God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1061? Recruiting Warriors

Chapter 1061 Recruiting Warriors

Lu's backyard.


bang bang.

In the quiet backyard, there was a sudden sound of smashing things.

Then there was Lu Mingyou's roar: "Du He, this bastard, assassinated the prince. Even if I, Lu Mingyou, had the guts, I would not dare to assassinate the prince. What a vicious little bastard, how dare His Majesty suspect me, Mrs. Lu, really! There's no reason for that."

Ming Junsheng followed behind Lu Mingyou, and hurriedly advised: "Third young master, this son of Du He, has vicious intentions, and his move is indeed hard to guard against. Although His Majesty said nothing in the court today, but after a long time, it is inevitable. It will be suspected on Lu Shi's head, what should I do!"

Ming Junsheng has been relegated to Lingnan, but there is not much dejection on his face.

Because he knew that Lu Shi was his strong backing.

As long as Lu Shi is there, he will be able to return to Chang'an in a short time.

Lu Mingyou waved his hand: "Lord Ming, you worry too much. Your Majesty is so discerning. How can he not see the strangeness of this matter. I, Mrs. Lu, are only targeting Du He. You should leave Chang'an tomorrow morning." , I am worried that Du He will retaliate against you by jumping over the wall in a hurry."


Lu Mingyou said indifferently: "That little bastard Du He, although the loss of Dream Group this time is not 300 million guan, it is at least 200 million guan. What's more, the series of reactions caused by this matter are enough for him to never recover."

"The third young master is wise!"

At this moment, Wu San hurried in.

Before Wu San, the masked man in black, could speak, Lu Mingyou asked, "Wu San, you came in such a hurry, did you bring any good news?"

Wu San said respectfully: "Master is really good at predicting things, but within two days, the number of merchants in the Huxian Commercial Center has dropped by more than half. Although these merchants want to make money, they are more afraid of death. They saw the chaos in the Huxian Commercial Center. Du He The people who died and were injured were all frightened, and they all stayed away from the business center. After the loss of Dream Group that night, plus this, it is already gloomy."

Lu Mingyou laughed and said, "Speaking of which, I have to thank Ma Zhou for the success of this matter. I don't know why Ma Zhou went crazy, but at a critical moment, he suppressed the news of Du He's think tank. He was caught off guard because he was caught in our trap...hahaha..."

Wu San thought for a while, then continued: "Master, there is another piece of news."

"what news?"

"Du He recruited people in Chang'an International Shopping Center, saying that he wanted to kill me, Mrs. Lu." Wu San said a little nervously.

So crazy!

Wu Sanchang is so old, and he has never seen someone as arrogant as Du He.


Hearing this, the teacup in Lu Mingyou's hand fell to the ground.

Even though he was well-informed and had experienced wind and rain, he was shocked when he heard the news.

"Did he really say that?"

Wu San nodded: "Yes, Du He said in public that he would recruit three hundred warriors to kill Lu Shi."

The corners of Ming Junsheng's mouth twitched.

Lu Mingyou didn't know what to say.

This is crazy!

Even if you really want to kill Lu Shi, you have to hide it in your heart and not reveal it to others. How can it be announced to the world.

Besides, my Lu family has stood for hundreds of years and is incomparably brilliant, how can you, a little commoner son-in-law, kill you at will.

Lu Mingyou waved his hand: "Send someone to watch Du He!"



On the side of Chang'an International Shopping Center Plaza.

Crowds of people.

A huge sign reads: Hu County Consort Mansion Recruits Warriors.

The conditions are also simple, one is that the age is between 20 and 40 years old, and the other is that the force is extraordinary.

Once selected, each person's monthly salary is five guanqian.

Good guy, this is higher than the Forbidden Army in the imperial city.

Many young lads rolled up their sleeves and rushed to sign up.

However, when they heard Du He's propaganda, everyone couldn't help but shrink back.

I just heard Du He stand on the table, raised his arms and loudly proclaimed: "Everyone, pass by, don't miss it, my young master's consort's mansion only needs 300 warriors, first come, first served, no waiting after the expiration date, once selected Now, not only will I have a salary of five guanqian per month, but I will also have the opportunity to hold an official position. Your Majesty has already promised me ten eighth-rank and ninth-rank official positions in the consort's mansion. Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to kill Lu Shi together with me? , Then what are you waiting for, come and join us.”


Zhang Xuansu, like a dog leg, took out a big flag and set it up.

I saw the words on the big banner: Do justice for the sky, kill Lu Shi.

As soon as the banner came out, everyone's expression changed drastically.


The heads that were still black just now are all gone.

Although the Lu family is only in Fanyang, there are quite a few forces in Chang'an, and the people are worried about being retaliated against.

Du He was stunned.

Zhang Xuansu was extremely dumbfounded.

He turned around and asked, "Master, these spineless guys."

Du He jumped down from the table, sat on the chair, poured a cup of tea, drank it, and waved his hands: "Don't worry, we are recruiting real warriors. If you want to fight Lu Shi, you don't have the courage. Like This kind of cowardly person is useless, not the talent we want, Bole often has it, but Chollima doesn't often have it!"

Zhang Xuansu nodded: "The young master makes sense!"

But looking at the emptiness around him, there was no one there, and he still felt a little uncertain.

After a long time, only a few people came over curiously.

Du He immediately asked loudly: "Strong man, are you going to join my son-in-law's mansion and kill Lu family?"

Those people turned pale with fright and stumbled away.

Du He was not depressed either, he was still sitting under the signboard for recruiting warriors, humming something.


In less than half a day, the news spread throughout Chang'an.

Everyone was stunned.

Duhe what is this for?
Openly declare war?
But the whole street is clamoring to kill Mrs. Lu, isn't that too arrogant?
In the end, many people decided that Du He was crazy.


Sikong House.

The butler hurried into the study and said, "Master, it's not good. Today, our Chang'an International Shopping Center has no customers."

Changsun Wuji frowned when he heard the words.

He bought Chang'an International Shopping Center from Du He. Since he bought it, it has been overcrowded every day, and it is the place where Changsun's family makes a lot of money every day.

Absolutely not normal to have no guests all of a sudden.

"what happened?"

The steward replied honestly: "My lord, you don't know something. The son-in-law Du He set up a stall on the side of the Chang'an International Shopping Center to recruit warriors today, and even declared that he would kill Lu Shi. Lu's people have been watching around for a long time. Ordinary people don't dare to pass by, for fear of being mistaken by Mrs. Lu as they want to join the son-in-law's mansion and kill Mrs. Lu together. Once they come and go, everyone can't avoid it, and soon there will be no one left."

Changsun Wuji: "..."

He stood up suddenly: "It's really unreasonable. Du He and Lu's declared war, but they blocked my Sikong Mansion's business. Let's go, call someone, and the old man will go and see for himself."


(End of this chapter)

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