God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1092 Fake Shu King

Chapter 1092 Fake Shu King

The boundary of Fanyang County.

Qi Wang Lu Mingzhou is leading his subordinates to kill all directions.

Lu Mingzhou is the eldest son of Lu Huaguang, who was named the King of Qi and the future prince.

He has many generals who are good at fighting.

He is also leading an elite army trained by the Lu family for many years, with strong combat effectiveness.

Lu's army had just met Liu Wentong's army, the governor of Zhuozhou, and the latter was quickly defeated.

Then came the one-sided massacre.

At this moment, a fast horse suddenly rushed in front of Lu Mingzhou and reported loudly: "His Royal Highness King Qi, King Ming sent someone to deliver an order that King Ming's palace was attacked by the imperial army. Please return quickly for help."

King Qi was taken aback for a moment: "Prince Ming's palace, and the surrounding counties have been occupied by my Lu family, so how could there be a Tang army? Could it be that the Tang army came from the sky?"

The knight said: "Your Highness does not know. At that time, many Kongming lanterns suddenly appeared in the sky, and those Kongming lanterns fell one by one. There was a rumbling sound in King Ming's palace, and the earth shook and the mountains shook. I am afraid it is the punishment of heaven."


Lu Mingzhou slapped the knight fiercely, and said angrily: "What punishment, bullshit, hum, this is explosives, invented by Du He, my great enemy of the Lu family."

Then, Lu Mingzhou waved his hand violently: "Ming Jin, withdraw troops!"

Ding ding ding.

Ding ding ding.

The ear-piercing clanging sound sounded.

The vigorously killing Lu's army froze for a moment, then receded like a tide.


Zhuozhou army camp.

Seeing the retreat of Lu's army, Zhuozhou governor excitedly ran to Zhuozhou governor Liu Wentong, "My lord, I am overjoyed, overjoyed, Lu's army has retreated, and I have already thought about the good news. The Zhuozhou army, with 5000 people, will fight against Lu The [-] elite soldiers of the clan fought to the death under the leadership of the lord, but the Lu clan's army was defeated and retreated."

Chang Shi was right.

Since Lu's rebellion, Lu's army has been invincible and invincible in Youzhou area.

The Tang army was several times larger than Lu's army, but retreated steadily, losing many cities.

Today, the Zhuozhou army has fought one against one, but they have not been killed. It is indeed a great victory.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wentong, the governor of Zhuozhou, heard the words, but he was not happy at all, but worried.

The governor of Zhuozhou asked, "My lord, you don't seem very happy?"

Liu Wentong asked gloomyly, "Do you know why Lu Mingzhou suddenly withdrew his troops?"


Liu Wentong himself gave the answer: "Because something happened in Lu's lair, and he wants to come back to help. In other words, the King of Shu and Concubine Du have already succeeded."

"This...is too unbelievable, Prince Du and King Shu, there are only 100 people, and Lu's lair is heavily guarded, how did they do it?"

"It's meaningless to say this now. Have you ever thought about it? Once Lu Mingzhou returns to Lu's lair with his army, what will be waiting for the King of Shu and Concubine Du? They will definitely die... In that case, we will not be able to keep our heads After Liu Wentong finished speaking, he couldn't help but add in a low voice, "These two lunatics."

Chang Shi trembled in fright: "My lord, what should we do then?"

"Everywhere is dead!"

"Fight to the death!"

Liu Wentong made a difficult decision.

"Fight to the death!"

"Master Inspector has orders, fight to the death!"

"Everyone, no retreat!"

"Whoever retreats dies!"

"Fight to the death!"

shouted the orderly.

Then, everyone learned that Consort Du and the King of Shu had already arrived at Lu's lair, if they escaped at this time, if something happened to these two lunatics, not only would everyone die, but the whole family would be implicated.

"Fight to the death!"

The Zhuozhou army, which had already been defeated, suddenly gathered like a black cloud, biting the retreating Lu's army.

After hearing the news, Lu Mingzhou was furious and ordered the army to turn around and attack, preparing to wipe out Liu Wentong in one fell swoop and return to help Lu's lair.

Unexpectedly, the Zhuozhou army suddenly became extremely brave, and all of them were fearless of death.

For a while, the battlefield fell into a stalemate.

Lu Mingzhou could no longer withdraw and retreat.


Du He continued to search around with these stragglers, and as long as there were scattered teams, Wang Xiaogou and others tricked them into joining them.

In a short time, Du He had more than 3000 people under his command.

In fact, the explosives brought by the Kirov airship did not kill many people.

When the explosion happened, what was really destroyed was the building, as well as the psychology of Lu's people.

Most of Lu Huaguang's troops were panicked after the explosion. Senior officials and generals fled and ran away. .

The troops are moving forward.

Wang Xiaogou suddenly came to report, "Military Master, there is a team of about 200 people ahead, who are said to be from the King of Shu."

King of Shu?
Of course the king of Shu is not Li Ke.

It was Lu Huayuan, younger brother of Ming Wang Lu Huaguang.

The people around were surprised for a while.

Du He remained expressionless: "Let's go and have a look."

When Du He came to the front, he saw a group of people and horses holding the banner of the King of Shu in the distance.

Du He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have any of you seen the King of Shu?"

Wang Xiaogou shook his head: "Military Master, I'm just a young man, where have I seen the King of Shu?"

"I've never seen it!"

Everyone shook their heads.

That's fine.

Du He pointed to the big banner on the opposite side, and said loudly: "You have never seen the King of Shu, but I have seen it before. The King of Shu on the opposite side is a fake, it was faked by the Tang army, come here, attack and catch the fake King of Shu.”


Wang Xiaogou took the order and left.

"Catch the fake King of Shu!"

"Catch the fake King of Shu!"


Shouting and killing.

Wang Xiaogou led the man and killed him.



Lu Huayuan, King of Shu, was still a little dizzy.

Everything that happened today was really unexpected.

First, many bright lights appeared in the sky.

Then, Ming Wang's Palace began to explode.

Everyone fled in a hurry, but not long after they set off, King Ming was killed by an arrow.

Right now, all the civil and military ministers under King Ming followed Lu Huayuan.

At this moment, a general ran in anxiously, and said happily: "King of Shu, we are not defeated. We still have a team of more than 3000 people outside. With these people, we can make a comeback."

Lu Huayuan rubbed his chubby face, "But... Duke Ming is already dead."


A group of civil and military ministers suddenly bowed their heads.

"I invite the king of Shu to ascend the throne."

"Welcome King Shu!"

"Please lead us to avenge King Ming!"

"King Qi is reckless. Now, only the King of Shu is qualified to inherit the rule of King Ming."

Everyone asked Lu Huayuan to succeed Lu Huaguang as King Ming.

Lu Huayuan was overjoyed.

"Everyone, since this is the case, then the king will be disrespectful. Come, call the 3000 generals outside." Lu Huayuan soon began to enjoy the taste of power.

Unexpectedly, before the words fell, they heard voices such as "kill" and "capture the fake king of Shu alive" suddenly sounded outside.

This... what's going on here?

Lu Huayuan was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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