Chapter 1085 Two lunatics
It took a long time before Liu Wentong came to his senses, looked at Li Ke embarrassingly, and said, "Your Highness, the family is not as bad as you. I, Liu Wentong, do things alone. If Your Highness is dissatisfied with me, just kill me with a sword. Why bother?" My family threatened, this is not the work of a hero."

Li Ke said with a smile: "This king is not a hero. Liu Cishi, whether you can save your family is up to you. This king said that you can cooperate. If something goes wrong, this king and the teacher will help you." Come on, you little governor, what are you afraid of?"

Liu Wentong: "..."

Anyway, I am also the governor of a state, and I am a fourth rank.

Is it not as good as you two!

A commoner son-in-law!
An idle prince!
Of course, he only dared to slander in his heart.

He looked outside, only to realize that the guard at the door had become a member of the King of Shu, and his guard had long since disappeared.

It is conceivable that the entire Governor's Mansion is now in the possession of Du He and Li Ke.

When Liu Wentong was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Li Ke and Du He discussing it as if there was no one else present.

Li Ke asked: "Teacher, this old dog Liu Wentong is so stubborn that he doesn't care about the life and death of his family. What should we do?"

Du He said: "There is no other way, just beat him unconscious, strip him naked and hang him on the beam of the house, and then go out for the teacher himself, forge a letter written by him, and let Zhuozhou officials obey orders."

Li Ke said: "Teacher, why bother to kill him with a single knife. At that time, it will be said that the Lu family is going to take Zhuozhou and send assassins to kill him. Tsk tsk, his two daughters are really beautiful, and they are also famous in Zhuozhou." Talented girl, teacher, why not one of us, and Liu Wentong's wife..."

Hearing this, Liu Wentong couldn't sit still anymore.

This is the king of Shu who hooks the sun.

It's fine to hit the old man's daughter, but you still want to hit the old man's wife?
It is really tolerable or unbearable!

He jumped up violently and shouted loudly: "Your Highness, son-in-law, this old man is willing to take orders."

Du He turned his head and said in surprise: "Ah, Mr. Liu, have you figured it out?"

"Figured out!"

"Don't force yourself, you must be sincere, and you must not agree on the surface, but hold grudges in your heart." Du He persuaded kindly.

Liu Wentong was about to cry, "Thank you son-in-law for your persuasion, but I have already figured it out clearly that the Lu clan rebelled, and his intentions are to be punished. At this moment, what's the matter if he shrinks back? If the son-in-law and His Royal Highness don't come to Zhuozhou, we will I'm also planning to bring a soldier and horse to kill Fan Yang, so why don't I want to, please give me instructions, I will definitely help."

Liu Wentong is righteous and upright.

Li Ke was stunned.

Although this person's level of shamelessness is not as good as that of the teacher, it is still unique in the world.


Du He slapped the table, picked up the hastily made false imperial decree from Li Ke, and shouted loudly: "Inspector Liu listens to the order."

"Chen is here!"


It's almost dawn.

Governor Shi of Zhuozhou hurried into the lobby, came to Liu Wentong, and said in a low voice: "My lord, the beggar army set off before a stick of incense. Last night, these 100 people ate three cows. They are stationed in Zhuozhou In three days, we ate all the polished rice we stored. These 100 people don’t know what to train. They took away two hundred good horses..."

Liu Wentong's heart was bleeding.

Zhuozhou was not rich in the first place.

These are Liu Wentong's savings for many years.

Who would have thought that it would be destroyed within a few days by these bandits.

The governor of Zhuozhou asked again: "My lord, all our troops are assembled, do you obey the order of Prince Du and set off immediately to pretend to attack Fan Yang from the south?"

Liu Wentong raised his hand and said: "Don't worry, if there are no accidents, the letter from Chang'an should arrive today. As long as there is news from Chang'an, it is not wrong for us to stand still. Du He is whimsical, and 100 people want to destroy Lu. Shi's lair, the old man has never seen such a crazy person, he is going to die, we can't follow him to die. My family, come back?"

"Your Excellency's family members have already returned to the mansion an hour ago, but your two daughters kept praising the King of Shu and Du He as the great heroes of the world, and they won the three armies..."


Liu Wentong slammed his fist on the table: "Du He, you and I are at odds with each other, how dare you hit my daughter."


The sky is bright.

On a path less traveled by.

The Mighty Legion had already abandoned their horses and escorted more than 20 carriages to the direction with all their strength.

In the middle of the team, Li Ke asked: "Teacher, that old dog Liu Wentong is treacherous and cunning at first sight. Although he promised well last night, if we put his family back, will he send troops to cooperate with us?"

Du He wiped the sweat from his forehead: "With Liu Wentong's character, he will definitely stand still, but he can't help it."


"Because, God is helping us."


Li Ke looked up, the sky was very clean, like a piece of pure blue glass.

How to help?


Governor's House.

Zhuozhou Governor Shi stumbled into the lobby, and said with joy, "My lord, there is news, there is news, there is news from Chang'an."

"Quick, show me!"

Liu Wentong couldn't wait to take the letter.

He opened the letter and saw it petrified in place.

"My lord, what's the situation?" Zhuozhou Governor Shi asked with a confused face.

Liu Wentong came back to his senses, and said with an incredulous expression on his face: "...this is His Majesty's secret decree, the decree that His Royal Highness the King of Shu carried with him is true, and His Majesty even asked me to protect the King of Shu and Du He at all costs." , if something happens to the two of them, my head will also be moved."

"Ah?" Zhuozhou governor Shi turned pale with shock, "My lord, what should I do? I will take people to chase after Du He and King Shu, even if they are tied, I will tie them back."

Liu Wentong shook his head and said in despair: "It's too late, they have already set off for nearly two hours, and at this time, they have already entered Fan Yang's territory, besides, everyone in the beggar army needs two fast horses, even if they send people, they can't catch up Already!"

"These two lunatics!"

"Then...then what should I do?" Zhuozhou Changshi's upper and lower teeth were chattering.

The governor's head can't be kept, and the officials in the whole Zhuozhou are not much better.

Liu Wentong stood up abruptly, and said loudly, "I have ordered the five thousand troops in Zhuozhou to set off immediately and attack Fan Yang. I will go into battle in person."

After a moment.

An army set off from Zhuozhou City swaggeringly, headed north, and headed towards Fanyang.

Fanyang County belongs to Youzhou, but it is adjacent to Zhuozhou City.

Therefore, within a short time, Liu Wentong's men and horses had already entered Fanyang County.


(End of this chapter)

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