God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1075 Formal Recognition

Chapter 1075 Formal Recognition
Seeing the desolate expressions of several people, Du He understood something, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Who said that the mighty legion will be disbanded? On the contrary, the mighty legion is still of great use. In the near future, the mighty legion will become famous and shock the world. I came to you today to ask, are you willing to Stay. I plan to temporarily set up a military commander, two deputy commanders, and a staff officer on the basis of these 100 people. Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to join me in building a world-famous army? ?" Du He's voice, heard in everyone's ears, was very exciting.

Duho had three armed forces.

The first is the fangs.

Fang Fang has now been handed over to Cheng Yiyue and Zhang Jian to lead them. They are good at assassination, assassination and intelligence investigation, so they are destined to be invisible.

The second is the Legion of Glory.

The Legion of Glory, led by Zhang Wei, is currently fishing in troubled waters on the territory of Tubo, and is constantly growing. According to the latest information, there are already as many as 3 people.This power cannot be exposed unless it is absolutely necessary.

The third branch is the newly established Mighty Legion.

The establishment of the Mighty Legion is a joke in the eyes of outsiders, after all, it is a team of beggars.

But Du He was determined to turn the Mighty Legion into an astonishing iron-blooded army.

Even if there are only 100 people now!

Anyone else would have thought Du He was joking.

But the few people present were all Du He's die-hard followers.

Yuchi Baolin said: "Since the moment I entered the Dream Group, I have decided to make a career with my third brother, and I would like to stay. I have wanted to be like my father since I was a child, to be a man who makes the enemy fearful." General, but because of the incident in Tongzhou, I have no chance, now, the opportunity is in front of me, I can't miss it."

Zhang Xuansu said: "I said before, I would like to be a dog under the young master's command, and I will bite whoever the young master asks me to bite."

Xu Zhengdao said: "It seems good to be a general."

The ghost slapped the table: "If you can kill someone, that's fine."

Du He didn't speak, but secretly said in his heart: Good brothers, I won't let your wish come true.


The moon has set.

A carriage entered the camp of the Imaginative Group's majestic, brave and invincible army, and the person on the carriage was Du Ruhui, Duke of Lai.

Du Ruhui went into the big tent where Du He lived, came to Du He, sat down, picked up the teapot on the table, drank several sips, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, he looked at Du He carefully.

His son has grown up.

After a while, he asked, "He'er, aren't you curious, what did you do for your father when the storm was about to hit Chang'an City?"

Du He laughed and said: "Knowing a son is like a father, the opposite is also true. At that time, everyone only knew that the danger came from the court, but they didn't know that the real danger was outside Chang'an City. Father, you are outside Chang'an City. Is there any gain?"

Du Ruhui suddenly burst out laughing: "My good boy, I really can't hide anything from you. My father also left the city when Lu Mingyou left the city. I just waited for that person to appear. Unfortunately, I found nothing."

Du He said solemnly: "Compared to Lu Mingyou, that person is a real old fox. I have asked my people to investigate for more than half a year, but there is no clue. This time, I deliberately sold a lot of flaws, and he did not take action. , Even when Lu Mingyou died, he didn't show up, but I have a hunch that he has been secretly watching my every move."

"He'er, this person doesn't move at this moment, I'm afraid he won't make a move for the time being, but if he makes a move, it must be a thunderbolt, you must be careful to guard against it. Now, what Dad is most worried about is Fan Yang. If Fan Yang and Lu Shi really If we use the whole family's strength to retaliate, I'm afraid that our Lai Guo government will not be able to do it well." Speaking of this, Du Ruhui suddenly became worried.

Du He heard the words, smiled, and said: "Father, I already have a countermeasure for this matter... Actually, you and I both understand that this time, I killed Lu Mingyou, seemingly for revenge, but in fact, I also It's just a knife in His Majesty's hand, within a few days, Fan Yang will definitely change."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because, I believe in His Majesty."

Du Ruhui pondered Du He's words over and over again, and finally his expression became solemn.

"Your Majesty, have you really made such a big determination?"

"My Great Tang Dynasty is about to come," Du He said, "everything that stands in the way of the prosperity will be wiped out. I have already said that in this world, Your Majesty is the biggest thigh."

Du Ruhui fell silent suddenly, not knowing what was going on in his mind.


The next morning.

in the hall.

An official from the court stood up and said: "Your Majesty, at the beginning, Your Majesty allowed the Hu County Consort Mansion to recruit people to investigate the assassination of His Highness the Crown Prince in Hu County. Now the truth is revealed. It was Lu Mingyou who assassinated His Highness the Crown Prince. Since we found out the truth, It's time to order Concubine Du to disband the army of beggars. According to the will of the Supreme Emperor and his old man, Concubine Du married the two princesses. Common people, but there is an army in the mansion, which does not conform to the rules of my Tang Dynasty."

"Yes, Your Majesty, consorts cannot participate in political affairs. This is the rule of the past dynasties. Now, Consort Du has an army in his hands, and trouble will arise if he fails to keep it together. Please issue an order immediately to disband the army of beggars."


"My minister agrees!"

For a time, more than 30 ministers agreed to this proposal, including many important ministers.

Li Er glanced around and said lightly: "You guys, why bother with a child, now there are rumors in the outside world that Du He has formed an army of beggars, which is composed of a group of lazy beggars. Why worry, besides, this time Lu Mingyou was exposed so quickly, Du He's beggar army also contributed a lot... Come, pass the decree, the beggar army has made merits in exposing Lu Mingyou's treason case, and it is allowed to continue to be under the jurisdiction of the consort's mansion. Not counting my Tang army, all affairs, large and small, will be handled by Du He."

Manchu Wenwu was suddenly dumbfounded.

This... This is allowing the Consort's Mansion to have its own private army.

This kind of treatment is only available to princes or princes.

Someone was about to refute, but Li Er said: "Okay, gentlemen, there are only a hundred beggars, what are you worried about, this matter ends here, don't bring it up again."

No one dared to say anything after Li Er spoke.


A decree came to the camp of the Mighty Legion.

Du He personally received the order.

The person who delivered the decree was Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang said with a smile: "Congratulations, Concubine Du, Your Majesty has allowed you to build a private army, which is a privilege that no one else has."

Du He took the imperial decree, read it carefully three times, and then asked: "Director Zhao, what your majesty means is that the imperial court of the Mighty Legion has admitted it, but no official position, no food, nothing?"

"That's right!"

"Isn't this a scam?" Du He couldn't help but said.

Zhao Yang hurriedly turned his head away, pretending not to hear the disrespectful words.


(End of this chapter)

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