God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1095 Let's meet again

Chapter 1095 Let's meet again
Hearing the sound, Wang Rong hurriedly looked up, only to see a figure on the roof of the Taoist temple, a young man in white.

"You... who are you?" Wang Rong asked in surprise.

The young man in white slowly took out a pitch-black bow, drew out three arrows, and said lightly, "I am your grandfather Xu Zhengdao!"

"Xu Zhengdao, the arrow in white?"

"Are you the guy who killed the Tubo prince?"

Although he was far away from Chang'an, Wang Rong had heard of Xu Zhengdao's name for a long time.

"It's your grandfather!"

Xu Zhengdao loosened his hand.

Three arrows go out together.


Wang Rong was terrified, and hurriedly dodged to the side to snatch it away.

This guy has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his martial arts are superb. He is a famous master under King Ming's command. He easily snatched the three arrows.

Seeing this, Xu Zhengdao was a little surprised: "Brother Gui, the idea is tricky, let's go together."


The ghost and god didn't speak, and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Wang Rong with a long knife.


After a few tricks, the two were evenly matched.

Wang Rong said in his heart, this person is fierce in killing and attacking, and his moves are peculiar, but he has insufficient successors. Give me a certain amount of time and I will definitely defeat him.

It's a pity that someone didn't give him a chance.

Xu Zhengdao had already chased him up, he drew his bow and set up an arrow, aiming at Wang Rong, waiting for Wang Rong to be unprepared, and then released the arrow.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Rong was hit by an arrow in the shoulder.

Wang Rong was horrified, turned around and fled.

Unfortunately, with Xu Zhengdao, the archer behind him, he only dared to run around the corner.

The ghosts and gods and Xu Zhengdao chased after him.

Wang Rong ran to a pond, looked back, gritted his teeth, and jumped into the pond.

But as soon as he entered the pond, Wang Rong regretted it.

Where is this pond?

This is a cesspit, one-third dry and two-thirds thin.

As soon as Wang Rong jumped in, he was caught off guard and took two big mouthfuls. He only heard a gurgle in his throat and swallowed them all.

Then look at Xu Zhengdao and the ghosts and gods who have already forced them over.

Wang Rong had no choice but to lower his head and fell into the cesspit.

Xu Zhengdao and ghosts and gods came to the cesspit.

"It's strange, that guy obviously disappeared from here, why did he disappear without a trace." The ghost asked curiously.

Xu Zhengdao said: "That guy's qinggong is good, it seems that he can't catch up."

The ghost said: "Let's retreat."

Xu Zhengdao suddenly grabbed the ghost and said with a smile: "Brother Gui, don't worry, I almost lost my life just now, let's sit down and rest for a while."


With that said, the two sat down beside the cesspit.

Wang Rong in the cesspit turned green when he heard the conversation on the shore.

In my heart, I scolded Xu Zhengdao and the ancestors of ghosts and gods a hundred times.

The two didn't leave, Wang Rong didn't dare to show his head, so he had to drink the feces one by one, eating a big lump from time to time.

After half a stick of incense passed, Xu Zhengdao and the ghosts and gods left.


In the mountain stream.

The firewood was burning, making a crackling sound.

The sound of shouting and killing gradually faded away.

A civil official said: "Ming Wang, this time, Du He will definitely die. He only has more than 300 people, and we have more than 3000 people. We are still led by General Wang Rong. Chasing and killing 300 people is like crushing an ant. Simple."

"That's right, King Ming, as long as we capture Du He and King Shu, we can blackmail Emperor Tang. When the time comes, we will draw Youzhou, Zhuozhou, and all these places over."

"A great achievement!"

"Congratulations, King Ming!"

Everyone flattered and said.

Lu Mingzhou felt severe pain in his shoulder, but he still felt very comfortable after hearing everyone's compliments.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "Wang Rong has been away for so long, why is there no news? Has Du He been caught?"

"Ming Wang, we have only been separated for less than two hours, are you so eager to meet this young master?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.

Swish swish.

Lu Mingzhou and the others all turned their heads, and each of them opened their mouths wide in surprise, enough to stuff a huge cucumber.

"Du Dudu... Du He, it's you again?" Lu Mingzhou stood up abruptly, wanting to get his weapon, but found that the saber had gone somewhere long ago.

Not far away, the original guards had already fallen to the ground.

Du He came over and said with a smile: "Master Ming, we meet again."

"Are you surprised?"

"Are you surprised?"

"Do you want to die?"

Doo was joking.

Lu Mingzhou was not in the mood.

He really wanted to die.

On the same day, it fell into the hands of Du He twice.

Moreover, they all fell into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.


"Protect King Ming!"

More than a dozen civil and military ministers rushed towards Du He stubbornly.

Du He sneered, "Stupid."

Lu Bu and Yuchi Baolin beside him rushed forward with bare hands, and quickly knocked these guys down.

Du He waved his hand: "Tie it up!"

The Mighty Legion quickly stepped forward, took out the rope, and tied Lu Mingzhou and others to the surrounding tree trunks.

Holding a dagger, Du He came to Lu Mingzhou with a smirk on his face.

Lu Mingzhou's canthus cracked, and he shouted, "Du He, what are you going to do?"

"Ming Wang, I heard that you have been very concerned about your own image since you were a child. You have the title of the most beautiful man in Youzhou. Don't you love beauty? This young master will transform you. Don't worry, you will be fine in a while, and it won't hurt!"

After finishing speaking, Du He brandished a dagger and roughly cut off Lu Mingzhou's hair.

It took a lot of effort to shave Lu Mingzhou into a bald head.

Of course, Du He is not a professional barber, so even if you look at it from a distance, Lu Mingzhou's bald head is black and white, like a big doughnut that has been eaten by a dog.

"Du He, I'm going to kill you!"

"I am going to kill you!"

"If you want to kill, you can kill, what kind of ability do you humiliate me like this!"

"If you have the guts, kill me!"

Lu Mingzhou's roar kept ringing in the mountain stream.

Du He leaned close to Lu Mingzhou's ear, showing a devilish smile: "Master Ming, don't be angry, I know, you really want to kill me, but, I promise, you will want to kill me even more tomorrow!"

"……What do you mean?"

"Tomorrow you will know."

Du He smiled slightly.

That smile made Lu Mingzhou shudder.

"Take it away." Du He ordered.


When Wang Rong rushed to the mountain stream, there was only a pile of extinguished ashes on the ground, King Ming and the ministers under King Ming were missing.

Seeing the corpses of King Ming's guards not far away, Wang Rong's complexion changed drastically: "No, I've been tricked again!"

He hastily ordered the people around him, "Assemble the army immediately and go to save King Ming."

Ding ding ding.

The bell sounded.

Not long after, Fan Yangjun regrouped.

Wang Rong found that there were more than 500 people when they set off, but only more than 200 people came back.

"General, those brothers, can't come back."

"The more than 300 people in Du He cheated before. They pretended to be defeated and lured our people up the mountain. They kept attacking and killed many of us with bows, arrows, stones, and sticks. Unfortunately, none of us caught."

The lieutenant said angrily.


(End of this chapter)

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