Chapter 1088
Du He is such a man who loves his career.

In his dictionary, there is no word failure.

Although it was the first time that the scene in front of him had actually happened, it had been deduced thousands of times in Du He's mind.

According to the plan, these Kirov airships will be blown by the southeast wind above the basin where Lushi is located, blocked by the updraft of the basin, stop there, and remain almost stationary. Then, the wooden box at the bottom will burn under the burning of the flame , and then, Kirov airships caught fire one by one. At that time, it would be the end of Lushi...

When everyone watched the Kirov airship gradually heading northwest.

Ghosts and Xu Zhengdao were training behind a big rock.

After a while, Xu Zhengdao lay on the ghosts and gods.

After a while, ghosts and gods lay on Xu Zhengdao's body.

Sometimes tandem, sometimes hugging face to face, sometimes entwined.

The two of them were very focused and had a lot of fun.


Lu Shi.

King Ming Palace.

Lu Huayuan stood at the bottom and said: "Qi report to King Ming, there is news from the south that 3000 people led by King Qi have beaten [-] soldiers and horses of Liu Wentong, the governor of Zhuozhou, to pieces. Liu Wentong's army was defeated and fled everywhere. Perhaps, It will only take two hours at most before there will be news of a big victory. Congratulations, King Ming!"

Lu Huaguang said indifferently: "Pass the decree to the King of Qi, let him take advantage of the victory to pursue, and occupy Zhuozhou City in one fell swoop. In the counties to which Zhuozhou belongs, those who surrender are high-ranking officials and rich in salary, but those who resist will be killed without mercy!"


At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

Ming Wang Lu Huaguang frowned.

This is Ming Wang's palace, there are people making noise, what a shame!
"Go and see!"

Lu Huaguang walked out of the hall in person.

When I came outside, I saw everyone outside the hall staring up at the sky, panicking.

"It's Kongming Lantern!"

"No, I've never seen such a big Kongming lantern!"

"Look, there are words on it, it seems to be Loki, the pilot, what is this?"

Lu Huaguang raised his head, and saw above the Palace of King Ming, there were Kongming lanterns, which made his scalp tingle.

He was about to lose his temper.

But suddenly Lu Huayuan knelt down on his knees and shouted loudly: "God bless King Ming, this is a celebration from the heavens. This is not an ordinary Kongming lantern, but a sky lantern from the sky, which indicates that King Ming is the true Son of Heaven!"

Everyone reacted, and they all followed Lu Huaguang and knelt down.

"Long live King Ming!"

"Long live!"

"Long live King Ming!"

Everyone was afraid that they would be slow in flattering.

In a short time, the entire Ming King's Palace resounded with shouts of long live.

Lu Huaguang was very happy when he heard this.

In ancient times, when people rebelled against becoming emperor, there were omens from heaven.

For example, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, beheaded a white snake and became the red emperor.

It is said that Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, rebelled. In the early days, there were rumors that "peaches and plums rule the world".

Now, the sky is about to light up the lamp, doesn't this just indicate that King Ming is about to conquer the world?
"Ha ha ha ha……"

Lu Huaguang laughed out loud.

But at this moment, in the corner, a young eunuch suddenly shouted: "Oh, the lamp has fallen."

The light fell?

Isn't this a curse on King Ming?

Lu Huayuan, king of Shu, was furious. He was about to reprimand him, but when he looked up, he saw bright lights burning in the sky, falling one after another.

This... what's going on here?

The incomparably dazzling bright lamp just now will fall?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The first light to fall has already fallen to the ground.

One of them happened to fall on a pavilion not far outside the hall, burning and emitting bursts of green smoke.

Lu Huaguang led people around, trying to see what was going on.


A blinding white light flashed.


The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

Everyone's eyes went dark, and they were knocked to the ground one after another.

The huge pavilion suddenly disappeared.

Amidst the dust all over the sky, the guards rushed over one after another.

"Protect King Ming!"

"There are assassins!"

"Protect King Ming!"

Lu Huaguang was lifted up from the ground, covered in dust, and his ears were buzzing.

what's the situation?
It took him a long time to recover.

But I heard rumbling noises all around.

Lu Huayuan ran over and asked in panic, "Brother, what's going on? What's the matter, why is there thunder?"

In desperation, there is still deep brotherly love.

Lu Huayuan frowned and said, "It's fine, how could there be thunder, it's those bright lights... the lights, no, it's explosives, it must be the arrival of the imperial army, this explosives are only available in the army now, go, hurry up, protect the king to leave !"

"Protect King Ming!"

"Come on, quickly protect King Ming!"

In the chaos, the two Lu Huaguang brothers had no time to pack up their belongings, so they hurriedly withdrew under the protection of the guards.

Along the way, they saw that King Ming's palace had been blown to pieces, and countless people were killed or injured.

Explosions came from time to time, making Lu Huaguang's heart pounding.


on top of the mountain.

"It's done!"



A cheer.

The Mighty Legion, who had been silent until now and felt uneasy, cheered one by one at this moment.

Over the past month or so, as a soldier, their training has been to light Kongming lanterns.

For countless days and nights, some people can't help but ask themselves, what is it for?
When they learned that Lu Shi, who was relying on these things to destroy the rebellion, everyone felt incredible.

If it weren't for the natural obedience to Du He, they would have quit long ago.

Now, looking from here, King Lu Shiming's palace and its surroundings are covered in a sea of ​​flames.

Mighty Legion, succeeded.

Amidst the cheers, Du He turned around, came behind a big rock, and said to the ghosts and gods and Xu Zhengdao who were embracing each other: "Next, it's up to you two, Lu Huaguang, you must die, otherwise, our beheading operation will Even if it fails."

Xu Zhengdao separated from Guishendao, then opened the box, opened the paraglider, and installed it under Du He's guidance.

This is a very common civilian paraglider in later generations. It has no power system and relies entirely on gliding to fly. It can carry two adults when it goes up and down.

Just now, ghosts and gods and Xu Zhengdao trained this technique according to Du He's request.

In a short time, the paraglider was installed.

Ghosts and gods are above, Xu Zhengdao is below.

Ghosts and gods are in charge of manipulating the paraglider.

Xu Zhengdao is in charge of vigilance.

The two dragged their paragliders to the highest point of the mountain. From here, there was a trail with thousands of steps.

As soon as he was about to leave, Xu Zhengdao suddenly asked: "Master, I have one last question. Have you ever played with this thing before?"

Du He shook his head.

Although Du He has seen pigs running, he has never eaten pork.

The flying tricks he taught Xu Zhengdao and ghosts and gods were all based on his own understanding.


Xu Zhengdao was taken aback for a moment, and was about to speak.

Seeing that the ghosts and gods had already manipulated the paraglider, they waited suddenly, and started to run along the opened slope trail at a faster and faster speed.

"I'm quitting, I'm going to Pingkangfang, I don't have a son yet... ah ah..."

The paraglider took the two of them out of the mountain, and Xu Zhengdao's voice dissipated in the air.


(End of this chapter)

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