Mo Yifei picked up the sword in his hand and walked straight out.

The guard commander stood there, dumbfounded.

what does this mean?
The amount of information is a bit large!
Suddenly he slapped his thigh and shouted: "Wang Er Mazi, hurry up and organize your brothers to guard the gate. I will leave through the back door. I will deliver the letter to the Guancheng brigade."


"Brothers, come with me!"




Dream Group headquarters.

It was the time when everyone fell asleep.

Suddenly, there were shouts of killing and flames shot up into the sky.

It turned out that while everyone was asleep, a group of black knights came in silently, killing anyone they saw, and setting fire to houses when they saw them.

For a while, the scene was chaotic, and many people lost their lives in vain.

There are more than 50 people in this team, all of them are riding fast horses, and they are vigorous and skilled in martial arts.


Guancheng Brigade Dream Group Headquarters Detachment.

Shu Wang Li Ke has received the news.

He put on the armor as quickly as possible, and assembled the first team of the Guancheng Brigade stationed near the headquarters of the Dream Group, a total of 200 people.

Li Ke carried a mace and said loudly: "Everyone, the thieves have already started attacking the headquarters of Dream Group and the glass factory. As the Guancheng Brigade of Hu County, what should we do?"


Li Ke shouted loudly: "Li Ergou!"


"You lead 100 people, go to the glass factory immediately, and repel the people in the glass factory. This king leads 100 people to the headquarters of Dream Group. Remember, as long as you see a thief, one word: kill!"


A team of 200 people is ready to go.

Li Ke has already got on his horse.

At this time, a fast horse came galloping.

The person on the horse turned over and jumped off before he was in front of him. It was Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian rushed in front of Li Ke and hurriedly said: "Your Highness, the young master has an order to lead all the troops of the first detachment of the Guancheng Brigade to the headquarters of the Dream Group. Women, children, old and young, once they are allowed to rush in, the consequences will be disastrous, the young master said, we must protect the safety of the family area at all costs."

Li Ke's eyes widened: "The glass factory is gone? The glass factory is the most profitable place for teachers."

Zhang Jian said: "The young master said that the glass factory can be rebuilt if it is gone. Even if someone snatches the secret recipe of glass making, it's okay, but the family area is full of lives. Human lives are at stake, and there is no room for loss."


(End of this chapter)

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