God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1080 Li 2 Has a Headache

Chapter 1080 Li Er Has a Headache

Seeing this, the county magistrate said: "My lord, we must make a decision now. Your Majesty's secret decree has arrived, so we can't just sit idly by, otherwise we will be deceiving the emperor. How about this? I will take a team to the south to investigate. Of course, I will Leading everyone along the official road, pretending to be so that people can't catch it. As for Lu Huayuan, at most it will be dark today, and he will leave Yunyang County. At that time, it has nothing to do with us. We can send the news to Chang'an , On the contrary, it is a great achievement.”


Upon hearing this, the magistrate of Yunyang slapped his thigh: "Wonderful!"

Immediately, the county magistrate left the county town with seven or eight yamen servants and headed south.


Ten miles to the south of Hu County, two horses were galloping.

The people on the horse are ghosts and gods and Xu Zhengdao.

Xu Zhengdao asked: "Brother Gui, I heard people say that the county magistrate of Yunyang is an idiot. Does he dare to risk offending Lu Shi to chase and kill Lu Huayuan?"

The ghost said: "I have the same concerns. However, the young master said that he has his own arrangements. Thinking about it, he must have expected it. Our mission has been completed, so we should hurry back to Chang'an to assist the young master."


The two spurred their steeds and frantically headed towards Chang'an.


it's getting dark.

The setting sun hangs on the mountains in the distance.

The golden sun shines all over the earth.

Lu Huayuan and the others were exhausted.

Along the way, everyone climbed mountains and ridges, and walked on inaccessible paths. Although it was hidden, it was exhausting and exhausting.

Some of his subordinates said: "Second Master, everyone is dying, why don't you take a rest?"

However, Lu Huayuan shook his head, took out a map, and said: "Yunyang is coming out ahead, and it won't be too late to fix it when the time comes, so you all cheer up, let's take the official road now and leave Yunyang before dark. That's a little more protection, the front is Sanyuan County, and the magistrate of Sanyuan County is a member of my Lu family."


When everyone heard this, they all cheered up.

So, under the leadership of Lu Huayuan, everyone returned to the official road, and the speed was indeed much faster.


The magistrate of Yunyang County wandered along the official road with the servants.

Everyone is in a good mood.

The county magistrate said proudly: "You don't know that the Lu family of Fanyang is one of the five surnames and seven Wangs today. It is very powerful in the north. Among other things, many big businesses in our county are all from the Lu family. Yes, let alone you, even the county magistrate would not dare to offend Mrs. Lu, but there is a secret decree from the imperial court, so we have to put on a show."

Someone couldn't help asking: "My lord, what if we really meet someone from Mrs. Lu?"

The county magistrate curled his lips: "My analysis shows that Lu Huayuan must have gotten the news. Since he knows that the court is secretly hunting him down, does he still dare to take the official route? How is that different from courting death? Therefore, they must have taken the path less traveled by." , In this way, we will not touch the water of the well, and we will not touch it at all. I don’t understand this truth, you guys are still too young.”

"Master is brilliant!"

"My lord is worthy of being the little Zhuge of Hu County!"

"Someone compares Du He to an adult, what is Du He, a commoner son-in-law, why should he compare with you?"

The people around praised him.

The county magistrate couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

At this moment, a yamen servant next to him suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted, "Look, what is that?"

Everyone turned around and saw a group of people, at least 30 people, appearing on the official road not far away.

The county magistrate rubbed his eyes, looking shocked.

No way.

so unlucky?

The yamen servants said one after another: "It's Lu's carriage and horses. Look, the marks on the carriage are all Lu's signs."

"It's really Mrs. Lu."

"Looking at how miserable they are, they must be people led by Lu Huayuan."

Everyone looked at the county magistrate's expression changed.

This is a blatant slap in the face.

"Sir, what should I do?"

"Yes, my lord, there are too many people on the other side."

The servants were very nervous.

The county magistrate gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone looked down, pretending not to see anything."


Lu Huayuan and the others also saw the Yamen servants in Yunyang County.

The subordinate asked: "Master, what should we do?"

Lu Huayuan snorted coldly: "This is the end of the matter, we have no way out. If these yamen servants escape and the news gets out, I'm afraid there will be more pursuers chasing them and killing them."




A dozen knights rushed out suddenly.

The magistrate of Yunyang County and the servants led by him were all killed in a daze.


late at night.


The lights of Chang'an City are like stars in the sky.

Royal Palace.

Royal study.

Hou Jun reported in a report: "Your Majesty, the secret guards have already found out the matter. Last night, it was indeed Lu Huayuan who led people to attack the camp of the beggar army, but the purpose was not to assassinate His Highness the King of Shu, but to snatch Lu Mingyou's body."

Li Er heard this, very calmly, and said: "The so-called Lu's rebellion was planned by Du He, right? Lu Mingyou's body was hidden in the camp of the beggar army, and Du He must have leaked it on purpose. Lu Huayuan is also an old fox for many years. , to even fall for this kind of trick, really..."

Li Er couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe Lu Huayuan's stupidity.

Hou Junji smiled wryly and said: "Although Lu Huayuan is extremely intelligent, but he has just come to Chang'an and he is not familiar with the place, and Du He caught him by surprise, so how could he be an opponent? Also, His Majesty seems to have known about this for a long time?"

Li Er shook his head: "I'm not a god, so how could I be so unpredictable? It's just that in the hall today, the injury on Ke'er's body aroused my suspicion. His injury doesn't look like he was assassinated."

"Your Majesty is wise. The hidden guards found out that His Highness' injury was caused by him going into the mountain to fight a tiger after he was drunk."

Li Er: "..."

He already had many guesses in his mind.

But I didn't expect that the truth would be like this.

"You bastard!"

After a while, he couldn't help but curse.

Hou Junji asked: "Your Majesty, since the truth of the matter has been found out, should you revoke the order to hunt down Lu Huayuan?"

Li Er stood up and handed a memorial to Hou Junji: "Aiqing, please take a look, this is the memorial that was sent to the palace just now, and the memorial is from Yunyang County."

Hou Junji opened it and was stunned.

At dusk today, when Lu Huayuan and others entered Yunyang, the county magistrate of Yunyang led people to hunt them down, and they were all killed.

Li Er said: "Call the ministers, yes, call Du He too. This bastard was all caused by him."

Originally, things had gone according to Li Er's development. As long as Lu Shi was subdued, his prestige would be greatly spread, and those dishonest gentry would only become more honest.

Therefore, even though Du He was wronged, the overall situation was the top priority.

He even thought about it, even if he agreed to Du Ruhui's request, it would be nothing to make a written statement to compensate Du He.

Unexpectedly, Du He suddenly came out on the way, set up a trick for Lu Huayuan to attack the camp of the beggar army, and "assassinated" Shu King Li Ke, and things changed in an instant. All the plans of Li Er and the ministers were all burned.

Li Er has a headache!

(End of this chapter)

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